John Mather
John was born on September 14th, 1692 in
Deane and his baptism took place there on September 14th, 1692.
Birth Notes
Name: John Mather
Gender: Male
Baptism Date: 14 Sep 1692
Baptism Place: Deane By Bolton,Lancashire,England
Father: John Mather
FHL Film Number: 844816
Name: John Mather
Gender: Male
Baptism Date: 12 Sep 1692
Baptism Place: Deane, Lancashire, England
Father: John Mather
FHL Film Number: 1545477
He died at just 6 days old on September 20th, 1692 in
Over Hulton. He was buried on September 20th, 1692 in
Death Notes
Name: Johannes Mather
Event Type: Burial
Burial Date: 20 Sep 1692
Parish: Deane, St Mary
Parish as it Appears: Deane
Father's name: Johannis Mather
Reference Number: GB127.L85/1/1/2
Johannes filius Johannis Mather de Hultonia Supiori
Esther (Esther) Mather
Esther, known as Esther, was born in 1693 in
Over Hulton and her baptism took place on August 21st, 1693 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
Name: Hestera Mather
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 21 Aug 1693
Parish: Deane, St Mary
Parish as it Appears: Deane
Father's name: Johannis Mather
Reference Number: GB127.L85/1/1/2
Abode: Hultonia Supeiori
Aug 21 - Hestera & Elizabetha filia Johannis Mather de Hultonia Supeiori
Name: Esther Mather
Gender: Female
Baptism Date: 21 Aug 1693
Baptism Place: Deane By Bolton,Lancashire,England
Father: John Mather
FHL Film Number: 844816
Elizabetha Mather
Elizabetha was born in 1693 in
Over Hulton and her baptism took place on August 21st, 1693 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
Name: Elizabetha Mather
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 21 Aug 1693
Parish: Deane, St Mary
Parish as it Appears: Deane
Father's name: Johannis Mather
Reference Number: GB127.L85/1/1/2
Abode: Hultonia Supeiori
Aug 21 - Hestera & Elizabetha filia Johannis Mather de Hultonia Supeiori
Name: Elizabeth Mather
Gender: Female
Baptism Date: 21 Aug 1693
Baptism Place: Deane By Bolton,Lancashire,England
Father: John Mather
FHL Film Number: 844816
Anna Mather
Anna was born in 1695 in
Over Hulton and her baptism took place on November 16th, 1695 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
Name: Anna Matter
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 16 Nov 1695
Parish: Deane, St Mary
Parish as it Appears: Deane
Father's name: Johannis Matter
Reference Number: GB127.L85/1/1/2
Abode: Hultonia Supeiori
Margaretha Mather
Margaretha was born in 1698 in
Middle Hulton and her baptism took place on April 3rd, 1698 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
NAME: Margareta Mather
FATHER: Johannis Mather
BAPTISM: 3 Apr 1698 - Deane, Lancashire, England
VITAL: 3 Apr 1698 - Deane, Lancashire, England
Isabella Mather
Isabella was born in May 1700 in
Middle Hulton and her baptism took place on May 26th, 1700 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
NAME: Granla Mather
FATHER: Johannes Mather
BAPTISM: 26 May 1700 - Deane, Lancashire, England
VITAL: 26 May 1700 - Deane, Lancashire, England
Maria Mather
Maria was born in 1702 in
Middle Hulton and her baptism took place on October 13th, 1702 at
St. Mary (Deane).
Birth Notes
Name: Maria Mather
[Mary Mather]
Baptism Date: 13 Oct 1702
Parish: Deane, Lancashire, England
Father's name: Johannes Mather
Register Type: Bishops Transcripts
Reference Number: Drm/2/67a