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Male Jessie Simmons Daniel Click to view Jessie Simmons Daniel in the family tree

Jessie Simmons was born on November 22nd, 1864.  Jessie Simmons' father was William Simmons Daniel and his mother was Permintia Wesley Stewart.  His paternal grandparents were Joseph Daniel and Jane Simmons; his maternal grandfather was Hamilton Stewart and his maternal grandmother is Joanna Jacoway. He had seven brothers and four sisters, named Joseph John, James Hamilton, William Allen, Thomas Jefferson, William Simmons, Benjamin Franklin, Charlie Henry, Sarah Elizabeth, Nancy Elizebeth, Mary Jane and Rebecca Joanna.  He died at the age of 88 on April 16th, 1953.  He was buried in North Bend Methodist Cemetery,Neshoba County,MS.

Jessie Simmons' family with Martha Mitelda Fulton

They had seven sons and four daughters, and also two children of unknown gender, named Eugene, Jessica Clark, Oscar, Gaston, Johnnie, R. B., Clifton, Bertha, Sadie, Nanie Ruth, Icynae, Mosie and Avey.

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