A Samuel Clements, son of James Clements, married a Jane Finlay in 1854 but he was from Altibrian and married in 1st Dunboe. First Dunboe church records show dozens of McClementses, mainly from Altbrian. Barbara Braswell has now also found the birth of a Samuel Steen Claments to Samuel Claments and Jane Finlay in 1865 registered in Articlave in the International Genealogical Index at the Family History Library site which claims to be a Civil Records. My Samuel was born in 1865. I am therefore assuming this Samuel and Jane Finlay are my great great grandparents and this links my McClemenstes with all those in Altibrian!!
BB has found a John Finlay in Ballystrone in the Griffiths Valuation who might well be the John Finlay she gives in her marriage record at 1st Dunboe.
There are Civil Births (Emerald Ancestors) records of a Thomas Finlay and also a John Finlay and also a Mathew Finlay all baptising children in Articlave Registration District in the same time period as Jane so they may be her brothers. Also a Samuel Finlay, Jacob Finlay and Anne Finlay marrying in 1st Dunboe in at roughly the same time as Jane married (1854).
Jane died at Ballinteer in 1897, her son, David, was PAD and he was from Ballinteer according to the certificate, so, since she is given as married not widowed, the old couple may have moved in with David.