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Male Robert Lee Skaggs Click to view Robert Lee Skaggs in the family tree

Robert Lee was born on September 26th, 1870 in Hodgenville,Larue Co.,Kentucky.  Robert Lee's father was James Allen Skaggs and his mother was Synthe Ann Warren.  His paternal grandparents were Stephen Skaggs and Elizabeth Elkin; his maternal grandfather is Paschal C. Warren and his maternal grandmother was Letitia Skaggs. He had four brothers and two sisters, named Edward Wiley, William Thomas, James Franklin, Charles, Laura and Ella Florence.  He died at the age of 77 on January 14th, 1948 in Rockford,Winnebago Co.,Illinois.  He was buried in Oakford Cemetery,Oakford,Menard Co.,Illinois.

Robert Lee's family with Mary Belle Akins

‌Robert Lee and Mary Belle were married in a religious ceremony in 1892 in Hodgenville,LaRue Co.,Kentucky.  They had six sons and four daughters, named William Robert, Edward Moses, Frederick, Homer, Ryal, Lester, Ella, Nora Lee, Ann Mae and Myrta.

Sources/Citations, abeggskaggs1, Karen Goodwin,, E-mail from Laura Ethredge ,, E-mail from Kathy Reeder,,, Reeder, Skaggs & Akin, Kathy Johnson,,, KENTUCKY WARRENS

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