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Female Sarah Alice Mather Click to view Sarah Alice Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Sarah was born in 1854 in Rhode Island (RI).1   Sarah's father was Isaac Mather and her mother was Sarah Smith.  Her paternal grandparents were Solomon Mather and Mary (Mally) Grime; her maternal grandparents were Henry Smith and Betty Rigby. She had three brothers and four sisters, named William, James, Henry, Mary, Elizabeth, Susannah and Mary.  She was the youngest of the eight children.  She was adopted by Dennis Leach & Susanna Smith. She had a half-sister named Fanny.  She died at the age of 69 in October 1923 in Pennsylvania (PA).  She was buried on October 22nd, 1923 in Pennsylvania (PA).

Sarah's family with Edward Creighton

‌Sarah and Edward were married in a religious ceremony in 1882 in Pennsylvania (PA).2   The family line is yet to be completed.

1 1860 US Census
2 Ancestry Family Trees

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