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Female Elizabeth Alice Draine Click to view Elizabeth Alice Draine in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Elizabeth was born on April 1st, 1890 in Rossendale and her baptism took place on May 4th, 1890 in Goodshaw.1 2  Elizabeth's father was John Draine and her mother was Elizabeth Knowles.  Her paternal grandparents were Robert John Draine and Hannah (Anna) Astin; her maternal grandparents were John Knowles and Jane Abbott. She had two brothers and five sisters, named John, Walter, Jane, Mary, Betsy, Alice and Sarah.  She was the fourth oldest of the eight children.  She died at the age of 1 in February 1892 in Rossendale.  She was buried on March 2nd, 1892 in Goodshaw.3 

1 BMD-Lancashire
2 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
3 Manchester CoE Deaths & Burials

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