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Male Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert Of Exeter Click to view Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert Of Exeter in the family tree

Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert Of was born in 1039 in Exeter, Devonshire, England.1   Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert Of's father was Gilbert Crispin I Count of Brionne and his mother was Harlette De Falaise.  His paternal grandparents were Count of Brienne Eu Godfrey and Hawise; his maternal grandparents were Hulbert De Falaise and Doda De Falaise. He had seven half-brothers and five half-sisters, named Richard De Tonbridge De Clare, Baldwin FitzGilbert, Gilbert, William I The, Guillaume I, Eudes \ Odo Bishop Of, Robert Count De, Elsie Hesilia, Adailaeide, Godiva of, Muriel and Emma.  He died at the age of 51 in 1090.1 

Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert Of's family with Emma Aldreda Of Ivry

They had three sons named Richard, Robert and William.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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