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Male Duke of Brabant Jean II Click to view Duke of Brabant Jean II in the family tree

Duke of Brabant Jean was born on September 27th, 1275 in Tervueren, Brabant, Belgium.1   Duke of Brabant Jean's father was Jean I Duke Of Brabant and his mother was Marguerite Princess of France.  His paternal grandparents were Henri III Duke Of Brabant and Duchess Of Brabant Burgundy Alix; his maternal grandparents were Louis IX King Of France and Margaret Of Provence. He had a brother and two sisters, named Godefroy de, Marguerite Countess of and Marie de.  He was the oldest of the four children.  He died at the age of 37 on October 27th, 1312 in Chateau de Tervueren, Brabant, Belgium.  He was buried in St. Michel et St. Gudule, Bruxelles, Brabant, Belgium.1 1 

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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