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Male John Mather Click to view John Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born on December 1st, 1820 in Tyldesley and his baptism took place on December 18th, 1820 in Chowbent.1  John's father was <unknown> and his mother was Jane Mather. He had two brothers named James and James.  He was the second oldest of the three children.  He died at the age of 66 on February 16th, 1887 in Atherton.2 

John's first family with Ellen Farnworth

Family Pictures
‌John and Ellen were married in a religious ceremony on November 7th, 1841 at St. Marys (Oldham).2  They had a son named Edward.  There are no more children.

John's second family with Ellen Mort

Family Pictures
‌John and Ellen were married in a religious ceremony on November 2nd, 1845 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Leigh).6   They had three sons and a daughter, named James, Thomas, John and Mary.  There are no more children.

John's third family with Margaret Edge

‌John and Margaret were married in a civil ceremony in 1869 in Leigh.2  They had a biological son and a biological daughter, named James and Eliza.  They also had an adopted daughter named Mary.

1 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
2 BMD-Lancashire
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 1861 UK Census
5 1871 UK Census
6 Manchester CoE Marriages & Banns 1753-1930
8 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
9 1881 UK Census

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