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Tate, Turner
Marriage, Family of Tate, Turner
Weise, Frederich Otto
Death, Weise, Frederich Otto
Harris, Newton
Death, Harris, Newton
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Event 2
Schlottmann, Charles
Birth, Schlottmann, Charles
Kappler, Helena
Death, Kappler, Helena
Dube, Maria Theresia
Birth, Dube, Maria Theresia
Death, Kappler, John Emil
Kappler, John Emil
Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick"
Death, Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick"
Birth, Kelley, Dora
Kelley, Dora
Phillips, Nathan
Birth, Phillips, Nathan
Death, Kilian, Herman
Kilian, Herman
Symmank, Selma Paulina
Death, Symmank, Selma Paulina
Batla, Joseph H., Jr.
Birth, Batla, Joseph H., Jr.
Kappler, Carl Bernhard
Death, Kappler, Carl Bernhard
Birth, Liberty, Maria Lydia
Liberty, Maria Lydia
Death, Unk, UNKNOWN
Kappler, Gustav Theodor
Birth, Kappler, Gustav Theodor
Fischer, Emil
Kappler, Selma
Marriage, Family of Fischer, Emil and Kappler, Selma
Kappler, Johann
Birth, Kappler, Johann
Kappler, Gustaf
Death, Kappler, Gustaf
Birth, Gersch, Theodore
Gersch, Theodore
Kappler, Otto Paul
Death, Kappler, Otto Paul
Residence, Tate, Cecil Henry
Tate, Cecil Henry
McClellan, Cicero
Death, McClellan, Cicero
Kappler, Anna
Death, Kappler, Anna
Synatschk, Martha
Death, Synatschk, Martha
Death, Kappler, Martin Gus
Kappler, Martin Gus
Death, Phillips, John Hope
Phillips, John Hope
Death, Siegeler, William Dale
Siegeler, William Dale
Birth, Phillips, John Hope
Phillips, John Hope
Death, Schkade, Edmund Ernest
Schkade, Edmund Ernest
York, Nettie Maude
Birth, York, Nettie Maude
Birth, Fischer, Gustaf
Fischer, Gustaf
Biar, Andreas
Birth, Biar, Andreas
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Death, Hohle, Anna
Hohle, Anna
Holme, Peter Hagner
Birth, Holme, Peter Hagner
Clyburn, John Wesley
Birth, Clyburn, John Wesley
Raines, Susan Elizabeth
Death, Raines, Susan Elizabeth
York, Nettie Maude
Death, York, Nettie Maude
Heck, Mathilda Ann
Death, Heck, Mathilda Ann
Birth, Biehle, Reinhold
Biehle, Reinhold
Weise, Ida Theresia
Kurio, August
Marriage, Family of Kurio, August and Weise, Ida Theresia
Death, Urban, Anna
Urban, Anna
Miertschin, Todd Alan
Phillips, John Wilson
Comment 2
Death, Symm, Margaret Katherine
Symm, Margaret Katherine
Death, McKinney, Samual
McKinney, Samual
Death, Sexton, Lillian James
Sexton, Lillian James
Birth, Wukasch, Henry
Wukasch, Henry
Birth, Dietrich, Robert
Dietrich, Robert
Albrecht, Werner
Death, Albrecht, Werner
Birth, Collier, Zachariah Thomas
Collier, Zachariah Thomas
Tate, Junius William
Death, Tate, Junius William
Kappler, Alma
Death, Kappler, Alma
Birth, Allie, UNKNOWN
Birth, Edwin, UNKNOWN
Kilian, Theresia Martha
Death, Kilian, Theresia Martha
Death, Kappler, Carl
Kappler, Carl
York, Addie
Death, York, Addie
Birth, Tate, Mary Almeda
Tate, Mary Almeda
Kelley, William Fount
Birth, Kelley, William Fount
Phillips, John Wilson
Comment 3
Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Death, Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Birth, Winkler, Theresia
Winkler, Theresia
Birth, Kappler, Carl Herbert
Kappler, Carl Herbert
Birth, Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Anthony, Tony
Marriage, Family of Anthony, Tony and Kelley, Bettie
Kelley, Bettie
Schkade, Bertha
Death, Schkade, Bertha
Death, Unger, Mary
Unger, Mary
Birth, Dube, Johann
Dube, Johann
Birth, Kieschnick, Andrew August
Kieschnick, Andrew August
Kappler, Louis Gustav
Birth, Kappler, Louis Gustav
Death, Noack, Maria
Noack, Maria
Death, Miertschin, Todd Alan
Miertschin, Todd Alan
Death, Luecke, Herman
Luecke, Herman
Phillips, Nathan Gons
Occupation, Phillips, Nathan Gons
Biebas, Andreas
Birth, Biebas, Andreas
Berger, Johanna Maria
Death, Berger, Johanna Maria
Birth, Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Kappler, Peter
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Peter
Kasper, Carl T.
Death, Kasper, Carl T.
Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Birth, Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Birth, Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
York, William
Birth, York, William
Birth, Kilian, Martha
Kilian, Martha
Death, Kasper, Ernest J.
Kasper, Ernest J.
Birth, Kappler, Carl Benhard
Kappler, Carl Benhard
Namken, Rudolf William
Death, Namken, Rudolf William
Hazlewood, A. J.
Birth, Hazlewood, A. J.
Lucas, Ruth
Birth, Lucas, Ruth
Miller, James
Death, Miller, James
Bays, Susanna
Marriage, Family of DeMoss, Peter and Bays, Susanna
DeMoss, Peter
Death, Witte, Carl
Witte, Carl
Symmank, Selma Paulina
Birth, Symmank, Selma Paulina
Marriage, Family of Tate, Cecil Henry and Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Tate, Cecil Henry
Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Kilian, Hulda
Birth, Kilian, Hulda
Phillips, Robert
Birth, Phillips, Robert
Birth, McClellan, Nathan
McClellan, Nathan
Symny, Maria
Birth, Symny, Maria
Death, Kappler, Olga Bertha
Kappler, Olga Bertha
Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Birth, Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Young, Caroline Melinda
Birth, Young, Caroline Melinda
Kappler, Maria
Death, Kappler, Maria
Kilian, Bernard
Death, Kilian, Bernard
Marriage, Family of Hilton, Charles Seburn and Corder, Joe
Corder, Joe
Hilton, Charles Seburn
McClellan, Mary
Death, McClellan, Mary
Death, Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Death, Collier, Zachariah Thomas
Collier, Zachariah Thomas
Kappler, Martin G., Jr.
Birth, Kappler, Martin G., Jr.
Miller, Cecil Lester Francis
Death, Miller, Cecil Lester Francis
Birth, Kappler, Agnes
Kappler, Agnes
Birth, Schramm, Linda Marie
Schramm, Linda Marie
Rounciville, Hannah
Death, Rounciville, Hannah
Death, York, William E.
York, William E.
Menzel, Melvin E.
Death, Menzel, Melvin E.
Birth, Kappler, Hermine Helena
Kappler, Hermine Helena
Dunn, J. B.
Marriage, Family of Dunn, J. B. and Collier, Almah Gertrude
Collier, Almah Gertrude
Kroll, Christian
Death, Kroll, Christian
Phillips, Robert
Death, Phillips, Robert
Occupation, Tate, John Hallam
Tate, John Hallam
Collier, Almah Gertrude
Death, Collier, Almah Gertrude
Marriage, Family of Jaehne, August and Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Jaehne, August
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Gerhardt and Hohle, Anna
Hohle, Anna
Kilian, Gerhardt
Kilian, Louise
Birth, Kilian, Louise
Schkade, Ida Margaret
Birth, Schkade, Ida Margaret
Kappler, Johann, Jr.
Birth, Kappler, Johann, Jr.
Death, Miertschin, August
Miertschin, August
Birth, Unger, Mary
Unger, Mary
Birth, Bouchier, Jean
Bouchier, Jean
Death, Smith, Frances Drusilla
Smith, Frances Drusilla
Hazlewood, A. J.
Death, Hazlewood, A. J.
DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Death, DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Birth, Synatschk, John
Synatschk, John
Berger, Clara Mathilde
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Johann Gerhard and Berger, Clara Mathilde
Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Residence, Tate, Edward Raines
Tate, Edward Raines
Birth, Harris, Newton
Harris, Newton
Hilton, Seburn Jasper
Birth, Hilton, Seburn Jasper
Birth, Hazlewood, Julian W.
Hazlewood, Julian W.
Marriage, Family of Miller, James and Jones, Alberta
Miller, James
Jones, Alberta
Raines, Stephen
Birth, Raines, Stephen
Birth, Synatschk, Dennis
Synatschk, Dennis
Kelley, Serena
Platt, Sherry
Marriage, Family of Platt, Sherry and Kelley, Serena
Biehle, Reinhold
Death, Biehle, Reinhold
Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Death, Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Birth, Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Kappler, Michael
Death, Kappler, Michael
Birth, Kappler, Carl August
Kappler, Carl August
Lee, Enos W.
Birth, Lee, Enos W.
Birth, Kelley, George J.
Kelley, George J.
Kappler, Willie A.
Death, Kappler, Willie A.
Kilian, Marie A.
Birth, Kilian, Marie A.
Bright, James W.
Death, Bright, James W.
Death, Tate, James
Tate, James
Birth, Martin, Aultha
Martin, Aultha
Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Marriage, Family of Stein, Adloph and Kilian, Amanda
Kilian, Amanda
Stein, Adloph
Birth, Collier, Annie Lee
Collier, Annie Lee
Death, McLarty, Nathan
McLarty, Nathan
Dube, Maria Theresia
Death, Dube, Maria Theresia
Kappler, Hulda P.
Death, Kappler, Hulda P.
Kilian, Louise
Death, Kilian, Louise
Birth, Symm, Margaret Katherine
Symm, Margaret Katherine
Tate, James William
Marriage, Family of Tate, James William
Birth, York, William E.
York, William E.
Hassell, Elizabeth
Death, Hassell, Elizabeth
Riley, Edith
Death, Riley, Edith
Faske, Charles
Death, Faske, Charles
Birth, Kappler, Peter
Kappler, Peter
Collier, John West
Birth, Collier, John West
Death, Schneider, Christiane
Schneider, Christiane
Death, Schulze, Paul
Schulze, Paul
Knippa, Johann
Death, Knippa, Johann
Death, Schramm, Linda Marie
Schramm, Linda Marie
Death, Collier, Walter Fields
Collier, Walter Fields
Berger, Clara Mathilde
Death, Berger, Clara Mathilde
Schneider, Christiane
Marriage, Family of Knippa, Johann and Schneider, Christiane
Knippa, Johann
Knippa, Unnamed Daughter
Birth, Knippa, Unnamed Daughter
McClellan, John
Death, McClellan, John
Marriage, Family of Jatzlau, Charles and Walther, Selma
Walther, Selma
Jatzlau, Charles
Schkade, Marie
Liberty, Ernst Paul Gerhard
Death, Liberty, Ernst Paul Gerhard
Menzel, Melvin E.
Birth, Menzel, Melvin E.
Weise, Carl Theordor
Death, Weise, Carl Theordor
Death, York, Milton Garrett, Jr.
York, Milton Garrett, Jr.
Death, York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Birth, Noack, August
Noack, August
Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Death, Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Kilian, Esther
Death, Kilian, Esther
Kappler, Emma Paulina
Birth, Kappler, Emma Paulina
Death, Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Lacy, Norma
Tate, John Hallam
Marriage, Family of Tate, John Hallam and Lacy, Norma
Lucas, Ruth
Marriage, Family of York, Aaron and Lucas, Ruth
York, Aaron
Birth, Kasper, Ernest J.
Kasper, Ernest J.
Kappler, Andreas
Death, Kappler, Andreas
Kelley, Lena
Birth, Kelley, Lena
Birth, Kilian, Herman
Kilian, Herman
Death, Kappler, Andreas, (Died before Baptism)
Kappler, Andreas, (Died before Baptism)
Death, Noack, Gerhard John
Noack, Gerhard John
Phillips, Margaret
Death, Phillips, Margaret
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Residence, Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Synatschk, Minnie M.
Birth, Synatschk, Minnie M.
Birth, Liberty, Theresia M.
Liberty, Theresia M.
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Residence, Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Death, Petronia, UNKNOWN
Petronia, UNKNOWN
Death, Clyburn, John Wesley
Clyburn, John Wesley
Kappler, Maria
Birth, Kappler, Maria
Kilian, Clara
Birth, Kilian, Clara
Birth, Weise, Berherd
Weise, Berherd
Death, Fischer, Walter Paul
Fischer, Walter Paul
Synatschk, Herman Theodore
Death, Synatschk, Herman Theodore
Death, Lehmann, Hermann August
Lehmann, Hermann August
Schulze, Hanna
Death, Schulze, Hanna
Collier, Nicholas Avery
Birth, Collier, Nicholas Avery
Kappler, Bertha A.
Death, Kappler, Bertha A.
Death, Baker, Joseph B., Sr.
Baker, Joseph B., Sr.
Groeschel, Andreas
Marriage, Family of Groeschel, Andreas and Pachmann, Marie
Pachmann, Marie
Birth, Schkade, August
Schkade, August
Weise, Ernst Herman
Death, Weise, Ernst Herman
Death, Kappler, Andreas (Andrew)
Kappler, Andreas (Andrew)
Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Death, Liberty, Hagdalena C.
Birth, Gersch, John August
Gersch, John August
Birth, Smith, Frances Drusilla
Smith, Frances Drusilla
Synatschk, Herman Harry
Birth, Synatschk, Herman Harry
Death, Kurio, August
Kurio, August
Fehr, Herman
Birth, Fehr, Herman
Birth, York, Addie
York, Addie
Kilian, Martin
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Martin and Jeffrey, Wilma
Jeffrey, Wilma
Schulze, Johann
Death, Schulze, Johann
Wolf, Charles
Death, Wolf, Charles
Birth, Weise, Ida Theresia
Weise, Ida Theresia
Fehr, Herman
Death, Fehr, Herman
Kappler, Charles
Death, Kappler, Charles
Phillips, Leroy
Death, Phillips, Leroy
Birth, Peter, Johann
Peter, Johann
Kappler, Paul
Birth, Kappler, Paul
Heck, Lenora N.
Tate, Turner, Jr.
Marriage, Family of Tate, Turner, Jr. and Heck, Lenora N.
Birth, Weise, Frederich Ernst
Weise, Frederich Ernst
Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Event 1
Grantham, Joseph Cecil
Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Marriage, Family of Grantham, Joseph Cecil and Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Marriage, Family of Raines, Stephen and Jackson, Elizabeth
Raines, Stephen
Jackson, Elizabeth
Birth, Knippa, August
Knippa, August
Death, Unk, UNKNOWN
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Death, Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Marriage, Family of Tate, Milton York, Sr. and Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Death, Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Schoppe, John Cyrill
Death, Schoppe, John Cyrill
Birth, Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Death, Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Phillips, Margaret McReadon
Death, Phillips, Margaret McReadon
Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Death, Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Death, Liberty, Herman G.
Liberty, Herman G.
Kilian, Amanda
Death, Kilian, Amanda
Kappler, Carl August
Death, Kappler, Carl August
Noack, Maria
Birth, Noack, Maria
Malke, Agnes
Death, Malke, Agnes
Dube, Lydia
Birth, Dube, Lydia
Birth, Jakobik, Gerhard
Jakobik, Gerhard
Fischer, Bonnie R.
Marriage, Family of Menzel, Melvin E. and Fischer, Bonnie R.
Menzel, Melvin E.
Birth, Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Marriage, Family of Tate, George Washington
Tate, George Washington
Death, Hazlewood, Julian W.
Hazlewood, Julian W.
Birth, Batla, Joseph H.
Batla, Joseph H.
Urban, Anna
Birth, Urban, Anna
Symny, Maria
Marriage, Family of Dube, Johann and Symny, Maria
Dube, Johann
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Wilhelm Otto and Unger, Mary
Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
Unger, Mary
Collier, Ella Gertrude
Death, Collier, Ella Gertrude
Death, Wukasch, Maria
Wukasch, Maria
Death, Kasper, Herbert Martin
Kasper, Herbert Martin
Birth, Pietsch, Emma
Pietsch, Emma
Kasper, Carl T.
Marriage, Family of Kasper, Carl T.
Kelley, William Fount
Marriage, Family of Kelley, William Fount and Laura, UNKNOWN
Berger, Johanna Maria
Birth, Berger, Johanna Maria
Death, Fischer, Gustaf
Fischer, Gustaf
Kilian, Clara
Schulz, Ernest
Marriage, Family of Schulz, Ernest and Kilian, Clara
Spears, Harvey
Birth, Spears, Harvey
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Occupation, York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Wolf, Charles
Marriage, Family of Wolf, Charles and Kilian, Martha
Kilian, Martha
Kilian, Johann, Pastor
Death, Kilian, Johann, Pastor
Birth, Stiles, Adam T.
Stiles, Adam T.
Phillips, Jane
Birth, Phillips, Jane
Death, Tate, Edward Raines
Tate, Edward Raines
Spears, Harvey
Marriage, Family of Spears, Harvey and McClellan, Mary
McClellan, Mary
Corder, Joe
Death, Corder, Joe
Death, Tate, Charles William
Tate, Charles William
Marriage, Family of Bouchier, Frank Courtney and Ellis, Martha
Ellis, Martha
Bouchier, Frank Courtney
Death, Sander, Christian
Sander, Christian
Schkade, Bertha
Birth, Schkade, Bertha
Gersch, Anna
Death, Gersch, Anna
Kappler, Edward
Death, Kappler, Edward
Death, Kappler, August
Kappler, August
Bain, Laura
Death, Bain, Laura
Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Marriage, Family of Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz) and Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Death, Dunn, J. B.
Dunn, J. B.
Death, Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Birth, Schulze, Paul
Schulze, Paul
Death, Grantham, Joseph Cecil
Grantham, Joseph Cecil
Birth, Stein, Adloph
Stein, Adloph
Death, Tate, Turner, Jr.
Tate, Turner, Jr.
Death, Kelley, Monroe Jacob
Kelley, Monroe Jacob
Gersch, John August
Death, Gersch, John August
Marriage, Family of Tate, Charles William and Schkade, Ida Margaret
Schkade, Ida Margaret
Tate, Charles William
Berger, Clara Mathilde
Birth, Berger, Clara Mathilde
Riley, Edith
Birth, Riley, Edith
Schneider, Christiane
Birth, Schneider, Christiane
Birth, Miller, Cecil Lester Francis
Miller, Cecil Lester Francis
Preuss, Emma
Death, Preuss, Emma
Heck, Lenora N.
Birth, Heck, Lenora N.
Death, Tate, Turner
Tate, Turner
Tate, Eola Garwood
Occupation, Tate, Eola Garwood
Birth, Weise, Frederich Otto
Weise, Frederich Otto
Birth, Siegeler, William Dale
Siegeler, William Dale
Collier, John West
Death, Collier, John West
Noack, Maria
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Ernst Albert and Noack, Maria
Kappler, Ernst Albert
Marriage, Family of Tate, James
Tate, James
Death, Schkade, Ida Margaret
Schkade, Ida Margaret
Tate, John Henry
Event 1
Death, Kappler, Paul Gerhardt
Kappler, Paul Gerhardt
Birth, Schulze, Eldor E.
Schulze, Eldor E.
Death, Kilian, Gerhardt
Kilian, Gerhardt
Marriage, Family of Lehmann, Hermann August and Pietsch, Emma
Lehmann, Hermann August
Pietsch, Emma
Kasper, Carl T.
Birth, Kasper, Carl T.
Birth, Miertschin, Todd Alan
Miertschin, Todd Alan
Residence, Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Birth, York, John B.
York, John B.
Kieschnick, Andrew August
Death, Kieschnick, Andrew August
Death, Stein, Adloph
Stein, Adloph
Death, Weise, Ida Theresia
Weise, Ida Theresia
Birth, Schulze, Maria
Schulze, Maria
Ann, Matilda
Death, Ann, Matilda
Death, Kappler, Johann, Jr.
Kappler, Johann, Jr.
Death, Clyburn, George Lee
Clyburn, George Lee
Jackson, Elizabeth
Birth, Jackson, Elizabeth
Lee, Enos W.
Death, Lee, Enos W.
Birth, Hilton, Charles Seburn
Hilton, Charles Seburn
Kappler, Agnes
Death, Kappler, Agnes
Turner, Virginia
Tate, James
Marriage, Family of Tate, James and Turner, Virginia
Birth, Phillips, Nathan Howard
Phillips, Nathan Howard
Death, Kappler, Martin G., Jr.
Kappler, Martin G., Jr.
Marriage, Family of Henderson, Harvey Daley and Comstock, Lurella
Henderson, Harvey Daley
Comstock, Lurella
Phillips, Mary Ann
Birth, Phillips, Mary Ann
Tate, John Henry
Death, Phillips, Nathan Gons
Phillips, Nathan Gons
Death, Kappler, Paul
Kappler, Paul
Birth, Comstock, Lurella
Comstock, Lurella
Birth, Faske, Charles
Faske, Charles
Marriage, Family of Miertschin, August and Kappler, Emma Paulina
Kappler, Emma Paulina
Miertschin, August
Bouchier, Jean
Death, Bouchier, Jean
Groeschel, Agnes
Birth, Groeschel, Agnes
Kilian, Johann, Pastor
Birth, Kilian, Johann, Pastor
Tate, John Hallam
Death, Tate, John Hallam
Birth, Harris, Hallie
Harris, Hallie
Christiana, UNKNOWN
Sander, Christian
Marriage, Family of Sander, Christian and Christiana, UNKNOWN
Turner, Virginia
Birth, Turner, Virginia
Kasper, Ernest J.
Kilian, Esther
Marriage, Family of Kasper, Ernest J. and Kilian, Esther
Birth, Fischer, Walter Paul
Fischer, Walter Paul
Death, Tate, George Washington
Tate, George Washington
Birth, Kappler, Otto Paul
Kappler, Otto Paul
Marriage, Family of Baker, Joseph B., Sr. and Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Baker, Joseph B., Sr.
Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Witte, Carl
Birth, Witte, Carl
Albrecht, Reinhold
Death, Albrecht, Reinhold
Kappler, Bertha A.
Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben)
Marriage, Family of Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben) and Kappler, Bertha A.
Tate, John Henry
Occupation, Tate, John Henry
Death, Weise, Carl Wilhelm Benjamin
Weise, Carl Wilhelm Benjamin
Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Kappler, Paul August
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Paul August and Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Birth, Tandy, Martha
Tandy, Martha
Heck, Randle Davis
Tandy, Martha
Marriage, Family of Heck, Randle Davis and Tandy, Martha
Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Birth, Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Groeschel, Maria
Death, Groeschel, Maria
Birth, Gersch, Ben
Gersch, Ben
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Occupation, Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Birth, Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Death, Biebas, Andreas
Biebas, Andreas
Kappler, Edward
Birth, Kappler, Edward
Peter, Johann
Marriage, Family of Peter, Johann and Kilian, Theresia Martha
Kilian, Theresia Martha
Birth, Kasper, Otto
Kasper, Otto
Birth, Kappler, Olga Bertha
Kappler, Olga Bertha
Birth, Kasper, Gerhard Martin August
Kasper, Gerhard Martin August
Birth, Kelley, Serena
Kelley, Serena
Synatschk, Minnie M.
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Willie A. and Synatschk, Minnie M.
Kappler, Willie A.
Death, Weise, Selma Eleonora
Weise, Selma Eleonora
Preuss, Emma
Marriage, Family of Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz) and Preuss, Emma
Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Kappler, Selma
Birth, Kappler, Selma
Death, Jackson, Elizabeth
Jackson, Elizabeth
Knippa, Johann
Birth, Knippa, Johann
Birth, Collier, Willie Lou
Collier, Willie Lou
Gersch, Otto
Birth, Gersch, Otto
Birth, Tate, George Washington
Tate, George Washington
Walther, Selma
Death, Walther, Selma
Collier, Nicholas Avery
Death, Collier, Nicholas Avery
Birth, Kilian, Amanda
Kilian, Amanda
Marriage, Family of Phillips, Nathan Wilson and Smith, Frances Drusilla
Phillips, Nathan Wilson
Smith, Frances Drusilla
Kappler, Johann
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Johann
Morrison, Prudence
Death, Morrison, Prudence
Birth, Moerbe, Marie
Moerbe, Marie
Birth, Phillips, Nathan Gons
Phillips, Nathan Gons
Kappler, Johann
Birth, Kappler, Johann
Groeschel, August
Death, Groeschel, August
Tate, Eola Garwood
Death, Knippa, August
Knippa, August
Death, Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Birth, Knippa, Magdalena
Knippa, Magdalena
Death, Tandy, Martha
Tandy, Martha
Knippa, August
Death, Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Weise, Frederich Ernst
Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Marriage, Family of Weise, Frederich Ernst and Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Birth, Weise, Maria Hermine
Weise, Maria Hermine
Birth, Stiegner, Anna
Stiegner, Anna
Death, Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
Kappler, Gustaf
Birth, Kappler, Gustaf
Marriage, Family of Blagg, Talyrand W. and Tate, Mary Almeda
Tate, Mary Almeda
Blagg, Talyrand W.
Marriage, Family of Tate, Turner
Tate, Turner
Knippa, Unnamed Daughter
Death, Knippa, Unnamed Daughter
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Birth, Kappler, John Emil
Kappler, John Emil
Death, Kappler, Hermine Helena
Kappler, Hermine Helena
Death, Batla, Joseph H., Jr.
Batla, Joseph H., Jr.
Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Birth, Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Welborn, Mary Jane
Birth, Welborn, Mary Jane
Kappler, Gustav Theodor
Death, Kappler, Gustav Theodor
Birth, Kappler, Ernst Albert
Kappler, Ernst Albert
Marriage, Family of Symm, John and Kappler, Marie
Symm, John
Kappler, Marie
Birth, Schkade, Edmund Ernest
Schkade, Edmund Ernest
Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Birth, Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Birth, Tate, James
Tate, James
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Bernard and Schulze, Hanna
Kilian, Bernard
Schulze, Hanna
Fischer, Bonnie R.
Birth, Fischer, Bonnie R.
Ellis, Martha
Birth, Ellis, Martha
Death, York, Aaron
York, Aaron
Schkade, Ernest Fredrick
Death, Schkade, Ernest Fredrick
Tate, John Henry
Death, Tate, John Henry
Birth, Kappler, Willie A.
Kappler, Willie A.
Birth, Kappler, Alma
Kappler, Alma
Death, Groeschel, John
Groeschel, John
Ratliff, Samuel B.
Death, Ratliff, Samuel B.
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Comment 1
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Event 1
Birth, Corder, Joe
Corder, Joe
Anthony, Tony
Birth, Anthony, Tony
Sander, Christian
Birth, Sander, Christian
Death, Tate, Telitha
Tate, Telitha
Phillips, Nathan Wilson
Birth, Phillips, Nathan Wilson
Marriage, Family of McClellan, John and Phillips, Margaret McReadon
McClellan, John
Phillips, Margaret McReadon
Weise, Frederich Ernst
Death, Weise, Frederich Ernst
Marriage, Family of Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig and Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig
Kelley, Serena
Death, Kelley, Serena
Kappler, Hulda P.
Birth, Kappler, Hulda P.
Lucas, Ruth
Death, Lucas, Ruth
Kilian, Esther
Birth, Kilian, Esther
Hassell, Elizabeth
Collier, Zachariah Thomas
Marriage, Family of Collier, Zachariah Thomas and Hassell, Elizabeth
Birth, Grantham, Joseph Cecil
Grantham, Joseph Cecil
Birth, Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Collier, Clarinda Blanche
Occupation, Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Petronia, UNKNOWN
Marriage, Family of Kelley, Jay and Petronia, UNKNOWN
Kelley, Jay
Death, Tate, Cornelia
Tate, Cornelia
Death, Kappler, Peter
Kappler, Peter
Death, Spears, Harvey
Spears, Harvey
Death, Prout, Lela
Prout, Lela
Death, Jatzlau, Charles
Jatzlau, Charles
Birth, Collier, Joseph Henry
Collier, Joseph Henry
Schulze, Matthaus
Marriage, Family of Schulze, Matthaus and Groeschel, Hanna
Groeschel, Hanna
Birth, McLarty, Nathan
McLarty, Nathan
Death, Harris, Hallie
Harris, Hallie
Death, Welborn, Mary Jane
Welborn, Mary Jane
Death, Henderson, Harvey Daley
Henderson, Harvey Daley
Kelley, Bettie
Birth, Kelley, Bettie
Weise, Ernst Herman
Birth, Weise, Ernst Herman
Death, Kasper, Otto
Kasper, Otto
York, Aaron
Birth, York, Aaron
Birth, Kappler, August
Kappler, August
Phillips, Nathan Howard
Marriage, Family of Phillips, Nathan Howard and Kelley, Lena
Kelley, Lena
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Andreas
Kappler, Andreas
Marriage, Family of Tate, Turner and Raines, Susan Elizabeth
Tate, Turner
Raines, Susan Elizabeth
Phillips, Margaret
Birth, Phillips, Margaret
Baker, Joseph B., Sr.
Birth, Baker, Joseph B., Sr.
Marriage, Family of Tate, John Henry and York, Nettie Maude
Tate, John Henry
York, Nettie Maude
Birth, Noack, Gerhard John
Noack, Gerhard John
Synatschk, Alton Rudolph
Birth, Synatschk, Alton Rudolph
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Event 4
Jeffrey, Wilma
Death, Jeffrey, Wilma
Death, Laura, UNKNOWN
Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Death, Matthijetz, Theresia A.
Birth, Laura, UNKNOWN
Birth, Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Birth, Bouchier, Frank Courtney
Bouchier, Frank Courtney
Collier, Louis Custer
Death, Collier, Louis Custer
Birth, Phillips, John Wilson
Phillips, John Wilson
Birth, Hattas, Emma Louise
Hattas, Emma Louise
Kasper, Ellen Lorine
Death, Kasper, Ellen Lorine
Synatschk, Minnie M.
Death, Synatschk, Minnie M.
Birth, Lehmann, Marie
Lehmann, Marie
Death, Collier, Samuel Henry
Collier, Samuel Henry
Schlottmann, Charles
Death, Schlottmann, Charles
Death, DeMoss, Peter
DeMoss, Peter
Birth, Kasper, Herbert Martin
Kasper, Herbert Martin
Birkmann, Gotthilf
Death, Birkmann, Gotthilf
Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Birth, Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Tate, Eola Garwood
Death, Tate, Eola Garwood
Phillips, John Wilson
Comment 1
Death, Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Dube, Pauline
Kappler, John Theodore
Marriage, Family of Kappler, John Theodore and Dube, Pauline
Synatschk, Martha
Birth, Synatschk, Martha
Event 2
Fischer, Elsie Edna
Birth, Birkmann, Gotthilf
Birkmann, Gotthilf
Birth, Tate, Eola Garwood
Tate, Eola Garwood
Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick"
Marriage, Family of Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick" and Allie, UNKNOWN
Kilian, Mathilda
Death, Kilian, Mathilda
Birth, Liberty, Hulda T.
Liberty, Hulda T.
Birth, Schkade, Ernest Fredrick
Schkade, Ernest Fredrick
Birth, Jatzlau, Charles
Jatzlau, Charles
Anthony, Tony
Death, Anthony, Tony
Birth, Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig
Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig
Preuss, Emma
Birth, Preuss, Emma
Schkade, August
Death, Schulze, Carl Benhard
Schulze, Carl Benhard
Death, Jaehne, August
Jaehne, August
Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Birth, Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Birth, Weise, Frieda Franziska
Weise, Frieda Franziska
Kappler, Anna
Birth, Kappler, Anna
Gersch, Otto
Death, Gersch, Otto
Death, Weise, Ernst Albert
Weise, Ernst Albert
Marriage, Family of Noack, Gerhard John and Weise, Maria Hermine
Weise, Maria Hermine
Noack, Gerhard John
Death, Tate, Cecil Henry
Tate, Cecil Henry
Birth, Collier, Almah Gertrude
Collier, Almah Gertrude
Birth, Tate, Cecil Henry
Tate, Cecil Henry
Corder, Joseph Sims
Marriage, Family of Corder, Joseph Sims and Martin, Aultha
Martin, Aultha
Birth, Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Moerbe, Edward Charles
Birth, Moerbe, Edward Charles
Death, Bays, Susanna
Bays, Susanna
Hohle, Anna
Birth, Hohle, Anna
Marriage, Family of Tate, John Henry
Tate, John Henry
Phillips, John Wilson
Event 1
Kappler, John Theodore
Birth, Kappler, John Theodore
Kappler, Andreas
Birth, Kappler, Andreas
Rounciville, Hannah
Birth, Rounciville, Hannah
Death, Noack, Johann
Noack, Johann
Phillips, John Wilson
Occupation, Phillips, John Wilson
Marriage, Family of Phillips, Nathan and Rounciville, Hannah
Phillips, Nathan
Rounciville, Hannah
Death, Kessel, August
Kessel, August
Fischer, Emil
Death, Fischer, Emil
Birth, Kessel, August
Kessel, August
Marriage, Family of Kasper, Otto and Weise, Frieda Franziska
Kasper, Otto
Weise, Frieda Franziska
Heck, Randle Davis
Death, Heck, Randle Davis
Birth, Albrecht, Werner
Albrecht, Werner
Kilian, Hulda
Marriage, Family of Birkmann, Gotthilf and Kilian, Hulda
Birkmann, Gotthilf
Death, Dube, Johann
Dube, Johann
Weise, Maria Lydia
Birth, Weise, Maria Lydia
Kappler, Andreas, (Died before Baptism)
Birth, Kappler, Andreas, (Died before Baptism)
Groeschel, Herman
Birth, Groeschel, Herman
Death, Kappler, Johann
Kappler, Johann
Birth, York, Milton Garrett, Jr.
York, Milton Garrett, Jr.
Birth, Gersch, Anna
Gersch, Anna
McClellan, Cicero
Birth, McClellan, Cicero
Birth, Kappler, Matthaus
Kappler, Matthaus
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Carl Benhard and Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Kappler, Carl Benhard
Death, Weise, Maria Hermine
Weise, Maria Hermine
Death, Ellis, Martha
Ellis, Martha
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Carl Herman and Luecke, Agnes
Kappler, Carl Herman
Luecke, Agnes
Birth, Schulze, Hanna
Schulze, Hanna
Turner, Virginia
Death, Turner, Virginia
Death, Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Sander, Friedrick Ernest (Fritz)
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Birth, Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Clyburn, George Lee
Occupation, Clyburn, George Lee
Raines, Stephen
Death, Raines, Stephen
Birth, Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Birth, Albrecht, Reinhold
Albrecht, Reinhold
Schnaitter, Irvine Karl
Death, Schnaitter, Irvine Karl
Schulze, Carl Benhard
Birth, Schulze, Carl Benhard
Kappler, Otto Paul
Walther, Selma
Birth, Walther, Selma
Dunn, J. B.
Birth, Dunn, J. B.
Kappler, Johann
Death, Kappler, Johann
Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Death, Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Death, Symm, John
Symm, John
Death, Dietrich, Robert
Dietrich, Robert
Kilian, Selma
Marriage, Family of Fehr, Herman and Kilian, Selma
Fehr, Herman
Death, Hattas, Emma Louise
Hattas, Emma Louise
Death, Pietsch, Emma
Pietsch, Emma
Heck, Randle Davis
Birth, Heck, Randle Davis
Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Kappler, Edward
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Edward and Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Death, Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Tate, John Hallam
Birth, Tate, John Hallam
Platt, Sherry
Death, Platt, Sherry
Death, Young, Caroline Melinda
Young, Caroline Melinda
Kappler, Andreas (Andrew)
Birth, Kappler, Andreas (Andrew)
Death, Stiegner, Anna
Stiegner, Anna
Death, Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Death, Kappler, Andreas
Kappler, Andreas
Kelley, William Fount
Death, Kelley, William Fount
Death, Tate, Mary Almeda
Tate, Mary Almeda
Birth, Fischer, Elsie Edna
Fischer, Elsie Edna
Birth, Kilian, Bernard
Kilian, Bernard
Occupation, Collier, John William "J. W"
Collier, John William "J. W"
Birth, Bouchier, Forest Lee
Bouchier, Forest Lee
Collier, Cornelia
Death, Collier, Cornelia
Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Death, Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Birth, Kappler, Michael
Kappler, Michael
Birth, Collier, Samuel Henry
Collier, Samuel Henry
Birth, McClellan, Mary
McClellan, Mary
Birth, Collier, Cornelia
Collier, Cornelia
Dube, Maria Theresia
Marriage, Family of Schkade, August and Dube, Maria Theresia
Schkade, August
Groeschel, Herman
Death, Groeschel, Herman
Kappler, Marie
Death, Kappler, Marie
Death, Allie, UNKNOWN
Death, Synatschk, John
Synatschk, John
Synatschk, Carl
Birth, Synatschk, Carl
Death, Synatschk, Dennis
Synatschk, Dennis
Tate, Junius William
Birth, Tate, Junius William
Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Schkade, Ernest Fredrick
Marriage, Family of Schkade, Ernest Fredrick and Sander, Ida Wilhelmina
Biar, Andreas
Marriage, Family of Biar, Andreas and Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Kilian, Selma
Death, Kilian, Selma
Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Occupation, Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Birth, Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Death, Kilian, Clara
Kilian, Clara
Marriage, Family of Tate, Cecil Henry
Tate, Cecil Henry
Birth, Collier, John William "J. W"
Collier, John William "J. W"
Kappler, Paul August
Birth, Kappler, Paul August
Marriage, Family of Groeschel, August, Jr. and Wukasch, Maria
Groeschel, August, Jr.
Wukasch, Maria
Tate, Artelia
Death, Tate, Artelia
Collier, Ella Gertrude
Stiles, Adam T.
Marriage, Family of Stiles, Adam T. and Collier, Ella Gertrude
Kappler, Carl Bernhard
Birth, Kappler, Carl Bernhard
Bain, Laura
Birth, Bain, Laura
Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Phillips, Frances
Birth, Phillips, Frances
Death, Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Birth, Kilian, Gerhardt
Kilian, Gerhardt
Birth, Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben)
Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben)
York, Robert
Birth, York, Robert
Death, Liberty, Hulda T.
Liberty, Hulda T.
Marriage, Family of Luecke, Herman and Kilian, Marie A.
Kilian, Marie A.
Luecke, Herman
Event 1
Fischer, Elsie Edna
Birth, Weise, Selma Eleonora
Weise, Selma Eleonora
Kappler, Andreas
Birth, Kappler, Andreas
Kilian, Hulda
Death, Kilian, Hulda
Weise, Carl Theordor
Birth, Weise, Carl Theordor
Schkade, Dean Ray
Death, Schkade, Dean Ray
Synatschk, Herman Harry
Death, Synatschk, Herman Harry
Kappler, Selma
Death, Kappler, Selma
Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Birth, Symmank, Augusta Agnes
Death, Luecke, Agnes
Luecke, Agnes
Synatschk, Herman Theodore
Birth, Synatschk, Herman Theodore
Birth, Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Birth, Groeschel, August, Jr.
Groeschel, August, Jr.
Tate, Eola Garwood
Marriage, Family of Bouchier, Forest Lee and Tate, Eola Garwood
Bouchier, Forest Lee
Death, Tate, James William
Tate, James William
Birth, Heck, Mathilda Ann
Heck, Mathilda Ann
Birth, Tate, James William
Tate, James William
Birth, Namken, Rudolf William
Namken, Rudolf William
Birth, Collier, Louis Custer
Collier, Louis Custer
Birth, York, Ollie C.
York, Ollie C.
Event 2
Schramm, Linda Marie
Residence, Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Barrington, Cora "Jackie"
Birth, Kilian, Martin
Kilian, Martin
Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Marriage, Family of Schkade, Edmund Ernest and Jatzlau, Meta Esther
Schkade, Edmund Ernest
Heck, Mathilda Ann
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Marriage, Family of York, Milton Garrett, Sr. and Heck, Mathilda Ann
Bain, Laura
Marriage, Family of Clyburn, John Wesley and Bain, Laura
Clyburn, John Wesley
Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben)
Death, Arldt, Bernhard E. (Ben)
Phillips, Jane
Death, Phillips, Jane
Death, Kappler, John Theodore
Kappler, John Theodore
Birth, Phillips, Josiah Leroy
Phillips, Josiah Leroy
Birth, Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
Death, Gersch, Theodore
Gersch, Theodore
Birth, Prout, Lela
Prout, Lela
Birth, Luecke, Herman
Luecke, Herman
Birth, Womack, Willie Bernice
Womack, Willie Bernice
Groeschel, Maria
Birth, Groeschel, Maria
Fischer, Bonnie R.
Death, Fischer, Bonnie R.
Heck, Lenora N.
Death, Heck, Lenora N.
Dube, Maria Theresia
Tate, Edward Raines
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Paul Gerhardt and Symmank, Selma Paulina
Kappler, Paul Gerhardt
Symmank, Selma Paulina
Birth, Luecke, Agnes
Luecke, Agnes
Lehmann, Hermann August
Birth, Lehmann, Hermann August
Blagg, Talyrand W.
Death, Blagg, Talyrand W.
Tate, Turner
Event 1
Knippa, Magdalena
Death, Knippa, Magdalena
Christiana, UNKNOWN
Birth, Christiana, UNKNOWN
Birth, Groeschel, Hanna
Groeschel, Hanna
Marriage, Family of Kroll, Christian and Liberty, Hulda T.
Kroll, Christian
Liberty, Hulda T.
Hassell, Elizabeth
Birth, Hassell, Elizabeth
Wukasch, Henry
Death, Wukasch, Henry
Weise, Maria Lydia
Marriage, Family of Hiegert, UNKNOWN and Weise, Maria Lydia
Hiegert, UNKNOWN
Kappler, Agnes
Marriage, Family of Gersch, John August and Kappler, Agnes
Gersch, John August
Harris, Solomon
Death, Harris, Solomon
Berger, Johanna Maria
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Johann Gerhard and Berger, Johanna Maria
Kappler, Johann Gerhard
Groeschel, Maria
Marriage, Family of Biebas, Andreas and Groeschel, Maria
Biebas, Andreas
Kappler, Bobby Gene
Death, Kappler, Bobby Gene
Winkler, Theresia
Death, Winkler, Theresia
Phillips, Ernest
Birth, Phillips, Ernest
Birth, Symm, John
Symm, John
Newell, Washington
Birth, Newell, Washington
Schkade, Bertha
Martin, Aultha
Death, Martin, Aultha
Kurio, August
Birth, Kurio, August
Occupation, Kappler, Otto Paul
Kappler, Otto Paul
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Death, Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Birth, Kappler, Gottried
Kappler, Gottried
Marriage, Family of McLarty, William and Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
McLarty, William
Phillips, Sarah Rounciville
Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Marriage, Family of Lee, Enos W. and Tate, Frances "Fanny"
Lee, Enos W.
Death, Jones, Alberta
Jones, Alberta
Death, Synatschk, Carl
Synatschk, Carl
Birth, Liberty, Gottlieb H.
Liberty, Gottlieb H.
Birth, Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Kappler, Hanna (Anna) Maria
Birth, Collier, Ella Gertrude
Collier, Ella Gertrude
Birth, Corder, Joseph Sims
Corder, Joseph Sims
Death, Kelley, George J.
Kelley, George J.
Birth, DeMoss, Peter
DeMoss, Peter
Kappler, Ernst Albert
Death, Kappler, Ernst Albert
Death, Schulze, Matthaus
Schulze, Matthaus
Kappler, Helena
Birth, Kappler, Helena
Bright, James W.
Birth, Bright, James W.
Birth, Jeffrey, Wilma
Jeffrey, Wilma
Death, Phillips, John Wilson
Phillips, John Wilson
Harris, Solomon
Birth, Harris, Solomon
Birth, Unk, UNKNOWN
Birth, Jones, Alberta
Jones, Alberta
Kappler, Michael
Death, Kappler, Michael
Tate, John Henry
Birth, Tate, John Henry
Tate, Edward Raines
Birth, Tate, Edward Raines
Birth, Liberty, Herman G.
Liberty, Herman G.
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Residence, York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Kappler, Carl Herbert
Death, Kappler, Carl Herbert
Death, Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig
Liberty, Gottlieb Christial Ludwig
Death, Schulze, Eldor E.
Schulze, Eldor E.
Death, Hilton, Charles Seburn
Hilton, Charles Seburn
Kappler, Carl
Birth, Kappler, Carl
Birth, Kappler, Michael
Kappler, Michael
Death, Kappler, Andreas
Kappler, Andreas
Death, Peter, Johann
Peter, Johann
Schulz, Ernest
Death, Schulz, Ernest
Death, Fischer, Elsie Edna
Fischer, Elsie Edna
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Gottried
Kappler, Gottried
Death, Phillips, Josiah Leroy
Phillips, Josiah Leroy
Schulze, Matthaus
Birth, Schulze, Matthaus
Kappler, Charles
Birth, Kappler, Charles
Phillips, Frances
Death, Phillips, Frances
Kilian, Marie A.
Death, Kilian, Marie A.
Phillips, Jane
Marriage, Family of Harris, Solomon and Phillips, Jane
Harris, Solomon
Death, Collier, John William "J. W"
Collier, John William "J. W"
Morrison, Prudence
Marriage, Family of Phillips, Nathan Gons and Morrison, Prudence
Phillips, Nathan Gons
Kelley, Jay
Death, Kelley, Jay
DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Marriage, Family of Tate, Turner and DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Tate, Turner
McClellan, John
Birth, McClellan, John
Death, Kappler, Gottried
Kappler, Gottried
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Death, Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Residence, Tate, John Hallam
Tate, John Hallam
Groeschel, Andreas
Death, Groeschel, Andreas
Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Event 1
Comstock, Lurella
Death, Comstock, Lurella
Death, Lehmann, Marie
Lehmann, Marie
Death, Liberty, Maria Lydia
Liberty, Maria Lydia
Death, Weise, Berherd
Weise, Berherd
Synatschk, Walter
Birth, Synatschk, Walter
Morrison, Prudence
Birth, Morrison, Prudence
Marriage, Family of Tate, James William and Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Tate, James William
Death, McLarty, William
McLarty, William
Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Birth, Tate, Quentin Gaylord
Marriage, Family of Noack, Johann and Stiegner, Anna
Noack, Johann
Stiegner, Anna
Death, Kasper, Gerhard Martin August
Kasper, Gerhard Martin August
Bright, James W.
Marriage, Family of Bright, James W. and Kelley, Dora
Kelley, Dora
Birth, Hiegert, UNKNOWN
Hiegert, UNKNOWN
Young, Caroline Melinda
Marriage, Family of Kelley, Monroe Jacob and Young, Caroline Melinda
Kelley, Monroe Jacob
Death, Berger, Helen
Berger, Helen
Event 1
Knippa, Christiana Theresia
Birth, Platt, Sherry
Platt, Sherry
Death, Kappler, Michael
Kappler, Michael
Schulze, Johann
Birth, Schulze, Johann
Death, Hiegert, UNKNOWN
Hiegert, UNKNOWN
Groeschel, Agnes
Kappler, Andreas
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Andreas and Groeschel, Agnes
Kappler, Marie
Birth, Kappler, Marie
Schramm, Linda Marie
Event 1
Marriage, Family of Batla, Joseph H.
Batla, Joseph H.
McClellan, Nathan
Death, McClellan, Nathan
Birth, Henderson, Harvey Daley
Henderson, Harvey Daley
Jaehne, August
Birth, Jaehne, August
Kilian, Johann, Pastor
Groeschel, Maria
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Johann, Pastor and Groeschel, Maria
Moerbe, Marie
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Herman and Moerbe, Marie
Kilian, Herman
Newell, Washington
Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Marriage, Family of Newell, Washington and Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Wilhelm Otto and Lehmann, Marie
Lehmann, Marie
Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
Riley, Edith
Marriage, Family of Tate, George Washington and Riley, Edith
Tate, George Washington
Birth, Tate, Turner
Tate, Turner
Stiles, Adam T.
Death, Stiles, Adam T.
Schkade, Dean Ray
Birth, Schkade, Dean Ray
Petronia, UNKNOWN
Birth, Petronia, UNKNOWN
Collier, Willie Lou
Death, Collier, Willie Lou
Phillips, Mary Ann
Death, Phillips, Mary Ann
Death, Kelley, Dora
Kelley, Dora
Symny, Maria
Death, Symny, Maria
Hazlewood, A. J.
Tate, Artelia
Marriage, Family of Hazlewood, A. J. and Tate, Artelia
Death, Bouchier, Frank Courtney
Bouchier, Frank Courtney
Birth, Tate, Turner, Jr.
Tate, Turner, Jr.
Birth, Groeschel, John
Groeschel, John
Birth, Schulz, Ernest
Schulz, Ernest
Knippa, Carl Wilhelm
Event 2
Tate, Susan Elizabeth
Kappler, Carl Herman
Birth, Kappler, Carl Herman
Birth, Schnaitter, Irvine Karl
Schnaitter, Irvine Karl
Marriage, Family of Weise, Frederich Otto and Dube, Lydia
Weise, Frederich Otto
Dube, Lydia
Christiana, UNKNOWN
Death, Christiana, UNKNOWN
Marriage, Family of Wukasch, Henry and Kilian, Mathilda
Kilian, Mathilda
Wukasch, Henry
Marriage, Family of Kelley, George J. and Ann, Matilda
Ann, Matilda
Kelley, George J.
Death, Edwin, UNKNOWN
Death, Kilian, Martin
Kilian, Martin
Miertschin, August
Birth, Miertschin, August
Birth, Noack, Johann
Noack, Johann
Groeschel, August
Malke, Agnes
Marriage, Family of Groeschel, August and Malke, Agnes
Birth, Bays, Susanna
Bays, Susanna
Tate, John Henry
Residence, Tate, John Henry
Phillips, Nathan
Death, Phillips, Nathan
Kappler, Bertha A.
Birth, Kappler, Bertha A.
Kappler, Matthaus
Death, Kappler, Matthaus
Death, Kappler, Carl Herman
Kappler, Carl Herman
Birth, Holme, Peter Hagner, Jr.
Holme, Peter Hagner, Jr.
DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Birth, DeMoss, Susannah (Susanna)
Death, York, Ollie C.
York, Ollie C.
Death, Moerbe, Marie
Moerbe, Marie
Liberty, Ernst Paul Gerhard
Birth, Liberty, Ernst Paul Gerhard
Kappler, Paul Gerhardt
Birth, Kappler, Paul Gerhardt
Birth, Phillips, Leroy
Phillips, Leroy
Death, Synatschk, Alton Rudolph
Synatschk, Alton Rudolph
Birth, Kappler, Martin Gus
Kappler, Martin Gus
Kappler, Carl Bernhard
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Carl Bernhard and Berger, Helen
Berger, Helen
Occupation, Tate, Cecil Henry
Tate, Cecil Henry
Death, Dube, Lydia
Dube, Lydia
Birth, Tate, Cornelia
Tate, Cornelia
Ratliff, Samuel B.
Marriage, Family of Ratliff, Samuel B. and Tate, Cornelia
Tate, Cornelia
Blagg, Talyrand W.
Birth, Blagg, Talyrand W.
Schkade, Albert Fred
Birth, Schkade, Albert Fred
Death, Newell, Washington
Newell, Washington
Groeschel, Hanna
Death, Groeschel, Hanna
Death, Kilian, Martha
Kilian, Martha
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Event 2
Death, Groeschel, August, Jr.
Groeschel, August, Jr.
Kroll, Christian
Birth, Kroll, Christian
Birth, Weise, Ernst Albert
Weise, Ernst Albert
Death, Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Phillips, Hannah Bernice
Birth, Weise, Carl Wilhelm Benjamin
Weise, Carl Wilhelm Benjamin
Birth, Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Collier, Mary Olivia "Dimple Or Dimp"
Knippa, August
Event 1
Gersch, Anna
Kilian, Gerhardt
Marriage, Family of Kilian, Gerhardt and Gersch, Anna
Groeschel, Andreas
Birth, Groeschel, Andreas
Holme, Peter Hagner
Sexton, Lillian James
Marriage, Family of Holme, Peter Hagner and Sexton, Lillian James
Birth, Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick"
Kelley, Ernest Grover "Dick"
Birth, Tate, Charles William
Tate, Charles William
Event 1
Knippa, Magdalena
Biar, Andreas
Death, Biar, Andreas
Death, Phillips, Nathan Wilson
Phillips, Nathan Wilson
Death, Schkade, Marie
Schkade, Marie
Tate, Telitha
Birth, Tate, Telitha
Death, Jakobik, Gerhard
Jakobik, Gerhard
Death, Liberty, Gottlieb H.
Liberty, Gottlieb H.
Groeschel, Maria
Birth, Groeschel, Maria
Birth, Kelley, Jay
Kelley, Jay
Raines, Susan Elizabeth
Birth, Raines, Susan Elizabeth
Death, Kappler, Emma Paulina
Kappler, Emma Paulina
Welborn, Mary Jane
Marriage, Family of Hilton, Seburn Jasper and Welborn, Mary Jane
Hilton, Seburn Jasper
Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
Death, Kappler, Wilhelm Otto
Kilian, Mathilda
Birth, Kilian, Mathilda
Ratliff, Samuel B.
Birth, Ratliff, Samuel B.
Collier, Joseph Henry
Death, Collier, Joseph Henry
Birth, Kilian, Theresia Martha
Kilian, Theresia Martha
Groeschel, Maria
Death, Groeschel, Maria
Death, Kappler, Carl Benhard
Kappler, Carl Benhard
Birth, Clyburn, George Lee
Clyburn, George Lee
Birth, Wukasch, Maria
Wukasch, Maria
McKinney, Samual
Marriage, Family of McKinney, Samual and Harris, Hallie
Harris, Hallie
Birth, Wolf, Charles
Wolf, Charles
Death, Kelley, Bettie
Kelley, Bettie
Death, Womack, Willie Bernice
Womack, Willie Bernice
Marriage, Family of Albrecht, Reinhold and Urban, Anna
Urban, Anna
Albrecht, Reinhold
Synatschk, Walter
Death, Synatschk, Walter
Death, Schulze, Maria
Schulze, Maria
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Event 1
Event 3
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Death, Corder, Joseph Sims
Corder, Joseph Sims
Birth, Dube, Pauline
Dube, Pauline
Lacy, Norma
Birth, Lacy, Norma
Gersch, Willie
Death, Gersch, Willie
Birth, Groeschel, Magdalena
Groeschel, Magdalena
Death, Phillips, Ernest
Phillips, Ernest
Kasper, Ellen Lorine
Birth, Kasper, Ellen Lorine
Birth, Malke, Agnes
Malke, Agnes
Miller, James
Birth, Miller, James
Knippa, (Wilhelmina) Ernestine
Schoppe, John Cyrill
Birth, Schoppe, John Cyrill
Phillips, Miriam McGregor
Death, Collier, Annie Lee
Collier, Annie Lee
Death, Holme, Peter Hagner, Jr.
Holme, Peter Hagner, Jr.
Birth, Phillips, Margaret McReadon
Phillips, Margaret McReadon
Occupation, Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Tate, Telitha
Marriage, Family of Collier, John William "J. W" and Tate, Telitha
Collier, John William "J. W"
Death, Batla, Joseph H.
Batla, Joseph H.
Lehmann, Wanda Hermina
Event 1
Gersch, Ben
Death, Gersch, Ben
Bouchier, Forest Lee
Death, Bouchier, Forest Lee
Birth, Kappler, Andreas
Kappler, Andreas
Kappler, Paul August
Death, Kappler, Paul August
Birth, Pachmann, Marie
Pachmann, Marie
Kappler, Bobby Gene
Birth, Kappler, Bobby Gene
Winkler, Theresia
Marriage, Family of Synatschk, John and Winkler, Theresia
Synatschk, John
Death, Schkade, August
Schkade, August
Groeschel, August
Birth, Groeschel, August
Kappler, Michael
Birth, Kappler, Michael
Kelley, Lena
Death, Kelley, Lena
Knippa, Magdalena
Occupation, Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
Phillips, Howard Kelley "Mike", Jr.
York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Birth, York, Milton Garrett, Sr.
Death, Hilton, Seburn Jasper
Hilton, Seburn Jasper
Weise, Maria Lydia
Death, Weise, Maria Lydia
Kappler, Paul August
Hattas, Emma Louise
Marriage, Family of Kappler, Paul August and Hattas, Emma Louise
Kilian, Selma
Birth, Kilian, Selma
Schkade, Albert Fred
Death, Schkade, Albert Fred
Birth, Sexton, Lillian James
Sexton, Lillian James
Death, Holme, Peter Hagner
Holme, Peter Hagner
Birth, Tate, Artelia
Tate, Artelia
Weise, Frieda Franziska
Death, Weise, Frieda Franziska
Lacy, Norma
Death, Lacy, Norma
York, Robert
Death, York, Robert
Moerbe, Edward Charles
Death, Moerbe, Edward Charles
Schkade, Marie
Birth, Schkade, Marie
Groeschel, Agnes
Death, Groeschel, Agnes
Dube, Pauline
Death, Dube, Pauline
Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Death, Burns, Nannie Frye "Daisy"
Noack, August
Marriage, Family of Noack, August and Liberty, Maria Lydia
Liberty, Maria Lydia
Birth, Berger, Helen
Berger, Helen
Birth, McLarty, William
McLarty, William
Birth, Kelley, Monroe Jacob
Kelley, Monroe Jacob
Birth, Collier, Walter Fields
Collier, Walter Fields
Birth, Ann, Matilda
Ann, Matilda
Death, Noack, August
Noack, August
Death, York, John B.
York, John B.
Marriage, Family of Schnaitter, Irvine Karl and Prout, Lela
Schnaitter, Irvine Karl
Prout, Lela
McKinney, Samual
Birth, McKinney, Samual
Phillips, Nathan Howard
Death, Phillips, Nathan Howard
Death, Pachmann, Marie
Pachmann, Marie
York, William
Death, York, William
Marriage, Family of Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Tate, Milton York, Sr.
Kappler, Louis Gustav
Death, Kappler, Louis Gustav
Gersch, Willie
Birth, Gersch, Willie
Death, Liberty, Theresia M.
Liberty, Theresia M.
Birth, Fischer, Emil
Fischer, Emil