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Family Subtree Diagram : Descendants of John C. Norman (1732)

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Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Divorce Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Divorce (six children) Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (six children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (five children) Marriage Marriage (five children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (six children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (five children) 1732 John C. Norman There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.
1849 Mary J. NORMAN Birth year verified from 1860 census. 1854 William M. HILL Edith HILL Pearl HILL Ada HILL William HILL Norman HILL D. 1893 Robert HILL 1869 - 1903 Luella HENDERSON 34 34 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 6. <1895 Charles Franklin NORMAN 1829 - 1855 Mary Ann FELVER 26 26 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co. OH.  Grave is in Row 3. <1895 Lloyd Earl NORMAN 1855 - 1923 Maggie 68 68 Birth year verified from 1860 census.

1860 census White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton, OH.
Series: M653  Roll: 950  Page: 13
June 23, 1860       Nathan Cordray
Emerson, William, head, age 26, farmer, personal property valued @ $650, born in OH.
Anne, wife, age 26, born in OH.
William, son, age 4, born in OH.
Mary, dau., age 2, born in OH.
Timothy, son, age 4 mo., born in OH.
1851 - 1876 Moses NORMAN 24 24 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. and birth year verified from 1860 census.  Grave is located in Row 3. 1850 - 1905 Malinda NORMAN 55 55 Birth year verified from 1860 census. 1838 - 1920 Hannah B. McCLARY 81 81 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C3.

According to the Bowman Cemetery records for Samuel McClary, the correct spelling is MCCLARY.
1856 - 1921 Frank 64 64 Frank BERGER 1875 - 1878 Sarah Etta EMERSON 3 3 1876 Infant EMERSON ? 1878 - 1932 Charles Siegel EMERSON 53 53 Flora (Mrs, Charles) EMERSON Francis EMERSON 1885 Bertha Maud EMERSON 1857 - 1928 Susannah H. NORMAN 71 71 Coshocton Tribune, Friday, August 3, 1928, page 1

Mrs. William Hill, 71, died at 2:15 this morning at her home in Newcomerstown, after a two weeks illness
with complications. Mrs. Hill, whose maiden name was Susan Norman, was a daughter of the late Christian and Hannah Norman and was born in Fresno, Coshocton Co. For the past 2 years she had resided in Newcomerstown. Mrs. Hill was a member of the Newcomerstown United Brethren church. In addition to her husband she leaves four daughters, Mrs. George Nagely, Huron, Ohio; Mrs. Roy Asher, Newcomerstown, Mrs. Frank Norris and Mrs. Clifford Mizer, both of Zanesville; two sons, Norman Hill, Port Washington, and William Hill Jr., Newcomerstown; 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A son Robert died in 1893. Mrs. Hill is also survived by two brothers, Crayton Norman, Newcomerstown; and Frank Norman, Chicago, Ill., and three sisters, Mrs. Etta Boyd, Norman, Okla.; Mrs. Theodore Nughta, Hutchinson, Kansas and Mrs. D. S. Gibson, Adena.
Funeral services will be held at the United Brethren church, Sunday afternoon at 2:30, in charge of Rev.
Van Fossen, of New Philadelphia. Burial will be made in Port Washington.

Ohio, 1851-1900 Marriage Index
Hill, William M.
Gender: The gender of William M. Hill is male.
Spouse: Susannah H. Norman
Marriage Date: Sep 28, 1876
County: Coshocton County, OH
More About: The record can be found at the County
Court Records, Film # 0894318-0894320 and
1859 John D. NORMAN Birth year verified from 1860 census. 1860 - 1935 Franklin H. NORMAN 74 74 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4.

Birth year verified from 1870 census.

1930 Census, Oak Park village, Cook County, Illinois, roll 505, Page 4A/23A, District 2278, Image 575.0. Census sheet is dated 5 April 1930. Census shows 'F.H.' [Frank H.] Norman at age 67, living in a home which he owns and values at $10,500, located at 521 South Shore Avenue, and working for wages as a 'Gateman' for a 'Railroad'. 'F.H. Norman is not a veteran, but does own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Ella Norman is age 64, born in Ohio of a Father born in Ireland and a Mother born in Ohio. The couple married when Frank was age 22 and Ella was age 20. There is one child in the household, born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Son Edward F. Norman is age 29, working for wages in the 'Repair Department' at 'General Electric Co.'

1920 Census, Oxford Township, Newcomerstown village, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T625_1444, Page 14B/233B, District 171, Image 1071. Census sheet is dated 19 Jan 1920. Census shows Frank H. Norman at age 58, living in a home which he rents, located on State Street, and working for wages as a 'Salesman' at a 'Grocery Store'. Frank H. Norman was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Margaret E. Norman is age 56, born in Ohio of a Father born in Ireland and a Mother born in Ohio. There are 2 children in the household, both born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter 'Mae' [Mildred May] Norman is age 28 working for wages as a 'Bill Clerk' at a 'Freight Office'; and Son Edward F. Norman is age 19 working for wages as a 'Truckman' at a 'Freight Office'.

1910 Census, Oxford Township, Newcomerstown village, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T624_1236, Page 14B/194B, District 140. Census sheet is dated 26 April 1910. Census shows Frank H. Norman at age 48, living in a home which he rents located on State Street, and working for wages as the 'Janitor' at the 'Schoolhouse'. Frank H. Norman was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Ella M.' [Ella Margaret] Norman is age 46, born in Ohio of a Father born in Ireland and a Mother born in Ohio. The couple has been married 27 years, circa 1882/1883, and Ella Margaret has given birth to 7 children of whom 6 are still living. There are 2 children in the household, both born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Mildred M. Norman is age 18; and Son Eddie F. Norman is age 9 years.

1900 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton, County, Ohio. roll T623_ 1250, Page 5A/115A, District 10. Census sheet is dated 4 June 1900. Census shows Frank Norman at age 39, born during September 1860, living in a home which he rents, and working as a 'R.R. Employee'. Frank Norman was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Margaret' [Ella Margaret] Norman is age 37, born during September 1862 in Ohio of a Father born in Ireland and a Mother born in Ohio. The couple has been married 17 years, circa 1882/1883, and Margaret has given birth to 6 children of whom 5 are still living. there are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Son Charles M. Norman is age 16, born during December 1883, working as a 'R.R. Employee'; Daughter Etta Belle Norman is age 15, born during June 1885; Son Crayton Norman is age 13, born during February 1887; Daughter Nellie Forest Norman is age 10, born during April 1890; and Daughter M. May [Mildred May] Norman is age 7, born during August 1892.

1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 16D/294D/294.4000, District 62, Image 0603. Census sheet is dated 17 June 1880. Census shows Christian Norman at age 50, working as a 'Farmer', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Norman is age 44 and 'Keeps House'. There are 6 children in the household: Son Franklin Norman is age 19 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Craton is age 15, and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Dessa Norman is age 13; Daughter 'Hattie' [Harriet] Norman is age 11; Daughter Ada Norman is age 4; and Son Ofa Norman is age 1 year.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Chili Ohio Post Office, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 593_1185, page 299, Image 599. Census sheet is dated 7 Jun 1870. Census shows Christian Norman at age 41 working as a 'Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,000 and personal property valued at $1,400. Christian Norman, and all members of his household, were born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Norman is the 'Housekeeper' at age 31. Daughter Mary J. Norman is age 20, Son Moses Norman 'Works on farm' at age 18, Daughter Sarah Norman is age 16, Daughter Margaret Norman is age 14, Daughter Susan Norman is age 13, Son John Norman 'Works on farm' at age 12, Son Franklin Norman 'Works on farm' at age 10, Son Crayton Norman is age 7, Daughter Dessa Norman is age 4, and Daughter Harriet Norman is age 1.
1864 - 1932 Crayton NORMAN 68 68 Birth & death dates verified from West Lawn Cemetery, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

Crayton Norman, one of the enterprising and respected business men of Newcomerstown, has been employed in conducting a livery business for the past year. He has a large and well selected line of carriages, and keeps a good grade of horses. Though a young man, he has given evidence of his ability, and his future career promises well, judging by the past. Our subject is a son of Christian Norman, a native of Coshocton county, this state, and a farmer by occupation. His present wife, formerly Miss Hannah McClary, was born in the same county as was her husband, and by her marriage she has become the mother of ten children, all but one whom are living. By a former marriage, Mr. Norman had five children, four of whom survive. Of the sons in this family, all are farmers with the exception of our subject. Crayton Norman was born February 8, 1864, in Coshocton county, this state, and was reared on his father's farm. He was early instructed in the various duties pertaining to the proper management of a farm, and on starting out in life for himself, at first followed this line. He received a good education in the schools of his home neighborhood, and is well informed on the general and current topics of the day. A good opportunity presenting itself, he concluded to embark in the livery business, and in 1893 assumed charge of his present stand. He has been quite successful in this venture, and is becoming well known and popular in this locality. In his political belief he is a Republican, and on attaining his majority his first Presidential vote was cast for Benjamin Harrison. January 17, 1889, Mr. Norman was united in marriage to Miss Luella Henderson, of Coshocton county, and a daughter of George and Lovina Henderson. Two children were born to our subject and his estimable wife and bear the names of Charles Franklin and Lloyd Earl.

Coshocton Tribune, Tuesday, March 28, 1933, page 3
Mrs. Elva Norman of this place has been appointed executrix of the estate of her late husband, Crayton Norman, by probate Judge J. H. Lamneck.
NOTE: Crayton must have married a second time to the above Elva.

Birth year verified by 1870 census.

Coshocton Tribune, Tuesday, March 28, 1933, page 3
Mrs. Elva Norman of this place has been appointed executrix of the estate of her late husband, Crayton Norman, by probate Judge J. H. Lamneck.
Coshocton Tribune, Tuesday, February 21, 1933, page 2

The widow of Crayton Norman, Bridge St., is named sole beneficiary and executrix of the estate in a will filed in probate court, New Philadelphia, Saturday. The will was made Nov. 30, 1929.

1930 Census, Oxford Township, Precinct 3, Newcomerstown city, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll 1885, Page 21A/261A, District 40, Image 524.0. Census sheet is dated 17 April, 1930. Census shows Crayton Norman at age 66, living in a home which he owns and values at $4,400, located at 252 Bridge Street, and working as an employer as the 'Proprietor; of a 'Public Garage'. Crayton Norman is not a veteran and he does not own a radio set. Wife Elva Norman is age 55. Both Crayton and Elva were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. This is a second marriage for Crayton who was first married at age 25 which would have been circa 1889, while Elva was first married, to Crayton, at age 29 which would have been circa 1904.

SISTER'S OBITUARY [Shows Crayton Norman as living in Newcomerstown, Ohio in 1928]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1928 > August > 3 [FRIDAY]
Mrs. William Hill, 71, died at 2:15 this morning at her home in Newcomerstown, after a two weeks illnesswith complications. Mrs. Hill, whose maiden name was Susan Norman, was a daughter of the late Christian and Hannah Norman and was born in Fresno, Coshocton Co. For the past 2 years she had resided in Newcomerstown. Mrs. Hill was a member of the Newcomerstown United Brethren church. In addition to her husband she leaves four daughters, Mrs. George Nagely, Huron, Ohio; Mrs. Roy Asher, Newcomerstown, Mrs. Frank Norris and Mrs. Clifford Mizer, both of Zanesville; two sons, Norman Hill, Port Washington, and William Hill Jr., Newcomerstown; 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A son Robert died in 1893. Mrs. Hill is also survived by two brothers, Crayton Norman, Newcomerstown; and Frank Norman, Chicago, Ill., and three sisters, Mrs. Etta Boyd, Norman, Okla.; Mrs. Theodore Nughta, Hutchinson, Kansas and Mrs. D. S. Gibson, Adena. Funeral services will be held at the United Brethren church, Sunday afternoon at 2:30, in charge of Rev.Van Fossen, of New Philadelphia. Burial will be made in Port Washington.

1920 Census, Oxford Township, Newcomerstown village, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T625_1444, Page 3A/204A, District 170, Image 1012. Census sheet is dated 5 Jan 1920. Census shows Crayton Norman at age 55, living in a home which he owns with a mortgage, located on Bridge Street, and working on his own account as a 'Liveryman'. Wife Elva L. Norman is age 44. Both Crayton and Elva were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Oxford Township, Newcomerstown village, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T624_1236, Page 14B/179B, Diatrict 139. Census sheet is dated 28 April 1910. Census shows Crayton Norman at age 46. living in a home which he owns with a mortgage, located at 342 Bridge Street, and working as an employer of others as a 'Liveryman' working from his 'Own Barn'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Elva Norman is age 35. The couple has been married 6 years, circa 1904, and Elva has never given birth. There are 3 children in the household from Crayton's first marriage: Son Frank Norman is age 19; Son Lloyd Norman is age 17, working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Livery Barn'; and Son 'Russel' [Russell] Norman is age 13.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 17 Jan 1889
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 16D/294D/294.4000, District 62, Image 0603. Census sheet is dated 17 June 1880. Census shows Christian Norman at age 50, working as a 'Farmer', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Norman is age 44 and 'Keeps House'. There are 6 children in the household: Son Franklin Norman is age 19 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Craton is age 15, and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Dessa Norman is age 13; Daughter 'Hattie' [Harriet] Norman is age 11; Daughter Ada Norman is age 4; and Son Ofa Norman is age 1 year.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Chili Ohio Post Office, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 593_1185, page 299, Image 599. Census sheet is dated 7 Jun 1870. Census shows Christian Norman at age 41 working as a 'Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,000 and personal property valued at $1,400. Christian Norman, and all members of his household, were born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Norman is the 'Housekeeper' at age 31. Daughter Mary J. Norman is age 20, Son Moses Norman 'Works on farm' at age 18, Daughter Sarah Norman is age 16, Daughter Margaret Norman is age 14, Daughter Susan Norman is age 13, Son John Norman 'Works on farm' at age 12, Son Franklin Norman 'Works on farm' at age 10, Son Crayton Norman is age 7, Daughter Dessa Norman is age 4, and Daughter Harriet Norman is age 1.
1866 - 1923 Dessie 57 57 Birth year verified from 1870 census and birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C3.  Buried next to her parents. 1868 1869 Harriet NORMAN Birth year verified from 1870 census. 1872 Lauritta NORMAN Birth year verified from 1880 census & birth records of Coshocton Co., OH.  In the county records her name is recorded as Levitta. Bessie NORMAN Not listed on any census. 1876 Ada Mae NORMAN Birth year verified from 1880 census. 1878 - 1920 Opha NORMAN 41 41 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C3.

Birth year verified from 1880 census.

The Coshocton Tribune Monday July 2, 1945 page 2
July 2, 1920
Opha Norman, 40, well-known West Lafayette resident, was killed in a head on trolly collision at Dover.
1920 Census, Dover Township, Dover city, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T625_1445, Page 5A/81A, District 141, Image 124. Census shows Opha Norman at age 40, renting part of a home located at 111 East Elevworthy Street, and working for wages as a 'Motorman' operating on an 'Electric Railway' [Streetcar/Trolly]. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Alice F. Norman is age 29. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Edith M. Norman is age 9; and Daughter Opal M. Norman is age 6 years.
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Opha Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 31 Aug 1878
Race: White
Roll: 1832033
DraftBoard: 1
Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C
Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number [Stamped] 1127 Order Number [Stamped] A-3442
1. Name: Opha Norman
2. Home Address: West Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
3. Age in Years: 40
4. Date of Birth: August 31, 1878
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Liveryman
17 & 18. Employer & Where: Self, West Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
Nearest Relative: Mrs. Fern Norman, West Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
Affirmed/Signature: Opha Norman
Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 34-4-4-C, Registrar's Report
Height: 21. Tall
Build: 24. Slender
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Lost Limbs, etc. No
Registrar W.H. Graham
Date: Sept 12 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for
Coshocton County, Ohio
Coshocton, Ohio
His Father's obituary indicates Opha Norman was living in West Lafayette, Ohio in 1915.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Daily Age (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1910 > November > 15
Reunion at Norman Home
Text: A most pleasant home coming took place Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christoper Norman on Fresno R.F.D. Route No. 1. The event was in the form of a family reunion, the following children and grandchildren attending: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Norman, Mr. and mRs. Opha Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Miller and daughter Bertha, Mrs. Pearl Norris and two children. Miss Dessie Norman, Miss May Norman, Miss Mattie Hill, Miss Edith Hill, Messrs. Frank Norman, Eddie Norman, Luther Hill, Willie Hill, and Willie Emerson.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Daily Age (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1909 > September > 1 [WEDNESDAY]
Headline: His Birthday
Text: A number of Fresno people surprised Mr. and Mrs. Opha Norman of West Lafayette, by paying them an unexpected visit Tuseday even to help Mr. Norman celebrate his birthday.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Daily Age (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1909 > July > 24
Headline: Will Move From Fresno
Text: Opha Norman, the livery man from Fresno, will move his outfit to West Lafayette the first of the month and will open a new barn near the railroad. He expects to make extensive repairs and fit up and up to date livery.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Weekly Times (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1908 > February > 6 [THURSDAY]
Text: West Lafayette, Feb. 3. - Miss Fern Myers of this place and Opha Norman of White Eyes were married Saturday evening.

1900 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 4A/301A, District 21. Census sheet is dated 9 June 1900. Census shows Ofa Norman at age 21, born during August 1878, living on a fram which he rents, and working as a 'Farmer. Wife Ava Norman is age 17, born during December 1882. The couple has been married 6 months [6/12], and both were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

Marriage # 1
Ohio, 1851-1900 Marriage Index
Gender: The gender of Opha Norman is male.
Spouse: Ava Smith
Marriage Date: Nov 30, 1899
County: Coshocton County, OH
More About: The record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0894318-0894320 and 0895286-0895289

1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 16D/294D/294.4000, District 62, Image 0603. Census sheet is dated 17 June 1880. Census shows Christian Norman at age 50, working as a 'Farmer', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Norman is age 44 and 'Keeps House'. There are 6 children in the household: Son Franklin Norman is age 19 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Craton is age 15, and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Dessa Norman is age 13; Daughter 'Hattie' [Harriet] Norman is age 11; Daughter Ada Norman is age 4; and Son Ofa Norman is age 1 year.
1875 Christian NORMAN Birth date verified from Coshocton Co. records.

Not listed on 1880 census.
1887 - 1916 Tessa H. D. (Mrs. Amos G. Jr. ) NORMAN 29 29 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone.

See husband's notes for location of cemetery.
1884 - 1885 Jennie O. NORMAN 1 1 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005 1891 - 1891 Alice M. NORMAN Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005. 1896 - 1896 Carrie E. NORMAN Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005. 1903 - 1903 Merle G. NORMAN Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005. 1909 - 1909 James L. NORMAN Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005. 1863 - 1944 Amanda Ellen POPE 80 80 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1944 > February > 16 [WEDNESDAY]
Headline: Aged Woman Dies Tuesday at Home on Fresno Route 1
Text: Mrs. Amanda Ellen Norman, 80, Died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home on Fresno Route 1 following a nine-week's illness. Amanda Pope was born July 8, 1863, near Newcomerstown, the daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Pope. On Nov. 10, 1881, she was married to Isaac Henry Norman, who died April 26 1941. She was a member of the Fresno Methodist church. Surviving are three sons, H.C. Norman Coshocton Route 3, C.H. Norman of Coshocton, and F.F. Norman of Fresno Route 1; four brothers, Oliver, Ed, and Joe Pope, all of Newcomerstown and vicinity, and Charles Pope of Coshocton; two sisters Mrs. Jennie Gardner, Newcomerstown Route, and Mrs. Hattie Haver, Newcomerstown. One daughter and one sister are deceased. Services will be held at the home on Fresno Route 1, Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev Glenroy Shoup officiating. Burial will be in Fairfield cemetery, West Lafayette.
1883 - 1939 Bird Mae NORMAN 56 56 1900 census  Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton Co., OH.
Roll T623_1250, Page 5A/115A, District 10.
Jun. 4, 1900.
Norman, Isaac C., head, age 40, farmer, married 19 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 37, married 19 yrs., 3 children with 3 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Birdie, dau., age 17, single, born in OH.
Henry C., son, age 15, born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 10, born in OH.
1885 Henry Clifford NORMAN 1900 census  Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton Co., OH.
Roll T623_1250, Page 5A/115A, District 10.
Jun. 4, 1900.
Norman, Isaac C., head, age 40, farmer, married 19 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 37, married 19 yrs., 3 children with 3 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Birdie, dau., age 17, single, born in OH.
Henry C., son, age 15, born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 10, born in OH.
1890 - 1951 Clarence Harrison NORMAN 61 61 1900 census  Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton Co., OH.
Roll T623_1250, Page 5A/115A, District 10.
Jun. 4, 1900.
Norman, Isaac C., head, age 40, farmer, married 19 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 37, married 19 yrs., 3 children with 3 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Birdie, dau., age 17, single, born in OH.
Henry C., son, age 15, born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 10, born in OH.

1910 census Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, Isaac H., head, age 47, born in OH., farmer, married 26 yrs., parents born in OH.
Amanda E., wife, age 46, 4 children with 4 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 19, single, born in IA.
Freddie, son, age 8, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record [NOTE- Was Divorced when card was filled-out]
Name: Clarence Harrison Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1890
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1851247
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, [Stamped] 845 Registration Card No: 26
1. Name: Clarence Harrison Norman Age: 26
2. Home Address: Newcomerstown Tuscarawas Ohio
3. Date of Birth: June 2nd [or 24] 1890
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Lafayette Ohio USA
6. If Not Citizen: [Left Blank]
7. Occupation/Trade: Locomotive Fireman
8. Employer & Where: I.C.C. & St. L Ry Co. [Illinois Central, Chicago, & Saint Louis Railway]
Dennison Ohio
9. Persons Supported: Wife and daughter
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Yes, Only support - Wife and child.
Signature: C. H. Norman
Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped #][ 34-1-20-A Registrar's Report [Written #] 1509
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Blue, Hair: L. Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: None
Registrar: E.H. Hart
Precinct: 3 Dennison
City/County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Date: June 5 1917
No Official Rubber Stamp Imprint on Card

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1948 > May > 2
Headline: Real Estate, Business, Industrial Development
Sub-Headline: Retiring Mail Carrier Buys Service Station and Country Store
By-Line: Charlotte Parrish
With the announcement of his retirement June 1, Clarence H. Norman, rural mail carrier the past 26 years and five months, has revealed that he has purchased the Herbert Watson store, service station and residence on Coshocton Route 4. Tomorrow morning he will assume charge of the service station and grocery store, operated the past 17 years by Mr. and Mrs. Watson. The station will continue carrying Standard Oil Co, products. Unable to take an active part in the new business venture because of a severe heart attack suffered Dec. 10, 1947, Mr. Norman will turn the management of both the station and the store over to his wife, Mrs. Nora Norman, his daughter Josephine Hughes, and son, Paul Norman. The Normans have sold their Chestnut st. property to Mrs. Dora M. Wigfield, 719 Walnut st., and plan to move to Route 4 the latter part of May. [2 sentences omitted] Appointed to his post as mail carrier in January of 1922, Mr. Norman carried the Conesville mail route until April of 1923, when he was transferred to Coshocton. He has carried on Coshocton Route since that time and has daily passed the place of business he now owns.

MOTHER'S OBITUARY: [Indicates that Clarence was living on Fresno Route 1 in Feb 1944]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1944 > February > 16 [WEDNESDAY]
Headline: Aged Woman Dies Tuesday at Home on Fresno Route 1
Text: Mrs. Amanda Ellen Norman, 80, Died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home on Fresno Rout 1 following a nine-week's illness. Amanda Pope was born July 8, 1863, near Newcomerstown, the daughter of Jere,iah and Sarah Pope. On Nov. 10, 1881, she was married to Isaac Henry Norman, who died April 26 1941. She was a member of the Fresno Methodist church. Surviving are three sons, H.C. Norman Coshocton Route 3, C.H. Norman of Coshocton, and F.F. Norman of Fresno Route 1; four brothers, Oliver, Ed, and Joe Pope, all of Newcomerstown and vicinity, and Charles Pope of Coshocton; two sisters Mrs. Jennie Gardner, Newcomerstown Route, and Mrs. Hattie Haver, Newcomerstown. One daughter and one sister are deceased. Services will be held at the home on Fresno Route 1, Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev Glenroy Shoup officiating. Burial will be in Fairfield cemetery, West Lafayette.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1932 > September > 19
Headline: Rural Routes
Text: Route 4, which serves the Bacon Run, Plainfield, Franklin tp. district, was increased 1.8 miles to serve 19 more families. The total distance of the route is now 36.58 miles. Clarence H. Norman, the carrier, was granted $60 additional salary.

1930 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Ward 4, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 23B/162B, District 27, Image 876.0. Census sheet is dated 15 April 1930. Census shows Clarence Norman at age 40, living in a home which he owns and values at $4,500, located at 1627 Chestnut Street, and working for wages as a 'Mail Carrier' for the 'Post Office'. Clarence Norman is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nora B. Norman is age 35. The couple has been married 10 years - Nora first married at age 25, which was 10 years ago, and Clarence also put down his age 10 years [age 30] ago as his first marriage, which is not true. There is 1 child in the household: Son Alfred P. Norman is age 6 years.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1925 > August > 4
Headline: In Society
Text: Mr. and Mrs. Swirehart [S/B Swigart] and children, Allie, Raymond and Victor of Waynesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norman and children, Isabelle, Alfred and Paul, of Coshocton, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Norman and Fred Norman of Fresno Route 1.

1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 7A/99A, District 29, Image 807. Census sheet is dated 21-23 Jan 1920. [Listing is Mis-Indexed as J.H. Norman] Census shows 'I.H.' [Isaac H.] Norman at age 59, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Mandy' [Amanda] E. Norman is age 56. There are 2 children in the household: Son 'Freddie' [Fred] F. Norman is age 18, working for wages at 'Labor' doing 'Farm Labor'; and divorced Son Clarence Norman is age 27, working for wages at 'Labor' doing 'Farm Labor'.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record [NOTE- Was Divorced when card was filled-out]
Name: Clarence Harrison Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1890
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1851247
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, [Stamped] 845 Registration Card No: 26
1. Name: Clarence Harrison Norman Age: 26
2. Home Address: Newcomerstown Tuscarawas Ohio
3. Date of Birth: June 2nd [or 24] 1890
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Lafayette Ohio USA
6. If Not Citizen: [Left Blank]
7. Occupation/Trade: Locomotive Fireman
8. Employer & Where: I.C.C. & St. L Ry Co. [Illinois Central, Chicago, & Saint Louis Railway]
Dennison Ohio
9. Persons Supported: Wife and daughter
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Yes, Only support - Wife and child.
Signature: C. H. Norman

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped #][ 34-1-20-A Registrar's Report [Written #] 1509
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Blue, Hair: L. Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: None
Registrar: E.H. Hart
Precinct: 3 Dennison
City/County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Date: June 5 1917
No Official Rubber Stamp Imprint on Card

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1914 > October > 13
Headline: Norman Case Appealed
Text: Papers were filed in common pleas court Saturday by both sides in the divorce case of Anna Nell Norman vs. Clarence H. Norman of West Lafayette. Neither party was granted a divorce when the case was heard in probate court a few weeks ago.

[They Remarried each other since their divorce]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1914 > July > 14
Headline: Startling Charges Are Made in Answer to Suit
Text: Alleging that his wife hit him over the head with a poker, and hit him on the arm, answer and cross petition was filed in probate court Monday in the divorce case of Anna Nell Norman vs. Clarence H. Norman. A pecurliar feature of the divorce case is that the couple was married and divorced once before. They were married a second time October 10, 1912, and one child was born to their first marriage. One of the startling allegations contained in the cross petition is that the wife "got religion by attending revival meetings in West Lafayette and confessed to commiting adultry with a well known man in that village." The defendant claims that his wife admitted to deceiving him for more than a year and that when he cautioned her to stay away from the other man, she refused to do so. He claims that she neglected her housework and she often absented herself from the home leaving him to do all the work. He asks for a divorce and custody of their one child.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > March > 29
Headline: Divorce Decree to C. Norman
Sun-Headline: West Lafayette Case Disposed of Thursday - Wife Gets Custody of Child
Text: The decision of Judge Ashman in the divorce suit of Clarence H. Norman vs. Anna Nelle Norman, heard in probate court Thursday, was in the nature of a compromise. The husband was given a decree, while Mrs. Norman was given custody of their minor child, alimony for its support and the costs were assessed against the plaintiff. No Reconciliation The case attracted considerable attention in the West Lafayette vicinity, where the parties reside and where thay are prominent. The husband alleged gross neglect of duty in his petition to which the defendant filed an answer and cross-petition. A large number of witnesses from West Lafayette were examined. While on the witness stand, the husband stated that he was willing to agree to a reconciliation but the wife objected to this plan of disposing the case. Alimony For Wife In giving the wife custody of the child, the court directed that the husband shall be allowed to visit the latter monthly until it reaches the age of two years, after which he is to have temporary custody twelve days each year, not more than three of which are to be consecutive. The husband is required to pay $10 monthly toward the support of the child, until it is two years of age, after which he pays $5 monthly until she is 16 years of age. [last sentence omitted]

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > March > 16
Sub-Headline: Sensational Charges Made by Wife in Cross-Petition to Divorce Suit - Claims also that Husband Threatened Her Life with Razor
Text: The sensational charge that her husband secured, through fraud, the license to marry her, in contained in the answer and cross-petition filed in probate court Friday by Anna Bell Norman to the suit for divorce recentlt filed by Clarence H. Norman. The marriage permit was secured in the Stark county probate court and just what the nature of the alleged fraud was, is not mentioned. Charges Gross Neglect While in her answer, the wife denies practically all the charges made by the husband in his petition, in her cross-petition, she charges him with gross neglect and extreme cruelty. She claims that the plaintiff neglected to contribute to the support of herself and child by reason of his alleged idleness and extravagance. Says Life Threatened As grounds for the charges of extreme cruelty, the wife alleges that on May 14, 1911, he secured his razor and threatened to take her life. However, she was able to escape from the home. She also states that on May 8, 1911 the husband attacked her struck her, knowing her down. Further that he threatened to kill both herself and her mother if either should ever tell of his giving false testimony when he secured the marriage permit in Canton. [last sentence omitted]

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > February > 25
Headline: ... News of the Courts
Text: Anna Nell Norman, defendant in a suit for divorce filed by Clarence Norman, filed a petition for temporary alimony for support of herself and child.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > February > 3
Sub-Headline: Clarence Norman of West Lafayette Brings Suit for Divorce Claiming to have Lost Almost 50 lbs. in Weight.
Text: Alleging that by reason of his wife's bad cooking and cruel treatment, he has fallen off in weight from a normal 170 lbs down to 128 lbs, Clarence H. Norman of West Lafayette brought suit for divorce against Anna Bell Norman in probate court Friday. WOULD STRIKE HIM The plaintiff, in his petition, cites that he was married to the defendant on December 9, 1910 and that they have one child, Josephine Isabel Norman. He alleges that shortly after their marriage, the wife seem to develop a dislike for him and began treating him with extreme cruelty and gross neflect; that she flew into fits of anger at times, when she would strike him with her fists or any object on which she could lay her hands.; further that she became so careless with her cooking, that his health began to fail. On August 21, 1911, he claims she left their home and went to live with her mother. Attorney W.S. Merrell represents the plaintiff.

1910 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 8A/121A, District 11. Census sheet is dated 10-12 May 1910. Census shows Isaac H. Norman at age 47, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Amanda E. Norman is age 46. The couple have been married 26 years, circa 1883/1884, and Amanda has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 2 children in the household: Son Clarence Norman is age 19, working for wages as a 'Laborer' on a 'Farm'; and Son 'Freddie' [Fred] Norman is age 8 years.
1901 - 1953 Fred Foraker NORMAN 52 52 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1. 1886 Audrey E. NORMAN Birth date verified from 1900 census. 1889 Altie V. NORMAN Birth date verified from 1900 census. 1893 Lawrence S. NORMAN Birth date verified from 1900 census. 1894 Burl F. NORMAN Birth date verified from 1900 census. 1839 Nancy Jane DAVIDSON 1865 - 1950 Laura A. NORMAN 84 84 Coshocton Tribune, [Coshocton County, Ohio], Tuesday, January 31, 1950, page 1
Mrs. Laura E. Wheatcraft, 84, died at the Bonnie Mere rest home, South Sixth st., at 12:15 a.m. today following a years illness.
She was born in Lafayette township Sept. 11, 1865, the daughter of Jabez and Nancy Jane Davidson Norman. On Nov. 13, 1894, she was married to Robert A. Wheatcraft, who died Nov. 14, 1928. Mrs. Wheatcraft was a member of the Keene Presbyterian church.
Surviving are two sons, Robert of Coshocton and Norman Wheatcraft, Canton; one daughter, Mrs James St. Angelo, Cleveland; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. One son, two sisters and three brothers preceded her death.
Funeral services will be held at the Glass funeral home at 2 p.m. Thursday in charge of Rev. John K. Abernathy. Burial will be in the Keene Presbyterian cemetery. Friends may call at the Glass funeral home from 7 p.m. today until time for service.

Coshocton Tribune, [Coshocton County, Ohio], February 1, 1950
Mrs. Laura E. Wheatcraft, 84, whose funeral will be held tomorrow, is survived by a son, Luther not Robert as stated in yesterdays Tribune.
1865 - 1946 Emery O. NORMAN 81 81 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4.

Coshocton Tribune, [Coshocton County, Ohio], Wednesday, August 14, 1946, page 1
Emory O. Norman, Lafayette Resident, Dies of Heart Attack
Emory O. Norman, 81 died yesterday in his home at West Lafayette from a heart attack. He had been a farmer in West Lafayette vicinity his entire life
He was born June 29, in White Eyes township, Coshocton county, the son of Jacob and Jane Norman. In Oct. 1894, he was married to Margaret Caton who preceded him in death in 1941.
Surviving are four children, Virgil Norman and Florence West, West Lafayette, Mrs. Beatrice Ashman, Detroit, Mich., and Isaac Norman, Newcomerstown, one sister, Mrs. Laura Gamertsfelder, Coshocton; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, One son and two daughters are deceased.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the home of the son, Virgle, Fourth st. West Lafayette, with Rev. S.P. Ozmun officiating. Burial will be in Fairfield cemetery. West Lafayette. Friends may call at the son's home after noon, Thursday.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1925 > August > 21
The Norman family reunion was held Saturday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheatcraft, Coshocton Route 3. The picnic dinner was served on the lawn to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Emery Norman and sons Virgil and Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Walter West, and children Margaret and Junior, Mrs. Beatrice Welch and son Cloyd, all of West Lafayette, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gilgannan, and Isaac Norman, of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. J.H. Simpkins and son Howard of Hammond, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Gilgannan and daughter Kathryn of Newcomerstown, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams and children Joyce Maxine and Merlin Williams, Learl [Pearl?] Maxwell and Harry Ashman of Coshocton, Newton Davidson of Keene, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheatcraft and sons Norman and Luther.
1873 Harriet E. NORMAN Harriet E. Norman, b. February 17, 1873
Coshocton Births -
Norman, H. E. Feb 17 1873
White Eyes Tp. M Norman, Jabez
Davison, Nancy J.
White Eyes Tp.
1875 Isaac Newton NORMAN Isaac Newton Norman, b. October 07, 1875
Coshocton Births -
Norman, Isaac Born - Oct 7 1875
White Eyes Tp. M Father - Norman, Jabez W.
Mother - Davidson, Nancy J. White Eyes Tp.
1877 Maggie Coshocton Births
Norman, Margaret I. Born - Nov 9 1877 White Eyes Tp. F
Father - Norman, Jabes W.
Mather - Davidson, Nancy Jane White Eyes Tp.
NOTE: census has Margaret B.
~1878 Eddie C. NORMAN 1862 - 1928 Robert A. WHEATCRAFT 66 66 Luther WHEATCRAFT Norman WHEATCRAFT Daughter ? WHEATCRAFT James ST. ANGELO 1872 - 1941 Margaret D. CATON 69 69 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4. 1898 - 1981 Virgil Wellington NORMAN 82 82 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  B2.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1946 > September > 11
Headline: Notice Of Appointment
Notice is hereby given that Virgil W. Norman has been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Emery O. Norman, late of Coshocton County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1946. C.M. Ross, Judge of the Probate Court.

1930 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll1758, Page 8A/8A, District 13, Image 567.0. Census sheet is dated 7 April 1930. Census shows Virgil W. Norman at age 29, living in a home which he rents for $15 per month, located at 21- Fifth Street, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' 'On Farm'. Virgil W. Norman is not a veteran and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Phyllis L. Norman is age 20. The couple married when Virgil was age 27 and Phyllis was age 18, which was about 2 years prior to the Census, circa 1917/1918. There is 1 child in the household: Son Virgil T. Norman is age 1 year and either 7 or 9 months.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1928 > August > 29 [WEDNESDAY]
A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Norman of West Lafayette.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1927 > October > 18 [TUESDAY]
Headline: In Society
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Tumblin, Port Washington, announce the marriage of their daughter, Phyllis, and Virgil Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Norman of West Lafayette, which took place Saturday in New Philadelphia.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1925 > August > 21
The Norman family reunion was held Saturday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheatcraft, Coshocton Route 3. The picnic dinner was served on the lawn to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Emery Norman and sons Virgil and Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Walter West, and children Margaret and Junior, Mrs. Beatrice Welch and son Cloyd, all of West Lafayette, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gilgannan, and Isaac Norman, of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. J.H. Simpkins and son Howard of Hammond, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Gilgannan and daughter Kathryn of Newcomerstown, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams and children Joyce Maxine and Merlin Williams, Learl [Pearl?] Maxwell and Harry Ashman of Coshocton, Newton Davidson of Keene, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheatcraft and sons Norman and Luther.

1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 13A/105A, District 29, Image 819. Census shows Emery Norman at age 54, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Teamster' driving a 'Coal Wagon'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Magie' [Margaret] Norman is age 42. There are 4 children in the household: Son Virgil Norman is age 21, working for wages as a 'Teamster' driving a 'Coal Wagon'; Daughter Florence Norman is age 17; Daughter Beatrice Norman is age 14; and Son Isaac Norman is age 12 years.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Virgil Wellington Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 17 May 1898
Race: White
Roll: 1832033
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C.

Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number [Written] 2223 Order Number [Stamped] A-2337
1. Name: Virgil Wellington Norman
2. Home Address: West Lafayette, Cosh, O.
3. Age in Years: 20
4. Date of Birth: May 17th , 1898
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Farmer
17 & 18. Employer & Where: E. Norman & Son, West Lafayette , Cosh, O.
Nearest Relative: Mrs. Maggie Norman, West Lafayette, Cosh. O.
Affirmed/Signature: Virgil W. Norman

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 34-4-4-C, Registrar's Report
Height: 21. Tall
Build: 24. Slender
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Lt. Brown
Lost Limbs, etc. No
Registrar John Faunhton
Date: Sept 12, 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for
Coshocton County, Ohio
Coshocton, Ohio

1910 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4B/108B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 19 April 1910. Census shows 'Emory' [Emery] Norman at age 41, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located on Union Street, and working on this own account as a 'Farmer' on a 'Rented Farm'. Emery Norman was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Maggie' [Margaret] Norman is age 34, born in Ohio of a Father born in Ohio and a Father born in Pennsylvania. The couple has been married 15 years and Margaret has given birth to 6 children of whom 4 are still living. There are 4 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Son Virgil Norman is age 11; Daughter Florence Norman is age 7; Daughter Beatrice Norman is age 4; and Son Isaac C. Norman is age 1 year.
Florence NORMAN Beatrice NORMAN 1908 - 1948 Isaac C. NORMAN 39 39 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1948 > January > 2 [FRIDAY]
Headline: Guernsey Motorist Held After NCTown Man Dies as Auto Plunges Into Creek
Walter John Dennis, 41, Guernsey, was in the Tuscarawas county jail today on a manslaughter charge after a passenger in his car, Isaac Clifton Norman, 39, Newcomerstown, a Coshocton native, was killed Thursday when it went into a creek near Newcomerstown. Mr. Norman, a Moore Enameling Co. employe who lived at the Central Hotel in Newcomerstown, was thought to have been killed instantly about 5 a.m. yesterday when Dennis' automobile, a 1935 Chevrolet, missed the Dunlap Creek bridge on Route 21, south of Newcomerstown, and went into the creek. [3 paragraphs about investigation, charges & bail omitted] Mr. Norman was born Dec 19, 1908 in Coshocton, a son of Emory and Margaret Caton Norman. He was first married to Catherine Kenny, who preceded him in death. On Sept. 11, 1934, he was married to Lena Nay, who survives. Also surviving are one son, Robert Dale Norman, Coshocton, by the former marriage, and two sons, David Lee and Jackie Eugene Norman, Newcomerstown Route, by the latter marriage, two sisters, Mrs. Walter West, West Lafayette, and Mrs. Beatrice Sangstron, Coshocton, and one brother, Virgil Norman, West Lafayette. Short funeral services will be held at 1:15 p.m. Sunday in the Bronnell funeral home, Newcomerstown, with additional rites at 2 p.n. in the Main Street Methodist church, West Lafayette, Rev. Thomas W. Lorenz, Newcomerstown, will officiate and burial will be made in West Lafayette. [Last sentence omitted]

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1945 > September > 16
Headline: FILES SUIT
Charging that his wife claims she does not want her two children, and she prefers to work in an establishment where intoxicants are sold rather than stay home, Isaac Norman has filed suit in common pleas court for divorce from Lena Norman, both of Newcomerstown. Neglect and cruelty are formally charged. The couple was married Sept. 11, 1935. The plaintiff, represented by John A. Schlupp, also seeks custody of the children.
Walter WEST ???? ASHMAN David GIBSON Theodore NEIGHBOR Samuel DELSAVER 1840 - 1878 Jabez W. NORMAN 38 38 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Chili Ohio Post Office, Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 299
Jun 7, 1870.
Norman, Jabez W., age 29, farmer, personal property valued at $1,000, born in Ohio.
Nancy, wife, age 29, born in OH.
Laura A., daughter, age 4, born in OH.
Emma O., daughter, age 1 year, born in OH.
Alfred D. Neighbors, hired hand, age 19, born in OH..

Nearby farms are owned by Jabez's Father Isaac Norman, Isaac's Half-Brother Johnson J. Norman, and his own Brothers John W. Norman and Christian Norman.

Nancy J NORMAN, head, widow, age 39, born in OH., father born in PA. & mother in OH.
  Laura A., daughter, age 14, born in OH.
  Emery O., son, age 10, born in OH.
  Eddie C., son, age 8, born in OH.
  Harriet E., daughter, age 6, born in OH.
  Isaac N., son, age 4, born in OH.
  Maggie B., daughter, age 2, born in OH.
Source Information:
Census Place White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255003
NA Film Number T9-1003
Page Number 294D

Ohio Marriages 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 21 Feb 1864
County: Coshocton
State: OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Coshocton Co., OH., death records.
1797 - 1838 Nancy **** REED 41 41 In the Norman Family Cemetery records there was not a listing for her, there were several stones unreadable, perhaps hers was one of them.

Perhaps died in childbirth or shortly after.

1840 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Roll 387, Page 309.
Census shows a total of 12 persons in the household: 9 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: Three
Males 5-10: Four
Males 20-30: One John
Males 40-50: One Jabez
Females under 5: One
Females 5-10: One Charity
Females 30-40: One Nancy [She grew younger]
1804 - 1876 Isaac NORMAN 71 71 Birth & death dates verified from Coshocton Co, OH. death records.  These records state his birth year as 1805.  Bowman Cemetery records list his birth year as 1804.

Made his home in White Eyes Twp. Coshocton Co., OH. at the time of his death, having moved there some years before from Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

According to some reports Isaac & first wife, Isabelle Wise Norman, had 12 children.  I have been able to only locate the names of 9.  The remaining 3 possibly died at young ages.

1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

1870 census-White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 299
June 7, 1870
Norman, Isaac, age 66, farmer, real estate valued @ $6400 & personal property valued @ $700, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 55, born in OH.  (this is his 2nd wife Sarah Wise Norman, widow of George
Susan, daughter, age 18, born in IA. (father was Geo. Norman)
Abraham, son, age 16, born in OH. (father was Geo. Norman)

This census also shows that 3 of the neighboring farms are owned by Isaac's children, John Norman, Christian Norman & Jabez W. Norman.  An adjoining farm is also owned by Isaac's half-brother Jonathon J. Norman.

Saginaw Co., Michigan, Book A, Page 220, Record # 345.
Isaac Norman, 24 March 1876, male, 71 yrs. 10 mos. 24 days., died in Ohio.
Cause of death - suny fever (looked like suny), born - Ohio, farmer.
father - Benjamin
mother - Margaret
Date recorded - June 5, 1877
There is no explanation why Isaac's death was recorded in Saginaw, Michigan when he died in Ohio.

From History of Coshocton, page 441:
Isaac, born on the Walhonding River, at age ten he accompanied his parents to Oxford Twp., Coshocton, OH.  His father purchased two hundred acres of land. In this pioneer district Isaac Norman was reared and when he had attained mature years began farming by taking a lease on a tract of land in Oxford Twp. Subsequently he took another lease on some land in Adams Twp., and afterward bought one hundred acres in Lafayette Twp., only seven acres of the tract having been cleared. After improving the property he sold the same, and bought a farm in White Eyes Twp., on which he made his home until called to his final rest. For fifty years he was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, but at the time of their demise both he and his wife were affiliated with the United Brethren denomination, there being no Methodist Episcopal church in the locality. Isaac Norman had been married twice and by his first union had twelve children. The first wife Isabelle (Wise) Norman who was born in Oxford Twp., passed away about 1868**, and Mr. Norman afterward wedded her sister, Sarah Wise.
**According to Bowman Cemetery records Isabel's date of death was 1863.

Three of the neighboring/adjoining farms are owned by Isaac's children John Norman, Christian Norman and Jabez W. Norman. An adjoining farm is also owned by Isaac's Half-Brother Johnson J. Norman.
1804 - 1863 Isabel WISE 58 58 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 3.

Isabelle & Isaac's second wife, Sarah, were sisters.
1760 - 1826 Benjamin **** NORMAN 65 65 Benjamin purchased 810 acres in Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

I believe he is buried near Orange, Oxford Twp. in Coshocton Co., OH.  Cemetery's name may be Reed's Lock or near a place with that name.

Same name as an Uncle.

1812 Coshocton Co., OH  Tax List= Benjamin Norman.

Copyright 1999 by John Blankenbaker
#31 page 12
Benjamin Norman is listed as a draft.
~1760 - 1814 Margaret **** ASBURY 54 54 1828 - 1915 Christian NORMAN 86 86 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C3.  His name is Christian on his grave stone.

1850 Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio p. 255b
Christian Norman, head, age 22, farmer, born in OH.
Mary A., wife, age 21, born in OH
Mary A., daughter, age l, born in OH.
Malinda, daughter, age 1 mo. born in OH.

1860 census-White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.-M653 Roll 950 Page 14 Lines 14-23.
Christian Norman, age 31, born in OH., farmer, real estate valued @ $2000 & personal
    property valued @ $25.
Hannah, wife, age 21, born in OH.
Mary, daughter, age 11, born in OH.
Malinda, daughter age 10, born in OH.
Moses, son, age 9, born in OH.
Sarah, daughter, age 7, born in OH.
Margaret, daughter, age 4, born in OH.
Susan, daughter, age 3, born in O.
John, son, age 1, born in OH.
Rachel McPherson, domestic, age 16, born in OH.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Chili Ohio Post Office, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 593_1185, page 299, Image 599. Census sheet is dated 7 Jun 1870.
Christian, age 41, farmer, real estate valued at $6,000 & personal property valued at
       $1,400,born in OH.
Hannah,wife, age 31, born in OH.
Mary J., daughter, age 20, born in OH.
Moses, son, age 18, farm hand, born in OH.
Sarah, daughter, age 16, born in OH.
Margaret,daughter, age 14, born in OH.
Susan, daughter, age 13, born in OH.
John, son, age 12, born in OH.
Franklin, son, age 10, born in OH.
Crayton, son,  age 7, born in OH.
Dessa, daughter, age 4, born in OH.
Harriet , daughter, age 1, born in OH.

Living in White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. in 1870.  Neighbor to Jonathon J. & Anne Norman.

Christian NORMAN, head, age 50, farmer, born in OH., father born in VA. & mother born in OH.
  Hannah, wife, age 44, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Franklin,son, age 19, born in OH., works on farm.
Craton, son, son, age 15, born in OH., works on farm.
Dessa, daughter, age 13, born in OH.
Hattie, daughter, age 11, born in OH.
Ettie, daughter, age 8, born in OH.
Ada, daughter, age 4, born in OH.
Ofa, son, age 1, born in OH.
Source Information:
Census Place White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255003
NA Film Number T9-1003
Page Number 294D

1900 White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio p. 301
Christian, head, age 71, married 44 years, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Hannah B., wife, age 61, born in OH., parents born in Maine.
Dessa C., daughter, age 33, born in OH.

1910 Whit Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio p. 29b
Christian, age 81, farmer, married 54 years, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Hannah, wife, age 71, married 54 years, born in OH.
Dessa, daughter, age 44, born in  OH.

Coshocton Morning Tribune, Thursday, May 27, 1915
Life Long Resident of County Called to Rest
Christopher Norman, 87, died at his home in West Lafayette at 9:30 Wednesday after an illness of several months. His death was due to the infirmities of old age. Mr. Norman had been confined to his bed for the past three weeks. One of the oldest and most highly respected residents of the county, Christopher Norman was born on a farm two miles northeast of West Lafayette and had spent his entire life in that vicinity. Four years ago he and his family moved to West Lafayette where they have since resided.
Norman was for a number of years a member of the United Brethren church but for the past few years had belonged to the West Lafayette M. E. church. A farmer all his life, he was noted for his scrupulous honesty and conscientious life. He was twice married.  In addition to his wife, there survive seven daughters and four sons. They are: Mrs. Mary Lavanchey, of Rockford, Ill.; Mrs. Susie Hill, of Newcomerstown; Miss Dessie Norman, at home; Mrs. Hattie D. Gibson, of Elm Grove, W. Va.; Mrs. Etta Boyd, of Norman, Oklahoma; Mrs. Ada Neighbor, of Hutchison, Kansas; John D. Norman, of Canal Dover; Frank and Clayton Norman, of Newcomerstown; and Opha Norman, of West Lafayette.
Funeral arrangements had not been completed at a late hour Wednesday night, but it was thought that they will be held Friday afternoon.

The will of Christian Norman, late of White Eyes township, was filed for probate Saturday. The
instrument was drawn up September 7, 1907, and after directing that all debts against the estate be paid, the testator gives the home farm, consisting of 158 acers in White eyes township to Hannah Norman during her natural life or until she remarries. A large amount of livestock is also left the widow and it is directed that the remainder of the estate be converted into money and divided equally among eight children.
Two sons, Craton and Ophia Norman, are nominated executors of the instrument.

Ohio County and Family Histories, 1780-1970 page 440
Christian Norman, owning three hundred and fifteen acres of valuable land in White Eyes township, was born in Oxford township, Coshocton county, Ohio, September 28, 1826, his parents being Isaac and Isabelle (Wise) Norman. The father was born on the Walhonding river, and when a boy of ten years accompanied his parents on their removal to Oxford township, where they purchased two hundred acres of land. In this pioneer district Isaac Norman was reared and when he had attained mature years began farming by taking a lease on a tract of land in Oxford township. Subsequently he took another lease on some land in Adams township, and afterward bought one hundred acres in Layfayette township, only seven acres of the tract having been cleared. After improving the property he sold the same, and bought a farm in White Eyes township, on which he made his home until called to his final rest. For fifty years he was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, but at the time of their demise both he and his wife were affiliated with the United Brethren denomination, there being no Methodist Episcopal church in the locality. Isaac Norman had been married twice and by his first union twelve children, of whom our subjectis the only one now living. The first wife, who was born in Oxford township, passed away about 1868, and Mr. Norman afterward wedded her sister, Sarah Wise. Christian Norman, was reared to the pursuits of the farm, early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He had but little opportunity for attending school and never even saw a "temple of learning" for five whole years. At the end of that time he was sixteen years old, and owing to the fact that other young men of his age were far in advance of him in their studies, he did not wish to enter school again. However in the school of experience he has learned many valuable lessons and through reading and observing has become a well informed man. When twenty years of age he began farming a tract of rented land in Lafayette township and was thus engaged for three years, on the expiration of which period he rented one hundred and sixty acres of his present farm from his father. Subsequently he purchased eighty acres of the place and as the years passed and success crowned his efforts, he added to his holdings from time to time until he now owns three hundred and fifteen acres of rich and productive land in White Eyes township. His original home, in which he lived for several years, was a log cabin, the dimensions of which were sixteen by eighteen feet. He attributes his present prosperity in large measure to his stock-raising interests, having now two hundred head of sheep and also raising cattle, hogs and horses. Though he now rents his farm, he still gives supervision thereto, and is well known and highly esteemed as one of the prominent and progressive agriculturists of the county.

Mr. Norman has been married twice. On the 28th of September, 1843, he wedded Miss Mary Ann Felver, whose birth occurred in Adams township and who passed away in 1855, when twenty-seven years of age. The five children of this union were as follows; Mary, the wife of Samuel Delsaver, of Mercer county, Ohio; Malinda, Moses and Sarah Ann, all of whom are deceased; and Margaret, the wife of Frank Emerson, of White Eyes township. On the 10th of April, 1856, Mr Norman was again married, his second union being with Hannah McCleary, who was born near New Comerstown, Ohio, November 12, 1836. Her parents, Abraham and Sarah (Miller) McCleary, were both natives of New Jersey, in which state they were married. At an early day they removed to Tuscarawas county, Ohio, locating on a farm and there residing until called to their final rest. Their family numbered nine children, two of whom survive, namely; Susan the widow of John Norman, of Fresno, Ohio; and Mrs. Hannah Norman. Unto our subject and his second wife have been born ten children, namely; Susan, the wife of William Hill, of Newcomerstown, Ohio; John D., a resident of Strasburg, Ohio; Frank, of New Comerstown, Ohio; Hattie, the wife of David Gibson, of Wheeling, West Virginia; Clayton, living in New Comerstown; Etta, who makes her home in Oklahoma; Bessie, at home; Ada, the wife of Theodore Neighbor, of Oklahoma; Sophia, at home; and one who died in infancy.
In his political views Mr. Norman is a stanch republican and has served as road supervisor and in a number of school offices, the sense of education ever finding in him a stalwart champion. For fifty years he was identified with the United Brethren church but the congregation became so diminished that it was disbanded, and since that time he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church Fresno, having ever contributed liberally of his time and means to the cause of religion. Having resided in this county throughout his entire life, he is well and favorably known here and is widely recognized as one of its public-spirited, prosperous and enterprising citizens.
1825 - 1898 John W. NORMAN 72 72 Birth year & death date verified from Coshocton Co., OH. records and BOwman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp, Coshocton Co., OH..

John was a well to do farmer per the Coshocton County History.

1850 Census, Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
John W., head, age 27
Susan A., wife, age 23
Mary M., daughter, age 3, born in OH.

1860 - Oxford, Coshocton Co., Ohio page 24
Norman, John, head, age 37, born in OH. farmer
Susan, wife, age 33, born in OH.
Mary, daughter, age 13, born in OH.
Isaac, son, age 9, born in OH.
Sarah, daughter, age 7, born in OH.
Hannah. daughter, age 4, born in OH.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Chili Ohio Post Office, Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 299
Jun 7, 1870.
Norman, John, head, age 44, farmer, real estate valued at $6,800 and personal property valued at
$1,100, born in Ohio,
Susan, wife, age 42, born in OH.
Isaac,son, age 19, farm labor, born in OH.
Isabel, daughter, age 16, born in OH.
Hannah, daughter, age 14, born in OH.
Hester, daughter, age 11, born in OH.
Ganora, daughter, age 4, born in OH.
Luster, daughter, age 1, born in OH.

Neighboring/adjoining farms are owned by John Norman's father Isaac Norman, Isaac Norman's Half-Brother Johnson J. Norman and his own brothers Jabez W. Norman, and Christian Norman.

John W NORMAN Self M Male W 54 OH
Farmer VA OH
Susan NORMAN Wife M Female W 51 OH
Keeps House MD OH
Hanah B NORMAN Dau M Female W 24 OH
Hester E NORMAN Dau S Female W 19 OH
Hattie G NORMAN Dau S Female W 14 OH
James L NORMAN Son S Male W 11 OH Works
On Farm OH OH
Dollie NORMAN GDau S Female W 1 OH
OH OH (married Samuel Leavengood 2 April 1896)
Source Information:
Census Place White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255003
NA Film Number T9-1003
Page Number 294C

1900 White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio p. 307a
Norman, Susan Jan 1827 73 wd 7/6 OH Maine Maine
Emerson, Ada Aug 1888 11 OH OH OH at school

NORMAN JOHN W., White Eyes township; farmer; born in Oxford township, October 7,1825; son of Isaac and Isabel (Wise) Norman, both natives of the United States; married January 28, 1849, to Susan McCleary, who was born January 22, 1827. They have seven children, viz 'Melissa, Isaac; Sarah Isabel, Hannah, Heaster, Hattie Nena, James Lester. Melissa married Samuel Dougherty in November, 1867, and they have four children living Isaac married Leah Brown in the fall of 1876, and they have two children. Sarah Isabel was married to Andrew Schrack in 1874, and they have one child. Mr. Norman was a well-to-do farmer.
1830 - 1880 Daniel NORMAN 49 49 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

1870 census-West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.-M593
     Roll 1185 Page 128 Lines 14-19.
Daniel, age 39, born in OH,  farmer.
Mary J., age 35, born in OH.
Elizabeth, age 14, born in OH.
Isabella, age 12, born in OH.
Isaac H., age 9, born in OH.
Asbury, age 4, born in OH

1860 Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio p. 75a
Norman, Daniel 29 OH farmer
Mary J. 24 OH
Elizabeth 4 OH
Isabel 1 OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 3.
1835 - 1879 Sarah Ann NORMAN 43 43 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 4.

Last name on grave stone is spelled (according to the Cemetery records) McClary.
1837 - 1854 Henry NORMAN 17 17 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 4. 1st burial in the Bowman Cemetery.
1847 Harriet C. NORMAN 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Lafayette Twp., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 46, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600, born in OH.
Isabel, wife, age 46, born in OH.
Daniel, son, age 20, farmer, born in OH.
Sarah A., dau., age 16, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 13, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 10, born in OH.
Harriet C., dau., age 3, born in OH.
1784 - 1823 John NORMAN 38 38 Birth & death dates verified from Norman Family Cemetery records, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

Wife # 2 Margaret Wise - no information on Margaret. (DB)
1787 - 1859 Daniel NORMAN 71 71 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

Will probated 4/27/1859.  Executor George W. Norman.

1850 census- Keene Twp., Coshoston Co., Oh.  age 62, farmer, $12000, Born: VA.
Isaac age 26 born in Ohio
George age 19 born in Ohio
Charity age 17 born in Ohio
No spouse listed for Daniel in the 1850 census.
1790 - >1841 Abraham NORMAN 51 51 1791 - >1840 George NORMAN 49 49 1797 - >1860 Jabez **** NORMAN 63 63 In the Norman Family Cemetery listings, there is not a listing for Jabez, Husband of Nancy & father of Joshua.  There were several stones that were not readable, his was probably one of them.  DB

1820 census, Oxford Township, Coshocton Co., OH.,
Roll M33_88, Pages 23A and 24, Images 37 and 38.
Males age 0-10 = 2,  26-45 = 1
Females age 0-10 = 2, 16-26 = 1
These 2 pages contain Census listing for Benjamin Norman Sr., and 4 of his sons who are heads of household. The four sons are John, Abraham, Jabez, and George.

1820 Household 1: Benjamin Norman Sr, Household of 10 persons: 5 Male and 5 Female.
    Males Under 10: Two
    Males 10-15: Two
    Males 45-Upwards: One
    Females Under 10: Two
    Females 16-25: Two
    Females 26-44: One
    Total Number engaged in Agriculture: Two

1820 Household 2: John Norman, Household of 13 persons: 7 Male and 6 Female.
    Males under 10: Two
    Males 10-15: Four
    Males 45-Upwards: One
    Females Under 10: Four
    Females 16-25: One
    Females 26-44: One
    Total Number engaged in Agriculture: Three

1820 Household 3: Abraham Norman, Household of 4 persons: 3 Male and 1 Female.
    Males under 10: Two
    Males 16-25: One
    Females 16-25: One
    Total Number engaged in Agriculture: One

1820 Household 4: Jabez Norman, Household of 6 persons: 3 Male and 3 Female.
    Males under 10: Two
    Males 26-44: One
    Females under 10: Two
    Females 16-25: One
    Total Number engaged in Agriculture: One

1820 Household 5: George Norman, Household of 7 persons: 4 Male and 3 Female.
    Males under 10: Three
    Males 26-44: One
    Females under 10: Two
    Females 16-25: One
    Total Number engaged in Agriculture: One

1830 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 129, Page 22.
    Jabez Norman, Household of 9 persons: 6 Males and 3 Females.
    Males under 5: two David and Henry
    Males 5-10: One Joshua age 6
    Males 10-15: Two John age 11
    Males 30-40: One Jabez age 33
    Females 5-10: One
    Females 10-15: One
    Females 30-40: One Nancy age 33

1840 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Roll 387, Page 309.
    Census shows a total of 12 persons in the household: 9 Males and 3 Females
    Males under 5: Three
    Males 5-10: Four
    Males 20-30: One John
    Males 40-50: One Jabez
    Females under 5: One
    Females 5-10: One Charity
    Females 30-40: One Nancy [She grew younger]

1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma, dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?

1860 census Pattericksburg, Lafayette Twp., Owen Co., IN.
Series: M653  Roll: 287  Page: 254
June 30, 1860                Isaac S. Lucas
Norman, Jabez, head, age 67, farmer, real esate value $1000, personal estate value $200, born in VA.
Ann, wife, age 51, does not read or write, born in OH.
Emily, age 19, born in OH., attended school.
Ephraim, son, age 13, born in OH., attended school.

I have seen Jabez's death date as 1839, but this is in error as he was listed in the 1860 census as age 67.
1794 - 1844 Benjamin NORMAN 49 49 He was in Muskingham County Ohio by 1823 for that is when he wed his wife Charlotte Ligget. Some of their children had strange names: Simeon, Susanann, Artellius (AV), Amos, Thomas, Margaret, and Alexander. His land was deeded to him in 1833 by Ann and Elijah Norman. Ann and Elijah wed in Muskingum County. Benjamin died in Muskingham County in 1844 at age of fifty.
Found Benjamin, Daniel, George, Haddy, Hankison, James, Mary, William Norman in 1830 Census of Hopewell, Muskegum, OH. --Terry L. Norman
~1800 - >1840 Samuel NORMAN 40 40 1796 - 1827 Nancy NORMAN 31 31 <1808 - >1838 Elizabeth NORMAN 30 30 1810 - 1884 James NORMAN 74 74 Birth year & death year verified from Coshocton Co., OH. records and the records of the Bowman Cemetery, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH..   Row 1.

1860 census  White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M653  Roll: 950  Page: 14
June 23, 1860          Nathan Cordray  
Norman, James, head, age 50,  farmer, real estate valued @ $3000, personal property valued @ $100, born in OH.
Eliza, wife, age 50, born in N. Y.
John, son, age 18, farm labor, born in OH.
Martha, dau., age 16, born in OH.
Jabaz, son, age 14, born in OH.
David, ason, age 12, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 10, born in OH.

1870 census  Evansburgh, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 190
June 20, 1870                T. J. Cook
Norman, James, head, age 60, farmer, real estate valued @ $3000, personal property valued @ $500, born in OH.
Eliza, wife, age 60, born in ??
John, son, age 28, farmer, born in OH.
Norman, Elizabeth, relationship unknown, keeps house, age 20, born in OH.  (NOTE: I believe to be John's wife.
????, Sarah, domestic, age 19, born in OH.

1880 census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 186
June 7, 1880         William Cole
Norman, James, head, age 70, farmer, born  in OH., parents born in Ireland
Eliza, wife, age 70, born in N. Y., parents born in N. Y.
Latham, Ella, servant, age 17, born in OH., parents born in N.y.
Living next to his son John F. Norman and wife Mary A.
1785 - 1856 Elizabeth Ann ROUNDSOVER 70 70 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5, next to her daughter Rosannah.

1850 census-Coshocton Co., Oxford Twp., OH.
Ann Norman    age 65  (Elizabeth)
Thomas    age 26 laborer
Jonathan    age 24 laborer
Ann     age 28  (wife of Thomas or Jonathon?)
Ann    age 1
Rosanna    age 31

Per the 1850 census, Elizabeth was widowed and living in Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Living with her daughter Rosanna (Anna).  Listed as living next to her was a stepson, Jabez, and Daniel, which is believed to be her grandson, son of her stepson Daniel.  This Daniel was born in 1816 & married Margaret C/Klinger on 6/30/1836, she was  born 1820/1821.
1817 - 1860 William NORMAN 43 43 1850 census-Coshocton Co., Oxford Twp., OH.
William    age 33 boatman
Eliza    age 22
Benjamin    age 2
Hariett    age 5 mos.
Also living with them was Julian Miller female age 10.
His occupation was listed as "boatman".
1821 - >1837 Andrew NORMAN 15 15 1822 - 1855 Rosannah NORMAN 33 33 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5, next to her mother, Elizabeth "Anny". 1823 Thomas J. NORMAN 1860 census- Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.-M653 Roll 950 Lines 16-18.
  Thomas, head, age 36, farmer, real estate values @ $1500 & personal property valued @ $ 75, born
      in OH.
  Almira, wife, age 24, born in PA.
  Mary, daughter, age 4 months, born in OH.
1825 - 1884 Johnson Jonathan NORMAN 58 58 Birth & death dates verified from Coshocton Co., OH. records and Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1860 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
M653 Roll 950
Jonathan, head, age 34, farmer, real estate valued @ $1500 & personal property valued @ $75, born in OH.
Anne, wife, age 32, born in PA.
Eliza, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Rose, dau., age 8, born in OH.
Jane, dau., age 6, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 4, born in OH.
Sarah, dau., age 2, born in OH.

1870 census, White Eyes Twp., Chili Post Office, Coshocton Co., OH.,
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 299
Jun. 7, 1870.
Norman, Johnson J., age 45, farm labor, $100 in personal property, born in Ohio.
Anne, wife, age 49, born in Pennsylvania.
Roseanna, dau., age 18, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 16, born in OH.
Thomas J. , son, age 14, born in OH.
Sarah E., dau., age 12, born in OH.
Abraham, son, age 9, born in OH..

Neighboring farmers are Isaac Norman age 66, half brother to Jonathon, Jabez M. Norman age 29, & Christian Norman age 41, both sons of the above Isaac Norman.

An Elizabeth Norman age 20 lives on the nearby farm of Nancy Leslie and a Susan Norman age 13 works as a 'domestic servant' in the home of B. Anderson.
D. <1818 Rosanna WISE Elizabeth NORRIS Barbara WORKMAN Mary McCURDY 1791 - 1855 Enos DEEN 64 64 1814 - 1866 Benjamin James DEEN 51 51 1816 - 1846 Sarah DEEN 29 29 1818 - 1851 Elizabeth DEEN 33 33 1819 - 1844 Mary Catherine DEEN 24 24 1822 Dianna DEEN 1824 - 1869 Rebecca DEEN 45 45 1826 - 1872 Wesley S. DEEN 46 46 1794 - 1847 Susannah (Mrs. Daniel) NORMAN 52 52 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1817 - 1850 William NORMAN 33 33 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1818 - 1859 Margaret NORMAN 40 40 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Johnson OGLE Susannah NORMAN Burial verified from Old Methodist Cem., records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1834 - 1899 Sarah A. WOODS 65 65 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1859 Charles T. NORMAN 1859 Edward M. NORMAN 1863 Laurah NORMAN 1865 William H. NORMAN 1867 - 1885 Alonzo NORMAN 18 18 lists an Alonzo Norman born 1868 in Rolland Twp., Isabella Co., MI.  Parents: Michael "Mike" Norman b. 12/1837 in OH. and died after 1900 & Cora Stevens
SOURCE OS book: name. ===== SOURCE Ron Mosher: Alonzo Norman573,574,575, born Abt. 1868 in Rolland Township, Isabella County, Michigan576,577.
1872 - 1898 Joseph D. NORMAN 25 25 1812 - 1815 Hester NORMAN 2 2 I have added Hester as a child of Daniel on the basis of her birth date and the location of her burial.  Her name is on the Norman stone which also lists Daniel & Susannah in the Old Methodist Cem., Keene Twp, Coshocton Co., OH. 1816 - 1837 John NORMAN 21 21 I have added John as a child of Daniel on the basis of his birth date and the location of his burial.  His name is on the Norman stone which also lists Daniel & Susannah in the Old Methodist Cem., Keene Twp, Coshocton Co., OH. 1810 - 1838 Benjamin NORMAN 28 28 I have added Benjamin as a child of Daniel on the basis of his birth date and the location of his burial.  His name is on the Norman stone which also lists Daniel & Susannah in the Old Methodist Cem., Keene Twp, Coshocton Co., OH. 1822 - 1840 Malona NORMAN 17 17 I have added Malona as a child of Daniel on the basis of her birth date.  Her name is on the Norman stone which also lists Daniel & Susannah in the Old Methodist Cem., Keene Twp, Coshocton Co., OH. 1881 - 1942 Elmer 61 61 1886 Helen Gertrude POWELL Edith Irena EMERSON Bunny 1909 Nellie Grace EMERSON 1904 Foster BLIND 1928 Donald Foster BLIND Frank EMERSON Clyde Powell EMERSON Ruth Helen EMERSON Dorothy Ann EMERSON Eugene Elmer EMERSON Carol Evelyn EMERSON 1883 - 1959 Clifford 76 76 D. 1970 Cora RHINEHART 1888 Harry Esther ORIN D. 1971 Kenneth EMERSON 1891 - 1957 Harriet Grace EMERSON 65 65 1886 - 1919 John ORIN 33 33 1897 - 1961 William Otis EMERSON 63 63 Lena HAHN Otis EMERSON Jack EMERSON Larue EMERSON ? 1901 - 1972 Edith Marie THOMPSON 70 70 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. D1.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1972 > January > 16 [SUNDAY]
Headline: Deaths & Funerals
Sub-Headline: Mrs. Edith Norman
Dateline: West Lafayette
Mrs. Edith M. Norman, 71, of 317 W. Russell Ave., West Lafayette, died at her residence at 7 a.m. Saturday, the victim of an apparent heart attack. Mrs. Norman was born Sept. 14, 1901, at West Lafayette, the daughter of Elmer and Della Thompson. She was the widow of John F. Norman. Surviving are one son, Robert E. Norman, North Canton; one sister, Miss Helen Thompson, Columbus; and five grandchildren. One son, John F. Norman, Jr., and a brother are deceased. [1 paragraph omitted] Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Bonnell-O'Neil Funeral Home, West Lafayette, with Rev. Charles Ireland officiating. Burial will be in Fairfield Cemetery
1810 - 1899 Elizabeth THORNE 88 88 Birth & death dates verified from the records, Bowman Cemetery, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 1 1862 - 1862 Infant NORMAN 1d 1d Birth & death dates verified from the Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  The record of the grave stone states " Infant son   of C. & H. R. Norman, Born 12/22/1862 Died 12/23/1862"  The grave is in Row 3, nest to Isaac & Isabel Norman, who would be his grandparents. 1853 - 1855 Levi NORMAN 1 1 1864 - 1864 Milton Winfield NORMAN 17d 17d Birth & death dates verified from the Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 4.  Buried on the same plot with his grandparents, Isaac & Isabel Wise Norman. 1881 - 1904 Ara May-Ava SMITH 22 22 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshoston Co., OH.  Row 5.  The name on her grave stone was listed in  the Bowman Cemetery Records Book as ARA. 1902 - 1969 Orange Luther NORMAN 66 66 SSDI Information:
Name: Luther Norman
SSN: 273-12-6542
Last Residence: 43749 Kimbolton, Guernsey, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 26 Dec 1902
Died: Feb 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1958-2002 Record
Age at Death: 66
Date of Death: 17 Feb 1969
City of Death: Guernsey County
County of Death: Guernsey
Volume: 19575
Certificate: 012101
Date of Birth: Est. 1903
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
County of Residence: Guernsey
State of Residence: Ohio
Country of Residence: United States
Hospital of Death: Home
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: No autopsy
Source Information:
Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Death Index, 1958-2000 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2000. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, Ohio.
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1969 > February > 18 [TUESDAY]
Headline: Deaths & Funerals
Sub-Headline: O Luther Norman
Text: O.Luther Norman, age 66, of Kimbolton Route 1, died at his home at 10 p.m. Monday after a lengthy illness. He was born Dec. 26, 1902, at Bodden, Ohio, the son of Opha and Era Smith Norman. And was married Sept. 12, 1931 to Emma Verena Earnest. Surviving besides the widow are two sons, Robert, West Lafayette, and Jerry, Newcomerstown Route 3; one daughter, Mrs. Darlene Wilson, Columbus; two step-sisters, Mrs. Edith Saylor and Mrs. Opal Stipes, Coshocton; and five grandchildren. He was a member of the Irish Ridge Methodist Church and had worked at the former Newcomerstown James B, Clos Company and the Guernsey County Highway Department. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Irish Ridge Methodist Church with the Rev. James Porter officiating. Burial will be in the Irish Ridge Cemetery. [last paragraph omitted]
STEP-MOTHER'S OBITUARY [Shows Luther Norman living in Kimbolton in 1967]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1967 > December > 3 [SUNDAY]
Headline: Deaths & Funerals
Sub-Headline: Mrs. Alice Howell
Text: Mrs. Alice Fern Howell, 77, of 322 South Sixth St., died at 1:45 p.m. Saturday in the nursing home division of County Memorial Hospital following a year's illness. Born March 22, 1890, ay Warsaw, she was a daughter of Osborn and Martha Walker Myers. She was twice married. Her first husband was Opha Norman and her second, Charles Howell. Both are deceased. [1 paragraph omitted] Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Opal) Stipes, 233 North Second St., and Mrs. Edith Saylor, 322 South Sixth St., with whom Mrs. Howell resided; a stepson, Luther Norman of Kimbolton; a sister, Mrs. Herbert (Hazel) Dauer of Croton, O., two brothers, Frank and Dale Myers, both oF Ashland, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Two sisters and a brother are deceased.Services will be conducted 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Dawson Funeral Home, by M. Dean Marston. Burial will be in Fairfield in West Lafayette. [last paragraph omitted]
1930 Census, Goshen Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll 1885, Page 9A/153A, District 24, Image 857.0. Census sheet is dated 15 April 1930. This sheet lists the Staff of the Tuscarawas County Infirmary, and lists Luther Norman at age 27 as an employee, working for wages as a 'Farm Hand' at the 'County Infirmary'. Luther Norman is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
1911 Emma Verena EARNEST 1890 - 1967 Alice Fern MYERS 77 77 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C3. 1913 Opal Marie NORMAN 1910 Edith M. NORMAN 1896 1897 Russell NORMAN 1922 - 1922 Isaac H. NORMAN 6d 6d Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1. 1895 - 1979 Nora B. ROTHENSTINE 83 83 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1948 > May > 3 [MONDAY]
Headline: Widow, 78. Dies at Newcomerstown Home Sunday Morning
Mrs. Anna Eliza Rodenstein, 78, widow of Fred Rodenstein, died at 8:30 Sunday morning at her home at 324 River st, Newcomerstown, following a six weeks' illness.She was born Dec. 21, 1869 in Guersey county, a daughter of Charles and Martha Smith, and on Nov. 10, 1889 was united in marriage to Fred Rodenstein, who preceded her in death 12 years ago. She had lived her entire life in the Newcomerstown vicinity. [1 paragraph omitted] Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Edward Cole of Newcomerstown Route 2, Mrs. Clarence Norman of Coshocton, and Mrs. Russell Gibson of the home; two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Lewis Loader of Newcomerstown and Mrs. John Loader of Cambridge. Four children, a twin sister and two brothers preceded her in death. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the residence, Rev. Charles S. Foust officiating. Burial wil be made in West Lawn cemetery in Newcomerstown. [Last sentence omitted]

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1936 > April > 1 [TUESDAY]
Headline: Newcomerstown Man Dies Early Tuesday
Text: Frederick Rothenstine, 74, died at 5:30 this morning at his home on River st., Newcomerstown, following an illness of nine weeks from complications. He was a retired Pennsylvania railroad employe, having retired six years ago after 38 years' service with the company. Mr. Rodenstein was born at Stone Creek April 17, 1861, the son of Charles and Gertrude Rodenstein. He moved to Newcomerstown at an early age and spent almost his entire life there. Besides his widow, Anna, he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ed Cole, Newcomerstown vicinity, Mrs. Clarence Norman, Coshocton, and Mrs. Russell Gibson, Newcomerstown; a son Fred, of the home; Three brothers, Charles, Wendle and John, all of Newcomerstown; and two grandchildren. Three children preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the home in charge of Rev. Charles Foust and Rev. H.C. TerVehn, Coshocton. Burial will be in West Lawn cemetery, Newcomerstown.
1892 Anna Nelle HARTLEY ~1911 - 1962 Isabel 51 51 Ohio Deaths, 1958-2002 Record
Name: Josephi I Sycks
Age at Death: 50
Date of Death: 29 Apr 1962
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Volume: 16862
Certificate: 25796
Date of Birth: Est. 1912
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
City of Residence: Coshocton
County of Residence: Coshocton
State of Residence: Ohio
Country of Residence: United States
Hospital of Death: Home
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
Source Information:
Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Death Index, 1958-2000 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2000. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, Ohio.
Paul NORMAN Jennie NORMAN Hattie NORMAN 1924 - 1997 Alfred Paul NORMAN 72 72 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1945 > January > 3
Headline: Receives Discharge
Alfred Paul Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Norman, 1629 East Chestnut st., has returned home after being given a medical discharge from the army. He was inducted Jan. 4, 1944 and released Dec. 19 after spending 10 weeks in Walter Reed hospital, Washington, D.C.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record
Name: Alfred P Norman
Birth Year: 1924
Race: White, citizen
Nativity State or Country: Ohio
State: Ohio
County or City: Coshecton
Enlistment Date: 4 Jan 1944
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment City: Columbus
Branch: No branch assignment
Branch Code: No branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Marine Fireman or File Clerk
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 11
Weight: 111
Source Information:
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
June STURTZ 1862 - 1951 Margaret Ellen (Mrs. Franklin H,) NORMAN 89 89 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1951 > October > 2 [TUESDAY]
Headline: Fresno Native, Former NCTown Resident, Dies At Chicago at Age of 89
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Ella Norman, 89, whose death occurred Monday mornin in Walther Memorial hospital, Chicage, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Dawson funeral home, McClain av., this city. Mrs. Norman was the mother of Mrs. John H. Powelson, 342 Hamilton av. Her death followed a lingering illiness. She was born near Fresno, a daughter of William and Eliza Jane Boyd Wier, on Sept. 21, 1862, and was married to Franklin H. Norman, who died in May, 1935. She lived in Coshocton county and Newcomerstown until 1923 when she moved to Oak Park, Ill. Surviving are five children, Mrs. Powelson, Mrs. M. S. Corbett, Edward Norman, Oak Park, Charles Norman, Hinsdale, Ill., and Crayton Norman, Portsmouth, O., 17 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. Two children preceded her in death. She was a member of Trinity Methodist church, WSCS and Eastern Star lodge of Newcomerstown. The body will arrive in Coshocton Wednesday morning and will be taken to the Dawson funeral home ... until the time of services, at which Rev. George Shurtz of Newcomerstown will officiate. Burial will be at West Lafayette.
1883 Charles Morris NORMAN 1885 - 1961 Etta Belle NORMAN 76 76 1887 - 1959 Crayton Mace NORMAN 71 71 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. A2. 1890 Nellie Forest NORMAN 1891 Milford Mabel NORMAN Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4. 1900 1901 Eddie 1886 - 1958 Cathleen (Mrs. Crayton M. ) NORMAN 72 72 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. A2. 1910 - 1912 Mildred NORMAN 2 2 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4. 1847 - 1888 Jabez B. NORMAN 41 41 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4.

Birth date verified from 1860 census

1860 census  White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M653  Roll: 950  Page: 14
June 23, 1860          Nathan Cordray  
Norman, James, head, age 50,  farmer, real estate valued @ $3000, personal property valued @ $100, born in OH.
Eliza, wife, age 50, born in N. Y.
John, son, age 18, farm labor, born in OH.
Martha, dau., age 16, born in OH.
Jabaz, son, age 14, born in OH.
David, ason, age 12, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 10, born in OH.

1870 Census-Concord, Bureau Co., IL., M593 Roll 190, Page 251 - single, works on farm.

1880 Census-Adams Twp., coshocton Co., OH.
Jabes, age 33, farmer, born in OH.
Nancey J., wife, age 25, born in OH.
Henry, age 4, son, born in OH.
1854 - 1934 Nancy J. ELLIOTT 80 80 1860, 1870 census at home with parents.

1880 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4.
1876 - 1904 Henry Oswell NORMAN 28 28 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp. Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec C4. 1924 - 1945 John Foster NORMAN 20 20 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. D1.

Engraved on grave stone:
Arm, S1/C, US Naval Air Grp.
He gave his lifefor his country
1929 - 2000 Bobbie 70 70 SSDI Information:
Name: Robert E. Norman
SSN: 294-26-0317
Last Residence: 44718 Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 6 May 1929
Died: 17 Apr 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1958-2002 Record
Name: Robert E Norman
Age at Death: 70
Date of Death: 17 Apr 2000
City of Death: Canton
County of Death: Stark
Volume: 32385
Certificate: 034648
Date of Birth: 6 May 1929
County of Birth: Coshocton
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of Birth: United States
Father's Surname: Norman
Mother's Maiden Name: Thompson
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Divorced
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Years of Schooling: 12
Social Security Number: 294-26-0317
Whether in Armed Forces: No
County of Residence: Stark
State of Residence: Ohio
Country of Residence: United States
Whether Within City Limits: No
Residence Zip Code: 44718
Primary Registration District: 7601
Hospital Status: Hospital/D.O.A.
Time of Death: 1:50 PM
Filing Date: 24 Apr 2000
Registrar's Certificate Number: 00603
Certifier: Physician
Whether Referred to Coroner: No
Autopsy: No
Method of Disposition: Burial
Classification of Place of Injury: Unspecified Place
Whether Injury Happened in Ohio: Yes
Source Information:
Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Death Index, 1958-2000 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2000. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, Ohio.

U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Robert E Norman
Birth Date: 6 May 1929
Street Address: 5926 Shakertown Dr NW
City: Canton
County: Stark
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44718
Household Members:
Name Est. Age Birth Year
Robert E Norman 76 1929
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1956 > August > 19
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman and family, Debra Ann, Robert Earl, Gary Michael, and Gregory, Dover, are the week-end guests of Mr. Norman's mother, Mrs. Edith Norman and Grandmother, Mrs. Della Thompson, Russell av.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1956 > March > 27
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman and children, Debra Ann, Robert Earl, Jr., and Jerry, spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. Edith Norman, Russell av.
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1952 > January > 22 [TUESDAY]

The daughter born Monday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman, Coshocton Route 4, at Coshocton Memorial hospital has been named Deborah Ann. Mrs. Norman is the former Margie Flowers of New Philadelphia. Mr. Norman is the son of Mrs. Edith Norman, Russell av.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1950 > October > 16 [MONDAY]
Headline: Couple Weds at West Lafayette
Miss Marjorie Flowers, daughter of Mrs. Sam Lengler and Charles Flowers, New Philadelphia, became the bride of Robert E. Norman, son of Mrs. Edith Norman and the late Foster Norman, Saturday morning at 8:30 in the Main Street Methodist church, West Lafayette [3 paragraphs omitted] The bride attended New Philadelphia high school and until recently was employed by the iron lung division of the Red Cross. Mr. Norman, who graduated from West Lafayette high school in 1947, is employed at the Edmont Manufacturing Co., in West Lafayette. They will reside in an apartment at the corner of Russell av. and Wall st., in West Lafayette.
1909 - 1990 Phyllis L. TUMBLIN 81 81 1928 - 1978 Junior Or Corky 50 50 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  B2.  Footstone: US Army, Aug. 28, 1928.  He & his wife, Patricia are buried next to his parents.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1951 > March > 11
Pfc Virgil 'Corky' Norman, Jr., Fort Benning, Ga., is spending a few days furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Norman, Sr.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1950 > December > 27
Headline: Marriage Licenses
Virgil Tumblin Norman, 22, West Lafayette, U.S. Army, and Patricia Ann Roof, 18, Coshocton, Waitress. Consent of H. Willis Roof.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1950 > December > 28
Headline: Roof-Norman Wedding Takes Place Here on Christmas Eve
Choosing Christmas eve for her wedding, Miss Patricia Ann Roof, daughter of H.W. Roof, 841 North View, became the bride of Pvt. Virgil T. 'Corky' Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Norman, West Lafayette. The ceremony took place in the presence of the immediate families and a few close friends at 7 o'clock in Emmanuel Lutheran church. The Rev. Olan W. Aughbaugh, pastor of the church, officiated. [Remainder of article omitted]
1932 - 1995 Patricia Ann ROOF 63 63 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  B2.

SSDI Information:
Name: Patricia A. Norman
SSN: 300-26-3487
Last Residence: 60110 Carpentersville, Kane, Illinois, United States of America
Born: 28 Jan 1932
Died: 20 Feb 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1950 > December > 3
Headline: Engagement Announced
Willis Roof, 841 North View, announces the engagement of his daughter, Patricia Ann Roof to Pvt. Virgil 'Corky' Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Norman, West Lafayette. No date has been set for the wedding.
1848 - 1860 David T. NORMAN 12 12 Row 1, next to his parents. 1841 - 1908 John F. NORMAN 67 67 Birth verified from 1860 census

1860 census  White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M653  Roll: 950  Page: 14
June 23, 1860          Nathan Cordray  
Norman, James, head, age 50,  farmer, real estate valued @ $3000, personal property valued @ $100, born in OH.
Eliza, wife, age 50, born in N. Y.
John, son, age 18, farm labor, born in OH.
Martha, dau., age 16, born in OH.
Jabaz, son, age 14, born in OH.
David, ason, age 12, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 10, born in OH.

1870 census  Evansburgh, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 190
June 20, 1870                T. J. Cook
Norman, James, head, age 60, farmer, real estate valued @ $3000, personal property valued @ $500, born in OH.
Eliza, wife, age 60, born in ??
John, son, age 28, farmer, born in OH.
Norman, Elizabeth, relationship unknown, keeps house, age 20, born in OH.
????, Sarah, domestic, age 19, born in OH.

1880 census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 186
June 5 & 6, 1880                  William Cole
Living next to his parents
Norman John F., head, age 38, farm labor, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Elizabeth, wife, age 29, born in OH., parents born in Ireland.
James L., son, age 9, born in OH.
Charles E., son, age 7, born in OH.
Robert D., son, age 5, born in OH.
Living next to his parents James & Eliza Norman.

1900 census Oxford Twp, Coshocton, OH.

A search was made for an obituary but none was found.
1844 Martha NORMAN Birth date verified from 1860 census - White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1848 David NORMAN Birth date verified from 1860 census - White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1850 Nancy NORMAN Birth date verified from 1860 census - White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1878 - 1878 Willford NORMAN 2m 2m Birth & death verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Row 1.
Inscription on gravestone:
Sleep On Sweet Babe
And Take Thy Rest
God Called Thee Home
He Thought It Best
1879 - 1879 Infant NORMAN Birth & death verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Row 1.
Inscription on gravestone:
Sleep On Sweet Babe
And Take Thy Rest
God Called Thee Home
He Thought It Best
1832 - 1900 John McCLARY 68 68 1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M593_1185, Pages 2/298 and 3/299, Images 598 & 599. Census sheets are dated 6-7 June 1870. Census shows John McCleary at age 38, working as a "Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,800 and personal property valued at $1,500. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Sarah A. McCleary is age 32 and the 'House Keeper'. There are 7 children in the household: Son Daniel McCleary is age 15 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Abraham McCleary is age 14 and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Catherine McCleary is age 12; Daughter Elizabeth McCleary is age 11; Son Isaac McCleary is age 8; Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 6; and Son Jacob McCleary is age 4 years.

Ohio 1851 - 1900 Marriage Index
Sarah A. Norman found in:
Ohio, 1851-1900 Marriage Index
Gender: The gender of Sarah A. Norman is female.
Spouse: John McCleary
Marriage Date: Jan 08, 1852
County: Coshocton County, OH
More About: The record can be found at the
County Court Records, Film # 0894318-0894320 and 0895286-0895289

1850 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_255, Image 510. Census sheet is dated 14 Oct 1850. Census shows Isaac Norman at age 46, working as a 'Farmer' holding real estate valued at $1,600. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Isabel Norman is age 46. There are 5 children in the household: Son Daniel Norman is age 20; Daughter Sarah A. Norman is age 16; Son Henry Norman is age 13; Son 'Jabes' [Jabez] Norman is age 10; and Daughter Harriet C. Norman is age 3 years.
1853 - 1877 Daniel McCLARY 23 23 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 1. 1855 - >1919 Abraham B. McCLARY 64 64 1910 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 120B, District 11. Census sheet is dated 7 May 1910. Census shows Abraham McCleary at age 54, living on a farm which he rents, and working as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Sarah E. McCleary is age 48. The couple has been married 30 years, and Sarah has given birth to 5 children of whom 4 are still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bertha McCleary is age 29 and 'works' for an 'Art Co.'; Son Earnest McCleary is age 18 and 'Works' 'On Farm'; Daughter Carrie McCleary is age 16; and Son Glenn McCleary is age 14.
1900 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette Village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B/115B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 5 June 1900. Census shows Abraham McCleary at age 44, born during Dec 1855, living on a farm which he rents, and working as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Sarah E. McCleary is age 38, born during April 1862. The couple has been married 20 years, and Sarah has given birth to 5 children of whom 4 are still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bertha McCleary is age 19, born during April 1881; Son Ernest McCleary is age 8, born during Nov 1892; Daughter Carrie McCleary is age 6, born during April 1894; and Son Glenn McCleary is age 4, born during May 1896.

Ohio 1851 - 1900 Marriage Index
McClary, Abraham
Gender: The gender of Abraham McClary is male.
Spouse: Sarah E. Elliott
Marriage Date: Feb 26, 1880
County: Coshocton County, OH
More About: The record can be found at the
County Court Records, Film # 0894318-0894320 and

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M593_1185, Pages 2/298 and 3/299, Images 598 & 599. Census sheets are dated 6-7 June 1870. Census shows John McCleary at age 38, working as a "Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,800 and personal property valued at $1,500. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Sarah A. McCleary is age 32 and the 'House Keeper'. There are 7 children in the household: Son Daniel McCleary is age 15 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Abraham McCleary is age 14 and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Catherine McCleary is age 12; Daughter Elizabeth McCleary is age 11; Son Isaac McCleary is age 8; Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 6; and Son Jacob McCleary is age 4 years.
1862 - >1938 Sarah E. ELLIOT 76 76 1881 Bertha McCLARY 1892 Ernest McCLARY 1894 Carrie McCLARY 1896 Glenn McCLARY ~1858 Catherine McCLARY 1860 - 1930 Elizabeth McCLARY 70 70 OBITUARY:
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1930 > April > 25 [Friday Evening]
Headline: Aged Coshocton Woman, Ill Over Year, Claimed
Mrs. Lewis McFarland, aged 70, 222 Mulberry st., died Friday morning at 1 o'clock from complication of disease. She had been ill for about 15 months. Elizabeth McCleary was born March 13, 1860 in Lafayette tp. and was married to Lewis McFarland on November 22, 1877. To this union were born the following children, who survive: Mrs. Frank Geese, Mrs. Portus Gaskill and Mrs. Will Hartbolt, all of West Lafayette; Mrs. Ralph Honabarger, Mrs. Lorin Wolfe and Mrs. Virgil McVey of Fresno R. F. D.; Mrs. Lew Miller of Strasburg and Miss Minnie McFarland of the home. Seigle McFarland of Wyandotte, Michigan; T. E. McFarland of Athens, and Charles McFarland of this city. Twenty grand children and seven great-grand-children also survive, as well as two sisters, Mrs. Charles Orin of canton and Mrs. Maro Phillips of Roscoe; four brothers Abraham McClary, Coshocton, John, Henry, and Jacob McCleary, all of West Lafayette; two half-sisters, Mrs. Clyde Bryan of Coshocton and Mrs. Earl Platt of Kent and a half-brother, Ray McCleary of Kent.
Mrs. McFarland was a member of the Nazarene church of Coshocton. She was a devoted worker in the church and had numerous friends thruout the county.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon, the cortege leaving the home at 2 o'clock and services being held at the Nazarene church at 2:30. Rev. Harold Bottemiller will have charge. Burial will be in West Lafayette cemetery.
Lewis McFARLAND 1910 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1163, Pages 5B/33B and 6A/34A, District 30. Census sheets are dated 29-30 April 1910. Census shows Lewis McFarland at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer' who employs others. Lewis McFarland was born in Illinois of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Lizzie' [Elizabeth] McFarland is age 50 and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple has been married 34 years and Elizabeth has given birth to 15 children of whom 11 are still living. The household includes 5 children, all born in Ohio of a Father born in Illinois and a Mother born in Ohio: Son Charles L. McFarland is age 26, working for wages as a 'Laborer' on 'Own Farm'; Daughter Berthia? G. McFarland is age 17; Son Timothy E. McFarland is age 15; Daughter Marie L. McFarland is age 12; and Daughter Helen G. McFarland is age 8 years.

1900 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Pages 2A/299A & 2B/299B, district 21. Census sheets are dated 4-5 June 1900. Census shows Lewis McFarland at age 42, born during Nov 1857, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Elizabeth McFarland is age 40, born during March 1860. The couple has been married 22 years, circa 1877/1878, and Elizabeth has given birth to 13 children of whom 10 are still living. The household includes 9 of the 10 living children: Daughter Anna M. McFarland is age 19, born during March 1881; Son 'Siggle' [Siegle] McFarland is age 17, born during August 1882 and working as a 'Farm Laborer'; Son Charles C. McFarland is age 16, born during Feb 1884; Daughter Maud McFarland is age 14, born during March 1886; Daughter Clara A. McFarland is age 12, born during Sept 1887; Daughter Minnie P. McFarland is age 9, born during November 1890; Daughter Bertha G. McFarland is age 6, born during July 1893; Son Timothy McFarland is age 4, born during October 1895; and Daughter Marie is age 2 years, born during April 1898.

1880 Census, Adams Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 5A/3A/3.1000, District 40, Image 0008. Census sheet is dated 7 June 1880. Census shows Lewis McFarland at age 22, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Illinois of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Elizabeth is age 20, 'Keeping House' and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Daughter Mary McFarland is age 6 months, [6/12] and was born in Ohio of a Father born in Illinois and a Mother born in Ohio.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 22 Nov 1877
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M593_1185, Pages 2/298 and 3/299, Images 598 & 599. Census sheets are dated 6-7 June 1870. Census shows John McCleary at age 38, working as a "Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,800 and personal property valued at $1,500. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Sarah A. McCleary is age 32 and the 'House Keeper'. There are 7 children in the household: Son Daniel McCleary is age 15 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Abraham McCleary is age 14 and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Catherine McCleary is age 12; Daughter Elizabeth McCleary is age 11; Son Isaac McCleary is age 8; Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 6; and Son Jacob McCleary is age 4 years.
1879 Marietta McFARLAND 1884 - 1947 Charles Clifford McFARLAND 63 63 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1947 > October > 16 [THURSDAY]
Headline: Charles McFarland Dies at His Home Here Wednesday
Text: Charles C. McFarland, 63, retired official of the Coshocton Coca Cola Bottling Works, died at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday in his home, 219 South Third st., after an illness of two weeks. He was born Feb. 9, 1884, in Fresno, a son of the late Louis [TYPO - s/b Lewis] and Elizabeth McCleary McFarland. On Jan. 31, 1919 he married Lila Rogers Brightwell, who survives ... Also surviving are four step-daughters, Mrs. Pauline Collins of the home, Mrs. Fred Raich, Lakeworth, Fla, Mrs. Fred Kimberly [TYPO - s/b Kimberley] Coshocton, Mrs. Harold Sees, Cleveland, one foster-son, William Collins of the home, seven sisters and 2 brothers. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Grace Methodist church with Rev. Sumner LaFollette officiating. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery, Warsaw.
~1870 Frank GEESE Lila ROGERS 11 Jul 1892-1893 - 1971 Bertha G. McFARLAND 1889 - 1973 Ralph M. HONABARGER 83 83 1920 1921 Olean HONABARGER 5 Oct 1894-1895 Timothy Edward McFARLAND 1898 Marie L. McFARLAND 1902 - 1994 Helen Gertrude McFARLAND 92 92 1881 - 1956 Anna M. McFARLAND 75 75 1887 Clara A. McFARLAND 1886 Maud McFARLAND 1890 - 1935 Minnie P. McFARLAND 44 44 1882 Seigle McFARLAND 1898 - 1978 Virgil Wright McVEY 79 79 1920 Paul McVEY 1924 1925 Frances L. McVEY ~1928 Margary Ruth McVEY 1900 Lorin Burt WOLFE ~1922 Nellie WOLFE Lucille WOLFE 1882 - 1974 Porteus M. GASKILL 92 92 1906 Harry L. GASKILL 1911 Raymond W. GASKILL 1913 Clarence E. GASKILL 1916 Fern E. GASKILL 1923 Florence Beatrice GASKILL 1907 Irene Gladys GASKILL 1883 - 1968 William HARBOLT 85 85 1912 Garnett HARBOLT 1913 Thelma Lucille HARBOLT 1914 1915 Hazel M. HARBOLT 1882 - 1963 Lewis L. MILLER 81 81 1911 1912 Arthur G. MILLER ~1917 Robert Adrian MILLER 1913 1914 Verle A. MILLER ~1909 Walter R. MILLER 1862 - 1878 Isaac McCLARY 16 16 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 1. 1864 - 1950 Hannah McCLARY 86 86 OBITUARY
The Coshocton Tribune [Coshocton County, Ohio], Monday, July 10, 1950, page 1
Mrs. Hannah McClary Orin, 86, native of Coshocton county, died Sunday morning at the home of her son, Russell Orin, 118 Arlington ave., NW Canton, with whom she resided.
A daughter of John and Sarah Ann Norman McCleary, she was born March 28th, 1864, in White Eyes township, Coshocton, county. She was married to Charles Orin, April 19, 1888. Surviving are one son, Russell; one granddaughter; one brother, Jack McCleray, West Lafayette; a half-sister, Mrs. F. C. Woodey of Cleveland; a half-brother, Ray McClary of Kent, and a number of nieces and nephews.
She was a member of the Dauber ave. Methodist church, Canton. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Canton. Burial will be made in a Canton cemetery.
1866 - >1939 Jacob McCLARY 72 72 1930 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6B/6B, District 13, Image 564.0. Census sheet is dated 5 April 1920. Census shows Jacob McCleary at age 63, a widower, living in a home which he owns and values at $2,500, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Lumber Yard'. There is 1 child in the household: Son Noah McCleary is age 27, working for wages as a 'Burner' in an 'Enamel Ware Factory'. Neither member of the household is a veteran, neither owns a radio set, and both were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6A/98A, District 29, Image 805. Census sheet is dated 17 & 19 Jan 1920. Census shows Jacob McCleary at age 63 [should be 53], living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nettie McCleary is age 49. There are 3 children in the household: Son Ollie W. McCleary is age 17; Son Noah McCleary is age 15; and Daughter Florence McCleary is age 13 years.

1900 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7B/120B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 6 June 1900. Census shows Jacob McCleary at age 33, born during Nov 1866, living on a farm which he rents, and working as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nettie McCleary is age 29, born during Jan 1871. The couple has been married 9 years, circa 1890/1891, and Nettie has given birth to 2 children, both still living. There are 2children in the household: Daughter Pearl McCleary is age 8, born during April 1892; and Son Cecil McCleary is age 6, born during May 1894.

1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 11C/292C/292.3000, District 62, Image 0598. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1880. Census shows John McCleary at age 50, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ireland. The Census sheet notes that John's wife, Sarah McCleary has died during the past year. The remainder of the household are the 7 children, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 16 and 'Keeps House'; Son Jacob McCleary is age 13 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Henry McCleary is age 9; Son Joshua McCleary is age 9; Daughter Manda McCleary is age 7; Son John McCleary is age 5; and Daughter Minnie McCleary is age 3 years.

1870 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M593_1185, Pages 2/298 and 3/299, Images 598 & 599. Census sheets are dated 6-7 June 1870. Census shows John McCleary at age 38, working as a "Farmer' holding real estate valued at $6,800 and personal property valued at $1,500. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Sarah A. McCleary is age 32 and the 'House Keeper'. There are 7 children in the household: Son Daniel McCleary is age 15 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Abraham McCleary is age 14 and 'Works on Farm'; Daughter Catherine McCleary is age 12; Daughter Elizabeth McCleary is age 11; Son Isaac McCleary is age 8; Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 6; and Son Jacob McCleary is age 4 years.
1865 Charles D. ORIN 1930 Census, Canton Township, Ward 6, Canton city, Stark County, Ohio, roll 1869, Page 9A/269A, District 29, Image 1094.0, Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows Carles Orin at age 64, living in a home which he owns and values at $5,000, located at 609 Arlington Ave, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' in 'Street Construction'. Charles Orin is not a veteran, nor does he own a radio set. Wife Hannah B. Orin is also age 64. The couple married when they were born age 22, which was 42 years prior to the Census, circa 1888. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Canton Townshio, Ward 6, Canton city, Stark County, Ohio, roll T625_1434, Page 6B/264B, District 63, Image 1080. Census sheet is dated 2 Jan 1920. Census shows Charles D, Orin at age 54, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located at 609 Arlington Ave, S.W., and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at 'U.S.St Co.' [U. S. Steel Corporation]. Wife 'Hanna' [Hannah] B. Orin is also age 54. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Ward 4, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 1A/254A, District 26. Census sheet is dated about 14-15 April 1910. Census shows Charles Orin at age 45, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located at 420 East Orange, and working for wages as a 'Teamster' as the 'Driver'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Hannah B. Orin is age 46. The couple has been married 22 years, circa 1887/1888, and Hannah has given birth to 3 children of whom 1 is still living: Son Russell Orin is age 14.

1900 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 2B/299B, District 21. Census sheet is dated 5 June 1900. Census shows Charles Orin at age 35, born during May 1865, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Hannah Orin is age 35, born during March 1865. The couple has been married 12 years, circa 1887/1888, and Hannah has given birth to 2 children, of whom 1 is still living. The household includes 1 child: Son Russell Orin is age 5, born during May 1895.

1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Charles Orin
Age: 15
Estimated birth year: <1865>
Birthplace: Ohio
Occupation: At Home
Relationship to head-of-household: Son
Home in 1880: Adams, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's name: John Orin
Father's birthplace: OH
Mother's name: Margaret Orin
Mother's birthplace: OH
Image Source: Year: 1880; Census Place: Adams, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T9_1003; Family History Film: 1255003; Page: 3.2000; Enumeration District: 40; Image
1895 - 1955 Russell John ORIN 60 60 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1955 > October > 24 [MONDAY]
Headline: Death Notices
Sub-Headline: Russell J. Orin
Russell J. Orin, 60, of 118 Arlington av. NW, Canton, a Coshocton county native, died Sunday evening in Aultman hospital, Canton, following a heart attack suffered Sunday morning while he was attending church services. Mr. Orin, who moved to Canton from Coshocton 40 years ago, had been in the garage and auto business there since that time. He was the last survivor of the family of Charles and Hannah Orin. Surviving are his wife, Millie, and a daughter, Madge, at home. [Last paragraph concerning services omitted - place of burial was not stated]

1930 Census, Canton Township, Ward 8, Canton city, Stark County, Ohio, roll 1871, Page 6B/56B, District 45, Image 115.0. Census sheet is dated 5 April 1930. Census shows Russell J. Orin at age 36, living in a home which he owns and values at $1,400, located at 118 Arlington Ave. NW, and working as an employer of others as the Proprietor of an 'Auto Garage'. Russell J. Orin is not a veteran, but does own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. Wife Millie V. Orin is age 37. The couple married when they were both age 21, about 15/16 years prior to the Census, circa 1914/1915. There is one child in the household: Daughter Madge V. Orin is age 6 years.
1893 - 1976 Millie V. FAIR 82 82 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1976 > January > 30 [FRIDAY]
Headline: Area Obituraies
Sub-Headline: ORIN
Dateline: Canton
Mrs. Millie V. Orin, 82, who made her home with her daughter, Madge Orin, here, died in the Joseph T. Nist Geriatric Center of complications at 5:20 a.m. today. She was born Nov. 29, 1893, in Baltic, to Charles and Phoebe Goss Fair. Her husband, Russell J. Orin preceded her in death. Mrs. Orin was a member of the First United Church of Christ and the NTC Sunday school class. Surviving besides the daughter are three sisters, Mrs Esta Carpenter, Miss Caroline Fair, both of Massillon; and Mrs. Russell (Wanda) Lahm, also of here. Services will be 1 p.m. Monday in the Reed Funeral Home with burial in Forest Hill Cemetery, both of here.
1923 1924 Madge V. ORIN 1871 - 1921 Nettie J. VANSICKLE 50 50 1892 Pearl McCLARY 1894 Cecil McCLARY 1902 1903 Opha McCLARY 1904 1905 Noah McCLARY 1906 1907 Florence H. McCLARY 1870 - 1946 Henry McCLARY 75 75 1930 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 7A/7A, District 13, Image 565.0. Census sheet is dated 7 April 1930. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 59, living in a home which he owns and values at $3,000, located on Union Avenue, and working as a 'Contractor' who employs others to work on 'Public Roads'. Henry McCleary is not a veteran, and does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 54. There is one child in the household: Daughter Fern McCleary is age 19.

1920 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 14A/106A, District 29, Image 821. Census sheet is dated 30-31 Jan 1920. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 49, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 44. There are 3 children in the household: Daughter 'Jinnie' [Helen] McCleary is age 21, working for wages as a 'Teacher' in the 'Public School'; Son John McCleary is age 16; and Daughter Fern McCleary is age 9 years.

1910 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 8B/112B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 23 April 1910. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 38, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located on Union Street, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Gravel Co.'. All members of the family were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 32. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895/1896, and Emma has given birth to 3 children all still living. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Helen McCleary is age 10; and Son John E. McCleary is age 6 years.

1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 11C/292C/292.3000, District 62, Image 0598. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1880. Census shows John McCleary at age 50, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ireland. The Census sheet notes that John's wife, Sarah McCleary has died during the past year. The remainder of the household are the 7 children, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 16 and 'Keeps House'; Son Jacob McCleary is age 13 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Henry McCleary is age 9; Son Joshua McCleary is age 9; Daughter Manda McCleary is age 7; Son John McCleary is age 5; and Daughter Minnie McCleary is age 3 years.
1896 - 1952 Emma WIGGINS 55 55 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1952 > March > 3 [MONDAY]
Headline: Mrs. Henry McCleary Dies Sunday Night at West Lafayette Home.
Text: Mrs. Henry McCleary, 75, died at 8 p.m. Sunday at her home on Union av., West Lafayette, following one year's illness of heart disease. Emma Wiggins was born Dec. 15, 1876, near West Lafayette, a daughter of Edward and Amanda Cochran Wiggins. On Feb. 12, 1896, she was married to Henry McCleary, who died Fen. 12, 1946. Surviving are one son, John McCleary of West Lafayette, three daughters, Mrs. Howard Medley, West Lafayette Route 1, Mrs. Dewey Thompson, Coshocton, Mrs. Richard Gisler of Defiance, one brother, Leslie Wiggins, Massillon, nine gradchildren and thre great-grandchildren. One brother, one sister, one half-brother, one half-sister and one granddaughter are deceased. She was a life-long member of the West Lafayette Baptist church. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Bonnell funeral home, West Lafayette. Rev. R.A. Hall, pastor of the Trinity Methodist church, will officiated. Burial will be in Fairfield cemetery.
1899 Helen S. McCLARY 1903 John E. McCLARY 1910 Fern A. McCLARY 1898 Jennie McCLARY 1870 - 1898 Joshua McCLARY 28 28 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 6, Norman plot. 1876 Lola WIGGINS 1895 Guy Walton McCLARY 1874 - >1956 John Freeman McCLARY 81 81 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune, The (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1956 > February > 14 [TUESDAY]
Headline: Local Couple Married 57 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCleary, Union av., West Lafayette, will observe their 57th wedding anniversary Wednesday. They were married in the parsonage of the Coshocton UB church by the pastor, Rev. Fair. Mr. McCleary is 81 and Mrs. McCleary, the former Jane Balch, is 82. Both are in fairly good health. Mr. McCleary for years was a farmer and road contractor. Before retirement seven years ago, he was employed for 15 years at the Jones Metal Products Co. The McClarys (sic) have two children, Ira of Akron and Mrs. William Bevington, West Lafayette, and one grandson. Mrs. McCleary's triplet sister, Miss Laura Balch, resides in Coshocton. Their brother, John Balch, was killed in 1940 when a tractor upset. Sunday callers at the McCleary home included Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reamer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balch, Coshocton, Mrs. Howard Medley and Mrs. William Bevington.
1920 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 12B/104B, District 29, Image 818. Census sheet is dated 29.30 Jan 1920. Census shows John McCleary at age 45, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Jane' [Leola Jane] McCleary is age 46. There are 2 children in the household: Son Ira McCleary is age 19; and Daughter Ruth McCleary is age 17.

1910 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 8B/112B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 23 April 1910. Census shows John McCleary at age 34, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located on Union Street, and working on his own account as a 'Contractor' doing 'Road Grading'. All members of the family were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'L. Jane' [Leola Jane] McCleary is age 36. The couple has been married 10 years, circa 1899/1900, and Leola has given birth to 2 children, both still living. The household includes 2 children: Son Ira McCleary is age 9; and Daughter Ruth McCleary is age 7 years.
1873 - >1956 Leola BALCH 82 82 1900 1901 Ira McCLARY 1902 Ruth McCLARY 1877 - 1909 Minnie May McCLARY 31 31 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Weekly Times (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1909 > January > 14
Miss Minnie McCleary of this county, daughter of the late John McLeary, died Friday at the Gallipolis State hospital and the remains were brought to Coshocton Sunday, interment occurred at Bowman Monday. Miss McCleary was about thirty one years of age and her death was due to pneumonia. She is survived by seven brothers and sisters, living in Coshocton and the vicinity of West Lafayette; Mrs. M. Phillips, Mrs. Chas. Orrin, Mrs. J. R. McFarland, Henry McCleary, Abraham McCleary, John McCleary and Jacob McCleary.
~1873 Amanda McCLARY 1869 Ingraham KEESEY 1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Ingraham Keesey
Age: 11
Estimated birth year: <1869>
Birthplace: Ohio
Occupation: Works On Farm
Relationship to head-of-household: Son
Home in 1880: White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's name: Christopher Keesey
Father's birthplace: OH
Mother's name: Catharine Keesey
Mother's birthplace: OH
Image Source: Year: 1880; Census Place: White Eyes, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T9_1003; Family History Film: 1255003; Page: 292.3000; Enumeration District: 62; Image: 0598.
1895 Florence KEESEY 1893 1894 Roy J. KEESEY ~1891 Hazel L. KEESEY 1840 - 1897 Samuel W. DAUGHERTY 57 57 1867 - 1946 Lester DAUGHERTY 79 79 1870 Florence LYNN 1888 Grover C. DAUGHERTY 1890 - 1969 Otha G. DAUGHERTY 79 79 1894 Rena DAUGHERTY 1869 - 1958 Emery Elbia DAUGHERTY 88 88 1869 Louvina PERRY 1893 Anna B. DAUGHERTY 1873 - 1873 Susan L. DAUGHERTY 1m 1m Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5.  Buried next to her twin. 1873 - 1873 Levetta Jones DAUGHERTY 1m 1m Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5.  Buried next to her twin. 1869 - 1869 Christian McCLARY 1m 1m Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 1. 1819 William NORMAN 1850 Census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  #146
W. A.  Norman, age 31, laborer, born in OH.
Catharine, age 27, born in OH.
Soldester (Sylvester), age 7, born in OH.
Malena, age 18, born in OH.
Thomas, age 6, born in OH.
Rebecca, age 4, born in OH.
Maryann, age 2, born in OH.
1823 Catherine (Mrs. William) NORMAN D. 1784 Sarah **** McMURRIN Have also seen her death place as Hampshire, VA. 1834 - 1881 Mary Jane CARNES 46 46 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 3. 1855 Elizabeth Ann NORMAN 1860 - 1941 Isaac Henry NORMAN 80 80 1880 census at home with parents

1900 census 
Norman, Isaac C., head, age 40, farmer, married 19 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 37, married 19 yrs., 3 children with 3 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Birdie, dau., age 17, single, born in OH.
Henry C., son, age 15, born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 10, born in OH.

1910 census Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, Isaac H., head, age 47, born in OH., farmer, married 26 yrs., parents born in OH.
Amanda E., wife, age 46, 4 children with 4 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 19, single, born in IA.
Freddie, son, age 8, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1.

Ohio County and Family Histories, 1780-1970
History of Coshocton County, page 70

Thrift, energy and economy have characterized the labors of I. H. Norman, who is today the owner of two
hundred and eighty-three acres of well improved and valuable land situated in Lafayette and White Eyes
townships. He was born on the farm which is now his home, October 27, 1860, a son of Daniel and Mary J.
(Karnes) Norman, both of whom were born in Coshocton county. The father was a self-made man and through his
well directed labors accumulated a valuable farm property, comprising three hundred acres. Both he and
his wife are now deceased, the father dying in October, 1880, the mother in February, 1881. Their family numbered six children: Elizabth and Isabel, both of whom have passed away; I.H., of this review; Levi, who has also departed this life; Asbury, who makes his home in Lafayette township; and Nettie, who has departed this life.

I.H. Norman, whose name introduces this review, was educated in the common schools and was reared on the
old homestead farm, beginning his independent business career at the age of twenty years. He is now the owner of two hundred and eighty-three acres of land, one hundred acres of which is located Lafayette township and one hundred and eighty-three acres in White Eyes township. He is here engaged in general agricultural pursuits and raises stock on quite an extensive scale. He deserves great credit for what he has accomplished in a business way, for all that he today possesses has been acquired through his own labors and well directed effort.

Mr. Norman was married in 1881, the lady of his choice being Miss Amanda Pope, who was born in Coshocton
county, a daughter of Jerry and Sarah (Reed) Pope, and one of a family of eight children. The parents were
also natives of the Buckeye state and now reside in Coshocton county. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
has been blessed with four children, one daughter and three sons, namely: Bird May, the wife of Robert
Swagart, of Coshocton county; Henry C., Clarence H. and Fred Foraker, all at home.

Mr. Norman's study of the political questions and issues of the day has led him to give his support to
the republican party and he has been called by his fellow townsmen to fill some township offices, serving
as trustee for two terms and he has also served as supervisor. He is a member of the Grange and he and
his wife attend and support the United Brethren church. Having spent their entire lives in this county
both Mr. and Mrs. Norman are well known and they enjoy the hospitality of many of the best homes of this
section, while the business methods of Mr. Norman are such as command for him the highest regard.
1863 - <1870 Levi NORMAN 7 7 Birth & death dates verified by the Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. 1866 - 1926 Asbury NORMAN 60 60 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cem., West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C1.
1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, page 10A, district 29, image 0813. Census shows Asbury at age 53 living in a rented house. He is not employed. He was born in Ohio, as were both his parents. Wife Virginia is shown as 'Jenny' on the form. She is age 47, and she was born in Ohio of parents who were both born in Ohio. Son McKinley G at age 23 is employed and working for wages. Daughter Clare A ? is 13 years old. Both children were born in Ohio of parents born in Ohio.
Ohio County and Family Histories, 1780-1970 page 419
The farming interests of White Eyes township find a worthy representative in Asbury Norman, who is devoting his time and energies to the cultivation and improvement of a good tract of land of one hundred and one acres. He is numbered among Coshocton's native sons, his birth having occurred in Lafayette township, May 18, 1866. He is the son of Daniel and Mary J. (Karms-Karns) Norman, and his early boyhood days were spent under the parental roof, his time being divided between the work of the schoolroom, the pleasures of the playground and the labors of the field. He started out upon his own account when sixteen years of age, securing employment as a farm hand, in which capacity he worked for five years. He then bought a farm of one hundred and thirty-seven acres in White Eyes township and lived thereon until 1903. In that year he sold his property and invested in one hundred and one acres in White Eyes township, constituting his present farm, which is well improved and returns to him a gratifying annul income. He is diligent and persevering in his labors and he employs the most modern methods of farming so that the soil is always kept in good condition and his fields yield the best possible return.

In 1889 occurred the marriage of Mr. Norman and Miss Virginia Patterson, who was born in Oxford township,
Coshocton county, January 17, 1871, her parents being John M. and Mary (Everel) Patterson. Her father now
lives in Guernsey county, Ohio, while her mother passed away in 1881. Mrs. Norman was one of a family of six children, of whom four are yet living, and by her marriage she became the mother of six children:
May B., deceased; Bertha M., John F., McKinley M., George Dewey, and Clarissa, all yet at home. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and attend its services. Mr. Norman belongs to the Grange and is interested in all pertaining to the agricultural development of the community. In politics he is an earnest republican and, while he does not seek nor desire political office, he has served for four years as school director and is a warm friend of the cause of public education. His entire life has been passed in this county where he is now widely known and the fact that many of his warmest friends are those with whom he has been acquainted since his boyhood days indicates that his career has always been upright and honorable.
1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, page 10A, district 29, image 0813. Census shows Asbury at age 53 living in a rented house. He is not employed. He was born in Ohio, as were both his parents. Wife Virginia is shown as 'Jenny' on the form. She is age 47, and she was born in Ohio of parents who were both born in Ohio. Son McKinley G at age 23 is employed and working for wages. Daughter Clare A ? is 13 years old. Both children were born in Ohio of parents born in Ohio.

Ohio County and Family Histories, 1780-1970 page 419
The farming interests of White Eyes township find a worthy representative in Asbury Norman, who is devoting his time and energies to the cultivation and improvement of a good tract of land of one hundred and one acres. He is numbered among Coshocton's native sons, his birth having occurred in Lafayette township, May 18, 1866. He is the son of Daniel and Mary J. (Karms-Karns) Norman, and his early boyhood days were spent under the parental roof, his time being divided between the work of the schoolroom, the pleasures of the playground and the labors of the field. He started out upon his own account when sixteen years of age, securing employment as a farm hand, in which capacity he worked for five years. He then bought a farm of one hundred and thirty-seven acres in White Eyes township and lived thereon until 1903. In that year he sold his property and invested in one hundred and one acres in White Eyes township, constituting his present farm, which is well improved and returns to him a gratifying annul income. He is diligent and persevering in his labors and he employs the most modern methods of farming so that the soil is always kept in good condition and his fields yield the best possible return.

In 1889 occurred the marriage of Mr. Norman and Miss Virginia Patterson, who was born in Oxford township,
Coshocton county, January 17, 1871, her parents being John M. and Mary (Everel) Patterson. Her father now
lives in Guernsey county, Ohio, while her mother passed away in 1881. Mrs. Norman was one of a family of six children, of whom four are yet living, and by her marriage she became the mother of six children:
May B., deceased; Bertha M., John F., McKinley M., George Dewey, and Clarissa, all yet at home. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and attend its services. Mr. Norman belongs to the Grange and is interested in all pertaining to the agricultural development of the community. In politics he is an earnest republican and, while he does not seek nor desire political office, he has served for four years as school director and is a warm friend of the cause of public education. His entire life has been passed in this county where he is now widely known and the fact that many of his warmest friends are those with whom he has been acquainted since his boyhood days indicates that his career has always been upright and honorable.
1871 - 1881 Nettie Cela NORMAN 10 10 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Cemetery row 3, Birth date also verified from Coshocton Co. records. 1858 - 1902 Isabell NORMAN 44 44 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshoton Co., OH.  Cemetery row 3, 1871 - 1923 Virginia O. M. PATTERSON 52 52 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cem., West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Sec. C1.
1813 - 1888 Sophrona FORDICE 74 74 1855 - 1926 James Madison DEEN 71 71 Enos DEEN Winefred A. (Mrs. James Madison) DEEN John M. HODGES George PHILLIPS 1811 John FORDICE 1838 Harriet FORDICE 1839 George W. FORDICE 1842 Sarah Elizabeth FORDICE 1843 Amos B. FORDICE Cassie Ann ZIKE 1828 - >1859 Ann NORMAN 31 31 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 October 1850. Census shows Jabez Norman at age 58, born in Virginia, and working as a 'Farmer' holding real estate valued at $1500. All other members of the household were born in Ohio. Ann Norman [Name 'Charity' erased and name 'Ann' written over 'Charity'] is age 18 [or 15 or 12]; Joseph Norman is age 16, working as a 'Farmer'; David Norman is age 12; Emily [or Emma] Norman is age 9; Ephriam Norman is age 4; Martha Norman is age 4. The household also includes Sarah Pain at age 18 and Mary Pain at age 12. 1834 - >1850 Joseph NORMAN 16 16 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma), dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?
1816 - >1850 Daniel NORMAN 34 34 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Clay Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12].

1860 census   Bloomfield, Richland Twp.  Greene Co., IN.
Series: M653  Roll: 262  Page: 717
Jul. 13, 1860                John D. Killian
Norman, Daniel, head, age 44, farmer, personal property $250, born in OH.
Margret, wife, age 39, born in OH.
Henry, son, age 16, born in IN.
Sarah E., dau., age 13, born in IN.
Margret, dau., age 5, born in IN.
George W., son, age 1, born in IN.
1838 - 1926 David NORMAN 88 88 Birth & death dates verified from gravestone, East State Street Cem., Newcomerstown, OH.

1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma), dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?

1870 census  New Comerstown,  Oxford Twp. Tuscarawas Co.    OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1273  Page: 277
June 30, 1870                  Robert Patterson
Norman, David, head, age 33, real estate valued @ $1800, personal property valued @ $1500, born in OH.
Mary, wife, age 31, born in PA.

1880 census-Newcomerstown   Oxford Twp. Tuscarawas Co.    OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1072  Page: 269
June 15, 1880
Norman, David, head, age 43, occupation : M.O.A.J., born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in OH.
Mary E., wife, age 41, born in PA., parents born in PA.

1900 census Newcomerstown, Oxford Twp., Tuscarawas Co., OH.
Series: T623  Roll: 1327  Page: 135
June 20?, 1900            Moses B. Kennedy
Norman, David, head, age 64, born Jan. 1836 in OH., farmer, married 33 yrs., parents born in OH.
Mary, wife, age 63, born in June 1838? in PA., 1 child with 1 living, married 33 yrs., father born in N. J., mother born in PA.

American Civil War Soldiers Record
Name: David Norman ,
Enlistment Date: 02 May 1864
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: Ohio
Unit Numbers: 1772 1772
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 02 May 1864 at the age of 28
Enlisted in Company E, 142nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 02 May 1864.
Mustered out Company E, 142nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 02 September 1864 in Camp Chase, OH
Source Citation: Side served: Union; State served: Ohio; Enlistment date: 02 May 1864..
Source Information:
Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA from the following list of works.

1910 census  Newcomerstown, Oxford Twp., Tuscarawas Co., OH.
Series: T624  Roll: 1236  Page: 182
Apr. 16, 1910                  Augustus A. Shear
Norman, David, head, age 73. married 44 yrs., retired, parents birth location unknown.
Mary, wife, age 71, married 44 yrs., 1 child with 0 living, born in PA., father born in N. J., mother born in PA.
Geese, Charles O., cousin, age 32, married 9 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH., works in pipe shop.
Geese, Anna M., cousin, age 30, married 9 yrs., no children, born in OH., parents born in OH.

1920 census  Newcomerstown, Oxford Twp., Tuscarawas Co., OH.
Series: T625  Roll: 1444  Page: 220
Jan. 5 & 6, 1920
Norman, Davied, head, age 82, widow, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Talmadge, Elizabeth, niece, age 59, divorced, nurse at home, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Beryl, Nora, niece, age 40, divorced, housekeeper, born in OH., parents born in OH.

Democratic Standard - Coshocton Co., OH.  Fri. 10/16/1896.
Headline: Keene Kernals
A merry time was had at Mr. Archibald Burrell's a few days ago upon the reunion of Mrs. Burrell's brothers. Those presnt were: Capt. Joshua Norman and brother John of Abilene, Kansas, David and Henry of Newcomerstown, G.W. Norman of Keene and several of Mrs. Burrell's children.
In that same issue, the next item under Keene Kernals stated that Wm. Norman had sold his property to William Shaffer and will move to Indiana.
~1808 - >1870 Ann Catherine (Mrs. Jabez) NORMAN 62 62 1870 census Bokes Creek Twp., Logan Co., OH., Post Office: Ridgeway
Series: M593  Roll: 1234  Page: 26
Jul. 30, 1870
Norman, Catherine, head, age 68, keeping house, real estate valued @ $300, personal property valued @ $100, born in OH.
West, Lydia, age 13, born in OH. (Relationship unknown)
Census form was difficult to read.
1842 Emily NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma), dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?
1846 Ephriam (Twin) NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma), dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?

1900 census  Bennington Twp., Ottawa Co., KS.
Series: T623  Roll: 494  Page: 8
June 13, 1900
NOTE: Census form very difficult to read.
Norman, Ephraim, head, age 53, born Aug. ?? in OH., married 30 yrs., father born in VA., mother born in OH.
????, wife, age 45?, born in June ??, married 30 yrs., 6 children with ? living, parents born in ??.
1846 Martha (Twin) NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557.
Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jutry (Jabez), head, age 58, born in VA., farmer, real estate valued @ $1500.
Ann, wife, (name Charity erased and name Ann written over Charity), age 18 (or 15 or 12), born in OH.
Original census sheet lists her age as 12, however it is hard to read & I believe it is actually 42. born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 16, farmer, born in OH.
David, son, age 12, born in OH.
Emily (or Emma), dau., age 9, born in OH.
Ephriam, son, age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Martha, dau., age 4, born in OH. (Twin)
Sarah Pain, age 18, relationship unknown
Mary Pain at age 12,  relationship unknown
NOTE: Are Sarah & Mary possibly sisters of Ann?
1767 - 1850 Isaac NORMAN 83 83 ~1771 Ann NORMAN ~1772 Sarah NORMAN 1781 - >1783 Henry NORMAN 2 2 The History Of Belmont & Jefferson Counties (Ohio)
Henry Norman was born in Hampshire county, Virginia, in February, 1781, and came to Ohio in 1793, locating in Mingo Bottom. Mr. Norman was a soldier in the war of 1812, under Col. Duvall ; moved to Salem township, Jefferson county in 1814. Married Ann Knott by whom he had nine children - James, Nathaniel, Lucinda, Rebecca A., John, Sarah, Nancy, William and Mary Norman.
1839 - 1912 Mary E. CRATER 73 73 Birth & death dates verified from gravestone, East State Street Cemetery, Newcomerstown, OH. D. 1873 Willie Death date verified from grave marker, East State Street Cem., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Co., OH. 1819 - 1883 Hamilton OLNEY 63 63 Married twice; had at least eleven children. [Hazel Michler]

1860 Census: Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia

1870Census:  Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia

1880 Census:  Cass, Wapello, Iowa
1840 - 1925 Lewis Wesley OLNEY 84 84 1860 Cemsus Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
1870 Census:  Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
1880 Census:  Columbia, Wapello, Ia
1900 Census:  Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
1910 Census: Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia

Probably the Lewis Olney who appears in the 1870 census as follows:
Olney, Lewis IA WAPELLO CO. CASS TWP 039 1870
1848 - 1896 Frances Ann CHISMAN 48 48 1875 Luella OLNEY 1880 Census Columbia, Wapello, Ia
1900 Census:  Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
1910  Census: Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
1840 Clarence W. NYE 1900  Census: Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
1910 Census:  Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
1897 Ethel NYE 1899 Leslie A. NYE 1900 Census: Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia

1910 Census:  Columbia Twp, Wapello, Ia
???? NYE 1842 Elmira OLNEY Horatio JOHNSON 1843 - 1875 Dianah M. OLNEY 31 31  Census: 1860 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1870 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
1848 Thomas Leroy SACKETT 1842 - 1928 Clark CANFIELD 85 85 1870; Census Place: Polk, Wapello, Iowa; Roll: M593_422; Page: 243;
Image: 485.
July 26, 1870
Canfield, Clark, 27, M, W, Farmer, 1500, 400, Indiana Canfield, Anna, 26, F, W, Keeping House, Illinois Canfield, Hamilton A, 3, M, W, Iowa

CLARK CANFIELD, painter, city of Aurora, was born near Aurora September 11, 1842, and obtained common school education. His father, Newton CANFIELD, was born in Boone County, Ky., June 7, 1813. His mother, Susan (BAKER) CANFIELD, was born in Wilmington March 28, 1816. They were married April 26, 1835. The father was a stone mason by trade. Clark followed farming up to 1876, since then, to 1881, was engaged in the grocery business. In 1881 he began painting and has since followed that trade. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Eighty-third Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving his country until May, 1865. He was married, December 27, 1866, to Miss Diannah OLNEY, who was born in Illinois December 3, 1843. By this union one child - Hamilton A. - has been born. His wife died February 13, 1875. He married, August 17, 1876, Miss Sallie GRIFFIN, who was born January 1, 1843. By this marriage one child, Perry P., was born. In 1881 Mr. CANFIELD was elected councilman from the Third Ward, and has since been re-elected. He is Post Commander of John A. Platt Post No. 82, having been elected in 1884. He is also a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A.M., and the Methodist Episcopal Church.
HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES, INDIANA-1885 Change Date: 9 Jun 2001 at 22:27:58

1880; Census Place: Aurora, Dearborn, Indiana; Roll: T9_272; Family History Film: 1254272; Page: 35.1000; Enumeration District: 41; Image: 0072.
    June 7, 1880
Camfield, Clark, W, M, 36, Married, Farmer, Ind, Ind, INd Camfield, Sallie, W, F, 35, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Ind, O, Pa Camfield, Arthur, W, M, 13, Son, Single, At School, Iowa, Ind, Ind Camfield, Perry, W, M, 1, Son, Single, Ind, Ind, Ind

1900; Census Place: Center, Dearborn, Indiana; Roll: T623 365; Page:
    10B; Enumeration District: 35.
    June 1, 1900
    Canfield, Clark, Head, W, M, May 1842, 58, M, 34, Indiana, US, US, Painter Canfield, Sallie E, Wife, W, F, Jany 1843, 57, M, 24, 1, 1, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania Canfield, Perry P, Son, W, M, May 1879, 21, S, Indiana, Indiana, Indiana, Lathe Hand

1910; Census Place: Aurora Ward 3, Dearborn, Indiana; Roll: T624_345;
    Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 40; Image: 111.
    Canfield, Clark, Head, W, M, 65, M1, 33, Indiana, Indiana, Indiana, English, Painter, Contractor Canfield, Sarah E, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 33, 1, 1, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, English, None Canfield, Perry, Son, M, W, 30, S, Indiana, Indiana, Indiana, English, Machinist, Machine Shop

1920; Census Place: Aurora Ward 3, Dearborn, Indiana; Roll: T625_428;
    Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 36; Image: 693.
    Canfield, Clark, Head, M, W, 77, M, Indiana, Indiana, Indiana, Retired Canfield, Sarah, Wife, F, W, 77, M, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, None


    From all of this, I believe that the one addressed as "Mother" in Annie's letter was Cornelia C. Gilbert Sackett Olney.

    Let me know if this helps and if you have any corrections.

    Warm regards,

1867 Hamilton Arthur CANFIELD Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Hamilton A Canfield
Name: Hamilton A Canfield
Spouse Name: Minnie L Hadley
Marriage Date: 14 Jun 1894
Marriage County: Marion
Estimated birth year: 1868
Age: 26
Source Title 1: Marion County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1891 - 1895 Inclusive Vol Source Title 3: Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind
Book: 17

Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
Name: Hamilton A Canfield
Marriage Date: 14 Jun 1894
Marriage County: Marion
Estimated birth year: 1866
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Father Name: Clark
Mother Name: Olney
Source Title 1: Marion County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Supplemental Record Marriage Transcript 1 Source Title 3: W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: 4
OS Page: 290

1900; Census Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana; Roll: T623 387;
    Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 41.
    June 1, 1900
    Canfield, H Arther, Head, W, M, June 1876, 23, M, Iowa, Indiana, Iowa, Stationery Engineer Canfield, Minnie L, Wife, W, F, Jan 1871, 29, M, 2, 2, Indiana, Indiana, Ohio Canfield, Harrold C, Son, W, M, Nov 1897 2, S, Indina, Indiana, Indiana Canfield, Verlin, Son, W, M, Mar 1900, 2/12, S, Indinaa, Indiana, Indiana Hadley, Ira, Father, W, M, May 1807, 53, Wd, Indiana, Indiana, Ohio, Merchant Procurer Hadley, Virdice, Sister, W, F, Oct 1888, 18, S, Indiana, Indiana, Ohio Pierce, Nettie, Servant, B, F, Sept 1893, 16, S, Indiana, Indiana, N Carolina, Servant
Minnie L. HADLEY 1846 Mary E. OLNEY 1860 Census: Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia 1848 - 1889 Martha Melissa OLNEY 41 41 Census: 1860 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1870 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1880 Cass, Wapello, Ia

I believe that this is the Martha Malissa Olney who married Elias Canfield and whose children married in Wapello Co., IA. Her family was living in Wapello County at this time. There were Olneys from another line living in Carroll County, IL. Martha's family lived in McLean County, Illinois before removing to Wapello County, Iowa.
This couple and their descendants are found in WFT Vol. 1 #0544.

1880 Census (Martha, wife of Elias Canfield) shows her parents born in OH and VT -- this does not fit the daughter of Hamilton and Rebecca Olney. But the 1870 Census shows brother-in-law, Robert Olney, living with the Canfields, and this DOES fit this family. The age of Martha, wife of Silas Canfield, fits with Melissa, daughter of Hamilton Olney, but there IS a younger daughter named Martha. WHO IS THIS??
1847 - 1921 Elias CANFIELD 73 73  Census: 1870 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1880 Cass, Wapello, Ia
1871 Sarah CANFIELD 1875 Mary CANFIELD 1877 Annie CANFIELD 1880 Frank CANFIELD 1852 - 1913 Robert G. OLNEY 61 61 1860 Census: Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
1870  Census:Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
1880 Census:  Columbia, Wapello, Ia
1900  Census: 7-Wd Ottumwa, Wapello, Ia
1910  Census: Center, Wapello, Ia
1854 - 1920 Mary E. CROOKS 66 66 Census: 1880 Columbia, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1900 7-Wd Ottumwa, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1910 Center, Wapello, Ia
1879 Ina Blanche OLNEY 1876 - 1955 Fred Lamont EATON 79 79 1881 Nellie M. OLNEY 1884 Eleanor OLNEY 1887 - 1918 Fred E. OLNEY 30 30 Irena OLNEY 1857 Martha OLNEY 1859 - 1862 Benjamin Hamilton OLNEY 3 3 1861 - 1863 Sarah E. OLNEY 2 2 1862 - 1952 Noyes Cain OLNEY 90 90 Census: 1870 Cass Twp, Wapello, Ia
Census: 1880 Center, Wapello, Iowa
Census: 1880 Cass, Wapello, Iowa
Census: 1900 2-Wd Kirksville, Adair, Mo
Census: 1910 13-Wd Seattle, King, Wa
Census: 1920 Ca , los Angeles, Pasadena
Census: 1930 Pasadena, Los Angeles, Ca
1863 Isabella HEACOCK 1883 - 1944 Arthur Hamilton OLNEY 60 60 1887 Lorraine E. CAIN 1915 - 1991 Arthur Cain OLNEY 75 75 1919 - 1990 Leona Ellen HARTZELL 70 70 1891 LaVina OLNEY <1830 Henry NORMAN 1830 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 129, Page 22.
Census shows a total of 9 persons in the household: 6 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: two David and Henry
Males 5-10: One Joshua age 6
Males 10-15: Two John age 11
Males 30-40: One Jabez age 33
Females 5-10: One
Females 10-15: One
Females 30-40: One Nancy age 33

Article published in The Democratic Standard [Coshocton County, Ohio] on 16 Oct 1896
Headline: Keene Kernals
A merry time was had at Mr. Archibald Burrell's a few days ago upon the reunion of Mrs. Burrell's brothers. Those presnt were: Capt. Joshua Norman and brother John of Abilene, Kansas, David and Henry of Newcomerstown, G.W. Norman of Keene and several of Mrs. Burrell's children.
In that same issue, the next item under Keene Kernals stated that Wm. Norman had sold his property to William Shaffer and will move to Indiana.
~1884 Blanch L. (Mrs. Frank) BURRELL ~1904 Norman C. BURRELL 1920 Census, Precinct 21, Ward 5, Louisville city, Jefferson County, Kentucky, roll T625_580, Page 12B/138B, District 109, Image 278. Census sheet is dated 13 January 1920. Census shows Frank D. Burrell at age 39, married but living as a 'Roomer' in a home located at 105 East College Street, working for wages as a 'Train Baggage Agent' at the 'Railroad Station', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
1920 Census, Precinct 26, Ward 2, Albuquerque city, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, roll T625_1074, Page 2A/176A, District 16, Image 352. Census sheet is dated 2 January 1920. Census shows Blanch L. Burrell at age 35, married, living in a home which she rents, located at 818 1/2 South Estith? Street, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Son Norman C. Burrell is age 16, working for wages as a 'Machinist' in the 'Railroad Shops' and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1913 > May > 16
Headline: At Kaser Home
Text: Mrs. F. D. Burrell and son Norman of Terre Haute, Ind., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Kaser in Roscoe.

1910 Census, Harrison Township, Ward 7, Terre Haute city, Vigo County, Indiana, roll T624_385, Page 2B/101B, District 169, IMage 1093. Census sheet is dated 16 April 1910. Census shows Frank D. Burrell at age 29, living in a home which he rents, located at 1438 Second Avenue, working for wages as a 'Brakeman' for a 'Railroad', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Blanch L. Burrell is age 25, and born in Ohio of parents whose birth places are 'Unknown'. The couple has been married 6 years, circa 1903/1904, and Blanch has given birth to 1 child, who is still living. There is 1 child in the household: Son Norman C. Burrell is age 4 years, born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household also includes Cousin Anna Talmage at age 16, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
~1870 - Nov-Dec 1968 Frederick M. KLINGER Nov. 9, 1939 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Article states that Fred M. Klinger has been elected Township Trustee of Bethlehem Township.

WIFE'S OBITUARY [Shows Fred Klinger was living in Bethlehem Township during 1940.]
Apr. 6, 1940 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: Mrs. Fred Klinger, Blissfield Native, Dies at Age of 57
Text: Mrs. Grace Klinger died at her home in Bethlehem township at 6:15 a.m. today after having been in ill health for the past 10 years suffering from complications. She was 57. Born Sept. 22, 1882, in Blissfield, she was the daughter of Henry and Mary Burrell. In 1902 she was united in marriage to Fred Klinger, who survives. She had been a member of the Prairie Chapel church and the Ladies Aid society for a number of years. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Edgar B., and Walter M. Klinger of Deleware and Eugene of Albany, Ga.; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Burgess of Deleware; three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs Fay King of Richmond, Ind., and a brother, Frank Burrell of Terre Haute, Ind. The body will remain at the Urey funeral home in Warsaw until 9 a.m. Sunday, at which time it will be removed to the home. Funeral services will be held at the Prairie Chapel church at 2 p.m. Tuesday, leaving the home at 1:30. Rev. W.F. Longworth will be in charge and burial will be in the church cemetery.

Apr. 1, 1943 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1943 > April > 1
Real Estate Transfers
Text: Frederick M. Klinger to Supreme Council of House of Jacob of U.S.A., 118.66 acres, Bethlehem Township.

Apr. 19, 1943 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Ad Headline: PUBLIC SALE
Having sold my farm, I will offer at Public Auction on Tuesday, April 27, at 1:00 o'clock sharp, all my livestock and farm machinery. Will advertise full bill later. Fred M. Klinger

Jan 4, 1952 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Text: Fred Klinger, who has been ill at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Opal Klinger, Deleware, has been moved to White Cross hospital, columbus, for observation and treatment. His room number is 318.

Jan.12, 1952 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: IMPROVED
Text: Fred Klinger who was recently removed from a hospital to the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Opal Klinger, 18 South Union st., Deleware, O., is reported much improved.

Mar. 21, 1967 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: Fred Klinger is Homored
Text: Honoring Fred Klinger on his ninety-seventh birthday anniversary, Mrs. Freda Wheeler, 437 1/2 Walnut St., entertained with a dinner Monday. Other guests were Mrs. Lucy Sibert and Elvin Lapp.

Dec. 3, 1968 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Classified Ad 'Card of Thanks' to neighbors and friends of the late Fred Klinger

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]
~1903 Mary H. KLINGER 1930 Census, Deleware Township, Ward 2, Deleware city, Deleware County, Ohio, roll 1790, Page 4V/87A, District 9, Image 175.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. [Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Burdge' rather than Burgess] Census shows Clarence 'Burdge' [Burgess] at age 30, living in a home which he rents for $27 per month, located at 108 Spring Street, and working for wages as an 'Electrician' for a 'Street Car' company. Clarence Burgess is a veteran of the World War, he does own a radio set, and he was born in Indiana of parents both born in the 'United States'. Wife Mary Burgess is age 26, and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple married when Clarence was age 20 and Mary was age 18, which was 8-10 years prior to the Census, circa 1921. There is 1 child in the household: Son Frederick Burgess is age 5 and born in Ohio of a Father born in Indiana and a Mother born in Ohio. The household also includes Mary's Brother/Clarence's Brother-in-Law Edgar Klinger at age 25, Divorced, and working for wages as an 'Electrician' for a 'Street Ele Corp.'. Edgar Klinger is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and , like his Sister Mary, he was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]
~1899 Clarence BURGESS ~1924 Frederick BURGESS ~1904 Edgar B. KLINGER 1930 Census, Deleware Township, Ward 2, Deleware city, Deleware County, Ohio, roll 1790, Page 4V/87A, District 9, Image 175.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. [Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Burdge' rather than Burgess] Census shows Clarence 'Burdge' [Burgess] at age 30, living in a home which he rents for $27 per month, located at 108 Spring Street, and working for wages as an 'Electrician' for a 'Street Car' company. Clarence Burgess is a veteran of the World War, he does own a radio set, and he was born in Indiana of parents both born in the 'United States'. Wife Mary Burgess is age 26, and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple married when Clarence was age 20 and Mary was age 18, which was 8-10 years prior to the Census, circa 1921. There is 1 child in the household: Son Frederick Burgess is age 5 and born in Ohio of a Father born in Indiana and a Mother born in Ohio. The household also includes Mary's Brother/Clarence's Brother-in-Law Edgar Klinger at age 25, Divorced, and working for wages as an 'Electrician' for a 'Street Ele Corp.'. Edgar Klinger is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and like his Sister Mary, he was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

Mar. 9, 1927 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Article makes reference to 'Mrs. Edgar Klinger'

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]
~1906 - 1931 Mabel E. KLINGER 25 25 June 22, 1956 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > Headline: Twenty-Five Years Ago June 22, 1931
Text: Mrs. Mabel E. Caley, 24, wife of John Caley [Should be James Caley], Coshocton, died at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinger, Bethlehem towmship.

June 24, 1931 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
AD 'Card of Thanks' regarding Mabel's death, signed by James Caley, son, and familty and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinger

May 24, 1931 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > May > 24
Text: Mrs. James Caley, North Eighth st., is seriously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Klinger of Warsaw suffering from a nervous breakdown.

Jan. 24, 1929 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1929 > January > 24
Headline: Personals
Text: Mr and Mrs N.S. Cutshall entertained the following guests recently: ... Mr. and Mrs. James Caley, and son James Jr.

May 1, 1926 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: Legal Notices
I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Mabel Klinger Caley.
Mr. James E. Caley

Nov. 22, 1921 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Article mentions "Mrs. Fred Klinger, and daughter Mabel and sons Walter and Eugene."

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]
1904 - 1969 James E. CALEY 65 65 SSDI Information:
Name: James Caley
SSN: 278-18-0910
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 18 Feb 1904
Died: Oct 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: James E Caley
Birth Date: Est. 1904
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 26 Oct 1969
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 073823
Age at Death: 65
Certifier: Physician
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 073823; Volume: 19822
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

[Death of Wife]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1956 > June > 22
Headline: Twenty-Five Years Ago June 22, 1931
Text: Mrs. Mabel E. Caley, 24, wife of John Caley [Should read James Caley], Coshocton, died at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinger, Bethlehem towmship.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > June > 24
AD 'Card of Thanks' regarding Mabel's death, signed by James Caley, son, and familty and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinger

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > May > 24
Text: Mrs. James Caley, North Eighth st., is seriously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Klinger of Warsaw suffering from a nervous breakdown.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1929 > January > 24
Headline: Personals
Text: Mr and Mrs N.S. Cutshall entertained the following guests recently: ... Mr. and Mrs. James Caley, and son James Jr.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1926 > May > 1
Headline: Legal Notices
I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Mabel Klinger Caley.
Mr. James E. Caley

1920 United States Federal Census Record
Name: James Caley
Home in 1920: Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 15 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's name: Charles
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's name: Dora
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Sex: Male
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 796
Household Members: Name Age
Charles Caley 55
Dora Caley 51
Charles Caley 27
Eugene Caley 24
Homer Caley 17
James Caley 15
George Caley 19
Virgle Caley 12
Hellon Caley 10
Harry Caley 5
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T625_1357; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 29; Image: 796.

1910 United States Federal Census Record
Name: James Caley
Age in 1910: 6
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1904
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: Charles
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Name: Dora
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Home in 1910: Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Charles Caley 45
Dora Caley 43
Charles H Caley 17
Ada Caley 16
Eugene Caley 15
Harvey Caley 12
Frank Caley 10
Mary Caley 9
Homer Caley 7
James Caley 6
George Caley 4
Virgil Caley 3
Hellen Caley 1
Maud Caley 19
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1162; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 11; Image: 855.
1925 - 1992 James Charles CALEY 66 66 SSDI Information:
Name: James C. Caley
SSN: 279-20-6311
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 25 Sep 1925
Died: 21 Jan 1992
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: James Charles Caley
Birth Date: 25 Jul 1925
Birth City: Coshocton
Birth County: Coshocton
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 21 Jan 1992
Death Time: 1:35 PM
Hospital of Death: OSU Medical Ctr
City of Death: Columbus
County of Death: Franklin
Certificate: 002615
Age at Death: 66
Certifier: Physician
Referred to Coroner: No
Autopsy: No
Filing Date: 30 Jan 1992
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: Yes
Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: 279-20-6311
Father's Surname: Caley
Mother's Maiden Name: Klingler BINGO
Marital Status: Married
Industry of Decedent: Coal mining
Occupation of Decedent: Mining machine operators
Primary Registration District: 2501
Source Citation: Certificate: 002615; Volume: 28844
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 Record
Name: James C Caley
Address: 844 Otsego Ave
City: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 43812-2545
Phone Number: DELETED
Residence Years: 1993 1994 1995
Source Citation: City: Coshocton; State: Ohio; Year(s): 1993 1994 1995.
Source Information: U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: 1993-2002 White Pages. Little Rock, AR, USA: Acxiom Corporation.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1929 > January > 24
Headline: Personals
Text: Mr and Mrs N.S. Cutshall entertained the following guests recently: ... Mr. and Mrs. James Caley, and son James Jr.
1908 - 1950 Walter Mathias KLINGER 42 42 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1960 > December > 18
Headline: Ten Years Ago Dec. 18, 1950
Text: Walter Klinger, 42, former Coshocton resident, died in Deleware. He was a press operator.

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger [His name is Mis-indexed as Mettie M. Klinger] is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]
1920 - 1998 Opal Lucille TAYLOR 78 78 SSDI Information:
Name: Opal Lane
SSN: 298-18-6481
Last Residence: 43015 Delaware, Delaware, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 21 Sep 1920
Last Benefit: 43015 Delaware, Delaware, Ohio, United States of America
Died: 9 Nov 1998
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Opal Lucille Lane
Birth Date: 21 Sep 1920
Birth City: Coshocton
Birth County: Coshocton
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Death Date: 9 Nov 1998
Death Time: 2:43 AM
Hospital of Death: Grady Memorial Hospital
City of Death: Delaware
County of Death: Delaware
Certificate: 087099
Age at Death: 78
Certifier: Physician
Hospital Status: Hospital/ER-Outpatient
Social Security Number: 298-18-6481
Father's Surname: Taylor
Mother's Maiden Name: Foster
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: 12
Armed Forces Indicator: No
Industry of Decedent: Eating and drinking places
Occupation of Decedent: Waiters and waitresses
Primary Registration District: 2101
Source Citation: Certificate: 087099; Volume: 31736
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

1930 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Opal L Taylor
Home in 1930: Tiverton, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 13
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's Name: George E
Mother's Name: Barbara J
Household Members: Name Age
George E Taylor 37
Barbara J Taylor 29
Opal L Taylor 13
Forest L Taylor 8
June D Taylor 7
Colleen R Taylor 3
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Tiverton, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: 1758; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 23; Image: 696.0.
~1914 Eugene F. KLINGER Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > August > 6
Headline: 10 Years Ago Today, August 6, 1916 [ERROR 10 years back was 6 August 1921]
Text: Eugene Klinger, the 20-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Klinger of Coshocton Route 1, was badly bruised and narrowly escaped death when he was run into and knocked down by a horse at the home of his parents.

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1940 > August > 1 [Thursday]
Headline: WARSAW
Sub-Headline: Birth Notes
Text: A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Klinger.

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1944 > May > 1
Headline: 153 Leave Here to Take Draft Exam
Text: List of 153 names includes "Eugene Klinger, 519 Locust st."

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1946 > February > 9
Men from the Coshocton area recently discharged from the service at Camp Atterbury, Ind., were ....
Pfc Eugene F. Klinger, 519 Locust st
Beatrice (Mrs. Eugene) KLINGER 1940 - 1969 Ernest Eugene "Pete" KLINGER 28 28 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1940 > August > 1 [Thursday]
Headline: WARSAW
Sub-Headline: Birth Notes
Text: A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Klinger.Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1969 > June > 17 [Tuesday]

Headline: 'Pete' Klinger Dies Monday Night
Text: Ernest Eugene (Pete) Klinger lost his long struggle for life last night. Klinger, who would have been 29 next month, died at Cleveland Clinic for illness and complications he sustained after an automobile accident almost four years ago. He and his wife had been residing at 234 West St., Roscoe, for the past several months. A former Coshocton Memorial Hospital laboratory technician, he was critically injured in December, 1965, when he stopped to help a motorist with car trouble on old Route 36. Another car crashed into Klinger breaking both legs, several ribs and fracturing his skull. After nine operations and two years in various hospitals Klinger's kidneys collapsed and he had to be kept alive on a $400-per-week kidney machine. Last July his mother, Mrs. Gene Klinger, 630 John St., donated a kidney for a transplant for her son, allowing him to discontinue using the machine, although he was to remain in Cleveland Clinic for several months afterward. To help with the enormous hospital bills, Dr. Donald Owens, a Coshocton optometrist, who had been Klinger's troop leader in Boy Scouts, began a fund-raising drive. Over $5,000 was collected from individual donations as well as a polo match, and aucton and various fund-raising projects by Vacation Bible Schools, women's clubs and community service organizations. At the end of the summer Klinger, with the help of crutches, was able to attend the 10-year reunion of his 1958 Coshocton High School graduating class, where he was the honored guest. Funeral arrangements, in charge of Dawson Funeral Home, are incomplete.
1887 Charles Glen KING 1930 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll 638, Page 9B/223B, District 54, Image 450.0. Census sheet is dated 18-19 April 1930. Census shows Charles G. King at age 42, living in a home which he owns, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Lawn Mower Works'. Charles G. King is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Beulah F. King is also age 42, and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple married when each was age 24, which was 18 years prior to the Census, circa 1911/1912. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary K. King is age 17, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll T625_474, Page 6B/150B, District 160 [mis-entered as District 16 on sheet], Image 302. Census sheet is dated 13 January 1920. Census shows Charles G. King at age 32, living in a home which he rents, located on the Middleford Pike, working for wages as a 'Blacksmith' at a 'R.R. Shop' [Railroad Shop], and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'B. Fay' [Beulah Fay] King is also age 32, and also born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary Catherine King is age 6 years, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Charles Glen King
City: Not Stated
County: Wayne
State: Indiana
BirthPlace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 06 Oct 1887
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1653172
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, Registration Card No: [Illegible]
1. Name: Charles Glen King Age: 29
2. Home Address: Route C, Richmond, Indiana
3. Date of Birth: October 6 1887
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.
6. If Not Citizen: A Citizen
7. Occupation/Trade: Blacksmith
8. Employer & Where: Myself, Richmond, Ind
9. Persons Supported: Wife and child
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Wife & child
Signature: Charles Glen King

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped # 13-2-29-A Registrar's Report
1. Medium [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Gray, Hair: Light, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: No
Registrar: Omer C. Puthoff
Precinct: 3rd, Wayne Township
City/County: Wayne
State: Indiana
Date: 6/5/17
[Stamped] No Local Board Stamp
~1913 Mary Kathryn KING 1920 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll T625_474, Page 6B/150B, District 160 [mis-entered as District 16 on sheet], Image 302. Census sheet is dated 13 January 1920. Census shows Charles G. King at age 32, living in a home which he rents, located on the Middleford Pike, working for wages as a 'Blacksmith' at a 'R.R. Shop' [Railroad Shop], and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'B. Fay' [Beulah Fay] King is also age 32, and also born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary Catherine King is age 6 years, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.

1930 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll 638, Page 9B/223B, District 54, Image 450.0. Census sheet is dated 18-19 April 1930. Census shows Charles G. King at age 42, living in a home which he owns, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Lawn Mower Works'. Charles G. King is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Beulah F. King is also age 42, and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple married when each was age 24, which was 18 years prior to the Census, circa 1911/1912. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary K. King is age 17, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.
John H. McNEELY Database: Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900
Name Spouse Marriage Date County State
McNEELY, JOHN H. BURRELL, HESTER A. 22 Dec 1874 Coshocton OH
Source Information:
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.
This database contains records of marriages that took place in in various counties in the State of Ohio, USA, between 1803 and 1900. Each record provides the names of both bride and groom, along with the marriage date.
1877 Thurman McNEELY 1920 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Precinct B, Ward 3, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 3B/240B, District 43, Image 1090. Census sheet is dated 6 January 1920. Census shows Thurman McNeely at age 42, living in a home which he rents, located at 854 East Locust Street, and working for wages as a 'Sign Cutter' in a 'Factory'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Tillie' [Mary M.] McNeely is age 38. There are 2 children in the household: Son Vernon T. McNeely is age 6; and Son Robert T. McNeely is age 9 months [9/12].

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Thurman Mcneely
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 27 Nov 1877
Race: White
Roll: 1832033
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C

Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number 2079 Order Number A-2655
1. Name: Thurman McNeely
2. Home Address: 854 East Locust Street, Coshocton, Ohio
3. Age in Years: 40
4. Date of Birth: Nov 27st 1877
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Laborer
17 & 18. Employer & Where: H. D. Beach Co, Coshocton, Ohio
Nearest Relative: Wife Tillie [Or Millie?] McNeely 854 East Locust Street, Coshocton, Ohio
Affirmed/Signature: Thurman McNeely

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 34-4-4-C Registrar's Report
Height: 22. Medium
Build: 25. Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Lost Limbs, etc: No
Registrar: [Illegible]
Date: Sept 12, 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for
Coshocton County, Ohio
Coshocton, Ohio

1910 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Ward 3, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 12A/230A, District 23, Image 1081. Census sheet is dated 26-27 April 1910. Census shows Thurman McNeely at age 33, living in a home which he rents, located at 854 East Locust Street, working for wages as a 'Laborer' for an 'Advertising Company'. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary M. McNeely is age 30. The couple has been married 4 years, circa 1905/1906, and Mary has not given birth.

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 24B/243B, District 18. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900. Census shows Owen Marshall at age 60, born during December 1839, living in a home which he rents, working as a 'Carpenter', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Pennsylvania and a Mother born in Virginia. Wife Hester Marshall is age 44, born during November 1855 in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple has been married 7 years, and during her lifetime hester has given birth to 1 child, who is still living. That child, from Hester's first marriage, is listed by Owen Marshall as Step-Son Therman McNeely who is age 22, born during November 1877, and who is working for 'Duttea? Mfg. Co.'.
~1879 Mary M. (Mrs. Thurman) McNEELY 1913 - 1988 Vernon T. McNEELY 75 75 SSDI Information:
Name: Vernon McNeely
SSN: 279-10-6386
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 18 Feb 1913
Died: 17 Apr 1988
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

1920 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Precinct B, Ward 3, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 3B/240B, District 43, Image 1090. Census sheet is dated 6 January 1920. Census shows Thurman McNeely at age 42, living in a home which he rents, located at 854 East Locust Street, and working for wages as a 'Sign Cutter' in a 'Factory'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Tillie' [Mary M.] McNeely is age 38. There are 2 children in the household: Son Vernon T. McNeely is age 6; and Son Robert T. McNeely is age 9 months [9/12].
~1919 Robert T. McNEELY 1920 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Precinct B, Ward 3, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 3B/240B, District 43, Image 1090. Census sheet is dated 6 January 1920. Census shows Thurman McNeely at age 42, living in a home which he rents, located at 854 East Locust Street, and working for wages as a 'Sign Cutter' in a 'Factory'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Tillie' [Mary M.] McNeely is age 38. There are 2 children in the household: Son Vernon T. McNeely is age 6; and Son Robert T. McNeely is age 9 months [9/12]. 1896 - 1966 Floyd J. STILLENBAUR 70 70 SSDI Information:
Name: Floyd Stillenbaur
SSN: 279-20-4949
Last Residence: 43828 Keene, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 11 Apr 1896
Died: Aug 1966
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Floyd J Stillenbaur
Birth Date: Est. 1896
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 1 Aug 1966
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 58573
Age at Death: 70
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 58573; Volume: 18550
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6B/271B, District 12, Image 547.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. [Note: Census is Mis-Indexed under the surname Stillendaur rather than Stillenbaur] Census shows Floyd Stillenbaur at age 34, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Floyd Stillenbaur is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie Stillbaur is age 33. The couple married when Floyd was age 20 and Bessie was age 19, which was about 14 years prior to the Census, circa 1915/1916. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene Stillenbaur is age 13; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur is age 10 years. The household also includes a 'Lodger' named Lester Woods, who is working for wages as a 'Laboerer' doing 'General Farm' work.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357. Page 3B/88B, District 28, Image 786. Census sheet is dated 15 January 1920. [NOTE: Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Stillenbauer'] Census shows Floyd J. Stillenbaur at age 23, living in a home which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer' doing 'General Farm' work. all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie M. Stillenbaur is age also 23. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene L. Stillenbaur is age 3 years and 2 months [3 2/12]; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur, Jr., is age 1 month [1/12].

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Floyd J Stillenbaur
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
BirthPlace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 11 Apr 1896
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1832066
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, 494 1653 Registration Card No: 36
1. Name: Floyd J. Stillenbaur Age: 21
2. Home Address: R.F.D. 3, Coshocton, Ohio
3. Date of Birth: April 11 1896
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Keene, Ohio, U.S.A.
6. If Not Citizen: [dash]
7. Occupation/Trade: Farmer
8. Employer & Where: Myself, Keene tp
9. Persons Supported: Wife and child
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Dependent family & head of farm
Signature: Floyd J. Stillenbaur

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped # 34-4-4-A Registrar's Report
1. Tall [Height] Slender [Build]
2. Eyes: Light Blue, Hair: Light Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: No
Registrar: O.R. Crawford
Precinct: Keene
City/County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Date: 6/5/17
[Stamped] The Local Board for Coshocton County, Ohio

1910 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Floyd J ??Tillenham
[Floyd J Stillenbaur]
Age in 1910: 14
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: Jacob
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Name: Nora E
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Home in 1910: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Jacob ??Tillenham 49
Nora E ??Tillenham 39
Floyd J ??Tillenham 14
Earnest C ??Tillenham 12
Zelpha F ??Tillenham 2
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1162; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 9; Image: 821.
1916 Imogene L. STILLENBAUR 1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6B/271B, District 12, Image 547.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. [Note: Census is Mis-Indexed under the surname Stillendaur rather than Stillenbaur] Census shows Floyd Stillenbaur at age 34, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Floyd Stillenbaur is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie Stillbaur is age 33. The couple married when Floyd was age 20 and Bessie was age 19, which was about 14 years prior to the Census, circa 1915/1916. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene Stillenbaur is age 13; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur is age 10 years. The household also includes a 'Lodger' named Lester Woods, who is working for wages as a 'Laboerer' doing 'General Farm' work.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357. Page 3B/88B, District 28, Image 786. Census sheet is dated 15 January 1920. [NOTE: Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Stillenbauer'] Census shows Floyd J. Stillenbaur at age 23, living in a home which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer' doing 'General Farm' work. all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie M. Stillenbaur is age also 23. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene L. Stillenbaur is age 3 years and 2 months [3 2/12]; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur, Jr., is age 1 month [1/12].
1919 - 2000 Floyd J. STILLENBAUR 80 80 Cremated

SSDI Information:
Name: Junior F. Stillenbaur
SSN: 577-38-7731
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 23 Nov 1919
Died: 24 Jul 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: District of Columbia (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Floyd Stillenbaur Jr
Birth Date: 23 Nov 1919
Birth County: Coshocton
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Zip Code: 43812
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 24 Jul 2000
Death Time: 12:55 PM
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 053735
Age at Death: 80
Registrar's Certificate Number: 00159
Certifier: Physician
Referred to Coroner: No
Autopsy: No
Method of Disposition: Cremation
Filing Date: 31 Jul 2000
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: Yes
Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: 577-38-7731
Father's Surname: Stillenbaur
Mother's Maiden Name: Burrell
Marital Status: Divorced
Armed Forces Indicator: Yes
Branch of Service: Army
Primary Registration District: 1601
Source Citation: Certificate: 053735; Volume: 32461
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record
Name: F Stillenbaur Junior
Birth Year: 1919
Race: White, citizen
Nativity State or Country: Ohio
State: Ohio
County or City: Coshecton
Enlistment Date: 17 Mar 1942 WARTIME 1942 ENLISTMENT
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment City: Fort Hayes Columbus
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Enlisted Man, Regular Army, after 3 months of Discharge
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Section Hand, Railway
Marital Status: Married
Height: 68
Weight: 132
Source Information:
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record
Name: Floyd J Stillenbaur
Birth Year: 1919
Race: White, citizen
Nativity State or Country: Ohio
State: Ohio
County or City: Coshecton
Enlistment Date: 15 Oct 1940 PRE-WAR 1940 ENLISTMENT
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment City: Coshocton
Branch: Field Artillery
Branch Code: Field Artillery
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Component: National Guard (Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: National Guard
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Tracktor Driver* or Truck Driver, Heavy or Chauffeur or Truck Driver, Light An asterisk (*) appearing after a job title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation will be found in the United States Employment Service Manual, Oral Trade Test
Marital Status: Married
Height: 68
Weight: 128
Source Information:
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6B/271B, District 12, Image 547.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. [Note: Census is Mis-Indexed under the surname Stillendaur rather than Stillenbaur] Census shows Floyd Stillenbaur at age 34, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Floyd Stillenbaur is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie Stillbaur is age 33. The couple married when Floyd was age 20 and Bessie was age 19, which was about 14 years prior to the Census, circa 1915/1916. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene Stillenbaur is age 13; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur is age 10 years. The household also includes a 'Lodger' named Lester Woods, who is working for wages as a 'Laboerer' doing 'General Farm' work.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357. Page 3B/88B, District 28, Image 786. Census sheet is dated 15 January 1920. [NOTE: Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Stillenbauer'] Census shows Floyd J. Stillenbaur at age 23, living in a home which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer' doing 'General Farm' work. all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie M. Stillenbaur is age also 23. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene L. Stillenbaur is age 3 years and 2 months [3 2/12]; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur, Jr., is age 1 month [1/12].
1893 Martin Theodore FOSTER 1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 2B/268B, District 12, Image 539.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows M. Theodore Foster at age 36, living in a home which he owns and values at $1750, and who is not presently employed. M. Theodore Foster is a veteran of the World War, and he does own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Marie Foster is age 32. The couple married when M. Theodore was age 25 and Marie was age 21, which was 11 years prior to the Census, circa 1918/1919. There are 2 children in the household: Son Thomas Foster is age 9; and Daughter Joyce Foster is age 4 years.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 2A/87A, District 28, Image 783. Census sheet is dated 8 January 1920. Census shows Martin T. Foster at age 26, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Ester M. Foster is age 22.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Martin Theadore Foster
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
BirthPlace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 10 Nov 1893
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1832033
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, 470 408 Registration Card No: 29
1. Name: Martin Theodore Foster Age: 23
2. Home Address: R.F.D. 3, Fresno, Ohio
3. Date of Birth: November 10 1893
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Clark twp, Ohio, U.S.A.
6. If Not Citizen: [dash]
7. Occupation/Trade: Farmer
8. Employer & Where: Wm. E. Foster, Keene tp
9. Persons Supported: No
10. Martial Status & Race: Single, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Yes, Physically disabled
Signature: M. T. Foster

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped # 34-4-4-A Registrar's Report
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Light Blue, Hair: Light Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: No
Registrar: Willard Beall
Precinct: Keene
City/County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Date: 6/5/17
[Stamped] The Local Board for Coshocton County, Ohio

1910 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Martin F Foster
Age in 1910: 16
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: William E
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Name: Ida M
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Home in 1910: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
William E Foster 48
Ida M Foster 45
Ralph P Foster 19
Martin F Foster 16
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1162; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 9; Image: 826.

1900 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Martine T Foster
Home in 1900: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 6
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relationship to head-of-house: Son
Father's name: Wm E
Mother's name: Ida M
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Wm E Foster 38
Ida M Foster 35
Ralph P Foster 9
Martine T Foster 6
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T623 1250; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 9.
~1920 Thomas FOSTER 1925 Joyce Ann FOSTER 1897 - 1985 Lowry Augustus NORMAN 87 87 SSDI Information:
Name: Lowry Norman
SSN: 279-10-4152
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 12 Nov 1897
Died: Jan 1985
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Lowry A Norman
Birth Date: Est. 1898
Birth State: Indiana
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 1 Jan 1985
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 000928
Age at Death: 87
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: 279-10-4152
Marital Status: Widowed
Source Citation: Certificate: 000928; Volume: 25906
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Lowry Augustus Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 12 Nov 1898
Race: White
Roll: 1832033
DraftBoard: 1

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C

Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number 3159 Order Number A-439
1. Name: Lowry Augustus Norman
2. Home Address: Keene, Coshocton Co, Ohio
3. Age in Years: 20
4. Date of Birth: November 12th 1898
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Stock Dover
17 & 18. Employer & Where: J.E. Norman, Keene, Coshocton Co., Ohio
Nearest Relative: J.E. Norman, Keene
Affirmed/Signature: Lowry Augustus Norman

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 34-4-4-C Registrar's Report
Height: 21. Tall
Build: 24. Slender
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Lost Limbs, etc: No
Registrar: O.R. Crawford
Date: Sept 12, 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for
Coshocton County, Ohio
Coshocton, Ohio
1922 Nondis Aral NORMAN U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Nondis A Bown
Birth Date: 6 Jan 1922
Street Address: 920 South 16th St
City: Coshocton
County: Coshocton
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 43812
Phone Number: DELETED
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Nondis A Bown 84 1922
Troy Bown
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.

U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Nondis A Bown
Birth Date: 6 Jan 1922
Street Address: 400 20th Ave N 505
City: Myrtle Beach
County: Horry
State: South Carolina
Zip Code: 29577
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Charles R Bown 87 1918 HUH???
Nondis A Bown 84 1922
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1971 > January > 19
Headline: Real Estate Tranfers
Text: Nondis O. Bown to L.A. Norman and wife, lot 1168, Coshocton

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1953 > December > 10
Headline: Divorce Suits [Article says the divorce was granted on this day]
Text: Nondis A. Bown, 219 North Fifteenth st., filed an action for divorce against Charles Rodney Bown of the same address. According to the plaintiff's petition, they were married Sept. 21, 1940, at Maysville, Ky., and have two children. She charges the defendant with gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. She asks custody and control of the children, award of household good, alimony, and that a temporary restraining order be issued againt the defendant barring him from interferring with the plaintiff or disposing of his property.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1940 > September > 23 [MONDAY]
Headline: Norman-Bown Marriage at Maysville, Ky. Announced
Text: The marriage of Miss Nondis Aral Norman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Norman, Keene, and Charles Rodney Bown, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bown, South Lawn av., has been announced. The ceremony took place Saturday in the Methodist church, Maysville, Ky., with the Rev. L.B. Round officiating. There were no attendants. For her wedding, the bride selected a wine colored velvet dress with brown accessories. Red roses formed her corsage. The bride has been a student nurse at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. Mr. Bown is associated with his father in the plumbing business. The couple will make their home with the brides parents temporarily, later moving to Coshocton.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6A/272A, District 12, Image 546.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. Census shows Beulah Norman as head of household at age 30, and living in a home which she owns. Beulah Norman is married, and was married when she was age 20, which was 10 years prior to the Census, circa 1919/1920. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Nondis Norman is age 8 years.
1918 - 1991 Charles Rodney BOWN 73 73 SSDI Information:
Name: C. Rodney Bown
SSN: 279-10-4994
Last Residence: 92057 Oceanside, San Diego, California, United States of America
Born: 18 Sep 1918
Died: 24 Sep 1991
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

California Death Index, 1940-1997 Record
Social Security #: 279104994
Birth Date: 8 Sep 1918
BirthPlace: OHIO
Death Date: 24 Sep 1991
Death Place: SAN DIEGO
Mother's Maiden Name: GROCE
Father's Surname:
Source Citation: Place: SAN DIEGO; Date: 24 Sep 1991; Social Security: 279104994.
Source Information: California Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2000. Original data: State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.

U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Charles R Bown
Birth Date: 8 Sep 1918
Street Address: 400 20th Ave N 505
City: Myrtle Beach
County: Horry
State: South Carolina
Zip Code: 29577
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Charles R Bown 87 1918
Nondis A Bown 84 1922 HUH???
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1962 > October > 5
Headline: Real Estate Transfers
Text: C. Rodney Bown and wife to Wayne S. Brengman and wife, Coshocton lot 3543

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1953 > December > 10
Headline: Divorce Suits [Article says the divorce was granted on this day]
Text: Nondis A. Bown, 219 North Fifteenth st., filed an action for divorce against Charles Rodney Bown of the same address. According to the plaintiff's petition, they were married Sept. 21, 1940, at Maysville, Ky., and have two children. She charges the defendant with gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. She asks custody and control of the children, award of household good, alimony, and that a temporary restraining order be issued againt the defendant barring him from interferring with the plaintiff or disposing of his property.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1940 > September > 23 [MONDAY]
Headline: Norman-Bown Marriage at Maysville, Ky. Announced
Text: The marriage of Miss Nondis Aral Norman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Norman, Keene, and Charles Rodney Bown, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bown, South Lawn av., has been announced. The ceremony took place Saturday in the Methodist church, Maysville, Ky., with the Rev. L.B. Round officiating. There were no attendants. For her wedding, the bride selected a wine colored velvet dress with brown accessories. Red roses formed her corsage. The bride has been a student nurse at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. Mr. Bown is associated with his father in the plumbing business. The couple will make their home with the brides parents temporarily, later moving to Coshocton.

1930 United States Federal Census Record
Name: C Rodney Bown
Home in 1930: Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 11
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: Russel
Mother's Name: Anna
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Russel Gephart 27
Anna Gephart 26
William Gephart 4
Kathryn Pepper 67
C Rodney Bown 11
H Carl Bown 5
J Mina Bown 1
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: 1758; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 25; Image: 768.0.

1920 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Rodney Bown
Home in 1920: Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 1 year 4 months
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's name: John H
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's name: Nina S
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Sex: Male
Image: 1056
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
John H Bown 30
Nina S Bown 28
Helen E Bown 7
John W Bown 4 9/12
Rodney Bown 1 4/12
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T625_1357; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 41; Image: 1056.
~1905 - <1974 Virginia UHLMAN 69 69 1938 - 2002 Nancy Uhlman BURRELL 63 63 SSDI Information:
Name: Nancy U. Sass
SSN: 300-34-5819
Last Residence: 44691 Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 19 Oct 1938
Last Benefit: 44691 Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States of America
Died: 7 Jan 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1957)

U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Nancy V Sass
Birth Date: 19 Oct 1938
Street Address: 4400 Melrose Dr 221
City: Wooster
County: Wayne
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44691
Phone Number: Deleted
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Clarence R Sass
Nancy V Sass 67 1938
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.
1926 - 1998 Clarence Roland SASS 71 71 SSDI Information:
Name: Clarence R. Sass
SSN: 289-22-5810
Last Residence: 44691 Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 15 Sep 1926
Died: 18 May 1998
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)
1922 - 1997 Dorothy Marie FRANKLIN 75 75 ssdi iNFORMATION:
Name: Dorothy Burrell
SSN: 276-22-8135
Last Residence: 44691 Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 18 Mar 1922
Died: 5 Oct 1997
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

U.S. Public Records Index Record
Name: Dorothy M Burrell
Birth Date: 1 Mar 1922
Street Address: 2544 Imperial St
City: Wooster
County: Wayne
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44691
Phone Number: deleted
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Dorothy M Burrell 84 1922
Source Information: U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.

U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 Record
Name: Dorothy M Burrell
Address: 905 Portage Rd 224
City: Wooster
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44691
Phone Number: DELETED
Residence Years: 1994
Source Citation: City: Wooster; State: Ohio; Year(s): 1994.
Source Information: U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: 1993-2002 White Pages. Little Rock, AR, USA: Acxiom Corporation.

U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 Record
Name: Dorothy M Burrell
Address: 301 E 4Th St
City: W Lafayette
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 43845
Phone Number: DELETED
Residence Years: 1993
Source Citation: City: W Lafayette; State: Ohio; Year(s): 1993.
Source Information: U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005. Original data: 1993-2002 White Pages. Little Rock, AR, USA: Acxiom Corporation.
1907 - 1983 Lela M. HAMILTON 76 76 SSDI Information:
Name: Lela Burrell
SSN: 283-42-0086
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 2 Mar 1907
Died: Nov 1983
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Lela M Burrell
Birth Date: Est. 1907
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 8 Nov 1983
Hospital of Death: Home
City of Death: Coshocton County
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 080080
Age at Death: 76
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: 283-42-0086
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 080080; Volume: 25426
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1930 > June > 9
Headline: Society News
Text: Miss Leila M. Hamilton of near Keene and Edward A. Burrell, Coshocton, were united in marriage Wednesday, June 4, in the Presbyterian manse, with Rev. Roy M. Kiskaddon officiating, using the single ring ceremony. They were unattended. The bride wore a becoming frock of blue, with accessories to correspond. Following a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Burrell will reside at the home of the bride's parents.

1930 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Lela Hamilton
Home in 1930: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 23
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's Name: Elvan
Mother's Name: Cora
Household Members: Name Age
Elvan Hamilton 64
Cora Hamilton 56
Lela Hamilton 23
Angeline Boyd 77
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: 1758; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 12; Image: 537.0.

1920 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Lela M Hamilton
Home in 1920: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Age: 12 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's name: Elven M
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's name: Cora L
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Sex: Female
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 781
Household Members: Name Age
Elven M Hamilton 54
Cora L Hamilton 45
Lela M Hamilton 12
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T625_1357; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 28; Image: 781.

1910 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Lela M Hamilton
Age in 1910: 3
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's Name: Eline M
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Name: Cora L
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Home in 1910: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members: Name Age
Eline M Hamilton 44
Cora L Hamilton 34
Lela M Hamilton 3
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Keene, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1162; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 9; Image: 821.
1914 - 2003 John Richard NORRIS 89 89 SSDI Information:
Name: John R. Norris
SSN: 285-07-5651
Last Residence: 43844 Warsaw, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 12 Oct 1914
Died: 19 Oct 2003
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection Record
Name of Deceased: John Richard Norris
Age at Death: 89
Birth Date: Oct/12/1914
Death Date: Oct/19/2003
Newspaper Title: Mount Vernon News
Newspaper Location: Mount Vernon, OH, US
Obituary Publication Date: Sep/25/2004
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Altoona, WI; Warsaw; Coshocton; Coshocton County; Coshocton County Memorial; Merritt Island; Columbus; Ashland
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: William Norris; Shirley A. (Larry) Fry; Larry (Jennifer) Fry; Georgia (Eckert) Norris; Francis ?Pete? Norris; Lt; Carey (Jennifer) Fry; Shannon (Shannon) Fry; Charity (Burrell) Norris; Ron Davis; Carl E. Norris; Jonathan Truax; Kathryn Bachman; Robert Norris; Kevin Fry
Source Citation: Newspaper: Mount Vernon News; Publication Date: 25 Sep 2004; Publication Place: Mount Vernon , OH , US..
Source Information: United States Obituary Collection [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: See newspaper information provided with each entry.
John R. Norris
WARSAW —   John Richard Norris, 89, of 26045 Township Road 1159, Warsaw, died Oct. 19, 2003, in the Intensive Care Unit of Coshocton County Memorial Hospital.
He was born Oct. 12, 1914, in Coshocton County to Samuel Adams and Georgia (Eckert) Norris. He was a self-employed painter and worked at the former Moore's Enamel and General Electric. He was a Merchant Marine serving from 1943 to 1945, and was a member of the 37th Reconnaissance Company of the National Guard. He was a member of the Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church, Bethlehem Grange, and a 1932 graduate of Coshocton High School.
He is survived by a daughter, Shirley A. (Larry) Fry of Warsaw; four grandsons, Larry (Jennifer) Fry Jr. of Coshocton, Carey (Jennifer) Fry of Warsaw, Shannon (Shannon) Fry of Coshocton and Kevin Fry of Coshocton; eight great-grandchildren; a sister, Kathryn Bachman of Coshocton; and four brothers, Lt. Col. Carl E. Norris of Merritt Island, Fla., Dr. William Norris of Altoona, Wis., Robert Norris of Columbus and the Rev. Francis "Pete" Norris of Ashland.
Besides his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Charity (Burrell) Norris, whom he married June 13, 1951, she died May 27, 1963.
Funeral service will be Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Fischer Funeral Home in Warsaw with the Revs. Jonathan Truax and Ron Davis officiating. Burial will be in the Canal Lewisville Cemetery. Visitation will be today from 5 to 8 p.m. and until service time on Wednesday at the funeral home.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church, 45494 County Road 23, Coshocton 43812.
1858 - 1951 Benjamin Franklin TALMADGE 92 92 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1951 > January > 12 [FRIDAY]
Headline: B. F. Talmadge, 92, Warsaw, Dies Today Following Long Illiness
Text: Benjamin F. Talmadge, 92, of Warsaw died today at 2:45 a.m. in Coshocton Memorial hospital folling a long illiness. He was born July 16, 1858 in Jackson township, a son of Henry and Mary Williams Talmadge. In 1878 he was married to the former Elizabeth Burrell, who died in 1940. Surviving are one son, Grey Talmadge and one daughter Mrs Dottie Mohler, both of Coshocton, two brothers, James H. Talmadge of Jeromesville and Rev. William H. Talmadge of South Dakota; 12 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Three children are deceased. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Fischer funeral home, Warsaw. Rev. F.B. Chapman will conduct the services and burial will be in Oak Ridge cemetery, Coshocton. Friends will be received at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Saturday until time of services.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1933 > March > 15
Headline: Real Estate Transfers
Text: B.F. Talmadge to Elizabeth Talmadge, undivided half interest in 2 acres, Bethlehem tp.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > September > 30
Headline: Thugs Get $20 at Gas Station on Warsaw Road
Text: Benjamin F. Talmadge, who operates the Bantun service station on the Warsaw road, about eight miles northwest of this city, was held up and robbed of about $20 by two unmasked bandits at the service station this forenoon at 10:30 o'clock. They escaped in the direction of Warsaw. ... This is the second time Talmadge has been held-up. The other time, he said, was several years ago in the Columbus area.

1860 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Benjamin Talmadge
Age in 1860: 4.12
Birth Year: abt 1860
BirthPlace: Ohio
Home in 1860: Jackson, Coshocton, Ohio
Gender: Male
Post Office: Roscoe
Household Members: Name Age
Henry Talmadge 28
Mary Talmadge 22
Sarah Talmadge 5
Rachel Talmadge 3
Francis Talmadge 2
Benjamin Talmadge 4.12
Wm Williams 11
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: M653_950; Page: 163; Image: 329.
~1881 - <1951 Franklin Benjamin TALMADGE 70 70 1878 - 1963 Grey TALMADGE 84 84 SSDI Information:
Name: Grey Talmadge
SSN: 274-03-1042
Last Residence: Ohio
Born: 12 Oct 1878
Died: Jul 1963
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Grey Talmadge
Birth Date: Est. 1878
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 2 Jul 1963
Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: Holmes County
County of Death: Holmes
Certificate: 54456
Age at Death: 85
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: Widowed
Source Citation: Certificate: 54456; Volume: 17356
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1963 > October > 9
Legal Notices
Headline: Notice of Appointment
Text: Notice us hereby given that Bernard E. Talmadge of 2129 13th Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Grey Talmadge, deceased, late of Coshocton County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 28th day of September, 1963
C.M. Ross, Probate Judge.

1920 Census, Precinct 9, Ward 6, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1440, Page 12B/184B, District 194, Image 926. Census sheet is dated 14 January 1920. Census shows Grey Talmadge at age 41, living in a part of a home which he rents from the home's owner, located at 79 Straw [or Stuart] Street near Carroll Street, working for wages as an 'Inspector' at a 'Rubber Works'. All members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minnie Talmadge is also age 41. There are 2 children in the household: Son Bernard Talmadge is age 11; and Daughter Dorothy Talmadge is age 7 years.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Grey Talmadge
City: Akron
County: Summit
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 12 Oct 1878
Race: White
Roll: 1819508
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C

Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number 1671 Order Number A-328
1. Name: Grey Talmadge
2. Home Address: 4 [Illegible], Akron, Summit, Ohio
3. Age in Years: 39
4. Date of Birth: October 12th 1878
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Tire Finisher
17 & 18. Employer & Where: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, East Market, Akron, Ohio
Nearest Relative: _____ Talmadge, _______, Akron, Summit, Ohio
Affirmed/Signature: Grey Talmadge

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 34-1-2-C Registrar's Report
Height: 22. Medium
Build: 25. Medium
Eyes: Brown
Hair: [Illegible]
Lost Limbs, etc: No
Registrar: H.A. [Illegible]
Date: Sept 12, 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for Div 2
Akron, Ohio

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 33A/282A, District 19. Census sheet is dated 20 June 1900. Census shows 'Lizzie' [Elizabeth] Talmadge divorced and the head of the household at age 39, born during July 1871 [Error, S/B July 1861] living in a home which she owns free of mortgage, located at 1104 East Main Street. During her lifetime, Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all 6 still living. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household includes 5 children: Son Grey Talmadge is age 20, born during October 1879, and working in the 'U.S. Vol 41st Reg'; Son 'Irvine' [Floyd Irvin] Talmadge is age 17, born during February 1883, working as a 'Driver Delivery Wagon'; Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 11, born during March 1889; Son Henry A. Talmadge is age 8, born during March 1892; and Daughter Annie M. Talmadge is age 6, born during February 1894.

1900 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Grey Talmadge
Home in 1900: Guagna, Philippine Islands, Military and Naval Forces
Age: 20
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1880
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relationship to head-of-house: Corpl.
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Grey Talmadge 20
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Guagna, Philippine Islands, Military and Naval Forces; Roll: T623 1841; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 194.
~1878 - 1958 Minnie THOMPKINS 80 80 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Minnie M Talmadge
Birth Date: Est. 1879
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 27 Jun 1958
Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 39529
Age at Death: 79
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 39529; Volume: 15432
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

1920 Census, Precinct 9, Ward 6, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1440, Page 12B/184B, District 194, Image 926. Census sheet is dated 14 January 1920. Census shows Grey Talmadge at age 41, living in a part of a home which he rents from the home's owner, located at 79 Straw [or Stuart] Street near Carroll Street, working for wages as an 'Inspector' at a 'Rubber Works'. All members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minnie Talmadge is also age 41. There are 2 children in the household: Son Bernard Talmadge is age 11; and Daughter Dorothy Talmadge is age 7 years.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1918 > January > 30
Text: N.G. Thompkins, of North Fourth st, is seriously ill, and his daughter, Mrs. Grey Talmadge, of Akron, has been called here on account of her father's condition.
1908 - 1973 Bernard E. TALMADGE 65 65 SSDI Information:
Name: Bernard Talmadge
SSN: 274-01-4138
Last Residence: 44223 Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 4 Mar 1908
Died: Nov 1973
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Bernard Talmadge
Birth Date: Est. 1908
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Cuyahoga Falls
Residence County: Summit
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 1 Nov 1973
City of Death: Akron
County of Death: Summit
Certificate: 090558
Age at Death: 65
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: Widowed
Source Citation: Certificate: 090558; Volume: 21509
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
~1908 - 1963 Thelma G. SHUTT 55 55 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Thelma G Talmadge
Birth Date: Est. 1909
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Cuyahoga Falls
Residence County: Summit
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 16 Dec 1963
Hospital of Death: Home
City of Death: Cuyahoga Falls
County of Death: Summit
Certificate: 95719
Age at Death: 54
Certifier: Coroner
Autopsy: No autopsy
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 95719; Volume: 1752
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
~1912 Dorothy TALMADGE 1920 Census, Precinct 9, Ward 6, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1440, Page 12B/184B, District 194, Image 926. Census sheet is dated 14 January 1920. Census shows Grey Talmadge at age 41, living in a part of a home which he rents from the home's owner, located at 79 Straw [or Stuart] Street near Carroll Street, working for wages as an 'Inspector' at a 'Rubber Works'. All members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minnie Talmadge is also age 41. There are 2 children in the household: Son Bernard Talmadge is age 11; and Daughter Dorothy Talmadge is age 7 years. 1883 - 1939 Floyd Irvin TALMADGE 56 56 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1939 > September > 21 [THURSDAY]
Headline: Irvine Talmadge, Route 4, Stricken
Text: Irvine Talmadge died at his home on Route 4 at 8 p.m. yesterday after four weeks' illness with complications. He was 56. He was born at Coshocton Feb 25, 1883, the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Talmadhe, and was married in 1902 to Verna Houk, who survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Willard Smith of Lafayette, Ind., and Mrs. Sidney Nyholm of Pittsburgh; his father, Benjamin of Warsaw; two brothers, Gray of Akron and Frank of Massachusettes and two sisters, Mrs. George Mohler, Coshocton, and Mrs. Clarence Saussler, Parma, and five grandchildren. His mother and one brother, Archie, are deceased. Funeral services will be held at the Dawson funeral home at 3:30 p.m. Friday in charge of the Rev. E.K. Barss of Calvary Methodist church. Burial will be in Prairie Chapel cemetery.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Floid Irvin Talmadge
City: Akron
County: Summit
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 25 Feb 1883
Race: White
Roll: 1819508
DraftBoard: 2
~1885 Verna HOUK ~1903 Nora TALMADGE 1920 Census, Precinct B, Ward 6, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1440, Page 20B/32B, District 187, Image 622. Census sheet is dated 20 January 1920. [Census is Mis-Indexed under Irvan and Vernie Tallmadge] Census shows 'Irvan' [Irvin] Talmadge at age 36, living in a home which he rents, located at 209 Fountain Street, and working for wages as a 'Tire Finisher' at a 'Rubber Works'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Vernie' [Verna] Talmadge is age 34. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Nora Talmadge is age 16; and Daughter Elizabeth Talmadge is age 14. Willard SMITH ~1905 Elizabeth TALMADGE 1920 Census, Precinct B, Ward 6, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1440, Page 20B/32B, District 187, Image 622. Census sheet is dated 20 January 1920. [Census is Mis-Indexed under Irvan and Vernie Tallmadge] Census shows 'Irvan' [Irvin] Talmadge at age 36, living in a home which he rents, located at 209 Fountain Street, and working for wages as a 'Tire Finisher' at a 'Rubber Works'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Vernie' [Verna] Talmadge is age 34. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Nora Talmadge is age 16; and Daughter Elizabeth Talmadge is age 14. 1898 - 1964 Sydney NYHOLM 65 65 SSDI Information:
Name: Sidney Nyholm
SSN: 194-26-3069
Last Residence: Florida
Born: 5 Dec 1898
Died: Nov 1964
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1951 )
1889 - 1970 Laura Dorothy TALMADGE 81 81 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1970 > September > 5 [SATURDAY]
Headline: Deaths & Funerals
Sub-Headline: Mrs. Laura Mohler
Text: Mrs. Laura Mohler, 81, of 339 N. Second St., died at 6:45 p.m. Friday at Roselawn Nursing Hone following a long illness. Born March 10, 1889, in Coshocton, she was a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Burrell Talmadge. Her husband, George W. Mohler, died Aug. 24, 1969. Surviving are a son, Dr. George T. Mohler of Tacoma, Wash., and daughter, Mrs. Robert (Vivian) Rae of Columbus and seven grandchildren. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Dawson Funeral Home in charge of the Rev. E.L. Jefferson. Burial will be in Prairie Chapel Cemetery.

1930 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Ward 3, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 13B/128B, District 26, Image 808.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. [Note; Family surname of Mohler is Mis-Indexed as 'Mokler'] Census shows Geo W. Mohler at age 41, living in a home which he owns and values at $4000, located at 329 North Ninth, working as a 'Truck Driver' for a 'Bakery'. George W. Mohler is not a veteran, but he does own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Laura D. Mohler is also age 41. The couple married when each was age 24, which was about 17 years prior to the Census, circa 1912/1913. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Vivian Mohler is age 13; and Son George T. Mohler is age 11.

1920 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Precinct B, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 5B/242B, District 43, Image 1094. Census sheet is dated 8 January 1920. Census shows 'G.W.' [George W.] Mohler at age 30, living in a home which he rents, located at 936 Oak Avenue, working for wages as a 'Laborer' for a 'Glass Company', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in Massachusettes. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Dotte' [Laura Dorothy] Mohler is also age 30. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Vivian Mohler is age 2 years and 11 months [2 11/12]; and Son George T. Mohler is age 1 year and 5 months [1 5/12].

1910 Census, Precinct B, Ward 2, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 9B/209B, District 22, Image 1040. Census sheet is date 21 April 1910. Census shows Elizabeth Talmadge, widowed [Actually Divorced] at age 48, living in a home which she rents, located at 604 South Lawn Avenue, living on her 'Own Income', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. During her lifetime Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all still living. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 21, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 33A/282A, District 19. Census sheet is dated 20 June 1900. Census shows 'Lizzie' [Elizabeth] Talmadge divorced and the head of the household at age 39, born during July 1871 [Error, S/B July 1861] living in a home which she owns free of mortgage, located at 1104 East Main Street. During her lifetime, Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all 6 still living. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household includes 5 children: Son Grey Talmadge is age 20, born during October 1879, and working in the 'U.S. Vol 41st Reg'; Son 'Irvine' [Floyd Irvin] Talmadge is age 17, born during February 1883, working as a 'Driver Delivery Wagon'; Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 11, born during March 1889; Son Henry A. Talmadge is age 8, born during March 1892; and Daughter Annie M. Talmadge is age 6, born during February 1894.
1889 - 1969 George W. MOHLER 80 80 SSDI Information:
Name: George Mohler
SSN: 275-14-7813
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 21 Apr 1889
Died: Aug 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: George W Mohler
Birth Date: Est. 1889
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 24 Aug 1969
Hospital of Death: Home
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 058109
Age at Death: 80
Certifier: Physician
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 058109; Volume: 19759
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
~1917 Vivian D. MOHLER 1918 George Thomas MOHLER 1892 - 1931 Henry Archibald TALMADGE 39 39 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Henry A Talmadge
Death Date: 26 Aug 1931
County of Death: Cuyahoga
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > August > 27
Headline: Cleveland Man, Native of City, Dies Wednesday
Text: Archie Talmadge, aged 39, of Cleveland, a native of this city, died in a Cleveland hospital Wednesday. His death was due to pneumonia. Mr. Talmadge was born and reared in this city, but had made his home in Cleveland for the last 16 years. There are surviving his widow, Martha, five sons, a daughter, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Talmadge of the Warsaw road; two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Saussler of Cleveland and Mrs. George Mohler, North Ninth st.; and three brothers, Grey and Irvin, both of Akron, and Frank of Attleboro, Mass. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock at the late home. Burial will be made in Cleveland cemetery.
~1897 Martha E. SCHICK 1916 - 2008 Frank I. TALMADGE 92 92 WW II

From: Blueskyes222
Date: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:44 AM
To: jimandnorine at
Subject: Talmadge genealogy
Talmadge, Frank I.
CONNEAUT —   Frank I. Talmadge, age 92, former Geneva-on-the-Lake resident, died Wednesday, June 11, 2008, at the Villa At The Lake, in Conneaut, Ohio. Born February 25, 1916, in Cleveland, Ohio, he was the son of Henry A. and Martha (Schlick) Talmadge, and has been a area resident most of his life. He married Mary L. Winnen on June 12, 1945.A Veteran, Frank served in the U. S. Navy during World War II, in the Pacific Theater of Operations. He had been employed with the True Temper Plant in Geneva, as a welder, for 34 years retiring in 1979.He had been a volunteer fireman and Para-medic and also a auxiliary policeman at Geneva-on-the-Lake for many years. He loved the lake and was a avid fisherman and hunter.Surviving include his daughter, Arline Frederick of Rock Creek; son, Ronald G. Talmadge of Supply, N.C., step-sister, Martha Polley of Euclid, Ohio; companion, Thelma O'Neal; and his friend and guardian, Barb Brotzman.He was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife, Mary. Funeral Services will be 11 a.m., Wednesday, June 18, at the Geneva Home of FLEMING and BILLMAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 323 S. Broadway, Geneva, with Dr. Stephen Long of the First Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery in Saybrook Township with a veterans service by VFW Geneva Post #6846.Calling hour will be 10 a.m., Wednesday, until the time of Service at the Funeral Home. Guest book and obituary at
Published in The Star Beacon from 6/15/2008 - 6/16/2008. (Ashtabula Co. OH)
Mary L. WINNEN ~1920 Floyd TALMADGE ~1923 Raymond TALMADGE ~1926 Henry R. TALMADGE ~1927 Clarence TALMADGE Roy O. TALMADGE 1894 Anna M. TALMADGE 1930 Census, Parma village, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, roll 1788, Page 3B/3B, District 685, Image 8.0. Census sheet is dated 8 April 1930. Census shows Clarence A. Saussler at age 36 living in a home which he owns and values at $5000, located at 8127 Chesterfield Avenue, working for wages as an 'Inspector' at a 'Carbon __?'. Clarence A. Saussler is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in Michigan. Wife Anna M. Saussler is also age 36, working for wages as a 'Machine Operator' at a 'Knitting Works'. The couple married when each was age 26, which was about 10 years prior to the Census, circa 1919/1920. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Thelma D, Saussler is age 18, working for wages as a 'Salesman' at a 'Grocery Store' and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Harrison Township, Ward 7, Terre Haute city, Vigo County, Indiana, roll T624_385, Page 2B/101B, District 169, IMage 1093. Census sheet is dated 16 April 1910. Census shows Frank D. Burrell at age 29, living in a home which he rents, located at 1438 Second Avenue, working for wages as a 'Brakeman' for a 'Railroad', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Blanch L. Burrell is age 25, and born in Ohio of parents whose birth places are 'Unknown'. The couple has been married 6 years, circa 1903/1904, and Blanch has given birth to 1 child, who is still living. There is 1 child in the household: Son Norman C. Burrell is age 4 years, born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household also includes Cousin Anna Talmage at age 16, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 33A/282A, District 19. Census sheet is dated 20 June 1900. Census shows 'Lizzie' [Elizabeth] Talmadge divorced and the head of the household at age 39, born during July 1871 [Error, S/B July 1861] living in a home which she owns free of mortgage, located at 1104 East Main Street. During her lifetime, Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all 6 still living. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household includes 5 children: Son Grey Talmadge is age 20, born during October 1879, and working in the 'U.S. Vol 41st Reg'; Son 'Irvine' [Floyd Irvin] Talmadge is age 17, born during February 1883, working as a 'Driver Delivery Wagon'; Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 11, born during March 1889; Son Henry A. Talmadge is age 8, born during March 1892; and Daughter Annie M. Talmadge is age 6, born during February 1894.
1894 - 1969 Clarence Albert SAUSSLER 74 74 SSDI Information:
Name: Clarence Saussler
SSN: 282-07-4328
Last Residence: 44035 Elyria, Lorain, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 27 Mar 1894
Died: Jan 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Clarenc A Saussler
Birth Date: Est. 1895
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Elyria
Residence County: Lorain
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 27 Jan 1969
Hospital of Death: Elyria Memorial Hospital
City of Death: Elyria
County of Death: Lorain
Certificate: 005222
Age at Death: 74
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 005222; Volume: 19547
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
~1911 Thelma D. SAUSSLER 1855 - 1938 Ami CULLISON 83 83 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Ami Cullison
Death Date: 12 Apr 1938
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1938 > April > 13 [WEDNESDAY]
Headline: Ami Cullison, Formerly of Bedford Township, Stricken Here
Text: Ami Cullison, retired Coshocton county farmer, died at the home of his niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Osborne, 222 Mulberry st., at 2:30 P.M. yesterday, after four month's illness with heart disease and uremic poisoning. He was 83. He was born in Bedford township Jan. 14, 1855, the son of Martin and Emma Cullison. With the exception of a few years spent in the west he was a lifelong resident of the county. He came to Coshocton from Bedford township nine years ago. His first wife, Arzula Wolford, lived only a few years after their marriage, and in 1907 he was married to Emma Burrell, who died in 1915. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Martha Johnston, this city, and five nieces and nephews. A sister, Mrs. D.W. Johnston, and a brother, Harvey Cullison, preceded him in death. Mr. Cullison was a member of Union M.E. church until a few years ago, when he joined Coshocton Grace M.E. church. Short funeral services will be held at the home at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, with additional rites at Union M.E. church at 2:30 in charge of Rev. Weslet Tilton, pastor of Grace M.E. church.
~1836 Mary Ann NORMAN Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 11 Oct 1860
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Cley Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12].
John MILLER ~1821 Margaret (Mrs. Daniel) NORMAN ~1842 Nancy NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Cley Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12]. ~1844 Henry Clay NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Cley Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12]. ~1845 Sarah NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Cley Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12]. 1850 Charlotte NORMAN 1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 Oct 1850. Census shows Daniel Norman at age 34 and working as a 'Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio. Wife Margaret Norman is age 29. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Mary Ann Norman is age 13; Daughter Nancy Norman is age 7; Son Henry Cley Norman is age 5; Daughter Sarah Norman is age 4; and Daughter Charlotte Norman is age 4 months [4/12]. 1863 - 1895 Ada Mary SPRAGUE 32 32 1882 Daisy NORMAN 1883 Harry NORMAN 1885 - 1886 Russell Leo NORMAN 1 1 1887 Ray NORMAN 1890 Lloyd NORMAN ~1849 Malinda NORMAN 1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.

Was Malinda the daughter of a previous marriage??
~1854 Benjamin NORMAN 1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.
~1866 Laura BURRELL 1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.
1761 - 1825 John NORMAN 64 64 In Bartholomew County, Ind., when they purchased land 20 May 1825; Isaac Pence and John and Joseph Norman are identified as being at the Hickory Creek settlement at the present site of Joliet, Will County, Ill., in 1831; John Norman, or perhaps Joseph Norman, built the first flour mill in Joliet in 1834-35; from there they went to Montgomery County before 1840.
Same name as an Uncle.

Copyright 1999 by John Blankenbaker
John is listed in the Culpeper Classes
1763 - 1841 William NORMAN 77 77 Served as a Private with the Virginia Troops.  From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment.  William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.

Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783 with his father, John.

His Revolutionary War pension was granted on 3/4/1833 while living in McMinn Co., TN.

Hannah was allowed his pension on her application of 8/3/1854, her age being 70 years and she was living in Tippah Co., TN.

After the War William moved from Culpeper Co. to Henry Co., VA., where he lived for 8 or 10 years and then moved to McMinn Co., TN.
Same name as an Uncle.

Copyright 1999 by John Blankenbaker
William is listed in the Culpeper Classes
~1773 Polly Same name as an Aunt. 1850 - 1888 Elizabeth M. LESLIE 38 38 1880 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton, OH. 1871 - >1939 James L. NORMAN 67 67 1880 census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 186
June 5 & 6, 1880                  William Cole
Living next to his parents
Norman John F., head, age 38, farm labor, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Elizabeth, wife, age 29, born in OH., parents born in Ireland.
James L., son, age 9, born in OH.
Charles E., son, age 7, born in OH.
Robert D., son, age 5, born in OH.

1939 living in Princeton, Butler Co., OH.
1872 - 1939 Charles E. NORMAN 66 66 1880 census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 186
June 5 & 6, 1880                  William Cole
Living next to his parents
Norman John F., head, age 38, farm labor, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Elizabeth, wife, age 29, born in OH., parents born in Ireland.
James L., son, age 9, born in OH.
Charles E., son, age 7, born in OH.
Robert D., son, age 5, born in OH.

1900 censusvOxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1910 census White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1920 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1929 Moved to Port Washington, Salem Twp.,
Tuscarawas Co., OH.

Post Master, Fresno, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

DEATH CERTIFICATE: Ohio 1939 File#20911
Charles NORMAN (son of John NORMAN who was born in Ohio, & Elizabeth LESLIE who was born in Ohio) who was born 11 Sep 1872 in Orange, Ohio, died of heart disease 31 Mar 1939 Salem Twp, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, and was buried 4 April 1939 at Fresno, Ohio. Charles was survived by his wife, Malinda NORMAN. Charles was a farmer and did not serve in the Military. Informant was Mrs. Lloyd GALLION of Port Washington, Ohio.

Coshocton Tribune
550 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812
OBITUARY April 1, 1939  Saturday, page 1
Former Postmaster At Fresno Stricken At Port Washington
Charles E. Norman, former postmaster at Fresno, died at 1 p.m. Friday at his home in Port Washington from a heart disease. He was 67.
Mr. Norman was born Sept 11, 1872 at Orange, a son of Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Norman. He had spent most of his life in Fresno, having moved to Port Washington 10 years ago. He was a mail carrier in Fresno for 12 years and was postmaster there for five years. He was a member of the Orange M.E. church and the Modern Woodmen lodge at Fresno.
Surviving are the widow , two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Gallion and Miss Rosalie Norman, both of Port Washington; two sons; Raymond Norman of Phoenix, AZ., and Ralph Norman of Columbus, Seven grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Lucy Burkey of Coshocton, and a brother, J. L. Norman of Princeton, Ohio. A brother died two years ago.
Short services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the home, with additional rites at 1:30 at the Port Washington Moravian church. Burial will be in the Fresno cemetery.
1874 - 1881 Robert D. NORMAN 7 7 1880 census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 186
June 5 & 6, 1880                  William Cole
Living next to his parents
Norman John F., head, age 38, farm labor, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Elizabeth, wife, age 29, born in OH., parents born in Ireland.
James L., son, age 9, born in OH.
Charles E., son, age 7, born in OH.
Robert D., son, age 5, born in OH.
1842 - 1910 John J. FORD 68 68 1860 census at home with parents.

1880 Census Adams Twp., Coshocton, OH.
Ford, John, head, age 37, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Rebecka, wife, age 31, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Charles, son, age 11, born in OH.
Lula, dau., age 8, born in OH.
Isaac, son, age 2, born in OH.

1900 Census Knox Twp., Guernsey, OH.
~1869 - 1953 Charles O. FORD 84 84 1880 Census Adams Twp., Coshocton, OH.
Ford, John, head, age 37, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Rebecka, wife, age 31, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Charles, son, age 11, born in OH.
Lula, dau., age 8, born in OH.
Isaac, son, age 2, born in OH.

1900 Census Linton Twp, Coshocton, OH.

OBITUARY: 15 Jan 1953 (Thursday) "Newcomerstown News"
Charles O. FORD, 83 of Birds Run, RD 1, died Thrusday evening at Swan Hospital, Cambridge, following a week's illness. Mr. Ford was born in Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH, a son of John & Rebecca NORMAN FORD. He was married 13 May 1897 to Eliza HOWELL, who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Luther H. FORD of Coshocton, James L. FORD of Cambridge, a brother, John P. FORD of Port Washington; one sister, Mrs. Tava McGiffen of Columbus; one granddaughter and one great-grandson, Thomas Edward KENWORTH of Cambridge. A brother and two sisters are deceased.
Mr. Ford taught school for 39 years retiring in 1930. He was a member of the Northfield U.P. church at Boden, Ohio and Birds Run Grange.
Funeral services were held Sunday from the Bonnell Funeral Home, West Lafayette conducted by Rev. R. A. HALL and burial was made in the Plainfield Cemetery.
~1872 - <1953 Lula Belle FORD 81 81 1880 Census Adams Twp., Coshocton, OH.
Ford, John, head, age 37, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Rebecka, wife, age 31, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Charles, son, age 11, born in OH.
Lula, dau., age 8, born in OH.
Isaac, son, age 2, born in OH.
~1878 - <1953 Isaac FORD 75 75 1880 Census Adams Twp., Coshocton, OH.
Ford, John, head, age 37, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Rebecka, wife, age 31, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Charles, son, age 11, born in OH.
Lula, dau., age 8, born in OH.
Isaac, son, age 2, born in OH.
1869 - <1953 Agnes Jane FORD 83 83 Sources:

   1. Media: Book
      Abbrev: Coshocton County, Ohio Births 1867-1909
      Title: Coshocton County, Ohio Births 1867-1909
      Author: Ohio. Probate Court (Coshocton County)
      Publication: Coshocton, The Coshocton County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 2009
      This book is acompiled alphabatized listing of birth records for these first early years. The researcher familiar with these families will note that every now and then (in the original records) the recorder "got off" a line and confused which mother belonged to the child of birth.
            Name: Coshocton County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society
            P.O. Box 128
            Coshocton, Ohio 43812 USA
      Page: p 48
      Quality: 3
      Date: 6 Jan 2009
      Text: Agnes Jane FORD, bn:12 may 1869 White eyes twp., coshocton co., OH, d/o John FORD and Rebecca of White Eyes
   2. Media: Book
      Abbrev: Coshocton County, Ohio Newspaper Obituaries of Burials in Plainfield Cemetery, Plainfield, Ohio
      Title: Newspaper Obituaries of Burials in Plainfield Cemetery, Plainfield, Ohio
      Author: compiled by Vivian L. Eichel
      Publication: (Coshocton, Ohio, The Coshocton County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society). In possession of Roselyn M. Baird
            Name: Coshocton Co Chapter OGS
            P.O. Box 128, Coshocton, Ohio 43812-0128
      Page: pg 56
      Quality: 3
      Date: 23 Apr 2009
      Text: daughter FORD (d/o John FORD and Rebecca NORMAN) dd:bef Jan 1953 when her brother, Charles died, and sister Tava survived.
1878 - 1966 Eliza HOWELL 88 88 1900 Census Linton Twp, Coshocton, OH. 1897 Luther H. FORD James J. FORD 1881 - 1957 John P. FORD 75 75 1900 Census Knox Twp., Guernsey Co., OH.

1884 - 1969 Blanche Nora WELKER 85 85 1900 census  Linton, Coshocton, OH.
Roll: T623 1250; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 11.
Welker, Leamon, head, age 39
Welker, Mary A., wife, age 36
Sarah E. Welker, dau., age19
Clifford W. Welker, son, age 17
Blanche Nera Welker, dau., age 16
John L. Welker, son, age 14
Melvin R. Welker, son, age, 12
Sarena Welker, dau., age 11
Walter W. Welker, son, age 8
Emery E. Welker, son, age 6
Mary M. Welker, dau., age 3
Manda M. Welker, dau., age 1

1910 Census, Linton Twn., Plainfield, Coshocton County, OH.
Roll T624_1162, Page 2A/123A, District 12, Image 867.
Apr. 16, 1910
Ford, John P., head, age 28, married 6 yrs., living in a home which he owns with a mortgage, located on Commercial Street, and working for wages as a 'Farm Laborer'  Blanche, wife, age 25, married 6 yrs., 3 children wiith 3 living
Robert E.,son, age 5, born in OH.
Cecil R.,son, age 4, born in OH.
George E., son, age 1 yys.& 11mo. born in OH.

1920 census, Tuscarawas Twn., Coshocton Co., OH. Roll T625_1357,Page 13A/183A, District 37, Image 975.
Feb. 13-17,1920
Ford, John P., head, age 38, born in OH., parents born in OH., living on a farm which he rents, located on the Coshocton, River Rd.,  working for wages as a 'Farmer'.
Nora B., [Blanche Nora], wife, age 35, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Robert E., son, age 15, born in OH.
Cecil R., son, 13, born in OH.
George E., son, age 11, born in OH..

1930 Census, Tuscarawas Twp., WD 3, Coshocton, Coshocton Co., OH.
Roll 1758, Page 14B/129B, District 26, Image 810.0.  Apr. 10,1930.
Ford, J.P. [John Park], head, age 48, born in OH., parents born in OH., living in a home which he owns and values at $4000, located at 303 North Tenth Street, and working for wages as a 'Carpenter' working on'House' construction, married 27 yrs., not a veteran, does not own a radio set.
Blanch, wife, age 46, married 27 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
C.R. [Cecil R.], son, age24, married 2 yrs., born in OH., not a veteran, working for wages as a forger in a'Tool Plant'
Mildred, dau.-in-law, age 20, married 2 yrs., born in OH.
John R., grandson, age 11 mo., born in OH.

OBITUARY: Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton co., Ohio), 1969, May 2, Friday
Mrs. Blanche Ford, 85, Port Washington, died at 3:25 p.m. Thursday at her home following a long illness. She was born April 27, 1884, in Linton Twp., Coshocton Co., a daughter of Lemon and Mary WigginsWelker, and was married in October 1902, to John R. Ford, who died Feb.8, 1957. Survivors are three sons, Robert E. Ford, Coshocton, Cecil R.Ford, of the home, and George E. Ford, North Canton, five sisters, Mrs.Frank (Sarah) Taylor, Newcomerstown, Mrs. William (Laura) Thompson, WestLafayette, Mrs. Russell (Mary) Bluck, West Lafayette Route 1, Mrs Raymond (Mandy) Buker, Frazeysburg, and Mrs. Clyde (Nellie) Robison, New Philadelphia; four brothers, Melvin Welker, Warsaw, Emery Welker, West Lafayette, Merle Welker, Dresden, and Charles Welker, Newcomerstown; nine grandchilden, 24 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.Three brothers and one sister are deceased. Services are scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Bonnell-O'Neill Funeral Home in West Lafayette with Rev. Charles Ireland officiating. Burial will be in Plainfield Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral home will be Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 and until time for services Sunday
1905 Robert E. FORD 1906 Cecil R. FORD ~1908 George E. FORD 1888 - >1957 Maydera G. "Tava" FORD 68 68 1900 Census Knox Twp, Guernsey, OH. 1881 Charles F. McGIFFIN ~1906 John F. McGIFFIN ~1909 Thelma L. McGIFFIN 1884 - 1959 Malinda INFIELD 75 75 1900 census at home with parents.

1910 census White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1920 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1939 living in Port Washington, Salem Twp., Tuscarawas Co., OH.
1904 - 1983 Ferne Marcella NORMAN 78 78 SSDI
Data is drawn from the Social Security Death Benefits Index of the U.S. Social Security Administration
Text: Ferne GALLION, born 24 Dec 1904, died June 1983 of Port Washington, Tuscarawas co., Ohio
~1907 - ~1939 Raymond H. NORMAN 32 32 1910 census White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. with parents.

1920 Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co.,OH.

1939 living in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ.
1910 - 1982 Ralph R. NORMAN 72 72 1910 census White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. with parents.

1920 Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co.,OH.

1939 living in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH.

Ralph NORMAN b:22 mar 1910, d:May 1982 Florida.
1915 - 1915 John B. NORMAN 1m 1m D. >1939 Rosalie NORMAN 1939 living in Port Washington, Salem Twp., Tuscarawas Co., OH. 1883 Nolan C. NORMAN 1900 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

No death dertificate or obituary found by researcher.
1886 - >1939 Lucy D. NORMAN 52 52 1900 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1939 living in Coshocton, Coshocton Co., OH.
~1857 - >1920 Margaret Mary MALEY 63 63 1870 census at home with parents.

1880 census states parents born OH.
1875 - 1875 ???? NORMAN 1m 1m 1876 - 1881 Francis Howard NORMAN 5 5 1878 - 1881 Clifton Silvester. NORMAN 3 3 ~1881 - >1910 Roy NORMAN 29 29 ~1898 Mary E. NORMAN 1878 Jabez NORMAN 1848 - 1924 Mary Melissa NORMAN 76 76 1817 - 1897 Isaac NORMAN 79 79 1850 Census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  #146
Norman, Isaac, age 31, laborer, born in OH.
Harriet, age 27, born in OH.
Soldester (Sylvester), age 7, born in OH.
Malena, age 18, born in OH.
Thomas, age 6, born in OH.
Rebecca, age 4, born in OH.
Maryann, age 2, born in OH.

1860 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Jul.  28, 1860     Nathan Cordray
Norman, Isaac, head, age 43, farmer, real estate valued @ $1100, personal property valued @ $270, born in OH.
Harriet, wife, age 37, born in OH.
Norman, Sylvester, single, age 19, farm laborer, born in OH.
Norman, Malona, age 17, single, Domestic, born in OH.
Norman, Rebecca, age 14, born in OH.
Norman, Mary, age 11, born in OH.
Norman, George, age 8, born in OH.
Norman, Francis, age 5 born in OH.
Norman, Wilson, age 10 mo., born in OH.

1870 census-Chili, Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.-M593 roll 1185 Page 5.
Isaac, age 53, born in OH., farmer.
Harriett, age 43, born in OH.
George, age 16, born in OH.
Francis, age 14, born in OH.
Wilson A., age 10, born in OH.
Malona, age 27, born in OH.
Mary A., age 22, born in OH.
Thomas Price, age 20, born in OH.  (relationship unknown)

1880 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, Isaac, head, age 63, farmer, born in OH., father born in OH., mother born in VA.
Norman, Harriet, wife, age 53, born in OH., parents born in MD.
Mary, dau., age 30, single, born in OH.
Wilson, son, age 20, single, born in OH.

BIOGRAPHY: "History of Coshocton Co., OH" by N. Hill, p756. - "NORMAN WILSON O., Adams township; young farmer; postoffice, Evansburgh; born in Adams township , July 31, 1859; son of Isaac and Harriet (Norris) Norman, and grandson of George and Barbara (Workman) Norman, and William and Rebecca (Tipton) Norris. and great-grandson of Benjamin and Margaret Norman, and Isaac Workman, and Anna Norris, and Silvester and Mary Tipton. His father was born in Coshocton county, May 1,1817. His mother was born, March 17, 1823, in Adams township, Coshocton county. They were married November 28,1839, and are the parents of ten children, six of whom are living, viz: Sylvester, born March 1, 1841; Rebecca, born December 1, 1845; Mary A., born October 22, 1846; George W., born August 16, 1852, and Francis M., born July 18, 1855. His brother, Sylvester, was a soldier in the Ninety-seventh O. V. I., three years. Wilson is a promising, young farmer, highly respected by all."

Isaac & Harriett were the parents of 10 children.
1823 - 1900 Harriet NORRIS 77 77 1859 Wilson O. NORMAN Wilson was a promising young farmer and highly respected by all who knew him.

From Coshocton County History.
1841 Sylvester NORMAN Was a soldier in the 97th Ohio Voluntary Infantry for 3 years.  Co. H

                                  Coshocton County History - Ohio
1845 - 1928 Rebecca J. NORMAN 83 83 1880 Census Adams Twp., Coshocton, OH., USA

1900 Census Knox Twp., Guernsey, OH., USA
1848 Mary Ann NORMAN 1870, 1880 census at home with parents.

1900 census Oxford Twp., Coshocton, OH.

1910 census White Eyes Twp, Coshocton Co., OH. Norman, Mary A. NORMAN, head, age 62, widow,
born in  OH., parents born in OH.2.
1852 - >1930 George W. NORMAN 78 78 1880 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. p2C
Norman,George, head, age 27, born in OH., parents born in OH., farmer
Margaret, wife, age 23, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Howard, son, age 3, born in OH.
Silvester, son, age 1, born in OH.

1900 1910census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, George W., head, age 57, born in OH., parents born in OH. farmer, married 35yrs.
Mary M., wife, age 53, 8 children with 5 living, born in OH., parents born in OH. 
Roy, son, age 29, single, born in OH.
Mary E., dau.?, age 12, born in OH.

1920 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, George W., head, age 67, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Mary M., wife, age 63, born in OH., father born in OH., mother born in PA.
Maley, John, brother-in-law, age 50, single, born in OH., father born in Pa.?, mother born in OH.?

1930 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, George, head, age 77, widower, born in OH., parents born in OH.
1855 Francis M. NORMAN 1827 - 1913 Susannah McCLARY 86 86 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.

1900 census-White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.-T623 Roll 1250 Page 307 Lines 550& 56
  Susan Norman, head, age 73, 6 children with 5 living, widow, born in OH., parents born in Maine.
   Ida Emerson, granddaughter, age 11, born in OH., parents born in OH.

1910 census- Coshocton Co.-T624 Roll 1162 Page 30 Lines 91-93
  Susan Norman, head, age 83, widow, born in OH., parents born in MD.?
  Ada? Emerson, granddaughter, age 22, primary teacher, born in OH., parents born in OH.
  Viola Hull/Hill, servant, age 20, born in OH., parents born in OH.
1853 1854 Sarah NORMAN Birth year verified from 1860 census. 1851 Isaac NORMAN Isaac & Leah had 2 children per the Coshocton County History. 1853 Sarah Isabel NORMAN ~1856 Hannah NORMAN 1861 Hester E. NORMAN Coshocton County History has the spelling as Heater. ~1866 Hattie Geneva NORMAN ~1869 James Lester NORMAN Leah BROWN Andrew SCHRACK Andrew & Sarah had 1 child per the Coshocton County History. ~1768 - 1822 Elizabeth LANE 54 54 ~1828 Eliza (Mrs. William) NORMAN 1848 - 1857 Benjamin F. NORMAN 8 8 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp, Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5. 1850 Hariett NORMAN 1825 - 1869 Isaac C. NORMAN 44 44 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. and birth date verified by 1850 census. 1831 - 1909 George W. NORMAN 78 78 Birth & death dates verified from Old Methodist Cem. records, Keene Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. and birth date also verified by 1850 census. 1832 - 1909 Charity NORMAN 77 77 Birth date verified by 1850 census. 1832 - 1909 Charity Ann NORMAN 77 77 [NOTE: Charity was not born  for 1930 Census]
1830 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 129, Page 22.
Census shows a total of 9 persons in the household: 6 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: two David and Henry
Males 5-10: One Joshua age 6
Males 10-15: Two John age 11
Males 30-40: One Jabez age 33
Females 5-10: One
Females 10-15: One
Females 30-40: One Nancy age 33

1840 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Roll 387, Page 309.
Census shows a total of 12 persons in the household: 9 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: Three
Males 5-10: Four
Males 20-30: One John
Males 40-50: One Jabez
Females under 5: One
Females 5-10: One Charity
Females 30-40: One Nancy [She grew younger]

1850 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll M432_670, Page 279, District 26, Image 557. Census sheet is dated 28 October 1850. Census shows Jabez Norman at age 58, born in Virginia, and working as a 'Farmer' holding real estate valued at $1500. All other members of the household were born in Ohio. Ann Norman [Name 'Charity' erased and name 'Ann' written over 'Charity'] is age 18 [or 15 or 12]; Joseph Norman is age 16, working as a 'Farmer'; David Norman is age 12; Emily [or Emma] Norman is age 9; Ephriam Norman is age 4; Martha Norman is age 4. The household also includes Sarah Pain at age 18 and Mary Pain at age 12.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 20 Apr 1851
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 9A/30A, District 42, Image 0062. Census sheet is dated 11 June 1880 Census shows 'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and shows two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows 'Archi' Burrell at age 69, born during Oct 1830, living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. Archibald Burrell was born in Ohio of a Father born in Maryland and a Mother born in Virginia. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 67, born during Sep 1832. The couple has been married 49 years, and Charity has given birth to 9 children of whom either 5 or 6 are still living [It appears the Census-taker started to write 5 and changed mid-character to try to make it a 6. This Census accounts for 5 of the 5 or 6 still living: Thomas heads his own household shown on this same Census page, William Heads his own household shown on Census page 7A and Joseph, Emma and Norah/Nora are listed living in this household: Joseph Burrell is age 31, born during Oct 1868, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Emma Burrell is age 28, born during May 1872; and Norah/Nora M. Burrell is age 20, born during June 1879.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 20 Apr 1851
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

Spent her life on the home farm until 1902 when she moved to Coshocton, OH.

Coshocton Daily Age (Coshocton Co., OH.)  11/26/1909

Lived at the corner of Vine St. & South Lawn Ave., Coshocton, OH. at the time of her death.

I am somewhat mystified by Charity.  No where can I find her listed as a child of Jebez and Nancy Reed Norman, other than a newspaper article telling of a visit by her brothers in the Democratic Standard (Coshocton Co., OH.) dated 10/16/1896 and The Rootsweb website (Norman-Kirkpatrick-Mitchell April 2005 Edition.  I do not find her on the Norman Genealogy Website hosted by Steve Norman, which is a pretty complete Norman site with the exception it has not been updated since 1999.

26 Nov 1909 Obituary published on the front page of the Coshocton Daily Age [Coshocton County, Ohio] on Friday, :
Headline: Mrs. Burrell Died Friday At Daybreak
Mrs. Charity Norman Burrell, widow of the late Archibald Burrell of South Lawn Ave, died Friday morning at 5 o'clock from a complication of diseases with which she had been suffering for several months. The funeral will be held Sunday. Mrs. Burrell was born near Bowman Section in White Eyes Township on Sept. 20, 1832, and spent all of her life on the home farm until seven years ago when she moved to Coshocton. She was married to Archibald Burrell on April 3, 1857, and by this union nine children were born, eight of whom survive. She is survived by the following children, all of whom live in Coshocton Co. - W.H. Burrell, Mrs. Hester Marshall of Coshocton, Thos. Burrell of Roscoe, Mrs. Nancy Leighninger of Newcomerstown, Jos. N. Burrell who lives on the home farm, Miss Lizzie Talmadge of Coshocton, Mrs. Ami Cullison of Cooperdale, and Miss Nora Burrell who lives at home.

Article published in The Democratic Standard [Coshocton County, Ohio] on 16 Oct 1896
Headline: Keene Kernals
A merry time was had at Mr. Archibald Burrell's a few days ago upon the reunion of Mrs. Burrell's brothers. Those presnt were: Capt. Joshua Norman and brother John of Abilene, Kansas, David and Henry of Newcomerstown, G.W. Norman of Keene and several of Mrs. Burrell's children.
In that same issue, the next item under Keene Kernals stated that Wm. Norman had sold his property to William Shaffer and will move to Indiana.
1830 - 1909 Archibald BURRELL 78 78 1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census    Bethlehem Twp.  Coshocton Co. OH.
Series: T9  Roll: 1003  Page: 30
June 1880
'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

23 Mar 1886: Article Published on the front page of The Semi-Weekly Age, dated Headline: A Greed for Gold - Consigns Bright and Beautiful Boys to the County Alms House.
Mr. Archibald Burrell is a well-known farmer in Bethlehem township. He owns a good farm, is well provided with personal property, pays taxes upon $7,980, and is estimated by good judges to be worth at least $12,000 to $13,000. Yet this man, surrounded by all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life, last week permitted two of his grand-children, bright, beautiful and intelligent little boys, aged 5 and 6 respectively, to become inmates of the County Infirmary. They are the children of his daughter, who is the wife of Mr. Ben Talmadge. Young Talmadge and his wife separated some time since, and she and her children became inmates of her father's house. At the last meeting of the commissioners Mr. Burrell asked the Board to allow him $200 per year for the maintenance of the children. The Board offered him $132, and he thereupon brought them to Coshocton and turned them over to the tender mercies of the Infirmary Directors. They were taken to the County Infirmary, and the first of April will be sent to the Children's Home in Tuscarawas County. [3 paragraph 'rant' omitted which start with: Oh the cruel heartlessness; the cold and unfeeling greed for gold, ... article resumes with] If Mr. Burrell does not provide a home for the children, then let the other grandfather, Mr Talmadge, do so, for he pays taxes upon $8,490, is judged to be worth a least $15,000, and is abundantly able to provide for the little ones who are of his blood.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows 'Archi' Burrell at age 69, born during Oct 1830, living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. Archibald Burrell was born in Ohio of a Father born in Maryland and a Mother born in Virginia. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 67, born during Sep 1832. The couple has been married 49 years, and Charity has given birth to 9 children of whom either 5 or 6 are still living [It appears the Census-taker started to write 5 and changed mid-character to try to make it a 6. This Census accounts for 5 of the 5 or 6 still living: Thomas heads his own household shown on this same Census page, William Heads his own household shown on Census page 7A and Joseph, Emma and Norah/Nora are listed living in this household: Joseph Burrell is age 31, born during Oct 1868, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Emma Burrell is age 28, born during May 1872; and Norah/Nora M. Burrell is age 20, born during June 1879.

26 Nov 1909 Wife's Obit, Published  indicates she was a Widow at that time
Obituary published on the front page of the Coshocton Daily Age [Coshocton County, Ohio] on Friday, 26 Nov 1909:
Headline: Mrs. Burrell Died Friday At Daybreak
Mrs. Charity Norman Burrell, widow of the late Archibald Burrell of South Lawn Ave, died Friday morning at 5 o'clock from a complication of diseases with which she had been suffering for several months. The funeral will be held Sunday. Mrs. Burrell was born near Bowman Section in White Eyes Township on Sept. 20, 1832, and spent all of her life on the home farm until seven years ago when she moved to Coshocton. She was married to Archibald Burrell on April 3, 1857, and by this union nine children were born, eight of whom survive. She is survived by the following children, all of whom live in Coshocton Co. - W.H. Burrell, Mrs. Hester Marshall of Coshocton, Thos. Burrell of Roscoe, Mrs. Nancy Leighninger of Newcomerstown, Jos. N. Burrell who lives on the home farm, Miss Lizzie Talmadge of Coshocton, Mrs. Ami Cullison of Cooperdale, and Miss Nora Burrell who lives at home.

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Archie Burrell
Death Date: 2 Jan 1909
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

15 Sep 1911: Coshocton Daily Age [Coshocton, Ohio]
Headline: Valuable Property for Sale
The heirs at law of the late Archibald Burrell, will sell at public sale Saturday, Sept. 30, 1911, at 1 o'clock p.m. the splendid farm up the Walhonding about seven miles northwest of Coshocton: also the fine city property brick residence at the corner of Vine street and South Lawn avenue, Coshocton, O. Both farm and residence will be sold at the residence in city of Coshocton. Crops are reserved. Terms: one-third cash on day of sale: two-thirds on April 1, 1912 when possession will be given for the farm. City Property, cash.

5 Feb 1911: Item Published in the Coshocton Morning Tribute [Coshocton, Ohio]  Headline: Orders of Sale
An order of sale was issued to Administrator Joseph N. Burrell of the estate of the late Archibald Burrell from the Probate Court Saturday.
1852 - 1929 William H. "Henry" BURRELL 77 77 William was a "successful teacher of common schools".
      From "Coshocton Co., Ohio History"

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900
Marriage Date: 23 Oct 1879
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1900 census- Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7A, District 3. Census sheet is dated 18 Jun 1900. Census shows William Burrell at age 48, born during Feb 1852, Living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' All members of this household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. William Burrell is a widower with 4 children in his household: Son Frank D. Burrell is age 19, born during Sep 1880, and he is working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Daughter Grace Burrell is age 17, born during Sep 1882; Daughter Georgie M. Burrell is age 15, born during May 1885; Daughter Beaula F. Burrell is age 12, born during Sep 1887.

1910 census- Tuscarauas Township, Precinct A of Ward 3 of the city of Coshocton, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Part 2, Page 12B/230B, District 23. [Census shows the William H. Burrell has remarried.] William H. Burrell is age 58, living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, located at 348 North 8th Street, and he is working on his own account as a 'Merchant' in 'Retail Hardware'. Both William Burrell and his daughter by his first marriage, Beulah F. Burrell at age 22, were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minirva P. Burrell is age 52, and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Pennsylvania. Minirva and William have been married 9 years and Minirva has not given birth to any children.

Feb. 20, 1918 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: Is Operated Upon At The Hospital
Text: W.H. Burrell of South Tenth street underwent a major operation at the City hospital Wednesday morning, performed by Drs. Shaw, Pomerene, and Wright.

1920 Census, Precinct A, Ward 4, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6A/260A, District 44, Image 1129. Census sheet is dated 9 January 1920. Census shows 'Henry' [William Henry] Burrell at age 67, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located at 361 South Ninth Street, working for wages as a 'Watchman' at a 'Piano?/China? Factory'. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minerva Burrell is age 62, and is a 'Housewife'.

Dec. 20, 1920 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) Text: Mrs. Charles King and daughter Kathryn, of Richmond Ind., came Friday to stay over Christmas with her parents, Mr and Mrs W.H. Burrell, 361 South Tenth St.

Nov. 9, 1949 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)Headline: 20 Years Ago 9 Nov 1929
Text: W.H. Burrell, 78, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Klinger, Bethlehem township.
1853 - 1919 Hester A. BURRELL 66 66 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Hester B Marshall
Death Date: 29 Dec 1919
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1919 > December > 30 [TUESDAY}
Headine: Death Angel Summons Mrs. Owen Marshall
Text: Mrs. Hester B. Marshall, 66, widow of Owen Marshall, died Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock after an illness of ten days from a complication of disease. She became much worse last Sunday and gradually became weak, altho she retained consciousness until her death. Hester Burrell was born in Bethlehem tp November 26, 1853. She was the daughter of Archie and Charity Burrell. Her husband, Owen Marshall, died in Coshocton six years ago. She is survived by one son, Thomas McNeely [Should read Thurman McNeely], by a former marriage; two stepsons, T.J. Marshall and Owen Marshall, Greenwood, Neb., and one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ad Byerly, who resides in Kansas. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Alonzo Leighninger, Miss Nora Burrell and Mrs. Elizabeth Talmadge, all of Newcomerstown, three brothers, Joseph Burrell, Bethlehem tp., Thomas Burrell, Keene tp., and Henry Burrell, south Tenth st, Coshocton, and two grandchildren, Vernon and Robert McNeely, Coshocton. Mrs Marshall was a faithful member of the Church of Christ and an earnest Christian worker. She possessed a kindle, charitiable manner which endeared her to all who came within the sunshine of her acquaintance. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Church of Christ bt Rev. H.A. Blanning and interment will be made at the Prairie Chapel Cemetery

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 26 Sep 1893
County: Coshocton
State: OH
Source Information:
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 24B/243B, District 18. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900. Census shows Owen Marshall at age 60, born during December 1839, living in a home which he rents, working as a 'Carpenter', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Pennsylvania and a Mother born in Virginia. Wife Hester Marshall is age 44, born during November 1855 in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple has been married 7 years, and during her lifetime hester has given birth to 1 child, who is still living. That child, from Hester's first marriage, is listed by Owen Marshall as Step-Son Therman McNeely who is age 22, born during November 1877, and who is working for 'Duttea? Mfg. Co.'.

1910 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Precinct A, Ward 4, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 1B/242B, District 25, Image 1106. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1910. Census shows Owen Marshall at age 70, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located at 1002 East Main Street, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Maryland. Wife Hester B. Marshall is age 56 and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. This is a 2nd marriage for both Owen and Marshall, and they have been married to each other for 16 years, circa 1893/1894. During her lifetime, Hester has given birth to 1 child, who is still living.

Database: Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900
Name Spouse Marriage Date County State
McNEELY, JOHN H. BURRELL, HESTER A. 22 Dec 1874 Coshocton OH
Source Information:
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research. Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2001. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.
This database contains records of marriages that took place in in various counties in the State of Ohio, USA, between 1803 and 1900. Each record provides the names of both bride and groom, along with the marriage date.
1858 - 1941 Thomas BURRELL 83 83 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Thomas Burrell
Death Date: 5 May 1941
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1941 > May > 5 [MONDAY]
Headline: Thomas Burrell, 83, Lifelong Resident of County, Claimed
Text: Thomas Burrell, 83, a retired farmer and a lifelong resident of Coshocton county, died at his home in Keene at 7:30 a.m. today following an illness from complications. He had been a resident of Keene for the past 14 years. He was born in the Bethlehem township Jan. 22, 1858, the son of Archibald and Charity Norman Burrell. In 1895 he was united in marriage to Mary S. Randles, who survives. Also surviving are four children, Mrs. Effie Stillenbauer and Mrs. L.R. Norman, both of Keene, Mrs. M.T. Foster, Fresno, and Raymond O. Burrell, Spring Mountain; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; a brother, Joseph N. Burrell, Bethlehem township; two sisters, Miss Nora Burrell, Bethlehem township, and Mrs. Nancy Leighninger, Chicago, and a number of nieces and nephews. Short funeral services will be held at the home in Keene at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in charge of Rev. Raymond Robinson and Rev. Stewart, followed by final rites at Prairie Chapel church at 2, burial will be in the church cemetery.

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 9A/30A, District 42, Image 0062. Census sheet is dated 11 June 1880 Census shows 'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 41, born in Jan 1858, working as a 'Farm Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary Burrell is age 25, born during May 1875. The couple has been married 4 years and Mary has given birth to 3 children, all living in the household: Daughter Bessie Burrell is age 2, born during Aug 1897; Daughter Maree Burrell is age 1, born during Sept 1898; and Daughter Beula Burrell is age 3 months, born during March 1900.

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6B, District 28, Image 0792. Census sheet is dated 31 Jan 1920. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 61 [Changed from 62 to 61], living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'GeneraL Farm' work. With the exception of his Mother-in-Law, all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 45. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Beulah L. Burrell is age 19; and Son Raymond A. Burrell is age 16. The household also includes Mary S. Burrell's Mother [Thomas' Mother-in-Law] Rebecca Randles at age 69 and widowed.

1930 Census. Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 2B/268B, District 12, Image 539.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 72, living on a farm which he owns and values at $1,670, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' doing 'Odd Jobs'. Wife 'Maude' Mary Burrell is age 55. The couple married when Thomas was age 37 and Mary was age 20, so the couple has been married about 35 years. Both Thomas and Mary were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
24 Dec 1855-1856 - 1941 Nancy Jane BURRELL OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1941 > September > 8 [SUNDAY]
Headline: Nancy Leighninger, Native of County, Dies in Illinois
Text: Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Burrell Leighninger, 85, native of Coshocton county, who died Saturday evening at the home of her son, George B. Leighninger, Blue Island, Ill., will be held at the Bonnell funeral home at Newcomerstown at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in charge of Rev. W.S. Longsworth, pastor of the Newcomerstown College st. Methodist church. Mrs. Leighninger was born in Coshocton county Dec. 24, 1855, the daughter of Archie and Charity Burrell. In 1882 she married Alonzo Leighninger and for many years had resided in Illinois. Burial will be in the West Lafayette cemetery.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 16 Nov 1882
County: Coshocton
State: OH

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 9A/30A, District 42, Image 0062. Census sheet is dated 11 June 1880 Census shows 'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

1910 Census, Newcomers Village, Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T624_1236, Page 8A/188A, District 140. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Alonzo Leightninger at age 51 living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, located on River Street near Carlisle Street. Alonzo is working for wages as a 'Laborer' on a 'Railroad'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nancy J. Leighninger is age 50, and the couple has been married for 26 years, during which Nancy gave birth to 3 children, all still living. Two of those children are in the household: Daughter Forest Leighninger is age 19 and working for wages as a 'Book Keeper' at a 'Clothing Store'; Son George Leighninger is age 18 and working for wages as a 'Clerk' at a 'News Depot'.

1920 Census, Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T625_1444, Page 9A/228A, District 171, Image 1060. Census sheet is dated 13 Jan 1920. Census shows Alonzo Leighninger at age 61 living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' in a 'Pipe Shop'. Wife Mancy Leighninger is age 60. Both Alonzo and Nancy were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
1868 - 1951 Joseph N. BURRELL 82 82 OBITUARY
    Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1951 > April > 12 [THURSDAY]
    Headline: Joseph N. Burrell, 82, Retired Farmer, Dies at Elm St. Residence
    Text: Joseph N. Burrell, 82, retired farmer, died at 3 a.m. today at his home, 760 Elm st., following a long illness. He was born in Bethlehem township Oct. 16, 1868, a son of Archibald and Charity Norman Burrell, and was married Dec. 17, 1901 to Mina Thompson, who survives. He lived in Bethlehem township until he moved to Coshocton seven years ago. He was a member of the Farm Bureau. Besides the widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lewis Roahrig, Coshocton Route 4, and Miss Charity Burrell of the home; two sons, Edward Burrell, Coshocton Route 3, and Russell Burrell, Columbus; one sister, Miss Nora Burrell, Columbus, and four grandchildren. Two brothers and four sisters are deceased. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in the Dawson funeral home. Rev. Charles F. Jones will conduct the services and burial will be in Prairie Chapel cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday until time of services.

WIFE'S OBITUARY [Gives the date of death for Joseph Burrell as 12 April 1951]
    Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1952 > May > 22 [THURSDAY]
    Headline: Mrs. Mina Burrell Dies Wednesday Night at Home Here
    Text: Mrs. Mina Burrell, 74, widow of Joseph N. Burrell, died Wednesday at 7:25 p.m. at her home, 760 Elm st., of a heart attack. She was born May 4, 1878, at Warsaw, a daughter of George and Mary Severns Thompson. On Dec. 17, 1901 she was married to J.N. Burrell who died April 12, 1951, She was a member of the Grace Methodist church and the Friendship Sunday school class. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. John Norris of the home and Mrs. Lewis Roahrig [NOTE: May be correctly spelled Roehrig] of Route 4; two sons, Russell of Columbus and Edward of Route 3; one sister, Mrs. Millie Seese of Canton, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Dawson funeral home. Rev. Charles F. Jones will conduct the services and burial will be in Prairie Chapel cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday until time of services.

Article Published in the Semi-Weekly Age [Coshocton, Ohio] on 13 Sep 1887
    Headline: Commissioner's Meeting
    The Board of Commissioners met in regular session at the Auditor's Office, Monday, Sept. 5, 1887. Full Board present. Joseph Burrell, Auditor-elect, presented his bond in the sum of $15,000 with Lewis DeMoss, Christ Schaich, Franklin Miller, Samuel J. Burrell, W.M. Lockard, Alexander Phillabaum, Henry Geib, Wm. M. Clark, John Pharion, Archibald Burrell, Davis Lowery as sureties. Said bond was accepted and placed on file in the Treasurer's office, as required by law.
    Monday, Sept 12, Joseph Burrell having taken the oath of offices, entered upon the duties of the office of the County Auditor.

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 9A/30A, District 42, Image 0062. Census sheet is dated 11 June 1880 Census shows 'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows 'Archi' Burrell at age 69, born during Oct 1830, living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. Archibald Burrell was born in Ohio of a Father born in Maryland and a Mother born in Virginia. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 67, born during Sep 1832. The couple has been married 49 years, and Charity has given birth to 9 children of whom either 5 or 6 are still living [It appears the Census-taker started to write 5 and changed mid-character to try to make it a 6. This Census accounts for 5 of the 5 or 6 still living: Thomas heads his own household shown on this same Census page, William Heads his own household shown on Census page 7A and Joseph, Emma and Norah/Nora are listed living in this household: Joseph Burrell is age 31, born during Oct 1868, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Emma Burrell is age 28, born during May 1872; and Norah/Nora M. Burrell is age 20, born during June 1879.

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Part 2, Page 2B/18B, District 3. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 41 living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All the members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina Burrell is age 31. The couple has been married for 8 years and Mina has given birth to 3 children, all 3 children still living in the household: Son Russell A. Burrell is age 7; Son Edward A. Burrell is age [5? 3? 2? hard to tell which is correct]; Daughter Mary E Burrell is age 11 months [11/12].

1920 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 2B and Page 3A/19A, District 22, Images 0646 and 0647. Census sheets are dated 6 and 7 Jan 1920. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 51, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer' doing 'General farm' work and employing other people. All of the members of this household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina A. Burrell is age 41. There are 4 children in the household: Son Russell N. Burrell is age 16; Son Edward A. Burrell us age 13 or 15 [Can't tell which]; Daughter Mary E. Burrell is age 10; and Daughter Charity Burrell is age 7.

1930 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 4A/202A, District 3, Image 406.0. Census sheet is dated 11 April 1930. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 61, living on a farm which he owns, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'. Joseph does not own a radio set, and he is not a veteran. All members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina A. Burrell is age 51. The couple married when Joseph was age 33 and Mina was age 23, so they have been married about 28 years. There are 3 children in the household: Son Russell N. Burrell is age 27, and works for wages as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'; Son Edward A. Burrell is age 25 and works for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Filling Station'; Daughter Charity V. Burrell is age 17.
1860 - 1939 Elizabeth "Lizzie" BURRELL 78 78 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Elizabeth Talmadge
Death Date: 15 Apr 1939
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1939 > April > 16 [SUNDAY]
Headline: Coshocton Woman, 78, Dies at Home Saturday
Text: Mrs. Benjamin Talmadge died at 3 p.m. Saturday from complications at her home on the Warsaw road, six miles west of Coshocton. She was 78. Elizabeth Burrell was born in Coschoton county July 16, 1860, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Burrell. Surviving are her husband, five children, Gray Talmadge of Akron, Frank Talmadge of Providence, R.I., Irvin Talmadge of the home, Mrs. George Mohler, North Ninth st, this city, and Mrs. Clarence Saussler of Cleveland; 17 grandchildren; two brothers, Joseph Burrell of Bethlehem township, and Thomas Burrell of Keene, and two sisters, Miss Nora Burrell of Cambridge and Mrs Nancy Lerninger of Chicage. A son, Archie, is deceased. Funeral services will be a 2 p.m. Monday at the Prairie Chapel church in charge of Rev. W.S. Longsworth, pastor. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1933 > March > 15
Headline: Real Estate Transfers
Text: B.F. Talmadge to Elizabeth Talmadge, undivided half interest in 2 acres, Bethlehem tp.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1933 > January > 31
Headline: News of the Courts
Sub-Headline: Wife Seeks Divorce
Text: Gross neglect and habitual drunkenness are charged in a divorce action instituted in common pleas court today by Elizabeth Talmadge against B.F. Talmadge, both of Bethlehem tp. Mrs. Talmadge is seeking her second divorce from Talmadge. She states that they were married October 31, 1878, and lived together for 17 years, In 1895, according to the petition, Talmadge abandoned her and their children for another woman and failed to provide for the children, all of whom are now married. The two were married again on March 16, 1927, and she claims that he has failed to provide necessaries for their home since that time, and has been an habitual drunkard for the last year and a half. She also states that he keeps a loaded gun in the house and that she fears he will do her bodily harm. The court granted her request for a temporary injunction restraining him from interfering with her occupation of the home, from disposing of his personal property and from harming her. Mrs. Talmadge also seeks temporary alimony and counsel fees, and his share of two acres in Bethlehem tp., which they own jointly.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1928 > December > 7
Headline: Appeals Court Reverses Order in Estate Case
Text: The appellate court today rendered judgment for the plaintiff in the case of Robert H. McCleary, administrator of the estate of David Norman, against Elizabeth Talmadge and Frank B. Austin. This was an action to set aside a deed from David Norman to Elizabeth Talmadge on grounds of undue influence. The case was originally heard by Judge W.N. Crow in common pleas court and was decided in favor of the defendants. The action of the appellate court, however, reverses the common please court, and restores the property to the estate for the benefit of the heirs.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1913 > February > 13
Headline: Will Visit Son
Text: Mrs. Elizabeth Talmadge of Eleventh street left Wednesday for Attleboro, Mass., where she will make an indefinite stay with her son Frank Talmadge of that place.

1870 census  Bethlehem Twp.    Coshocton Co.  OH.
Series: M593  Roll: 1185  Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1900 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 33A/282A, District 19. Census sheet is dated 20 June 1900. Census shows 'Lizzie' [Elizabeth] Talmadge divorced and the head of the household at age 39, born during July 1871 [Error, S/B July 1861] living in a home which she owns free of mortgage, located at 1104 East Main Street. During her lifetime, Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all 6 still living. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household includes 5 children: Son Grey Talmadge is age 20, born during October 1879, and working in the 'U.S. Vol 41st Reg'; Son 'Irvine' [Floyd Irvin] Talmadge is age 17, born during February 1883, working as a 'Driver Delivery Wagon'; Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 11, born during March 1889; Son Henry A. Talmadge is age 8, born during March 1892; and Daughter Annie M. Talmadge is age 6, born during February 1894.

1910 Census, Precinct B, Ward 2, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 9B/209B, District 22, Image 1040. Census sheet is date 21 April 1910. Census shows Elizabeth Talmadge, widowed [Actually Divorced] at age 48, living in a home which she rents, located at 604 South Lawn Avenue, living on her 'Own Income', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. During her lifetime Elizabeth Talmadge gave birth to 6 children, all still living. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Laura D. Talmadge is age 21, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

Article Published on the front page of The Semi-Weekly Age, dated 23 Mar 1886:
Headline: A Greed for Gold - Consigns Bright and Beautiful Boys to the County Alms House.
Mr. Archibald Burrell is a well-known farmer in Bethlehem township. He owns a good farm, is well provided with personal property, pays taxes upon $7,980, and is estimated by good judges to be worth at least $12,000 to $13,000. Yet this man, surrounded by all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life, last week permitted two of his grand-children, bright, beautiful and intelligent little boys, aged 5 and 6 respectively, to become inmates of the County Infirmary. They are the children of his daughter, who is the wife of Mr. Ben Talmadge. Young Talmadge and his wife separated some time since, and she and her children became inmates of her father's house. At the last meeting of the commissioners Mr. Burrell asked the Board to allow him $200 per year for the maintenance of the children. The Board offered him $132, and he thereupon brought them to Coshocton and turned them over to the tender mercies of the Infirmary Directors. They were taken to the County Infirmary, and the first of April will be sent to the Children's Home in Tuscarawas County. [3 paragraphs omitted which start with: Oh the cruel heartlessness; the cold and unfeeling greed for gold, ... article resumes with] If Mr. Burrell does not provide a home for the children, then let the other grandfather, Mr Talmadge, do so, for he pays taxes upon $8,490, is judged to be worth a least $15,000, and is abundantly able to provide for the little ones who are of his blood.
1869 Nora- Norah M. BURRELL 1872 - 1914 Emma M. BURRELL 42 42 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Emma M Cullison
Death Date: 21 May 1914
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Citation:
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1913 > May > 1
Headline: Leaves Hospital
Text: Mrs. Ami Cullison of Tunnel Hill who underwent a serious operation at the City hospital two weeks ago was removed from the hospital to the home of her brother Henry Burrell on North Eighth street Wednesday.

1880 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 9A/30A, District 42, Image 0062. Census sheet is dated 11 June 1880 Census shows 'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

1910 United States Federal Census Record
Name: Emma Cullison
Age in 1910: 38
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1872
BirthPlace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Daughter-in-law
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Home in 1910: Bedford, Coshocton, Ohio
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members: Name Age
Martin Wolford 65
Nancy E Wolford 63
Ami Cullison 54
Emma Cullison 38
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Bedford, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1162; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 652.
1859 - 1899 Mary W. WEATHERWAX 39 39 1880 - 1962 Frank Disney BURRELL 82 82 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1962 > October > 2
Headline: Death Notices
Sub-Headline: Frank Burrell
Text: R.J. Burrell, 1220 South Sixth st., received word today of the death this week of a cousin, Frank Burrell, 82, of Logansport, Ind. A former resident of Bethlehem township, Mr. Burrell had lived in that vicinity until the age of 30 and had numerous friends in this area. He is survived by his wife, two sons and one sister.

1920 Census, Precinct 21, Ward 5, Louisville city, Jefferson County, Kentucky, roll T625_580, Page 12B/138B, District 109, Image 278. Census sheet is dated 13 January 1920. Census shows Frank D. Burrell at age 39, married but living as a 'Roomer' in a home located at 105 East College Street, working for wages as a 'Train Baggage Agent' at the 'Railroad Station', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.
1920 Census, Precinct 26, Ward 2, Albuquerque city, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, roll T625_1074, Page 2A/176A, District 16, Image 352. Census sheet is dated 2 January 1920. Census shows Blanch L. Burrell at age 35, married, living in a home which she rents, located at 818 1/2 South Estith? Street, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Son Norman C. Burrell is age 16, working for wages as a 'Machinist' in the 'Railroad Shops' and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Frank Disney Burrell
City: Terre Haute
County: Vigo
State: Indiana
Birth Date: 01 Sep 1880
Race: White
Roll: 1653196
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form C

Front of Card
Top Line: Serial Number 5435 Order Number 4862
1. Name: Frank Disney Burrell
2. Home Address: Reder? Hotel, Terre Haute, Ind.
3. Age in Years: 38
4. Date of Birth: Sep 1st 1880
Race: 5: White
Citizen: 10: Natural Born
16. Occupation/Trade: Brakeman
17 & 18. Employer & Where: P,C,C & St. L. Railway
Nearest Relative: Wife Mrs. Blanch L. Burrell, Jameson Sanitarium, Albuquerque, N.M.
Affirmed/Signature: Frank Disney Burrell

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped Numbers 13-3-35-C Registrar's Report
Height: 22. Medium
Build: 24. Slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Lost Limbs, etc: No
Registrar: Hal H. Dronbergher
Date: Sept 12, 1918
Local Board Rubber Stamp:
Local Board for Division 2
City of Terre Haute, Ind.

1910 Census, Harrison Township, Ward 7, Terre Haute city, Vigo County, Indiana, roll T624_385, Page 2B/101B, District 169, IMage 1093. Census sheet is dated 16 April 1910. Census shows Frank D. Burrell at age 29, living in a home which he rents, located at 1438 Second Avenue, working for wages as a 'Brakeman' for a 'Railroad', and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Blanch L. Burrell is age 25, and born in Ohio of parents whose birth places are 'Unknown'. The couple has been married 6 years, circa 1903/1904, and Blanch has given birth to 1 child, who is still living. There is 1 child in the household: Son Norman C. Burrell is age 4 years, born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The household also includes Cousin Anna Talmage at age 16, and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7A, District 3. Census sheet is dated 18 Jun 1900. Census shows William Burrell at age 48, born during Feb 1852, Living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' All members of this household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. William Burrell is a widower with 4 children in his household: Son Frank D. Burrell is age 19, born during Sep 1880, and he is working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Daughter Grace Burrell is age 17, born during Sep 1882; Daughter Georgie M. Burrell is age 15, born during May 1885; Daughter Beaula F. Burrell is age 12, born during Sep 1887.
1882 - 1940 Grace BURRELL 57 57 Apr. 6, 1940 Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) [SATURDAY]
Headline: Mrs. Fred Klinger, Blissfield Native, Dies at Age of 57
Text: Mrs. Grace Klinger died at her home in Bethlehem township at 6:15 a.m. today after having been in ill health for the past 10 years suffering from complications. She was 57. Born Sept. 22, 1882, in Blissfield, she was the daughter of Henry and Mary Burrell. In 1902 she was united in marriage to Fred Klinger, who survives. She had been a member of the Prairie Chapel church and the Ladies Aid society for a number of years. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Edgar B., and Walter M. Klinger of Deleware and Eugene of Albany, Ga.; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Burgess of Deleware; three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs Fay King of Richmond, Ind., and a brother, Frank Burrell of Terre Haute, Ind. The body will remain at the Urey funeral home in Warsaw until 9 a.m. Sunday, at which time it will be removed to the home. Funeral services will be held at the Prairie Chapel church at 2 p.m. Tuesday, leaving the home at 1:30. Rev. W.F. Longworth will be in charge and burial will be in the church cemetery.

Nov. 9, 1949 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: 20 Years Ago 9 Nov 1929
Text: W.H. Burrell, 78, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Klinger, Bethlehem township.

Nov. 22, 1921 Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio)
Article mentions "Mrs. Fred Klinger, and daughter Mabel and sons Walter and Eugene."

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 2B/18B, District 3, Image 658. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Fred M. Klinger at age 40, living on a farm which he rents, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work, and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Germany and a Mother born in Ohio. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Grace Klinger is age 28. The couple has been married 8 years, circa 1901/1902, and Grace has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Mary H. Klinger is age 6; Son 'Edger' [Edgar] B. Klinger is age 5; Daughter Mabel E. Klinger is age 3; and Son Walter M. Klinger is age 1 year and 6 months [1 6/12]

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7A, District 3. Census sheet is dated 18 Jun 1900. Census shows William Burrell at age 48, born during Feb 1852, Living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' All members of this household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. William Burrell is a widower with 4 children in his household: Son Frank D. Burrell is age 19, born during Sep 1880, and he is working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Daughter Grace Burrell is age 17, born during Sep 1882; Daughter Georgie M. Burrell is age 15, born during May 1885; Daughter Beaula F. Burrell is age 12, born during Sep 1887.
1885 Georgietta M. BURRELL 1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7A, District 3. Census sheet is dated 18 Jun 1900. Census shows William Burrell at age 48, born during Feb 1852, Living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' All members of this household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. William Burrell is a widower with 4 children in his household: Son Frank D. Burrell is age 19, born during Sep 1880, and he is working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Daughter Grace Burrell is age 17, born during Sep 1882; Daughter Georgie M. Burrell is age 15, born during May 1885; Daughter Beaula F. Burrell is age 12, born during Sep 1887. 1887 Beulah Fay BURRELL 1920 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll T625_474, Page 6B/150B, District 160 [mis-entered as District 16 on sheet], Image 302. Census sheet is dated 13 January 1920. Census shows Charles G. King at age 32, living in a home which he rents, located on the Middleford Pike, working for wages as a 'Blacksmith' at a 'R.R. Shop' [Railroad Shop], and who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'B. Fay' [Beulah Fay] King is also age 32, and also born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary Catherine King is age 6 years, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Tuscarauas Township, Precinct A of Ward 3 of the city of Coshocton, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Part 2, Page 12B/230B, District 23. Census shows the William H. Burrell has remarried. William H. Burrell is age 58, living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, located at 348 North 8th Street, and he is working on his own account as a 'Merchant' in 'Retail Hardware'. Both William Burrett and his daughter by his first marriage, Beulah F. Burrell at age 22, were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Minirva P. Burrell is age 52, and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Pennsylvania. Minirva and William have been married 9 years and Minirva has not given birth to any children.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 7A, District 3. Census sheet is dated 18 Jun 1900. Census shows William Burrell at age 48, born during Feb 1852, Living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' All members of this household were born in Ohio or parents both born in Ohio. William Burrell is a widower with 4 children in his household: Son Frank D. Burrell is age 19, born during Sep 1880, and he is working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Daughter Grace Burrell is age 17, born during Sep 1882; Daughter Georgie M. Burrell is age 15, born during May 1885; Daughter Beaula F. Burrell is age 12, born during Sep 1887.1930 Census, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, roll 638, Page 9B/223B, District 54, Image 450.0. Census sheet is dated 18-19 April 1930. Census shows Charles G. King at age 42, living in a home which he owns, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Lawn Mower Works'. Charles G. King is not a veteran, does not own a radio set, and was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Beulah F. King is also age 42, and born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. The couple married when each was age 24, which was 18 years prior to the Census, circa 1911/1912. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mary K. King is age 17, and born in Indiana of parents both born in Ohio.
1875 - Feb-Mar 1951 Maude 1930 Census. Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 2B/268B, District 12, Image 539.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 72, living on a farm which he owns and values at $1,670, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' doing 'Odd Jobs'. Wife 'Maude' Mary Burrell is age 55. The couple married when Thomas was age 37 and Mary was age 20, so the couple has been married about 35 years. Both Thomas and Mary were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6B, District 28, Image 0792. Census sheet is dated 31 Jan 1920. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 61 [Changed from 62 to 61], living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. With the exception of his Mother-in-Law, all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 45. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Beulah L. Burrell is age 19; and Son Raymond A. Burrell is age 16. The household also includes Mary S. Burrell's Mother [Thomas' Mother-in-Law] Rebecca Randles at age 69 and widowed.

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 41, born in Jan 1858, working as a 'Farm Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary Burrell is age 25, born during May 1875. The couple has been married 4 years and Mary has given birth to 3 children, all living in the household: Daughter Bessie Burrell is age 2, born during Aug 1897; Daughter Maree Burrell is age 1, born during Sept 1898; and Daughter Beula Burrell is age 3 months, born during March 1900.

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900, Database Entry:
Marriage Date: 19 Dec 1895
County: Coshocton
State: OH
1897 - 1984 Bessie M. "Effie" BURRELL 86 86 SSDI Information:
Name: Bessie Stillenbaur
SSN: 276-22-5242
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 9 Aug 1896
Died: Jan 1984
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Bessie M Stillenbaur
Birth Date: Est. 1897
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 1 Jan 1984
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 000774
Age at Death: 87
Certifier: Physician
Social Security Number: 276-22-5242
Marital Status: Widowed
Source Citation: Certificate: 000774; Volume: 25507
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6B/271B, District 12, Image 547.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. [Note: Census is Mis-Indexed under the surname Stillendaur rather than Stillenbaur] Census shows Floyd Stillenbaur at age 34, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Floyd Stillenbaur is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie Stillbaur is age 33. The couple married when Floyd was age 20 and Bessie was age 19, which was about 14 years prior to the Census, circa 1915/1916. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene Stillenbaur is age 13; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur is age 10 years. The household also includes a 'Lodger' named Lester Woods, who is working for wages as a 'Laboerer' doing 'General Farm' work.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357. Page 3B/88B, District 28, Image 786. Census sheet is dated 15 January 1920. [NOTE: Family surname is Mis-Spelled as 'Stillenbauer'] Census shows Floyd J. Stillenbaur at age 23, living in a home which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer' doing 'General Farm' work. all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Bessie M. Stillenbaur is age also 23. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Imogene L. Stillenbaur is age 3 years and 2 months [3 2/12]; and Son Floyd Stillenbaur, Jr., is age 1 month [1/12].

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 41, born in Jan 1858, working as a 'Farm Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary Burrell is age 25, born during May 1875. The couple has been married 4 years and Mary has given birth to 3 children, all living in the household: Daughter Bessie Burrell is age 2, born during Aug 1897; Daughter Maree Burrell is age 1, born during Sept 1898; and Daughter Beula Burrell is age 3 months, born during March 1900.
1898 - 1983 Ester Marie BURRELL 84 84 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Esther M Foster
Birth Date: Est. 1898
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 27 Feb 1983
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 007581
Age at Death: 85
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: 274-24-2749
Marital Status: Widowed
Source Citation: Certificate: 007581; Volume: 25136
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 2B/268B, District 12, Image 539.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows M. Theodore Foster at age 36, living in a home which he owns and values at $1750, and who is not presently employed. M. Theodore Foster is a veteran of the World War, and he does own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Marie Foster is age 32. The couple married when M. Theodore was age 25 and Marie was age 21, which was 11 years prior to the Census, circa 1918/1919. There are 2 children in the household: Son Thomas Foster is age 9; and Daughter Joyce Foster is age 4 years.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 2A/87A, District 28, Image 783. Census sheet is dated 8 January 1920. Census shows Martin T. Foster at age 26, living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Ester M. Foster is age 22.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1919 > September > 26 [FRIDAY]
Headline: Society
Sub-Headline: Foster-Burrell Marriage
Text: The marriage of Miss Marie Burrell, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Burrell, Keene, and Theodore Foster, son of Mr and Mrs William Foster, of the Keene vicinity, was solemnized Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the officiating minister Rev G. F. Bauer. The ring ceremony was used. Mr and Mrs Charles Giffen of Roscoe attended the couple. The bride wore a dark blue suit, and black velvet hat. Mr. Foster saw several months of overseas service. The bride has taught in the Warsaw and Keene schools. Mr and Mrs Foster left immediately after the ceremony for a trip to Columbus and other points.

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 41, born in Jan 1858, working as a 'Farm Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary Burrell is age 25, born during May 1875. The couple has been married 4 years and Mary has given birth to 3 children, all living in the household: Daughter Bessie Burrell is age 2, born during Aug 1897; Daughter Maree Burrell is age 1, born during Sept 1898; and Daughter Beula Burrell is age 3 months, born during March 1900.
1900 - 1974 Beulah Leone BURRELL 74 74 SSDI Information:
Name: Beulah Norman
SSN: 527-28-6934
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 14 Mar 1900
Died: Apr 1974
State (Year) SSN issued: Arizona (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Beulah L Norman
Birth Date: Est. 1900
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 12 Apr 1974
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 024343
Age at Death: 74
Certifier: Physician
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 024343; Volume: 21650
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1974 > April > 12 [FRIDAY]
Headline: NORMAN
Text: Mrs. Beulah Leone Norman, 74, of 1295 S. 14th St., died at 3:35 a.m. today at County Memorial Hospital from an apparent heart attack. She had been admitted to the hospital Thursday. She was born March 14, 1900, in Bethlehem Twp, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Randles Burrell. On Jan. 31, 1920, she was married to Lowry Norman, who survives. Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Rodney (Nondis) Bown, 1425 Sleepy Hollow Dr.; two grandsons and two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs Floyd (Bessie) Stillenbauer, 133 N 14th St, and Mrs. Theodore (Marie) Foster, 1611 Nicholear Ave; one brother Raymond (Bill) Burrell, 333 S. Fifth St., and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Norman was a member of the Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church and the Ladies Aid Society, Golden Age Club, Auxilliary of the Coshocton Moose Club and was a charter member of the Auxilliary of the local Eagles Club. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Given Funeral Home with the Rev. Eigene H. Pugh officiating. Burial will be in the Prairie Chapel Church Cemetery. [Last 2 sentences omitted].

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 6A/272A, District 12, Image 546.0. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1930. Census shows Beulah Norman as head of household at age 30, and living in a home which she owns. Beulah Norman is married, and was married when she was age 20, which was 10 years prior to the Census, circa 1919/1920. Both members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Nondis Norman is age 8 years.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6B, District 28, Image 0792. Census sheet is dated 31 Jan 1920. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 61 [Changed from 62 to 61], living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. With the exception of his Mother-in-Law, all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 45. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Beulah L. Burrell is age 19; and Son Raymond A. Burrell is age 16. The household also includes Mary S. Burrell's Mother [Thomas' Mother-in-Law] Rebecca Randles at age 69 and widowed.

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 41, born in Jan 1858, working as a 'Farm Laborer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary Burrell is age 25, born during May 1875. The couple has been married 4 years and Mary has given birth to 3 children, all living in the household: Daughter Bessie Burrell is age 2, born during Aug 1897; Daughter Maree Burrell is age 1, born during Sept 1898; and Daughter Beula Burrell is age 3 months, born during March 1900.
1903 - 1974 Raymond O. BURRELL 71 71 SSDI Information:
Name: Raymond Burrell
SSN: 294-12-7016
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 3 Mar 1903
Died: Oct 1974
State(Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Raymond O Burrell
Birth Date: Est. 1903
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Coshocton
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 5 Oct 1974
Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 072979
Age at Death: 71
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: No autopsy
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 072979; Volume: 21844
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1974 > October > 6 [SUNDAY]
Headline: Obituaries
Sub-Headline: Burrell
Text: Raymond O. Burrell, 71, 333 S. Fifth St., dies at 11:55 a.m. Saturday at the Coshocton Health Care Center following a long illness. He was born March 8, 1903 a son of John and Mary Randles Burrell. He was employed as a bridge foreman for the Coshocton County Highway Department for 21 years. He was a member of the Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church and a past member of the Izaak Walton League. He was first married to Virginia Ulman who preceded him in death. On Nov. 3, 1959, he married Dorothy M. Franklin, who survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Jack )Phoebe) Kanuckel, Warsaw, Mrs. Clarence (Nancy) Sass, Craeilfhein, Germany, two step-sons, William E. Stewart, Coshocton and Joe Thomas Stewart, California; four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Floyd (Bessie) Stillenbauer, 133 N 14th St., and Mrs. Martin (Marie) Foster, 1611 Nicholear; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by one sister. Services will be held Tuesday, time of service pending, at the Free Funeral Home with burial in the Prairie Chapel Cemetery.

1930 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 2A/268A, District 12, Image 538.0. Census sheet is dated 10 April 1930. Census shows Raymond Burrell at age 27, living in a home which he rents for $6.25 per month, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' doing 'General Farm' work. Raymond Burrell is not a veteran and he does not own a radio set. Wife Virginia Burrell is age 24 and working for wages as a 'Teacher' in the 'Public School'. The couple married when Raymond was age 25 and Virginia was age 22, so they have been married about 2 years. Both Raymond and Virginia were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 6B, District 28, Image 0792. Census sheet is dated 31 Jan 1920. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 61 [Changed from 62 to 61], living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. With the exception of his Mother-in-Law, all members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 45. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Beulah L. Burrell is age 19; and Son Raymond A. Burrell is age 16. The household also includes Mary S. Burrell's Mother [Thomas' Mother-in-Law] Rebecca Randles at age 69 and widowed.

1910 Census, Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 4A/69A, District 7, Image 759. Census sheet is dated 25 April 1910. Census shows Thomas Burrell at age 52, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mary S. Burrell is age 35. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895, and Mary has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bessie M. Burrell is age 13; Daughter Ester M. Burrell is age 12; Daughter Beulah Burrell is age 10; and Son Raymond O. Burrell is age 7 years.
~1858 - >1920 Alonzo LEIGHNINGER 62 62 1890 Forest LEIGHNINGER 1891 - 1963 George B. LEIGHNINGER 71 71 California Death Index, 1940-1997, Database Entry:
Social Security #: 708181374
Birth Date: 31 Oct 1891
Birthplace: OHIO
Death Date: 16 Sep 1963
Death Place: LOS ANGELES
Mother's Maiden Name: BURRELL
Father's Surname:

1920 Census, Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T625_1444, Page 9A/228A, District 171, Image 1060. Census sheet is dated 13 Jan 1920. Census shows Alonzo Leighninger at age 61 living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' in a 'Pipe Shop'. Wife Mancy Leighninger is age 60. Both Alonzo and Nancy were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, Newcomers Village, Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, roll T624_1236, Page 8A/188A, District 140. Census sheet is dated 21 April 1910. Census shows Alonzo Leightninger at age 51 living in a home which he owns free of any mortgage, located on River Street near Carlisle Street. Alonzo is working for wages as a 'Laborer' on a 'Railroad'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nancy J. Leighninger is age 50, and the couple has been married for 26 years, during which Nancy gave birth to 3 children, all still living. Two of those children are in the household: Daughter Forest Leighninger is age 19 and working for wages as a 'Book Keeper' at a 'Clothing Store'; Son George Leighninger is age 18 and working for wages as a 'Clerk' at a 'News Depot'.
1879 - 1952 Mina A. THOMPSON 73 73 OBITUARY
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1952 > May > 22 [THURSDAY]
Headline: Mrs. Mina Burrell Dies Wednesday Night at Home Here
Text: Mrs. Mina Burrell, 74, widow of Joseph N. Burrell, died Wednesday at 7:25 p.m. at her home, 760 Elm st., of a heart attack. She was born May 4, 1878, at Warsaw, a daughter of George and Mary Severns Thompson. On Dec. 17, 1901 she was married to J.N. Burrell who died April 12, 1951, She was a member of the Grace Methodist church and the Friendship Sunday school class. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. John Norris of the home and Mrs. Lewis Roahrig of Route 4; two sons, Russell of Columbus and Edward of Route 3; one sister, Mrs. Millie Seese of Canton, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Dawson funeral home. Rev. Charles F. Jones will conduct the services and burial will be in Prairie Chapel cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday until time of services.

1930 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 4A/202A, District 3, Image 406.0. Census sheet is dated 11 April 1930. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 61, living on a farm which he owns, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'. Joseph does not own a radio set, and he is not a veteran. All members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina A. Burrell is age 51. The couple married when Joseph was age 33 and Mina was age 23, so they have been married about 28 years. There are 3 children in the household: Son Russell N. Burrell is age 27, and works for wages as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'; Son Edward A. Burrell is age 25 and works for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Filling Station'; Daughter Charity V. Burrell is age 17.

1920 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 2B and Page 3A/19A, District 22, Images 0646 and 0647. Census sheets are dated 6 and 7 Jan 1920. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 51, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer' doing 'General farm' work and employing other people. All of the members of this household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina A. Burrell is age 41. There are 4 children in the household: Son Russell N. Burrell is age 16; Son Edward A. Burrell us age 13 or 15 [Can't tell which]; Daughter Mary E. Burrell is age 10; and Daughter Charity Burrell is age 7.

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Part 2, Page 2B/18B, District 3. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 41 living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All the members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina Burrell is age 31. The couple has been married for 8 years and Mina has given birth to 3 children, all 3 children still living in the household: Son Russell A. Burrell is age 7; Son Edward A. Burrell is age [5? 3? 2? hard to tell which is correct]; Daughter Mary E Burrell is age 11 months [11/12].

1900 Census, Jefferson Township Warsaw Village, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll: T623_1250; Page: 1A/86A, District 8. Census sheet is dated 1 June 1900. Census shows Mary Thompson at age 66, born during October 1833, a Widow living in a home which she owns free of mortgage, located on North Street, and working as a 'Dressmaker'. Mary Thompson was born in Ohio of a Father born in Pennsylvania and a Mother born in Maryland, and during her lifetime she has given birth to 2 children, both still living. There is 1 child in the household: Daughter Mina Thompson is age 22, born during May 1877 [Which would make her 23 in June 1900] in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio, and working as a 'Dressmaker'.
1903 - 1982 Russell N. BURRELL 79 79 SSDI Information:
Name: Russell Burrell
SSN: 382-20-7061
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 6 Jan 1903
Died: Jan 1982
State(Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951)

Never married

Ohio Deaths, 1958-2000, Database Entry:
Name: Russell N Burrell
Gender: Male
Date of Death: 10 January 1982
Birth Date: 06 January 1903
Volume: 24711
Certificate: 000815
Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification
Social Security Number: 382207061
Marital Status: Never Married
Hispanic Origin: American
Place of Death: Coshocton, Coshocton County
Certifier: Physician
Race: White
Birth Place: Ohio
Residence: , Coshocton County
Age: 79 Years
1904 - 1995 Edward A. BURRELL 91 91 SSDI Information:
Name: Edward A. Burrell
SSN: 269-18-7384
Last Residence: 43812 Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 1 Jul 1904
Died: 21 Nov 1995
State(Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Ohio Deaths, 1958-2000, Database Entry:
Name: Edward A Burrell
Gender: Male
Date of Death: 21 November 1995
Birth Date: 01 July 1904
Volume: 30435
Certificate: 085623
Autopsy: No
Social Security Number: 269187384
Father's Surname: Burrell
Time of Death: 7:21 PM
Marital Status: Widowed
Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic
Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient
Years of Schooling: 12
Certifier: Physician
Referred to Coroner: No
Method of Disposition: Burial
Mother's Surname: Thompson
Race: White
Birth Place: Coshocton County, Ohio
Residence: Ohio
Age: 91

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1930 > June > 9
Headline: Society News
Text: Miss Leila M. Hamilton of near Keene and Edward A. Burrell, Coshocton, were united in marriage Wednesday, June 4, in the Presbyterian manse, with Rev. Roy M. Kiskaddon officiating, using the single ring ceremony. They were unattended. The bride wore a becoming frock of blue, with accessories to correspond. Following a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Burrell will reside at the home of the bride's parents.
1909 - 2005 Mary E. BURRELL 96 96 SSDI Information:
Name: Mary E. Roahrig
SSN: 302-42-2092
Last Residence: 44281 Wadsworth, Medina, Ohio
Born: 22 Apr 1909
Died: 21 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963)

United States Obituary Collection Record
Name of Deceased: Mary E. Roahrig
Age at Death: 96
Birth Date: Apr/22/1909
Death Date: Oct/21/2005
Newspaper Title: Coshocton Tribune
Newspaper Location: Coshocton, OH, US
Obituary Publication Date: Oct/22/2005
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: of Coshocton; Doylestown; Bethlehem
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Mina (Thompson) Burrell; Joseph
Source Citation: Newspaper: Coshocton Tribune; Publication Date: 22 Oct 2005; Publication Place: Coshocton , OH , US..
Source Information: United States Obituary Collection [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: See newspaper information provided with each entry.

Mary Roahrig
COSHOCTON- Mary E. Roahrig, 96, of Coshocton, passed away Friday, Oct. 21, 2005, at Doyles Town Health Care in Doylestown. Mary was born April 22, 1909, to the late Joseph and Mina (Thompson) Burrell in Bethlehem Township. She graduated from Keene High School and Coshocton School of Nursing, was nursing supervisor for Coshocton County Memorial Hospital and worked with the Blood Bank of Coshocton. She also was a member of the Plainfield United Methodist Church where she was a Sunday school teacher, board member and secretary.
Mary also was a member of the Federated Club, was a volunteer quilter at the Coshocton Senior Center, past president of Nursing Alumni Association, member of the Bethlehem Grange, on the social ways and means committee and was a county fair exhibitor of many years. She is survived by her two children, Robert (Marjorie) Lower of West Lafayette, and Betty (Richard) Stockum of Wadsworth; four grandchildren, Kevin (Laurie) Lower, Kimberly (John) Hoerger, Tom Stockum and Susan (Eric) Mansfield; four great-grandchildren, Matt and Sam Lower, and Ryan and Megan Mansfield; and several nieces and nephews. Along with her parents, she also is preceded in death by her first husband, Harold Lower; second husband, Lewis Roahrig; two brothers, Russell and Edward Burrell; and a sister, Charity Norris. Friends call may from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23, 2005, at Given-Dawson Funeral Home in Coshocton, where funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 24, with the Rev. Paul Gerspz officiating. Interment will be at South Lawn Cemetery in Coshocton. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Plainfield United Methodist Church, 101 Church St., Plainfield, OH 43836.
Originally published October 22, 2005

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1942 > August > 25
Headline: Newly Married Couple Honored at Family Dinner
Text: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Burrell, Route 1, announce the marriage of their daughter Mrs. Mary Lower, to Lewis A. Roahrig, son of Mrs. Sarah Roahrig, Route 4. The ceremony took place Saturday evening, Aug. 22, at 8 o'clock in Emmanuel Lutheran church with the pastor, Rev. L.M. Riggle officiating. The bride choose a black jersey dress with white accessories. The new Mrs. Roahrig is a registered nurse and has been a member of the staff of Coshocton city hospital school of nursing for the past five years. Mr. Roahrig is engaged in farming. The couple will live on Route 4. In honor of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Burrell entertained with a dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roshrig, honored ones, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burrell and Daughter, Jean, Route 3, Miss Nora Burrell, Coshocton, Maynard Lapp, Buffalo, N.Y., Charity Burrell and Betty Lower, Route 1, Mrs. Joseph Camp and son, Edward, Coshocton were afternoon guests.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1932 > December > 6 [Tuesday]
Headline: Society News
Text: The marriage of Miss Mary Burrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burrell, Warsaw vicinity, and Harold Lower, Sidney, was solemnized Sunday morning after the regular hour of worship in Prairie Chapel church, with Rev. W.S. Mowery officiating. The bride's sister, Miss Charity Burrell, was maid-of-honor while Elmer Boyd, Route 1, was best man. Oreceding the cere,=mony the bridge's uncle, Mr. Baker, Columbus, sang several numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Hall, pianist, who also played during the ceremony. The bride was graduated from the Coshocton city hospital school of nursing in 1932. Mr. Lower is manager of the shoe department in a store in Sidney. After a brief visit at the bride's home, Mr. and Mrs. Lower will reside in Sidney.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1932 > December > 5
Headline: Marriage Licenses
Text: Harold E. Lower, 24, Sidney, dalesman, Mary E, Burrell, 23, Bethlehem tp., nurse. Rev. Wellington Mowery.

1930 Census, City Hospital, Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton City, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 24A/187A, District 28, Image 925.0. Cansus sheet is NOT dated. Census shows Mary Burrell at age 20 working for wages as a 'Nurse in Training' at the 'City Hospital'. Mary Burrell was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1920 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 2B and Page 3A/19A, District 22, Images 0646 and 0647. Census sheets are dated 6 and 7 Jan 1920. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 51, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer' doing 'General farm' work and employing other people. All of the members of this household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina A. Burrell is age 41. There are 4 children in the household: Son Russell N. Burrell is age 16; Son Edward A. Burrell us age 13 or 15 [Can't tell which]; Daughter Mary E. Burrell is age 10; and Daughter Charity Burrell is age 7.

1910 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Part 2, Page 2B/18B, District 3. Census shows Joseph N. Burrell at age 41 living on a farm which he rents, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All the members of his household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Mina Burrell is age 31. The couple has been married for 8 years and Mina has given birth to 3 children, all 3 children still living in the household: Son Russell A. Burrell is age 7; Son Edward A. Burrell is age [5? 3? 2? hard to tell which is correct]; Daughter Mary E Burrell is age 11 months [11/12].
1912 - 1963 Charity V. BURRELL 50 50 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Charity B Norris
Birth Date: Est. 1913
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence County: Coshocton
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 27 May 1963
Hospital of Death: Coshocton County Memorial Hosp
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Certificate: 35450
Age at Death: 50
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Certificate: 35450; Volume: 17280
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1963 > May > 28 [Tuesday]
Headline: Mrs. John R. Norris
Text: Mrs. John R. Norris, 50, Route 1, died at 3:30 p.m. Monday at County Memorial hospital following a seven week illness. Charity B. Burrell was born Aug. 24, 1912, in Bethlehem township, a daughter of Joseph and Mina Thompson Burrell, and was married June 13, 1951, to John R. Norris, who survives. Others surviving are a daughter, Shirley Ann of the home; one sister, Mrs. Lewis (Mary) Roahrig of West Lafayette Route 1, and two brothers, Edward Burrell of Route 3 and Russell of Columbus. She had worked as a bookkeeper most of her life and was employed by Hathaway and Unger Construction Co. until recently. She was a member of the Canal Lewisville Methodist church, the Wesleyan Service Guild of the church and the Oak Grove Grange. Services, in charge of Dr. Russell Hoy, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Dawson funeral home. [Last 2 sentences omitted]

Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1951 > June > 17 [Sunday}
Headline: Burrell - Norris Wedding is Event of Past Week
Text: A beautiful wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Heskett Memorial chapel of Grace Methodist church when Miss Charity Burrell, daughter of Mrs. Joseph N. Burrell, 760 Elm st., and the late Josehp N. Burrell became the bride of John R. Norris, son the the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris. Arrangements of June roses formed a background for the double-ring ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. Charles Frederick Jones, pastor of the church assisted by the Rev. Francis Norris, brother of the bridegroom. [several paragraphs omitted] The new Mrs. Norris was graduated from Heene high school and Coshocton Business college. She is employed as a bookkeeper at the Edmont Mfg. Co. She is a teacher in the junior department of Grace Methodist church. Mr. Norris, who is a painter, is a graduate of Coshocton high school. He served two years in the merchant marine. [several paragraphs omitted].
1820 - 1899 Anne JENNINGS 79 79 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5. 1849 - 1863 Eliza 13 13 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 5 nest to her parents.
Not listed on 1870 census.
1852 - 1928 Rosanna NORMAN 76 76 Birth year verified by 1870 census. 1854 - 1870 Elizabeth Jane NORMAN 16 16 Birth year verified by 1870 census.  Died after the census was taken in 1870. 1855 - 1928 Thomas J. NORMAN 73 73 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  C4.

Birth year also verified by 1870 census.
1858 Sarah E. A. NORMAN Birth year verified by 1870 census. 1860 - 1951 Abraham Lincoln NORMAN 91 91 Birth year verified by 1870 census. 1863 - 1897 Alice Emma KEESEY 33 33 1881 - 1972 Caroline 90 90 1884 - 1961 Bessie 77 77 1886 - 1948 Maud Winifred NORMAN 62 62 1887 - 1908 Kate 20 20 1888 - <1897 Agnes NORMAN 9 9 1891 - 1906 Frederick NORMAN 15 15 1881 - 1972 Harry Anderson CATON 90 90 1903 - 1982 Beatrice Irene CATON 79 79 1899 - 1991 John Valentine PORTER 91 91 1930 - 1996 Harry Caton PORTER 66 66 Ann KNOTT 1894 - 1896 Mary Belle NORMAN 2 2 Birth & death dates verified from Bowman Cemetery records, White Eyes Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Row 2. 1891 Bertha M. NORMAN 1894 - 1948 John Foster NORMAN 53 53 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. D1.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1948 > April > 2 [FRIDAY]
Headline: J. Foster Norman, 53, West Lafayette Barber, Dies in Columbus
J. Foster Norman, 53, Russell av., West Lafayette, a barber at West Lafayette for the past 18 years, died at 2 p.m. yesterday at the White Cross hospital in Columbus following a ten day illness. He was born Dec 26, 1894, in Fresno, a son of Asbury and Virginia Norman, and on July 21, 1923, was united in marriage to Edith Marie Thompson, who survives. [1 paragraph omitted] Surviving besides his wife are one son, Robert E. of the home; two brothers Dewey of Coshocton and Clay of Houston, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Kirk, West Lafayette Route 1, and Mrs Earl Brown of Coshocton. One son and one sister preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held Sunday at the church in West Lafayette, Rev. Russell Rohner officiating. Burial will be made in Fairfield cemetery at West Lafayette.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1921 > December > 30
Text: Foster Norman of Akron spent Christmas with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Asbury Norman.

1920 Census, Akron Township, Ward 6T, Akron city, Summit County, Ohio, roll T625_1441, Page 10A/239A, District 205, Image 478. Census sheet is dated 10 Jan 1920. Census shows both 'Foster' [John Foster] Norman, at age 25 and 'Dewey' [George Dewey] Norman, at age 22, living as 'Lodgers' in a home located at 843 Johnson Street, and both are working for wages as a 'Tire Builder' in a 'Rubber Factory'. Both Foster and Dewey were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio.

1910 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1163, Page 6A/34A, District 30. Census sheet is dated 30 April 1910. Census shows Asbury Norman at age 41, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Virginia O. Norman is age 39. The coupls has been married 22 years, circa 1887/1888, and Virginia has given birth to 6 children of whom 5 are still living. There are 5 children in the household: Daughter Bertha M. Norman is age 18; Son 'Foster J' [John Foster] Norman is age 15; Son 'Gray? M.' [McKinley] Norman is age 13; Son 'Dewey G' [George Dewey] Norman is age 11; and Daughter Clarice L. Norman is age 4 years.

1900 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio. roll T623_1250, Page 4A/304A, District 21. Census sheet is dated 8 June 1900. Census shows Asbury Norman at ahe 34, born during May 1866, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Virginia Norman is age 29, born during Jan 1871. The couple has been married 12 years, circa 1887/1888, and Virginia has given birth to 5 children of whom 4 are still living. There are 4 children in the household: Daughter Bertha M. Norman is age 9, born during May 1891; Son John F. Norman is age 5, born during December 1894; Son McKinley O? Norman is age 2, born during September 1897; and Son George D. Norman is age 2, born during April 1898.
1896 - 1962 McKinley Quay Norman NORMAN 65 65 Birth & death dates verified from Fairfiels Cem. records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Rwp., Coshocton Co., OH.  Sec. C1, next to his parents.
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Weekly Times (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1908 > May > 14
Quay, the 11 year old son of Asbury Norman was painfully injured Monday being thrown from a horse.
WW 1 Ohio Military Men, 1917-18 RecorName: McKinley Q. Norman
Serial Number: 1523806
Race: W
Residence: Fresno, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Coshocton, O.
Enlistment Date: 21 Jun 1917
Birth Place: Coshocton, O.
Birth Date / Age: 20 9/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Co I 10 Infantry ONG to 25 Sept 1917; Co M 136 Machine Gun Battalion to 23 Feb 1918; Headquarters Company 136 Machine Gun Battalion to Discharge Wagoner 23 Feb 1918. Meuse-Argonne; Ypres-Lys; Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 23 June 1918 to 23 March 1919. Honorable discharge 10 Apr 1919.
Volume #: 13
Source Information: Ohio Military Men, 1917-1918 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2000. Original data: Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War, 1917-1918, Volumes I-XXIII. Columbus, OH: F. J. Heer Printing Co., 1926.
1899 - 1979 George Dewey NORMAN 79 79 ~1906 Clarrissa A. NORMAN 1905 - 1968 Olive Leota WILLS 62 62 1925 - 1949 James Dennis NORMAN 24 24 Information obtained from Coshocton, OH. Public Library = the Norman Genealogy file.  DB Nancy Louise SMITH 1806 - 1888 Charlotte LIGGET 81 81 1860-census-Hopewell, Hopewell Twp., Muskingum Co., OH.-M653 Roll 1018 Page 110 Lines 1-5.  B. Norman heirs. Value of Real Estate= $500 Personal Property valued at $90.
Charlotte age 54 born in PA.
Margaret age 23 born in OH.
Alexander age 26 born in OH. occupation shoemaker
Artilius age 20 born in OH. Farm labor
Amos age 17 born in OH.

1870-census-West Janesville, Hopewell Twp., Muskingum Co., OH.-M593 Roll1250 Page 137 Lines 23-25.
Charlotte age 64 Keeping house
Amos age 25?? laborer
Stales/States, Margaret age 33 helps her mother
1827 Simeon NORMAN 1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.

IL marriage index:
NORMAN, SIMEON & NICKOLS, SARAH 03/31/1853 A /229 2171 TAZEWELL Co., IL.

Excerpt from "The History of Tremont, IL."
Simeon Norman was born in Ohio in 1827.  He emigrated to Tremont, IL. in 1850.  In 1882 he moved to South Dakota.  Where he passed away in 1906.  He was married to Sarah Nichols in 1853; she passed away in 1887.
1825 Susan Ann NORMAN 1840 - 1893 Doc 52 52 1860 Living in Hopewell, Muskingum Co., OH.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Living in Tremont, Tazewell Co., IL.

Artelius enlisted as a private in Company G, 32nd Regiment Ohio Infantry on Sept. 18, 1861. He enlisted for 3 years and then re-enlisted on Jan. 1, 1864 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. He participated in Sherman's March to the Sea, as did his brother Amos. Artelius was captured by the Confederates at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, on September 15, 1862, and paroled later the same day. ("Memorandum from Prisoner of War Records"--Nat. Archives)

Civil War veteran.  Served in Co. G, 32nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  During "Uncle Billy's" "March To The Sea" Artelius's foot was injured & he claimed he marched the entire distance from Atlanta to Savannah with one boot on & one boot off.

In his company descriptive book, Artelius is described (age 24) as 5' 10-1/2" in height. His complexion is fair, his eyes are blue, and he has red hair.Artelius or "Doc" married Charlotte Brewster Goewey on 31 Dec. 1870. It was, as far as I can determine, his first marriage, her third. The ceremony was held in Pekin, IL.

After the war Artelius moved to Illinois to live with his Uncle Lemuel Liggett in Cumberland Co..  Soon, he moved to Tremont, Tazewell Co., Illinois.  He was living with his brother, Simeon and family, at the time of the 1870 census & on Dec. 31, 1870 he married. Artelius or "Doc" married Charlotte Brewster Goewey on 31 Dec. 1870. It was, as far as can be determined, his first marriage, her third. The ceremony was held in Pekin, IL. He & Charlotte spent some time in the Dakota Territory but returned to Tremont, where he worked as a shoemaker.

Illinois Marriage Records:
Norman, A. V. & Fillmore, Lottie 12/31/1870 Tazewell Co.

Possible that his proper name was Rufus A. Norman.  That is the name of the only Norman listed on the roster for Co. G., 32nd Ohio Voulunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005.

Mt. Hope Cemetery is located at South St. & Cemetery Lane - south of Hwy. 9 in Tremont, IL..
~1838 - 1891 Lottie 53 53 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone.

See husband's notes for location of cemetery.
1843 - 1930 Amos H. NORMAN 87 87 Civil War veteran.  Entered as Private and mustered out as 2nd Lieutenant of Co. B, 78th Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Mary Ann & Amos had 6 children.

At one time Amos had purchased a wagon and had everything loaded and ready to leave the hills of Muskingum Co. behind to be with his family in Illinois.  He intended to take his aged mother, Charlotte, with them.  Charlotte decided she could not make the trip, that she was too old.  Amo's brothers signed over quit claim deeds to him for the farm, & Amos stayed in Ohio with his mother and family.

This information from Larry Ligget, Terre Haute, IN.

Listing of children and date of births obtained from 1900 census.

1900 census- Hopewell Twp., Muskingum Co., OH.-T623 Roll 1310 Page 110 Lines 69-78.  Amos owns a farm with no mortgage
Amos H. age 57 born 8/1842 born OH. married 29 years
Mary A. age 49 born 1/1851 OH. married 29 years
Charles H. age 28 born 12/1871 OH.
Frank M. age 26 born 1/1874 OH.
Harry W. age 24 born 9/1875 OH.
Sirous C. age 22 born 8/1877 OH.
Florence age 20 born 7/1879 OH.
Arthur E. age 18 born 9/1881 OH.
Shard, Charles age 39 born 7/1860 OH. "Border" Coal miner
Shard, Homer? age 15 born 10/1884 OH. "Border" farm labor
1829 Thomas Liggit NORMAN 1837 Margaret NORMAN 1834 Alexander NORMAN 1830 Sarah A. NICKOLS 1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.
1857 - 1931 Amos Garth NORMAN 74 74 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone.

Twin to Sarah.

Same name as his Uncle Amos, who was a Civil War veteran.

Mt. Hope Cemetery is located south of Hwy. 9 @ South St. & Cemetery Lane.

Amos & Estella reportedly had 12 children.

On the Norman family plot, Mt. Hope Cem., Tremont, IL., there is buried a Clay B. Norman, born:8/19/1806 & died:5/27/1991, WW II U.S. Marine Corps.  S.S. # 353-22-9037 issued in IL.  Can not make a definite connection to any of the Norman's buried on the same plot.

1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1900 census- Tremont, Tremont Twp., Tazewell Co., IL.-T623 Roll 347 Page 302 Lines 50-58
Amos G., age 43, born in IL., 18 years married.
  Estella, wife, age 35, married 18 years, 10 children with 7 living.
  Artie E., son, age 17, born in IL.
  Audrey E., daughter, age 14, born in IL.
  Amos G. Jr., son, age 12, born in IL.
  Altie V., daughter, age 11, born in IL.
  Lawrence S., son, age 7, born in IL.
  Burl, son, 6, born in IL.
  Frank B., son, age 3, born in IL.

1910 census- Tremont, Tremont Twp., Tazewell Co., IL. T624 Roll 328 Page 46 Lines 12-17
Amos G., age 52, born in IL., married 28 years, shoemaker, parents born in OH.
   Estella, wife, age 45, married 28 years, 13 children with 8 living, born in IL., father born in
      IL. & mother in N. Y.   Living on Tazewell ST.
    Viola, daughter, age 21, born in IL.
    Lawrence S., son, age 17, born in IL.
    Burl F., son, age 16, born in IL.
    Frank B., son, age 13, born in IL.
    Clare E., daughter, age 3, born in IL.

1920 census-Tremont, Tremont Twp., Tazewell Co., IL.- T625 Roll 410 Page 10 Lines 73-77
Amos G., age 63 born in IL, father born in OH & mother in U.S.
  Estella, age 54, born in IL., Father born in France & mother in IA.
  Clare, age 13, born in IL.
  Russell, Francis C., grandson, age 13, born in IL.
  Norman, Ruth H., granddaughter, age 4 born in IL.
1859 Charlotte NORMAN 1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.

1920 census-Tremont, Tremont Twp., Tazewell Co., IL., T625 Roll 410 Page 83 Line 48
Charlotte J. , age 60, single, born in Il. both parents born in OH.
1861 John S. NORMAN 1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.
1864 Susan M. NORMAN 1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.
1866 Edward P. NORMAN 1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.
1865 - 1923 Estella Emma GOERVEY 58 58 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone.

Cemetery located south of Hwy. 9 on South St. @ Cemetery Lane.
1882 - ~1931 Art 49 49 1910 census- Tremont Twp., Tazewell Co., IL.-T624 Roll 328 Page 52 Lines 96-100
William S. Russell, head of house, age 59, born in IL, married 35 years, grain dealer, father born in
      N. Y. & mpther in TN.
   Ella F., wife, age 55, born in IL., married 35 years, 4 children with 4 living, father born in N .Y.
       & mother in England.
    Minnie M. Norman, daughter, age 27, born in IL., married 6 years, 1 child with 1 living.
    Artie E. Norman, son-in-law, age 27, born in IL., farm hand, married 6 years.
    Alice E. Norman, granddaughter, age 1, born in IL.

Arthur was cremated.
1887 - 1934 Amos Garth NORMAN 47 47 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone.

Cemetery is located south of Hwy. 9, South St. @ Cemetery Lane.
1907 Clare NORMAN Birth date verified from 1910 census. 1897 - 1918 Frank 21 21 Birth & death dates verified from tombstone, 10/2005.

Buried next to Francis is a Audrey E. Russell.  This may be his wife, but I find no definite proof.  Needs research.
1883 - 1968 Minnie M. RUSSELL 85 85 1908 Alice Eugenia NORMAN 1910 census-age 1 living with maternal grandparents & parents. D. 1980 Fred Wesley HALL 1912 - 1987 Bruce Hobart NORMAN 75 75 WW II U.S. Navy

S.S. records verify birth & death dates.  S.S. #470-05-4292, issued in Minnesota.
1935 - 1935 Infant PORTER 1916 - 2001 Frances Lorene LITTLE 84 84 Nancy NORMAN Salley NORMAN Patsy NORMAN Elizabeth O. NORMAN Lucinda NORMAN 1802 William NORMAN James NORMAN Nathaniel NORMAN Lucinda NORMAN Rebecca A. NORMAN John NORMAN The History Of Belmont & Jefferson Counties (Ohio)
John was born July 28, 1811, and came to his present location in 1839. Married Catherine Luper in 1839, by whom he had three children - Henry, Margaret and Rebecca.
Sarah NORMAN Nancy NORMAN William NORMAN Mary NORMAN Catherine LUPER Henry NORMAN Margaret NORMAN Rebecca NORMAN 1833 - 1918 Nathaniel NORMAN 85 85 1910 census, Morgan Twp., Owen Co., IN., Nathan Norman age 78, born in OH., and wife Dovie, age 64, born in IN. 1846 - 1911 Dovey Ann FREEMAN 64 64 Dovey and some of her relatives had tragic lives.  See the research on her and her extended family under Benjamin Norman.

1870 census, Morgan Twp., Owen Co., IN., James Crisenberry, 26 yrs, born in IN. and a farmer, Dove, age 24, born in IN. and keeping house, Jane age 6, William age 4 and Amy Ann age 2.  all of the children born in IN.

1880 census, Morgan Twp., Owen Co., IN., James Cousenbery age 44, born IN., father & mother born in Virginia, wife Duvie age 33, born in IN., Lucinda J. age 18 born in IN., William H. age 15 born in IN., Amy A. age 12 born in IN., King E. age 7 born in IN. and boarder William J. age 7 born in IN.

1900 census, Lafayette Twp., Owen Co., IN.  "Aunt" Dovie Eaton, divorced, is found living with Mary (?) Evans and son Archie.  Dovey is listed as born in Indiana in May 1848.  (I believe this Mary Evans to be the mother of Dovey's 1st husband James Christenberry.)

1910 census, Morgan Twp., Owen Co., IN.  Listed are Nathan Norman, age 78 born in Ohio, and wife Dovie, age 64, born in Indiana. (Her age is incorrect on this census.  She would have been 61.)

Dovey first filed for divorce from James in Aug. 1864.  Her complaint was that James did not support her & was lazy, indolent etc. She had the divorce petition dismissed.  They did divorce between 1880 & 1895.
1802 Joseph NORMAN Thomas NORMAN Mary NORMAN 1807 - 1846 Elizabeth NORMAN 39 39 1817 - 1838 John NORMAN 21 21 1809 Marshall NORMAN Mary Ann SHERRARD 1857 Sarah NORMAN Twin to Amos.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.
1862 Charles A. NORMAN 1860 census   Fremont Twp.   Tazewell Co.   IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 232  Page: 99
June 30, 1860
Norman, Simon, head, age 32, born in OH., shoemaker, real estate valued at $800 & personal property valued at $100
Sarah, wife, age 28 born in OH.
Malinda, dau., age 11, born in OH.
Benjamin, son, age 6, born in IL.
Amos, son, age 3, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 3 born in IL.
Charles, son, age 1, born in IL.
Amos & Sarah are twins.

1870 census   Tremont  Tazewell Co.   IL.
M593 Roll 283 Page323
Simeon Norman, age 43, shoemaker, real estate valued @ $2500, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Sarah, wife, age 40, born in OH.
Amos, son, age 13, born in IL.
Sarah, dau., age 13, born in IL.
Charlotte, dau., age 11, born in IL.
John, son, age 9, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 8, born in IL.
Susan, dau., age 6, born in IL.
Eddie, son, age 4 born in IL.
Artilius, brother, age 29 born in OH. occupation shoemaker.

1880 Census Place: Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois
Series: T9  Roll: 253  Page: 449
June 3, 1880
Norman, Simeon, head, age 52, shoemaker, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in PA.
Sarah A., wife, age 50, born in OH., father born in VA., mother boorn in VA.
Charlotte, dau., age 21, born in IL.
John S., son, age 19, laborer, born in IL.
Charles A., son, age 18, laborer, born in IL.
Susan M., dau., age 16, born in IL.
Edward P., son, age 14, born in IL.
1871 Charles H. NORMAN 1874 Frank M. NORMAN 1875 Harry W. NORMAN 1877 Sirous NORMAN 1879 Florence NORMAN 1881 Arthur E. NORMAN 1843 - 1877 Malena NORMAN 33 33 1850 Census  Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.  #146
W. A.  Norman, age 31, laborer, born in OH.
Catharine, age 27, born in OH.
Soldester (Sylvester), age 7, born in OH.
Malena, age 18, born in OH.
Thomas, age 6, born in OH.
Rebecca, age 4, born in OH.
Maryann, age 2, born in OH.

1860 census Adams Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Jul.  28, 1860     Nathan Cordray
Norman, Isaac, head, age 43, farmer, real estate valued @ $1100, personal property valued @ $270, born in OH.
Harriet, wife, age 37, born in OH.
Norman, Sylvester, age 19, single, farm laborer, born in OH.
Norman, Malona, age 17, single, Domestic, born in OH.
Norman, Rebecca, age 14, born in OH.
Norman, Mary, age 11, born in OH.
Norman, George, age 8, born in OH.
Norman, Francis, age 5 born in OH.
Norman, Wilson, age 10 mo., born in OH.
I believe Sylvester, Malona, Rebecca & Mary are  the children of William & Catherine Norman.  Their relationship to Isaac & Harriet Norman is unknown at this time 5/2010. 

1. Media: Book
Abbrev: Coshocton County, Ohio Cemetery Records of
Title: Cemetery Records of Coshocton County, Ohio
Author: Ohio Genealogical Society. Coshocton County Chapter
Publication: Coshocton, Ohio : Coshocton County Chapter, OGS, [1945]
Name: Coshocton County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 128
Coshocton, Ohio 43812 USA
Page: vol 2 p47
Quality: 3
Text: Malena NORMAN, d/o I. & H. NORMAN, d:7 mar 1877 33y 9m 12d [calculated date of birth is 26 may 1843]
1844 Thomas NORMAN 1824 - 1906 Joshua N. **** NORMAN 81 81 Democratic Standard - Coshocton Co., OH.  Fri. 10/16/1896.
Headline: Keene Kernals
A merry time was had at Mr. Archibald Burrell's a few days  ago, upon the reunion of Mrs. Burrell's brothers.  Those present were Capt. Joshua Norman and brother John, of Abilene, KS., David & Henry, of Newcomerstown, G.W. Norman of Keene, and several of Mr. Burrell's children.  The united ages of the four brothers and sisters, was 350 years, and yet all are healthy and looking young.
Traits:  John was the best looking, Joshua the heaviest and ate the most dinner, Henry the most pious, and David - well he kissed all the women in the house and smacked his lips at the goddess of Liberty sitting on the mantel.  The dinner, well, what's the use of telling, it was such as only Mrs. Burrell and her daughters know how to prepare.

They parted scarcely expecting to all meet again in this life.

The Norman plot in the Abilene, KS. Cemetery is on the west side, close to the front of the cemetery.  It is a large plot with 10 graves on it.  The stone is a large gray spire stone, set at an angle facing the southwest.  You can read the name "Norman" from a distance away.  It has a cement border surrounding the plot. At each corner is a small ground level concrete post with the letter N.

Inscription on large tombstone - Abilene, KS. cemetery:
At Rest
Joshua Norman
Born Sept. 26, 1824
Died Mar. 14, 1906
Farewell dead father
Sweet thy rest
Weary with years
Worn with pain
Farewell til in some
Happy place
We behold thy face again

Also buried on the Norman plot in Abilene, KS.:
Edna Mae Norman & her husband Willard C. Colvin.
Charles C. Norman & his wife Martha and their daughter, Wilma
James H. Norman and his wife Cora J.
Joseph C. Norman and his wife Cora Thisler.

1830 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 129, Page 22.
    Census shows a total of 9 persons in the household: 6 Males and 3 Females
    Males under 5: two David and Henry
    Males 5-10: One Joshua age 6
    Males 10-15: Two John age 11
    Males 30-40: One Jabez age 33
    Females 5-10: One
    Females 10-15: One
    Females 30-40: One Nancy age 33

Oct. 26, 1859 =The Coshocton County Democrat (Coshocton, Ohio)
Headline: EXHIBIT of the Receipts and Expenditures of Coshocton County
[Item Entry} Joshua Norman, Tavern License, $2.00

1860 census-White Eyes Plains, Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., IL.
Series: M653  Roll: 950  Page: 12
June 22, 1860                 Nathan Cordray
Joshua Norman, head, age 35, farmer, real estate valued @ $1600 & personal property valued @ $500, born in OH.
Catharine, wife, age 22 born in OH.,
Sarah, dau., age 2, born in OH.
Unknown (Emma), dau., age 2 months born in OH.

1870 census   LaMoille,  Bureau Co., IL.
Series: M593  Roll: 190  Page: 336
June 9, 1870. 
Norman, Joshua, head, age 47, farmer,  real estate valued @ $6000, personal property valued @ $1000, born in OH.
Martha, wife, age 27, keeping house, born in Ohio.
Ella, dau., age 13, born in OH. (Catherine)
Emma, dau, age 8, born in OH. (Catherine)
Joseph, son, age 6, born in OH. (Catherine)
Frank, son, age 3, born in OH. (Catherine)
James, son, age 1, born in IL. (Martha) 
Dixon, Rick, hired hand, age 25, born in GA. Norman, J.W., age 27, farmer, born in Ohio,  personal property valued @ $300.
NOTE: I believe this J.W. Norman to be John Wesley Norman, born 1843, son of Joshua's older brother, John & Mary Davidson Norman.  DB
NOTE: I don't know where, Sara,  daughter of Joshua & Catherine was at the time of this census.  I am assuming that she had died.  DB

Joshua & family arrived in Bureau Co., IL. in  1871. It appears from the dates & location of the children's births that Joshua & Mattie went to IL. from OH. & then returned to OH. and again to IL. before making the trek to KS. in 1880.  DB)

Joshua & family arrived in Dickinson Co., KS. on Sat. Mar.13, 1880. Traveled by covered wagon.

1880 census-Buckeye, Dickinson Co., KS.
Series: T9  Roll: 379  Page: 411
June 21, 1880
Norman, Joshua, head, age 54, farmer, born in OH., father born in VA., mother born in N. H.
Martha, wife, age 37, born in OH., father born in OH., mother born in VA.
Emma, dau., age 19, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 17, born in OH.
Frank, son, age 13, born in OH.
James, son, age 11, born in IL.
Edward, son, age 8, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 6, born in OH. 
Nellie, dau., age 2, born in IL.       
John, son, age 4 mos., born in IL.
I have no idea where Sara & Ella are at the time of the 1880 census.  Ella is listed in the 1870 census at age 13.  Sara is not listed in the 1870 or 1880 census

1885 Kansas state census  Buckeye Twp., Part 2, Dickinson Co., KS. 
enumeration listed households as they existed March 1, 1885 (although the census itself may have been done at a later date). Abilene is listed as the post office, and J. M. Stewart was the enumerator.
Norman, Joshua, head, age 59, farmer, born in OH., previous residence was IL.
Martha, wife, age 43, born in OH.
Emma, dau., age 25, single, born in OH.
J., son, age 21, single, farmer, born in OH.
Frank, son, age 17, single, born in OH.
James, son, age 15, born in IL.
Edward, son, age 12, born in IL.
Charles, son, age 9, born in OH.
Nellie, dau., age 7, born in IL.
David, son, age 5, born in IL.

1900 census-Abilene, 1st Ward, Dickinson Co., KS.- T623  Roll 478  Page 6  Lines 79 & 80
Living at 143 S. 4th St.  Abilene, KS.
Joshua, head, age 76, born Sep. 1824 in OH.,  married 31 yrs., father born in VA., mother born in N. H. Owned his home free of mortgage.
Martha, wife, age 57, born Apr. 1843 in OH., married 31 yrs., 7 children with 6 living, father born in OH., mother born in VA.

Joshua owned land in Sec. 19, Twp. 12S - Range 2 E, Dickinson Co., KS.  Not known what years this land was owned.

Joshua & Martha lived at 404 West South Fourth St. - Abilene, KS. in the years 1905-1906 per the City Directory.  He was listed as retired.

Joshua was referred to as Captain.  I can't find any record (as of 2009) of him serving in the Civil War.  I am, therefore, leaning toward him being a river boat Captain, perhaps on the Ohio River.  Strictly guesswork (2009) on that theory. 
                  Darlene Clemons Berchtold

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 31 Jul 1853
County: Coshocton
State: OH

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 13 Aug 1868
County: Coshocton
State: OH

Find A Grave Memorial #6928189
1819 - 1906 John NORMAN 86 86 1830 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 129, Page 22.
Census shows a total of 9 persons in the household: 6 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: two David and Henry
Males 5-10: One Joshua age 6
Males 10-15: Two John age 11
Males 30-40: One Jabez age 33
Females 5-10: One
Females 10-15: One
Females 30-40: One Nancy age 33

1840 Census, Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Roll 387, Page 309.
Census shows a total of 12 persons in the household: 9 Males and 3 Females
Males under 5: Three
Males 5-10: Four
Males 20-30: One John
Males 40-50: One Jabez
Females under 5: One
Females 5-10: One Charity
Females 30-40: One Nancy [She grew younger]

1850 Census, District 26 Oxford Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.,
Roll M432_670, Page 278, Image 556.  Oct. 28, 1850.
Norman, Jno. [John], head, age 32, laiberd (laborer??), real estate valued @ $500, OH.
Lucinda, wife, age 24, PA.
John, son, age 9, born in OH.
Jemima, dau., age 7, born in OH.
Jabus (Jabez?), age 5, born in OH.

1860 census, Oxford Twp., White Eyes Plains Post Office, Coshocton Co., OH.,
Roll M653_950, Page 24/12, Image 25.
June 22, 1860.
Norman, John, age 41, lawyer, real estate valued @ $800 and personal property valued @ $200, born in Ohio.
Lucinda, wife, age 36, PA.
John, son, age 17, laborer, born in OH.
Jemima, dau., age 15, born in OH.
Jabes, son, age 13, born in OH.
Elmarinda, dau., age 9, born in OH.
Mary, dau., age 7, born in OH.
Harriet, dau., age 5, born in OH.
Wellington, son, age 3, born in OH.
Arlando (Orlando), son, age 1, born in OH.

1870 census-LaMoille, Bureau Co., IL.-
Norman, John, head, age 51, born in OH. 
Lucinda, wife, age 46 born in PA.
Mary C., dau., age 17 born in OH.
Harrriet, dau., age 16, born in OH.
Wellington, son, age 14, born in OH.
Warren (ORLANDO), son, age 11, born in OH.

1880 Census, Noble Twp.,  Dickinson Co., KS.
Roll T9_379, Family History film 1254379, Page 19C/445C/445.3000, District 70, Image 0453.  June 16, 1880.
John,  Norman, age 61, farmer, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Lucinda, wife, age 54, born in PA., parents born in PA.
Orlando, son, age 21, farm Labor, born in OH.

1885 Kansas state census, Noble Twp., Dickinson Co..  Chapman is listed as the post office. John Nicholson was the enumerator.
Norman, John, head, age 66, farmer, born in OH.
Lucinda, wife, age 59, born in PA.

1900 census-Noble Twp., Dickinson Co., KS.
Series: T623  Roll: 478  Page: 124
June 4, 1900
Norman, John, head, age 81, born Mar. 1819,  Married 2 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 62, born June 1837, married 2 yrs, no children, born in OH., parents born in OH.

Article published in The Democratic Standard [Coshocton County, Ohio] on 16 Oct 1896
Headline: Keene Kernals
A merry time was had at Mr. Archibald Burrell's a few days ago upon the reunion of Mrs. Burrell's brothers. Those presnt were: Capt. Joshua Norman and brother John of Abilene, Kansas, David and Henry of Newcomerstown, G.W. Norman of Keene and several of Mrs. Burrell's children.
In that same issue, the next item under Keene Kernals stated that Wm. Norman had sold his property to William Shaffer and will move to Indiana.
1790 - 1866 Dutton Lane NORMAN 76 76 ~1795 - 1833 Nelson NORMAN 38 38
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