[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I27189
_AKA: Robert de /Mortain/
NSFX: Count of Mortaigne
Title: Count of Mortaigne
Sex: M
Birth: Abt 1020 in , Mortagne-au-Perchey, Orne, France 1 2 3 4 5 6
Death: 8 DEC 1090 in , Mortain, Manche, France 1 2 3 5 7 8
Burial: DEC 1090 Grestain Abbey, Mortain, Manche, France 1 2
Ancestral File #: 8JF1-CQ
LDS Baptism: 8 JUN 1932
Endowment: 29 JUN 1932
Sealing Child: status: Done
Event: Count of Mortaigne , Mortagne-au-Perchey, Orne, France 9 10 11 12 13
Event: Earl of Cornwall , , Cornwall, England 15 11 12 13
Event: Knighthood 10 11 12 13
Event: Relationship 10 11 12 13
Event: Norman Conquest 14 OCT 1066 , Hastings, Sussex, England 10 11 12 13
Occupation: Ct de Mortaigne 14
Occupation: Earl Of Cornwall
Occupation: Count of Mortain
Half brother of William the conqueror and companion at Battle of Hasting. Was a Knight and companion for William the Conqueror in 1066 (Battle of Hastings was on 14 Oct 1066). His name found on the plaque in the Church at Dives-sur-Mer, Normandie, France, where William the Conqueror and his knights said mass before setting sail to invade England in 1066. This plaque lists all knights that took mart in the invasion.
Earl Of Gloucester. Lord Of Creully in Calvados, Governor Of Caen. Only referred to as Earl Of Gloucester by Dugdale. The Complete Peerage Vol. V, p683.
Fought at Battle of Hastings. [Ancestral Roots]
Robert, Count of Mortain in Normandy, one of the two sons of Herluin de Conteville, by Herleve, mother of William the Conqueror, was b. about 1031. About 1050 he received, from his uterine brother, William, then Duke of Normandy, the comte of Mortain, and was thenceforth known as Count of Mortain. He accompanied William in the invasion of England, where he was in command of the chivalry of the Cotentin at the battle of Hastings, 1066. His share of the spoil was one of the greatest, as, with the exception of the lands of the King and the Church, he received nearly the whole of the county of Cornwall, and is, consequently, usually considered Earl of Cornwall, though only known as Comes Moritoniensis. At the time of Domesday, he was possessed of 797 manors in various counties, besides the borough of Pevensey in Sussex, etc. In 1069 he, with Robert, Count of Eu, defeated the Danes in the parts of Lindsey, with great slaughter. He joined his brother, the Earl of Kent in 1088 in a rebellion against William II in favour of his brother Robert Courthose, but was subsequently pardoned. He m. 1stly, before 1066, Maud, daughter of Robert de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, by his 1st wife, Mabel, daughter and heir of William Talvas (5th son of William de Belleme, Seigneur of Alencon and Belleme). She was buried in the Abbey of Grestain. He m. 2ndly, Almodis. He d. 8 Dec 1090, and was buried with his 1st wife. [Complete Peerage III:427-8 as corrected by XIV:207]
This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.
GEDCOM from TimNenno database at www.rootsweb.com.
He was the Earl of Cornwall, Count of Mortain; was in command of the men at Cotentin; Companion of half-brother, William the Conqueror at Hastings
Named Earl of Cornwall in 1050 by his half-brother William the Conquerer; companion of William at the battle of Hastings in 1066 where he was in command of the chivalry of the Cotentin. With Robert, Count of Eu, he defeated the Danes in the parts of Lindsey with great slaughter. In 1088 he rebelled against William II in favor of Robert Courhose, but was subsequently pardoned. [dblocher4.FTW][dblocher6.FTW]
Most of the information contained in my files has been verified. However some information is "a best guess" opinion based on World Family Tree, Ancestry.com, Rootsweb and other sources. The information contained in my file may be used, but it
_RIN: 8549 5 6
Change Date: 24 JAN 2004 at 10:15:53
Father: Harlevin (Herlouin) Vicomte de DE CONTEVILLE b: 1001 in Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France
Mother: Herleva (Arlette) DE FALAISE b: Abt 1003 in Falaise Normandy
Marriage 1 Matilda DE MONTGOMERY b: Abt 1020 in , Montaigu, Maine-et-Loire, France
Married: Abt 1035 in <, Mortaigne, Orne, France> 1 2 11 12 14 15
Sealing Spouse: 13 NOV 1942
William De Burgo DE MORTAIGNE b: Bef 1084
Agnes DE MORTAIGNE b: 1054 in Montaigne, Sud-Mnch, France
Emma DE MORTAIGNE b: Abt 1060 in Mortaigne, France
1. Repository:
Name: SLC - Family History Library
Salt Lake City, UT 84150 U.S.A.
25 N. West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150, U.S.A.
Title: "FamilySearch? Ancestral File™ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: (Created by FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, April 1, 1999)
Abbrev: Ancestral File™ v4.19 (FamilySearch?)
2. Repository:
Name: Kirk Larson
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 U.S.A.
23512 Belmar Dr.
Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677, U.S.A.
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Descendants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Abbrev: Larson: Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson
3. Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 185-1
4. Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Abbrev: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: III:427-8
5. Title: silveriemoon1.FTW
Abbrev: silveriemoon1.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
Text: Date of Import: May 5, 2002
6. Title: "The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain andthe United Kingdom"
Author: George Edward Cockayne
Publication: St Catherine Press, London
Abbrev: "The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain andthe United Kingdom"
Page: Vol XII, Pt. 1, Appendix K, p. 31-32
7. Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 185-1
Text: 1095
8. Title: "The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain andthe United Kingdom"
Author: George Edward Cockayne
Publication: St Catherine Press, London
Abbrev: "The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain andthe United Kingdom"
Page: Vol II: 428
9. Repository:
Name: Arnaud Bunel
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet
Abbrev: European Heraldry #2 Crests by Arnaud Bunel
"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldic arms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into the language was that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achievement (the full coat of arms) on their carriage, silver, etc. The stationers thought this an excellent way to sell more stationary and, in Victorian times, encouraged everybody, whether armigerous or not, to buy stationary with their "family crest" on it. There was no such thing of course and they used to sell it (and some still do) on the basis that "someone in your family or someone having the same surname as you was once granted this crest - as part of their achievement. Thereby they sold more stationery. And engravers flourished. The Heralds, meanwhile, lost a bit of business as their services (awarding coats with variations because no two people can have the same coat) were less sought after.
The Shields used are family Logos, each individual with armigerous rights had individual full coats of arms to reflect their personal achievements.
10. Repository:
Name: Kirk Larson
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 U.S.A.
23512 Belmar Dr.
Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677, U.S.A.
Title: "List of Knights with William the Conqueror, 1066"
Author: Schulze, Lorine McGinnis
Publication: List of Medival Knights with William the Conqueror, (ote@@rootsbed.com, The Olive Tree Genealogy Web Site, Olive Tree Enterprises, 14 Sep 1996)
Abbrev: William the Conqueror, List of Knights with 1066 (Lorine McGinnis Schulze)
For hundreds of years before 1066, England had been ruled by Anglo-Saxon kings. When Edward "the Confessor" died in 1066, William of Normandy saw his chance for a successful invation of England. He built a fleet, attracted many knights, and obtained the pope's blessing. He gained victory at the Battle of Hastings and was crowned King of England on Christmas of 1066. During the next few years, William presided over a gradual redistribution of land in England. Saxon rebellions led to the confiscation of lands, which the Norman Barons received. As a result of this Norman invation, the English people today are of both Norman and Anglo-Saxon extraction.
Text: William the Conqueror (Battle of Hastings was fought on 14 Oct 1066). His name found on the plaque in the Church at Dives-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, where he and his knights said mass (and he was christened) before setting sail to invade England. This plaque lists all knights that took mart in the invasion.
11. Repository:
Name: Fullerton Public Library
Fullerton, CA 92832 U.S.A.
353 W. Commonwealth Ave,
Fullerton, CA, 92832, U.S.A.
Call Number: 92 W716Do
Title: "William the Conqueror; the Norman impact upon England [by] David C. Douglas"
Author: Douglas, David Charles, 1898-
Publication: (Berkeley, University of California Press, c1964)
Abbrev: William the Conqueror; the Norman impact upon England [by] David C. Douglas
Text: Paging
476 p. geneal. tables, maps, port. 24 cm.
Bibliography: p. 427-447.
Subject Headings
William I, King of England, 1027 or 8-1087.
Normans England.
Normandy (France) History To 1515.
Page: p. 418
Quality: 3
12. Repository:
Name: Orange - Family History Library
Orange, CA 92869-5042 U.S.A.
674 S. Yorba Street
Orange, CA, 92869-5042, U.S.A.
Call Number: 929.7/2
Title: "Falaise roll recording prominent companions of William, Duke of Normandy at the conquest of England"
Author: Crispin, Mordecai Jackson, 1875-1953. (Main) Macary, Lâeonce, joint author. (Added)
Publication: (Baltimore, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969); LC CALL NO.: CS432.N7C71969; FORMAT: Book; LCCN: 76-86814 //r862
Abbrev: Falaise Roll (Crispin & Macary)
Text: DESCRIPTION: xx, 196, 196a-196d, [197]-258 p. illus., facsims., geneal. tables (14 (part fold.) in pocket), map. 24 cm.
NOTES: Reprint of the 1938 ed.
SUBJECTS: Normans--England.
William I, King of England, 1027 or 8-1087.
Great Britain--Genealogy.
Page: p. 93, 95
Quality: 3
13. Repository:
Name: Kirk Larson
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 U.S.A.
23512 Belmar Dr.
Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677, U.S.A.
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Descendants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Abbrev: Larson: Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson
Quality: 3
14. Repository:
Name: SLC - Family History Library
Salt Lake City, UT 84150 U.S.A.
25 N. West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150, U.S.A.
Call Number: 929/.2/0973 ED: 20
Title: "Royal ancestors of some American families"
Author: Call, Michel L.
Publication: (Salt Lake City (P.O. Box 11488, Salt Lake City, Utah 84147) : M.L. Call, c1989.), LC CALL NO.: CS55.C351989; LCCN: 89-188438 //r92
Abbrev: Royal Ancestors of Some American Families (Michel L. Call)
Text: DESCRIPTION: 1 v. (unpaged) ; 29 cm.
NOTES: "August 1989"--Verso t.p. Includes bibliographical references.
SUBJECTS: Families of royal descent. United States--Genealogy.
Page: chart 11417
Quality: 3
15. Repository:
Name: Fullerton Public Library
Fullerton, CA 92832 U.S.A.
353 W. Commonwealth Ave,
Fullerton, CA, 92832, U.S.A.
Call Number: 929/.374 ED: 20
Title: "European ancestors of American colonists, an index : a combined every-name index to Ancestral roots of sixty colonists and Magna Charta sureties, both by the Rev. Frederick L. Weiss [sic], and 5,000 persons from other sources, Sixth Edition"
Author: Martin, John Stanwood. (Main) Weis, Frederick Lewis, 1895-1966. Ancestral roots of sixty colonists who came to New England between 1623 and 1650. (Added) Weis, Frederick Lewis, 1895-1966. Magna Charta sureties. (Added)
Publication: (Malvern, Pa. : J.S. Martin, c1994); LC CALL NO.: CS55.W41969Index; FORMAT: Book ; LCCN: 94-218214 //r952 (Baltimore:MD, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988)
Abbrev: New England: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists (Frederick Lewis Weis)
Text: DESCRIPTION: iii, 377, 56, 12 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index.
SUBJECTS: Weis, Frederick Lewis, 1895-1966.
Ancestral roots of sixty colonists who came to New England between 1623 and 1650--Indexes.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, 1895-1966.
Magna Charta sureties Indexes.
Families of royal descent--Indexes.
New England--Genealogy--Indexes.
Registers of births, etc.--Europe--Indexes.
Quality: 3
16. Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Abbrev: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: cxiv
17. Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 121-26
GIVN Robert Count De
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 4 OCT 2000
TIME 22:08:00
DATE 7 MAY 2000
OCCU Earl de Cumyn ...
SOUR gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says ABT 1031/37
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 117 says AFT 1040, Normandy
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 3
PAGE 327
SOUR gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says 1091, France
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve),p.1 says ABT 1096;COMYNJ.TAF (Cmpsrv),p3 says ABT 1096
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 117 says c1090
PAGE 327
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 117
Earl of Northumbria, Earl of Cornwall, Count of Mortain;This would seem to be the 1st de Burgo (de Burghe) to have lands in Britain. He was the half-brother of William the Conqueror by Arlotta, & benefitted greatly from this relation-ship. He was the Earl of Cornwall in England & the Earl of Mortain(g) & Vicomte de Conteville in France &, possibly Comte de Comines & Baron de Bourg in Flanders. He was appointed Governor of Northumberland-evidently to put down an
ROBERT DE BURGO, son of HARLOWEN DE BURGO and HERLEVE DE FALAISE, was C. Mortain, E. Cornwell - MINOR.TAF (Compuserve), 579072
Robert de Mortain, Earl of Cornwall, Count of Mortain; was in command of the men at Cotentin; Companion of his half-brother, William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, 14 Oct 1066 - Royalty
for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 117
Earl of Northumbria, C. de Mortain, E. of Corwall - COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve), 327
Given altogether 793 manors by his brother William the Conqueror - A Short History of England, Edward P. Cheyney, p. 102
Earl of Cornwall - p. 104
Count of Mortaigne -http://gendex .com/users/daver/rigney/D0002/G0000040.html#I1058
GIVN Robert of Cornwall de