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Divorce (two children) (a child) (a child) (three children) (a child) (two children) Adrienne Therese Cross 1933 - 2001 Arkley Jean Hartnell 68 68 Francis (Frank) Ronald Cross 1933 - 1970 Maureen Therese Groom 37 37 1870 - 1925 Frederick (Herb) Herbert Faircloth 55 55 1876 - 1949 Mary (Polly) Walker 73 73 Last address was 254 Barkly St, St Kilda (Trove) 1900 - 1964 Ian Walker Faircloth 64 64 1910 Ann McCaffery 1934 - 2017 Frederick John Faircloth 82 82 Faye Faircloth 1904 - 1904 Herbert Faircloth 1814 - 1889 George Faircloth 74 74 1825 - 1907 Maria Arkley Dun 82 82 Richard Faircloth Rebecca Cowell John Marlborough Cowell Faircloth Richard Faircloth Charles Duncan Faircloth Susan Bicker Caarten Faircloth 1865 - 1931 Seaton John Faircloth 66 66 1864 - 1864 Sidney Clarence Faircloth 27d 27d 1860 - 1861 Edith Elizabeth Faircloth 6m 6m 1858 - 1941 Maria Elese Faircloth 83 83 1855 - 1932 Charles (Harry) Henry Moreton Faircloth 77 77 1854 - 1854 George William Burdett Faircloth 1851 - 1893 Agnes Cowell Faircloth 41 41 Brian O'Leary Geraldine O'Leary Pat Strathdee D. 1993 Ian Douglas Faircloth Julia (Jill) Patricia Faircloth D. 1972 Rachel Mary Faircloth 1911 - 2008 Olive (Ollie) Mary Sullivan 97 97 ~1871 William Richard Hartnell Was an officer on a British East India Shipping line ship and met Agnes when both were travelling from England to Australia.   D. <1935 Agnes Forsyth Munro Talented pianist, protege of Paderowski, toured Europe with "Pad" before becoming homesick and returning to UK.  The Munro's owned the British East India Shipping line and in later years, after selling interests in the BEI, they owned Milliquin Sugar and Bundaberg Rum Distillery. Henry (Harry/Trotter) Sullivan 1884 - 1971 Eunice Elizabeth Hacking 87 87 Francis (Frank) Leonard Hacking ~1861 - 1904 Mary Farragher 43 43 "Ms Farraher"  (family known as Farraher) 1900 - 1969 Agnes (Nesta) Hartnell 69 69 D. 1974 Gerald Hill 1930 - 1975 Charles Hill 45 45 Gerald Hill 1902 - 1920 Claude Hartnell 18 18 1910 - 1980 Pauline Hartnell 70 70 1912 - ~1947 Richard (Dick) Hartnell 35 35 Squadron Leader in Air Force During WWII.  Crashed plane in Blue Mountains while flying for Sydney Morning Herald. 1916 - 1969 Robert (Bob) Hartnell 53 53 George Wilson Brian Wilson Rosamond (Ros) Wilson Nellie Janice Hartnell Jill Hartnell Joan Geoffrey Hartnell Cynthia Hartnell Malcolm Hartnell Stephanie Frances Cross 1876 - 1941 Charles William Groom 65 65 1883 - 1970 Caroline Beatrice Walker 87 87 Carol B records birth as 23/9/1883 1850 - 1898 George Groom 48 48 Living in Mill Lane, Cambridge, at time of marraige to Kezia Plumb (marraige certificate).  The family departed Plymouth on a sailing vessel, the "Stracathro", on 25/5/1882 and arrived in Brisbane 3/9/1882 (Immigration Shippinig Records, Oxley Library, Brisbane) . 1851 - 1884 Kezia (Lisa) Plumb 33 33 Living at Burrough Green Cambridgeshire at time of marraige to George Groom (marraige certificate). Carol Barnes records death on 5/5/1882 ~1873 Eleanor Sarah Groom ~1874 John (George) George Groom 1881 - 1939 Wilton (Dan) Dallas Groom 57 57 On the Wellington (NZ) electoral roll in 1911 as a barman; joined the (NZ) army in March 1919 (5ft 4 inches, weighing 130lbs). 1906 - 1973 Charles (Charlie) William Groom 66 66 Frances (Fanny) May Groom 1904 Beatrice (Beattie) Maud Groom 1912 - 1913 Alice Eileen Groom 6m 6m 1915 - 1993 Myra Groom 78 78 Adopted a daughter when the daughter was quite old. 1916 Florence (Bobby) Groom Jack Ashe Eileen Ashe Phyllis Ashe Joseph (Joe) Carrick Carol Elizabeth Groom Leonard Ashe John Ashe 1941 Dallas (Dal) Charles Groom ~1804 - 1891 George Groom 87 87 ~1807 - 1883 Eleanor Turner 76 76 1858 William Barnabas Walker Killed in a buggy or carraige accident (hit head on kerb and died).  Then Fanny Frances remarried Ernest Hunt) 1860 - 1921 Fanny Frances Gates 61 61 WB Walker killed in a buggy or carraige accident (hit head on kerb and died).  Then Fanny Frances remarried Ernest Hunt. 1825 William Walker Married three times 1820 Caroline Woodhams 1803 John Walker 1804 Maria Dewhurst 1778 Thomas Walker 1780 Harriet (Henrietta) Beckett William Walker Sarah Shrigley John Gates Alice Theresa Kearney David Woodhams Lucy Richardson Thwaites Henry Thwaites Lucy Richardson John Dewhurst Mary Ainsworth John Beckett Betty (Mary) Garner Edward Shrigley John Plumb Sarah Challis Samuel Plumb Elizabeth Elsdon George Elsdon Mary James Kearney Mary William Woodhams Mary 1828 Eliza Groom 1830 James Groom 1833 Fanny Groom 1835 Isaac Groom 1837 Maria Groom 1839 Miles Groom John Barnes 1841 Elijah Groom Not sure of first name 1845 Isaac Groom 1848 Charlotte Groom 1852 Martha Groom 1836 Samuel Plumb 1839 John Plumb 1841 Hannah Plumb 1845 James Plumb Elizabeth Plumb 1850 Henry William Plumb 1854 Robert Plumb 1856 Alfred Plumb Walter James Reid Dorothy Louise Graber Douglas Hastings Reid Marcia McCaffery Jack Ilott Bruce Greentree 1921 - 2007 Frederick John Greentree 85 85 Lydia Roma Kennedy Alison Mackenzie 1855 - 1896 Bridget (Kate) Catherine Connelly 41 41 1899 - 1992 Sylvia Thelma Gertrude Lyng 93 93 1887 - 1955 Hylda Marea Sophia Australia Adelskold 68 68 Hylda (this spelling taken from gravestone in Birchip cemetery) was born in 1887, nine months after her mother arrived in Australia.  Hylda met the O’Donnells when she was teaching at Jil Jil near Birchip and she lived at Birdsgrove when she and Charles were first married. They later sold the property and bought another that they named Leksand. It was also subsequently sold and they bought Danbury Park. They bred sheep for wool and meat and grew wheat. Gus managed Danbury Park after Charles died but it was heavily mortgaged and they could not make enough money to keep up the repayments during the Depression so the title was eventually handed back to the bank. Hylda moved to Swan Hill and, being a fabulous cook, opened a Café so she could support herself and the younger children. It is not known when she left Swan Hill; she was still living there during the war years. She appears to have gone to Sydney to live with Annie, her younger sister, for a few years before moving back to Melbourne to live with her daughter, Esta. Source: Ann Marie Yee (nee O'Donnell) Emily (Elmie) Cecilia Maguire ~1818 - 1894 John Roche Connelly 76 76 45 yrs in Australia ~1831 - 1915 Elizabeth (Eliza) Greenfield 84 84 Eliza arrived in Australia on the "Derwent" on 25 February 1850 as an orphan aged 16. She came from Enniskillen, Fermanagh, was clean and healthy and was placed as an apprentice with Mr Robert Whitehead, Spring Creek, South Yarra at 8 pounds for 12 months.  Some of the information on Eliza came from "Barefoot and Pregnant" by Trevor McClaughlin. The introduction starts: "Between October 1848 and August 1850, over 4000 female orphans arrived in Australia from Irish workhouses as part of Earl Grey's pauper immigration scheme."   ~1855 - 1884 Margaret Hogan 29 29 1883 - 1981 Blanche Maud Jane Fox 98 98 ~1840 - 1890 Charles James Fox 50 50 The Fox family was very involved in horse racing.  Charles James Fox died at Flemington Racecourse after winning a large sum of money - he had a heart attack and was then robbed on the spot. ~1843 - 1901 Isabella Ivory 58 58 Ethel May Holman 1904 - 1959 James (Jim) Munro Hartnell 55 55 1902 - 1933 Arkley Jean Faircloth 30 30 1909 - 1995 Albert (Bert) Ernest Groom 86 86 1866 - 1931 Charles Fox 65 65 1869 - 1871 Isabella Fox 2 2 1871 - 1929 William Ivory Fox 58 58 1872 - 1953 James Thomas Fox 81 81 1874 - 1958 Frederick Ivory Fox 84 84 1876 - 1945 Ernest Ivory Fox 69 69 1881 - 1902 George Ivory Fox 21 21 D. 1907 Bridget Devitt Robert Patterson 1880 - 1913 Margaret Agnes Crichton 33 33 1885 - 1976 Margaret Elizabeth Cossens 91 91 Ran the Shamrock Hotel in Birchip. Jack Lord Claes Anders Adelskold Anna Maria Svensson- Linde 1895 Claes Adolph Adelskold Leonie Luise Stratman Sylvia Jackson Peggy Heincke Peter Reid (Phil?) McBroom Deborah Sari Pritchard Phil Huyck Helene Barnard Anne Moira Pat Toni Chris Hogan Mark (Sue?) Christopher John O'Donnell Benjamin John O'Donnell Lachlan James O'Donnell Joshua Francis O'Donnell Courtney Therese O'Donnell 1927 - 1988 Brian James O'Donnell 60 60 Geoffrey Hugh O'Donnell Jennifer Anne O'Donnell 1923 - 1927 Geoffrey Bernard O'Donnell 4 4 1920 John (Jack) Holman O'Donnell b. 1921? 1920 Patricia (Pat) Ruth O'Donnell 1930 - 2007 Margaret Therese O'Donnell 77 77 John Bernard O'Donnell Dianne O'Donnell Marjorie O'Donnell Michael O'Donnell Julie Ann O'Donnell Adam James Greentree Amy Louise Greentree James O'Donnell Sally O'Donnell Alexandra (Alex) O'Donnell Emily O'Donnell 1843 - 1909 Andrew O'Donnell 66 66 Andrew and Kate originally farmed at Gooroc (near Geelong) and later settled in Birchip.  It is thought the Connelly family may have been already established in Birchip before Andrew and Kate were married.   According to Birchip cemetery records, place of last residence = Whirily. 1892 - 1965 Joseph (Joe) Malachy O'Donnell 73 73 1892 - 1958 Malachy (Big Mac) Joseph O'Donnell 66 66 Big Mac owned Ballondowin.  The homestead burnt down and he moved in with Joseph and Sylvia.  The boys helped him on the property.  He left Ballondowin to John Bernard in his will. Ross O'Donnell Ian O'Donnell Trevor O'Donnell Charles O'Donnell 1887 - 1929 Charles Joseph O'Donnell 42 42 Charles’s family had been farmers since his Irish grandparents arrived in Australia in 1841. Charles and Hilda started out on land near Geelong  and gradually moved north to the Birchip district.  They appear to have taken up land in different areas as new holdings were made available by the Government and there were more sons needing to make a living. When Andrew O’Donnell (Charles’s father) died, Birdsgrove, the family farm, was left to all the children. Charles took it over and paid out his brothers and sisters. Some of his brothers bought properties but it appears most of his siblings moved off the land.  Source: Ann Marie Yee (nee O'Donnell) 1885 - 1946 Andrew Patrick O'Donnell ? 61 61 Debi O'Donnell's notes suggest nickname "Alexander".  The AIF ( records the following details for an Andrew O'Donnell

Regimental number: 2417
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Labourer
Address: Birchip, Victoria
Marital status:Married
Age at embarkation: 27
Next of kin: Wife, Mrs Emily O'Donnell, 62 Ramsden Street, Clifton Hill, Victoria
Enlistment date: 9 November 1914
Rank on enlistment: Private
Unit name: 2nd Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 4
AWM Embarkation Roll number: 14/14/4
Embarkation details    Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A32 Themistocles on 28 July 1916
Rank from Nominal Roll: Driver
Unit from Nominal Roll: 2nd Pioneer Battalion
Fate: Returned to Australia 8 May 1919    
War service: Western Front
Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal

And from From Australian War Memorial Records
Married to Emily O’Donnell, 62 Ramsden Street, Clifton Hill
Engineers Section
Enlisted 9 November 1914
Service number: 2417
Rank: Private
Roll title: 2 Pnr Bn [Pioneer Battalion] - 3 to 9 Reinforcements (June 1916 - May 1917)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 28 July 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Themistocles
Ship number: A32
The 2nd Pioneer Battalion was part of the 2nd Division which was active in France.

1878 - 1947 Francis (Frank) Martin O'Donnell 69 69 1880 - 1961 Mary (Dotty) Alice O'Donnell 81 81 1882 - 1942 Henrietta Elizabeth O'Donnell 60 60 Walter Reid has written that Henrietta "was known as Ettie and ran a boarding house named "Cheyne" in Ackland St, St Kilda, with her husband Mr Lord.  The O'Donnell family used to stay there when visiting Melbourne." 1802 - 1848 Martin O'Donnell 46 46 Shipping records indicate that Martin and Margaret arrived in Port Phillip on the Royal Saxon on 7/7/1841.  Martin and Margaret were bounty passengers which means the government paid a fee to the shipowner who brought them to Australia. Healthy, childless couples were preferred as bounty passengers and Martin and Margaret left their children behind when they set sail for Australia. Martin was nearly 40 when they came to Australia but they both put their age down as younger on the shipping records.  The shipping records indicate that the family came from Kilmacduane or Cooraclare in County Clare in Southern Ireland.  Thus, Martin was of the southern branch of O'Donnells, being O'Donnell Ui Maine, not the more numerous O'Donnell Ui Neil of the Donegal area and surrounds. Martin was killed in a horse riding accident at the Geelong races in 1848, and his tombstone is one of the oldest in the Geelong Eastern Cemetery.  The report of his death in the Maitland Mercury reads "The second day was marked by the violent death of Martin O'Donnell, a settler, who came by his death when riding round the course, by coming at full speed in violent contact with the limb of a tree, he fell, and in a few minutes breathed his last.  This unfortunate man has left a wife and nine young children to mourn his loss, three or four of whom hed been sent out to him in one of the last emigrant ships" 1839 - 1905 John O'Donnell 66 66 Arrived Port Phillip on 24 January 1848.  Joseph, Francis, Bridget and John were among the abandoned children that Caroline Chisholm arranged to bring to New South Wales in 1847. They were collected at Port Phillip by their father and taken to their home in (or near) Geelong. There is some information about this journey in Margaret Kiddle’s biography of Caroline Chisholm.  Deborah Jansons writes that John O'Donnells first wife Margaret (nee Hogan) died while giving birth. Evidently her funeral was quite large. Later John advertised in the local paper for a housekeeper whom he later married and with whom he had more children. Deborah writes that her "name was Mary Dinley (nee Milverton)".  1833 - 1911 Francis O'Donnell 78 78 Arrived Port Phillip on 24 January 1848.  Joseph, Francis, Bridget and John were among the abandoned children that Caroline Chisholm arranged to bring to New South Wales in 1847. They were collected at Port Phillip by their father and taken to their home in (or near) Geelong. There is some information about this journey in Margaret Kiddle’s biography of Caroline Chisholm. 1832 - 1907 Joseph O'Donnell 75 75 Arrived Port Phillip on 24 January 1848 . Left Australia shortly after his father’s death and joined Malachy in America.   Joseph, Francis, Bridget and John were among the abandoned children that Caroline Chisholm arranged to bring to New South Wales in 1847. They were collected at Port Phillip by their father and taken to their home in (or near) Geelong.  There is some information about this journey in Margaret Kiddle’s biography of Caroline Chisholm. 1835 - 1920 Bridget O'Donnell 85 85 Arrived Port Phillip on 24 January 1848.  Joseph, Francis, Bridget and John were among the abandoned children that Caroline Chisholm arranged to bring to New South Wales in 1847. They were collected at Port Phillip by their father and taken to their home in (or near) Geelong. There is some information about this journey in Margaret Kiddle’s biography of Caroline Chisholm. 1844 - 1892 Mary O'Donnell 48 48 1846 - 1894 Margaret O'Donnell 48 48 1912 - 1989 Gustav (Gus) Olav Charles Anders O'Donnell 77 77 1874 - 1879 Martin Francis O'Donnell 5 5 1876 Catherine (Kate) Mary O'Donnell Kate never married. 1877 - 1950 Malachy O'Donnell 73 73 Deborah Jansons writes that Malachy once worked in the Tivoli theatre with Lillie Langtry and raised his family in Colac before moving to Melbourne.  She also writes that Malachy left the land for Melbourne on the death of his father.. 1879 Margaret O'Donnell Birchip cemetery records list a Margaret Agnes O'Donnell buried 12/6/1913, age at death = 32, last place of residence = Birchip.  Not sure if this is the same Margaret O'Donnell. 1920 - 1968 Malachy (Max) John O'Donnell 48 48 Married Beryl. 1888 - 1974 John (JB) Bernard O'Donnell 86 86 From Australian War Memorial Records:

Single. Frank O’Donnell listed as next of kin
Machine Gun Section
Enlisted: 19 July 1915, 28 years old
Rank: Lieutenant
Roll title: 38 Infantry Battalion (June 1916)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 20 June 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Runic
Ship number: A54

The 38th Battalion -  After training in both Australia and Britain, the 38th Battalion crossed to France in late November 1916. In February 1917 the 38th Battalion provided 400 troops, with a similar party from the 37th Battalion, to form a special raiding "battalion". The 38th fought in its first major battle at Messines, in Belgium, between 7-9 June 1917. It fought in another two major attacks in this sector - the battle of Broodseinde on 4 October, and the battle of Passchendaele on 12 October. It was the 38th's most costly operation of the war, resulting in 62 per cent casualties. The 38th participated in its last major action of the war between 29 September and 2 October 1918 as part of the Australian-American operation that breached the formidable defences of the Hindenburg Line along the St Quentin Canal. It was disbanded in April 1919.

38th Infantry Battalion
Fairey, Eric. The story and official history of the 38th Battalion A.I.F. (Bendigo : Bendigo Advertiser Pty. Ltd. and the Cambridge Press, 1920)
1923 - 1982 James (Jim) Ernest O'Donnell 59 59 Never married.  Vera (sister) looked after him in his dying days. 1913 - 1996 Eilleen Catherine O'Donnell 83 83 1918 - 1977 Leslie (Les) Martin O'Donnell 59 59 1880 - 1881 Cornelius O'Donnell 1 1 1881 - 1881 Martin Patrick O'Donnell 1883 - 1953 Cornelius Martin O'Donnell 70 70 1884 - 1884 Bridget O'Donnell ~1911 Francis (Mackie) Andrew Malachy O'Donnell Mackie was brought up by Charles and Hilda until he went to school in Melbourne aged about 12 or 13. His mother had died when he was born and his father remarried but for some reason he left the baby in the care of his brother, Charles. 1924 - 1986 Elizabeth Jean O'Donnell 62 62 Joseph Francis O'Donnell Patrick James O'Donnell 1923 - 1973 Andrew Dermot O'Donnell 50 50 ? 1916 - 1979 Claes (Cam) Anders Malachi O'Donnell 63 63 Cam was the only one of Charles and Hilda’s children to stay in the Swan Hill district. After he and Geraldine were married they lived in Balranald (sixty miles north of Swan Hill) until 1966, and then returned to Swan Hill. The children were born in Swan Hill because the Balranald hospital didn’t have air conditioning—summer temperatures are often as high as 40 degrees.  1918 - 1942 John O'Donnell 24 24 1921 - 1923 Charles (Baby Charles) Andrew O'Donnell 2 2 1923 - 1995 Esther (Esta) Maria O'Donnell 72 72 John and Esta lived all their married life in Melbourne and both died there. 1924 Paul Francis O'Donnell Twin of Peter Charles.  Peggy died and Paul later married Penny. 1924 - 2004 Peter Charles O'Donnell 80 80 Twin of Paul Francis Sean McBroom Rory McBroom Jeremy McBroom Sean Ruan O'Donnell Robert John O'Donnell Sally Caitlin O'Donnell Madison Grace Barnard- O'Donnell Vivienne O'Donnell Luke O'Donnell Alison O'Donnell Fiona O'Donnell Lisa O'Donnell Joe O'Donnell Bill O'Donnell Anna O'Donnell Matt O'Donnell Bernadette O'Donnell Kathryn O'Donnell James O'Donnell Peter O'Donnell Jeanette O'Donnell Patrick Samantha O'Donnell Bridgette Hogan Molly Hogan Tom Hogan Rosie Hogan Cindy O'Donnell Meaghan O'Donnell Malachy O'Donnell Sophie O'Donnell Joseph O'Donnell (Jodie?) O'Donnell ? 1854 - ~1906 John Henry Holman 52 52 1864 - 1949 Caroline Bach 85 85 1828 - 1876 Theodor Hubert Bach 47 47 Max Hayes notes suggest arrived on Pictura ex Liverpool circa 1854 1843 - 1923 Anna Maria Asmus 80 80 ~1813 - 1882 Johann Christian Asmus 69 69 Arrived Australia approx. 12 January 1849 on "Steinwaerder". 5 years in SA and 29 years in Victoria ~1816 - 1889 Katherina von der Kammer 73 73 Johanna Katherina? Johann George von der Kammer (von der Kanmier) Maria Pless Johann Jacob Andreas Asmus Ann Dorothea Dirkmann 1795 - 1850 Johann Bach 55 55 1795 - 1881 Pheronika Wimmer 86 86 ~1823 - 1866 John Holman 43 43 1833 - 1925 Ann Bastian 92 92 Arrived Australia circa 1846 aged 13 years.  Remarried and became Anne Retallick Henry Bastian Arrived Australia circa 1846 Jane Keigwin (Jenkin) Arrived Australia approx 1846. 1893 - 1956 Ida Gladys Holman 63 63 Eve Holman Kay Holman Doll Holman Din Holman Phillippa (Phill) Holman Emma (Em) Veronica Holman Not sure of First Name 1766 - 1838 Hilarius August Bach 72 72 Nicolaus Bach First of family to settle in Bonn. Anna Haim Jacob Bach ~1802 - 1873 Ivo Bach ? 71 71 Had a son, Carl Emanuel, who married a Russian countess. Joseph Bach Had four sons in Bonn. 1822 - 1841 Hilarius August Bach 19 19 1823 - >1906 Herman Joseph Bach 83 83 1826 - 1899 Anton Hubert Bach 73 73 Elizabeth Mary Taylor 1831 - 1906 Maria Franziska Hubertina Bach 75 75 1834 - 1882 Maria Elizabetha Hubertina Bach 48 48 1837 - 1902 Johann Joseph Emanuel Bach 64 64 1839 - >1906 Maria Catherina Hubertina Bach 67 67 ~1850 - 1921 Dominic Ghilotti 71 71 Theodore (Ted) Bach ? Governor of Pentridge Prison.  Lived in Nicholson St opposite Fitzroy Gardens. Emma Bach Kate Bach Tot Bach ? Nin Bach ? ? 1867 - 1946 James Frederick Fyffe 79 79 A Russian countess Carl Emmanuel Bach William Stevens Maria Edith Wynter James Leonard Sullivan Mary Hacking Frances Hacking Humphrey Sullivan Anne D. 1932 Rueben Jack Sullivan William Sullivan Annie Sullivan Catherine Clayton ~1888 Harry Groom ~1894 Albert Ernest Groom ~1897 Victoria May Groom Alice Maud Elsie Walker 1902 David Aloysius Hugh Cross ~1904 Severna Golden 1908 George Sydney Cross 1916 Reginald James Cross Suzanne (Sue) Toni Aitken Damien Francis Cross Rachel Lee Cooper Jesse Leigh Cross Kate Michelle Kathleen Cross Brandt Page Charles Francis Page Mary Cross Vera Cross Beryl Cross Edith Cross Tony? Howe Tony Howe Beryl Cross Barbara Cross Ray Lester? John Lester? Hugh Cross James Brown Denae Brown Wendy O'Donnell 1914 Joan Ingrid Marea Griffith O'Donnell Possibly Ingrid Joan?  This name order taken from an internet  search of NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marraiges from 1940 to 1942 (by Geoff Barber)  Geraldine Margaret O'Connor Ann Marie O'Donnell Kock-Yong (Roger) Yee 1831 - 1911 Malachy O'Donnell 80 80 Left Ireland between 1841 and 1848 and settled in Stockton, Califormia D. <1847 Patrick O'Donnell D. <1847 Michael O'Donnell D. 1872 Michael Hodges John Lyons D. 1944 Mary Rose Milverton 1844 - 1916 Mary Anne O'Donnell 72 72 Thomas Haphey ~1833 - 1887 John Noonan 54 54 John Charles Whiting Susie Whiting Prue Whiting Christine Whiting 1917 - 2000 John Handfield 83 83 John and Esta lived all their married life in Melbourne and both died there. Carey Handfield Tim Handfield John O'Donnell Vivienne (Gussie) O'Donnell Sally O'Donnell Alyce Agnes Caton Lyndsay Louise O'Donnell Wal Hucker Kirsty Hucker Kate Hucker Beth Hucker Jeffrey Hucker Ian Charles O'Donnell Michelle Roberts Francis George Reid Secretary of Essendon Football Club for 30-odd years.  Worked for Carlton and United Breweries. Mary Lucretia Rex Hastings Francis Holman Reid Morgan Rose O'Donnell Caitlin Hope O'Donnell Liam O'Donnell Rory O'Donnell Sasha Malachi Pai-Fu Yee Nikolaus Callum Pai-Hsiang Yee May Isabella Yee Philippa Mary O'Donnell ~1959 - 2009 Lisbeth (Lis) O'Donnell 50 50 Michael Carroll Stephanie Carroll Gemma Carroll Jonathan Robert O'Donnell Robert Bolton Lowe Priya Louise Lowe Angus Peter McDonald Hamish Charles Lowe Oliver Angus McDonald Melissa Anderson Lachlan Anderson Georgina Peta Lowe Nikki Katherine Lowe Julie Butcher Natalie Louise Butcher 1868 - 1940 Martin Joseph Noonan 72 72 1871 John Noonan Mary Jane Noonan Margaret Ann Noonan Bridget (Catherine) Noonan Francis Patrick Leo Noonan Johanna Helena Noonan Andrew Noonan Mary Hennessy ~1841 - >1884 James Noonan 43 43 ~1836 - 1907 Ellen Noonan 71 71 ~1808 - 1877 Margaret Green 69 69 Notes provided by Deb O'Donnell record her name as Margaret May Jane McDonnell.  Rod O'Donnell writes that her maiden name was Green. Ann Maree Yee writes that her maiden name was O'Connell. Deb Janson's tree records her maiden name as O'Connell and her mother's maiden name as Green.  Arrived on the Royal Saxon on 17 Jul 1841. Diedre Hill 1915 - 1995 Blanche Maud Helen O'Donnell 80 80 Veronica (Vera) Margaret O'Donnell Keith Kinsella Gary Kinsella Denise Kinsella George Jansons Deborah Jansons Jean Sutherland Alan Roberta Baker Leslie Baker D. ~1962 Charles L Richards ? Morgan Jacqui Jansons 1955 - 2004 Wayne Anthony Richards 48 48 Mary Richards D. 1953 James Richards Jennifer Richards 1834 - 1916 Robert Upham Hartnell 82 82 1839 - 1912 Emily Fudge 72 72 1812 - 1877 Joseph Fudge 65 65 1814 - 1845 Charlotte Bennett 31 31 Friend of Richard Brimsley Sheridan (Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset) ~1870 Robert (Bert) G Hartnell 1872 - 1955 Emmie (Dolly) Louise Hartnell 83 83 Worked in mother's fancy shop, High St., Taunton. 1874 - 195? Mabel Sarah Hartnell ~1878 - 1881 Frank Ernest Hartnell 3 3 ~1810 - 1887 George Hartnell 77 77 1810 - 1875 Louisa (Mercy?) Upham 65 65 1784 William Upham Mary (Mercy) 1776 John Upham Maria? 1837 Charlotte Fudge 1840 Eliza Fudge 1843 George Fudge 1876 - ~1945 Arthur Clifford Allen 69 69 Laurence Checkley Barker Eva Bernard Hartnell Harold Hartnell Philip Hartnell Philip Hartnell Janet Dennis Hartnell Ronald Hartnell Tom Hartnell Desmond Hartnell 1894 Nora Beatrice Hartnell Molly Hartnell Louise Hartnell James Sprackling ~1882 - 1963 Elsie Dora Hartnell 81 81 William Ewart Maynard ~1782 - ~1819 Robert Hartnell 37 37 Elizabeth Evans 1743 William Upham Mary ? John Upham Mary Wreath 1785 - 1836 Richard Fudge 51 51 1784 - 1858 Mary ? 74 74 1819 - 1892 Sarah Fudge 73 73 1822 - 1895 Emily Fudge 73 73 Mary Fudge 1814 Elizabeth Fudge Robert Fudge Fanny Fudge 1760 - 1827 Robert Fudge 67 67 1765 - 1848 Elizabeth Lock 82 82 1718 Richard Fudge Elizabeth Cox 1742 - 1837 George Lock 95 95 1740 - 1796 Mary Pouncy 55 55 1709 - 1758 George Lock 48 48 1714 - 1785 Elizabeth Thorne 70 70 ~1851 - 1915 James Munro 64 64 May have been orphaned. ~1856 - ~1935 Agnes Blair Forsyth 79 79 Arrrived Australia circa 1886 Claude Arthur Munro 1887 David Brisbane Munro ~1889 William Munro Died as an infant. ~1816 Robert Forsyth Moved to Grangemouth, near Falkirk Stirling about 1859.  Returned to Glasgow about 1862/3.  Was "shipbroker" in Grangemouth, later "chief cashier" in Glasgow.  May have lost money in Grangemouth.  Not clear why he moved with his family to London in late 1870s. Agnes Blair ~1851 John Forsyth ~1858 William Forsyth ~1855 Mary Forsyth Never married. ~1867 Elizabeth Forsyth James Munro Elizabeth Paul ~1880 - <1935 James Henry Munro 55 55 ~1879 Elizabeth Paul Munro ~1802 Mary Hartnell Single woman. ~1806 Betty Hartnell Possibly twin of Sally ~1806 Sally Hartnell ~1813 Isaac Hartnell 1816 - 1819 Robert Hartnell 3 3 ~1825 Robert Hartnell 1890 Dora O'Donnell 1870 John Merrin Charles Merrin Louisa Archiball Stephen Andrew Jude Barnes Michael Bruce Jude Barnes Kathryn Therese Emily Barnes 1894 - 1969 Eva Patricia Little 74 74 Ran away to Perth with Billy O'Connor (an iceman who would bring ice to the door).  1920 - 2011 Mercia Patrica Groom 90 90 1901 - 1968 Maximillian Joseph Brulisauer 66 66 Therese (Terri) Mercia Brulisauer Sari Johanna Ainola Belinda Eveliina Barnes Erika Annalina Barnes David Anthony Saliba James Andrew Saliba Anna Lauren Saliba Patricia (Pat) Cross John? Stone Suzanne Stone Peter Stone Catherine Stone Stephen Stone David Stone Michael Stone Jennifer Stone Betty Carrick Louis (Ben) Sigall Audley (Aud) John Cooper Catherine (Jean) Jean Collins Michelle Louise Brulisauer Marianne (Tina) Eda Brulisauer Lance MacMillan Rex Freudenberg Robert Reid Peter Reid Arabella Reid Amber Reid David Rawiri Tatana Joseph Rawiri Tatana Johanna Ngawiki Tatana Kathleen Pennington Maximillian Brulisauer Tatana Erik David Tatana Anthony Pius Heffernan Colin Leroy Alexander Damian Nicholas Alexander Angela Jane Alexander Nicola (Nicky) Anne-Marie Standish Gilbert John Egdell Jonathan Harvey Egdell Aimee Elizabeth Egdell Sam Haining James Haining Richard Haining Bridget Commerford Blanche Edna Fox Terry Wright Jenny ? Charles Fox Jane Rice John Ivory Carpenter This is possibly John Ivery (b~1771) Middlesex, England.  In the 1841 England Census John Ivery (70) was living in a household with Isabella Hout (30) and Isabella Hout (2). Isabella Hurst Charles Brian Debnam Bernard J Sprackling Molly E Sprackling Arnold D Sprackling Anne M Sprackling Peter D Sprackling Richard N Sprackling ~1904 - 1973 Dorothy (Betty) Elizabeth Allen 69 69 Charles Clifford Allen 1904 - 1952 Alan Draper Carnes 48 48 Wendy E Carnes Patricia A Carnes Rosemary L Carnes 1852 - 1909 Patrick John Connelly 57 57 1857 Elizabeth Josephine Connelly 1859 Mary Alice Connelly 1861 Johanna Francis Connelly 1863 - 1929 Martha Elinor Connelly 66 66 1866 Annie Maria Connelly 1868 - 1915 Joseph Daniel Connelly 47 47 1871 - 1921 John Maurice Connelly 50 50 1873 - 1874 Francis Charles Connelly 1 1 1876 - 1876 Charles Celestine Connelly John Greenfield Mary ? Eliza Greenfield's death cert. records that Mary's maiden name was unknown. John Ambrose Connelly Margaret Connelly ? Liles Thomas Connelly 1886 John George O'Donnell Ellen Flannagan Mary R O'Donnell 1913 - 1972 Austin O'Donnell 59 59 ? McGrath O'Connell Green A J Baker Charlotte Ann Marie Alexander Nigel Richard Collins Pandita Jean Edgell- Collins ~1817 - 1880 Thomas Farragher 63 63 Mary Carew 1782 - 1866 Murtagh (Murty) Farragher 84 84 Convict.  Sentenced to life.  Arrived Aust on ship = Mangles 2, arriving 4 Nov 1822. Bridget O'Malley Came out in 1826 on the "Thames". Came out with 4 children Patrick Farragher Had 11 children, 2 became nuns. Denis Farragher Died on ship 1834 John Farragher James? Michael Dodds ~1900 Michael Dodds Bill Bailey Stanley Bailey ~1908 Margaret (Topsy) Emily Bailey Frederick (Fred) Gent Beverley Gent Sandra Gent George Leonard Marie Hacking Ronald (Ronnie) Hacking Janice (Jan) Hacking Mary McEwan Bryan Sullivan Ann Sullivan Brian Sullivan Jackie French Colleen Jacqueline (Jackie) Veronica Booth Michael Groom Gerard Groom Timothy Groom Damien Groom Allison Sophie Joseph Jo- Ann Ezekiel Noah Elizabeth Catherine Matthew? Nicole? Tom Heywood Scott Janice Graham Patricia (Trish) Helen Robert Jim Harding Charles William Groom Richard Groom John Thomson Robert Zuttion Peter Zuttion Bronwyn Amanda Zuttion Peter Bradley Hellens Alistair Chloe David Hesketh- Jones Emma Chris Paul Jan Parsons Adam Kellie Rebecca Hart Ernest Hunt Elizabeth (May) May Hunt Lizzie William's second wife. ? Colbron ? Askew Piper ? Cross Edmund ? Page Reginald Walker Martha Saltmarsh Abraham Walker Jane Frances Roberts Thomas Saltmarsh Sarah Hodgetts ? 1891 Frances Jane Walker 1893 Marjorie Sarah Walker Farigill Thomas Boyle 1886 - 1952 Murray Reid (Reed) Wise 66 66 Gourmer
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