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Male Piers Brus Click to view Piers Brus in the family tree

Piers was born about 1152 in <Skelton, Howden, East Riding, Yorkshire, England>.1   Piers' father was Adam II de Brus and his mother was Joanna de Meschines.  His paternal grandparents were Adam I Brus and Ivetta de Arches; his maternal grandparents were Ranulph IV de Meschin de Gernon and Maud de Fitzrobert. He had a sister named Isabel de.  He was the older of the two children. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, named Piers and Isabel de.  He died in 1222 in Skelton, Howden, East Riding, Yorkshire, England.  He was buried in Guisborough Priory, North Riding, Yorkshire, England.1 1 

Piers' family with Joan Agnes Brus

‌Piers and Joan Agnes were married in a religious ceremony about 1180 in <Skelton, Howden, East Riding, Yorkshire, England>.1   They had six sons named Peter (Piers), Simon, Roger, Thomas, Robert and William.

1 Alice de THWENGE.FTW
Further sources/citations:
Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson, FamilySearch® Ancestral File™ v4.19

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