From Ballinrees according to his birth certificate and Ballystrone according to his marriage certificate, where he made a mark. (By 1901 census he said he could read and write.)
Spelling "McClamont" in marriage certificate, changes to McClements for 1901 census and he has moved to Balteagh Lower.
There are no McClementses in the 1850s Griffiths Valuation in Ballystrone but there IS a Samuel McClements living in a very small house and garden in Lower Balteagh! He remains in this, House 8b, until the Griffiths Valuation Revision Book updating of 1885. A Samuel McClament reappears in House 14b in Lower Balteagh in the updating in the GVRBs of 1897. He is replaced by John Heaney in 1904.
A Samuel McClements appears in Ardvarness in a new Coleraine RDC house, House 3Ba, in 1906. (An Alex McClement was in Ardvarness in House 3b from circa 1895 til circa 1901.) Sure enough, it is this man in Ardvarness in the 1911 census, living in a 2nd class, three roomed, non thatched house with no outbuildings. There are two Samuel McClementses in Ardvarness in 1912 Ulster Covenant. A Samuel McLamont is replaced by a David McLamont in House 3Ba in Ardvarness in 1927. I assume this was his son who was botn in 1901.
I believe this is the progression of my McClements family through the parishes of Dunboe and Macosquin during the Nineteenth century:
- My GGG G/F, James Clements, lived in Altibrian.
- My GG G/F, Samuel Clements, was born in Altibrian circa 1830, was still in Altibrian when he married Jane Finlay in 1854 but had moved to Ballinrees for the birth of my G G/F, Samuel McClements in 1865, moved again to Dunallis for the birth and death of his son, Thomas McClements in 1868, and had moved again to Ballystrone by the time of the marriage of his daughter, Sarah McClements in 1884.
- My G G/F, Samuel Claments, having been born in Ballinrees in 1865, moved with the family to Dunallis by 1868, and then to Ballystrone by 1884, married Annabella McKeown from Ballystrone on 1885, and then moved to Lower Balteagh by 1897, where he remained during the 1901 cenus, moving to Ardvarness in 1906, where he died in 1925. His gravestone suggests he lived in the townland of Ballywilliam in the area called Ardvarness.
- My G/M, Jeannie McClements was in Lower Balteagh at the time of the census in 1901, moved to Ardvarness in 1906 with her father and married from there in 1909. She probably moved with her husband to Garvagh circa 1910.
1901 Census:
Residents of a house 16 in Balteagh Lower (Letterloan, Londonderry)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses
McClements Samuel 35 Male Head of Family Presbyterian Co Derry Labourer Agr Read and write - Married -
McClements Anna B 37 Female Wife Presbyterian Co Derry House-Keeper Read and write - Married -
McClements Ellen 14 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Derry Part of Year Employed as Farm Servant Read and write - Not Married -
McClements Jane 13 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Derry Scholar Read and write - Not Married -
McClements James 11 Male Son Presbyterian Co Derry Scholar Read and write - Not Married -
McClements Samuel 8 Male Son Presbyterian Co Derry Scholar Read and write - Not Married -
McClements Martha 5 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Derry Scholar Cannot read - Not Married -
McClements John 3 Male Son Presbyterian Co Derry - Cannot read - Not Married -
McClements Anna B 1 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Derry - Cannot read - Not Married -
1911 Census:
Residents of a house 28 in Ardvarness (Drumcroon, Londonderry)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
McClements Samuel 46 Male Head of Family Presbyterian Londonderry Flax Scutcher Read and write - Married - - - -
McClements Anna Bella 48 Female Wife Presbyterian Londonderry - Read and write - Married - 25 9 8
McClements James 20 Male Son Presbyterian Londonderry Flax Scutcher Read and write - Single - - - -
McClements Martha 16 Female Daughter Presbyterian Londonderry - Read and write - Single - - - -
McClements John 13 Male Son Presbyterian Londonderry Scholar Read and write - Single - - - -
McClements David 10 Male Son Presbyterian Londonderry Scholar Read and write - Single - - - -
McClements Sarah 8 Female Daughter Presbyterian Londonderry Scholar Read and write - Single - -