- b.WFT Est. 1627-1656 d.WFT Est. 1681-1741

- b.14 Dec 1678 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut d.07 Sep 1750 in South of Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut

- b.02 Jun 1708 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut d.28 May 1730 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut

- b.~ 1601 in Coventry, Warwickshire, England d.WFT Est. 1647-1693

- b.1637 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts d.01 Oct 1724

- b.~ 1605 in of Massachusetts d.WFT Est. 1647-1700

- b.01 Jun 1677 in Concord, Litchfield, Connecticut d.30 May 1719 in Plainfield, Windham, Connecticut

- b.~ 1593 in Bennefield, Northampton, England d.Jun 1673 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts

- b.WFT Est. 1620-1652 d.WFT Est. 1696-1742

- b.06 Nov 1602 in HORSMONDEN, Kent, England d.1655 in CONCORD, MA

- b.27 Aug 1730 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut d.14 Aug 1800

- b.~ 1644 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut d.WFT Est. 1682-1749

- b.25 JAN 1679/80 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut d.13 Jun 1754 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut

- b.25 JAN 1619/20 in Mosterne, Dorset, ENGLAND d.19 Dec 1675 in South Kingston, RI

- b.8 MAR 1662/63 in Stonington, New London, Conn d.1725 in Westerly, Washington Co, RI

- b.03 Jul 1621 in England d.19 Dec 1675 in Stonington, Nl, Conn

- b.04 May 1708 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts d.WFT Est. 1743-1803

- b.~ 1613 in of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts d.WFT Est. 1645-1704

- b.WFT Est. 1634-1660 d.WFT Est. 1640-1741

- b.~ 1617 in of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts d.WFT Est. 1645-1711

- b.21 Sep 1681 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts d.13 Jun 1954 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut

- b.~ 1650 in of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts d.WFT Est. 1693-1745
- b.10 Apr 1766 in Stillwater, Steuben, New York d.WFT Est. 1791-1857

- b.ABT. 4 JAN 1595/96 in Ditton, LANCASHIRE, England d.7 FEB 1653/54 in Ditton, LANCASHIRE, England

- b.ABT. 8 MAR 1628/29 in Ditton, Lancashire, England d.06 Oct 1702 in Newshoreham, Newport, Rhode Island

- b.WFT Est. 1583-1605 d.WFT Est. 1638-1695

- b.1657 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island d.BEF. 9 MAR 1722/23 in Block Island, Rhode Island

- b.WFT Est. 1583-1613 in of Whiston, Lancashire, England d.WFT Est. 1638-1697

- b.~15 Sep 1633 in Prescott Parish, Lancashire, England d.AFT. MAR 1715/16 in Rhode Island

- b.9 FEB 1695/96 in Block Island, Rhode Island d.06 Jun 1779 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut

- b.1600 d.WFT Est. 1632-1691

- b.1628 in Suffolk, England d.1720 in BLOCK ISLAND, Newport, Rhode Island

- b.~ 1660 in New Shoreham, Suffolk, New York d. in Block Island, Rhode Island

- b.~ 1619 in New Shoreham, Newport, Rhode Island d.> 1686

- b.1 MAR 1727/28 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut d.1728 in Stonington, Connecticut

- b.1599 d.1669 in Rhode Island

- b.04 Nov 1632 in England d.< 1722 in Kingston, Washington, Rohde Island

- b.16 Apr 1681 in Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island d.07 Jun 1747 in Groton, New London, Connecticut

- b.25 Sep 1605 in Wesel, Rhineland, Prussia d.WFT Est. 1650-1697

- b.WFT Est. 1632-1653 d.26 Apr 1716 in Kingston, Washington, Rohde Island

- b.~ 1619 in Gloucester, England d.WFT Est. 1651-1713

- b.18 Dec 1704 in Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island d.1777 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut

- b.18 MAR 1609/10 in Preston, Lancashire, England d.15 Oct 1682 in Middletown, Newport, Rhode Island

- b.1633 in Reddish, Manchester, Lancashire, England d.27 Jun 1633 in Reddish, Manchester, Lancashire, England

- b.27 Oct 1608 in Repton, Devonshire, England d.~ 1684 in Middleton, Newport Co, Rhode Island

- b.~ 1682 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island d.07 Apr 1726 in Groton, New London, Connecticut

- b.1633 in of Providence, Providence, RI d.1681 in Middletown, Newport, Rhode Island

- b.11 Jul 1652 in Providence, Providence, Rohde Island d.1713

- b.Aug 1633 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts d.1681 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts