[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 37534752
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
GIVN Rollo Hrolf The
SURN Viking
NSFX Rudejarl*
EVEN The "old pirate"
EVEN Dukes of Normandy & Kings of England
TYPE Ancestor of
EVEN Rouen as capital of Normandy
TYPE Established
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN as vassal of Charles the Simple
TYPE Acknowledged
DATE 911
PLAC Normandy
TYPE Acceded
DATE 911
DATE 27 AUG 2000
TIME 22:55:22
GIVN Rollo Hrolf The
NSFX Rudejarl*
ABBR Rollo or Gang-Rolv of Norway son ofRagnvald M0reJa
TITL Rollo or Gang-Rolv of Norway son ofRagnvald M0reJarl: "Fagrskinna"Saga.
PLAC Normandy
EVEN The "old pirate"
TITL Great Britain to 1688 a Modern History. 1961
AUTH Maurice Ashley
PUBL the University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
PAGE Ashley Vol. 1 page 61.
EVEN Count of Rouen
EVEN Dukes of Normandy & Kings of England
TYPE Ancestor of
TITL The Highland Clans of Scotland from the Conjectural Tree(frontspiece)
AUTH Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk, Albany Herald
PUBL Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Publishers of New York 1982 Revised Edition.
EVEN as vassal of Charles the Simple
TYPE Acknowledged
DATE 911
TITL Great Britain to 1688 a Modern History. 1961
AUTH Maurice Ashley
PUBL the University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
PAGE Ashley Vol. 1 page 61.
EVEN Rouen as capital of Normandy
TYPE Established
PLAC France
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
NSFX "the Viking"
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 121E-18; 144A-19
DATE 0911When Charles III the Simple King of France gave Ragnvaldsson Rollo, aka Rolf
the Pirate Normandy, and made him Robert I Duke of Normandy to prevent him
from attacking nearer to Paris, he threw his daughter Giesela into the deal.
TYPE E-Mail Message
AUTH McCreight, William <william.mccreight@@de.unisys.com>
TITL Children of Ragnvaldsson Rollo (Robert I Duke of Normandy) and Giesela
DATE 2 Jun 1999
LOCA GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@@rootsweb.com/PowerMac 6500>Applications>Reunion>Documents-source
DATE 24 APR 2000
TYPE Title (Facts Pg)
PLAC Duc de Normandie - 'Gonge Rolf' (The Ganger)Norwegian Viking settled at mouth of Seine. After fighting many battles, made an agreement with King Charles the Simple - received land in Normandie
and 911 became 1st Duc de Normandie and vassel of King.
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy
GIVN Rollo Duke of
DATE 15 Dec 2000
HIST: @@N642@@
GIVN Rollo, the Granger, of
NSFX Count of Rouen & 1st Duke Normandy
ABBR Compuserve
TITL Any information taken from Compuserve.
AUTH Various authors
PAGE From a message sent by T.E. Graves
EVEN Recieved title of 1st Duke of Normandy
DATE 912
ABBR History Of England
TITL History textbook
AUTH Katharine Coman & Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
PUBL The Macmillian Co, 1905
PAGE pp 59
TYPE Title (Facts Page)
PLAC 1st Duke, leader Norman PiratesRollo devatated Holland and appeared upon the Seine while Gottfried ravaged the valleys of to Meuse and Saheldt. They burned and sacked Cologne, Bonn, Treves, Metz
and other cities, sabling their horses at Aix-La- Chapelle, in the Cathedral Chich of Charlemagne. A furore Normaunorum Libre nos Domine, came to be part of the Catholic litany.
Hastings, at the head of a band of Nothmen, sacked Bordeaux, Lisbon and Seville,; defeated the Moorish conquerors of Spain at Cordova; crossed the staits in Morocco; repassed them; overan Tuscany;
returned to France,where other chieftains had had various success against Chales the Bald, and embrasedChristianity.
His name, the most dreaded of all the Vikings, was adopted by many successors. With safe winter quarters in Spain, they extended their ravages into Naples, Sicily and the coasts of the Greek Empire.
Anarchy, meanwhile, prevailing in France, in the autumn of 885 they laid siege to Paris. After a year of the siege was into [??] blockade, but at last Charles the Fat, bought off the Northmen with
700 pounds of silver and a free passage to the Upper Seine and Burgandy. The most redoubtable of the Northmen afterward was Hrolf, better known as Rollo, chiefain, of Norwegian parentage, first Duke
of Normandy, and direct ancestor, in the sixth generation, of WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. In the words of Snorro Sturleson: "He was so mighty of a stature that there was no horse of strength and size to
bear him. He was therefore always on foot, and was called the Marcher." He ravaged Friesland and the countries watered by Schieldt, and took Rouen, St Le Bayeux and Evreux. From Charles the Simple
he accepted the hand of a daughter, together with a tract of Nuestrian territory north of the Seine, from Andalye to the sea [modern Normandy] , in exchange for Christian baptism and an oath of
fealty [912]. Thus arrested the Scandavain flood which had devestaded France for more than a century. Rollo distributed among his followers the lands of Nuestria, to be held as the Duke of Normandy.
Thus were laid the foundations for the feudal system which William the Conqueror transplanted into England [1066-1087]. Few external traces of the Scandinavians are to be found in modern Normandy.
Yet for a time the Scandinavian gods divided with the Saviour the religious reverence of the people of that country. Monasteries and cathedrals were built, however, with what magnificence their
splendor remains attest. The Normans adopted the language of the vanquished province, but greatly modified it. It was the langue d'oni [the language d'oc being south of the Loire], which became
under Norman inspiration the peculiar medium of romantic poetry.
From : The Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, by Albert Welles
TYPE Acceded
DATE 911See Europsch Stammtafeln Bund II tafel 36
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy,876.
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) says 847; www.gendex.com says ABT 846; Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123 says c870; members.aol.com/sargen3 says
ABT 854, Maer; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn say 845;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, p. 25, 30;COMYN4.TAF,p6;ROYAL.THD say 932;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 933,NORM.TAF (Compuserve) (says 933);
GWALTNEY.ANC 508044998 says d. 931;Royalty for Commoners p. 123 says 927-932
SOUR www.gendex.com
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
PAGE 409
Founder of the royal House of Normandy and England, 1st Duke of Normandy, 912
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 25; Hralfr Gongen Rollo -
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 6; Gonge Rolf (Marching Rolf) "Rollo the
Dane", 1st Duke of Normandy - NORM.TAF (Compuserve); Established the duchy
of Normandy, a Viking - The Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 7
ROLLO THE DANE, son of ROGNVALD THE RICH and RAGNHILD NEFIA, settled in Normandy and traced his descent through eleven generation from a king called Fornjot who ruled in Finland. His alleged
ancestors-or most of them- are mythical creatures, but the
tale of their exploits is, quite clearly, a fabulous recital of the discovery and exploration of Norway; and from such an ancestry an appetite for discovery, a zest for exploration, certainly
survived to animate the viking age - The Conquest of
England, Eric
Linklater, p. 12
Younger son, was a great viking. He grew so tall that no horse could carry him-but probably the Norwegian horses were no bigger than an Iceland pony to-day-and because he had to go upon his own feet
he was known as Marching Rolf [Gongu-hrolfr]. He
offended king Harald Fairhair by harrying and
committing what was called a 'strand-slaying' in the great gulf of south Oslo, and was outlawed. He followed a customary viking path to the Hebrides, and remained their long enough to beget a
daughter who later married a Scots kinglet. Rolf may have
adventured in Ireland, England and the valley of the Loire, but Icelandic annals say firmly that he won his place in Normandy in 898; and if that is true he must have spent thirteen years in
establishing the power that Charles the Simple confirmed in
911. He served a lively apprenticeship to war, and a distinguished father must, in the beginning, have helped him to enlist followers whom his own success in arms would later multiply. - The
Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 24
Count of Rouen - WIVES.TXT (Compuserve)
Rollo (Rollon, Ranger Rolf), Count of Rouen; conquered Normandy; Popa was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123-124
Rolf became known as Robert or Rollo in Normandy. I have shown them as father and son but this is really a way of showing how his attribution changed. AKA Rolf Wend-a-foot Acceded 911 -
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy,876.
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) says 847; www.gendex.com says ABT 846; Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123 says c870; members.aol.com/sargen3 says
ABT 854, Maer; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn say 845;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, p. 25, 30;COMYN4.TAF,p6;ROYAL.THD say 932;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 933,NORM.TAF (Compuserve) (says 933);
GWALTNEY.ANC 508044998 says d. 931;Royalty for Commoners p. 123 says 927-932
SOUR www.gendex.com
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
PAGE 409
Founder of the royal House of Normandy and England, 1st Duke of Normandy, 912
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 25; Hralfr Gongen Rollo -
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 6; Gonge Rolf (Marching Rolf) "Rollo the
Dane", 1st Duke of Normandy - NORM.TAF (Compuserve); Established the duchy
of Normandy, a Viking - The Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 7
ROLLO THE DANE, son of ROGNVALD THE RICH and RAGNHILD NEFIA, settled in Normandy and traced his descent through eleven generation from a king called Fornjot who ruled in Finland. His alleged
ancestors-or most of them- are mythical creatures, but the
tale of their exploits is, quite clearly, a fabulous recital of the discovery and exploration of Norway; and from such an ancestry an appetite for discovery, a zest for exploration, certainly
survived to animate the viking age - The Conquest of
England, Eric
Linklater, p. 12
Younger son, was a great viking. He grew so tall that no horse could carry him-but probably the Norwegian horses were no bigger than an Iceland pony to-day-and because he had to go upon his own feet
he was known as Marching Rolf [Gongu-hrolfr]. He
offended king Harald Fairhair by harrying and
committing what was called a 'strand-slaying' in the great gulf of south Oslo, and was outlawed. He followed a customary viking path to the Hebrides, and remained their long enough to beget a
daughter who later married a Scots kinglet. Rolf may have
adventured in Ireland, England and the valley of the Loire, but Icelandic annals say firmly that he won his place in Normandy in 898; and if that is true he must have spent thirteen years in
establishing the power that Charles the Simple confirmed in
911. He served a lively apprenticeship to war, and a distinguished father must, in the beginning, have helped him to enlist followers whom his own success in arms would later multiply. - The
Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 24
Count of Rouen - WIVES.TXT (Compuserve)
Rollo (Rollon, Ranger Rolf), Count of Rouen; conquered Normandy; Popa was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123-124
Rolf became known as Robert or Rollo in Normandy. I have shown them as father and son but this is really a way of showing how his attribution changed. AKA Rolf Wend-a-foot Acceded 911 -
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy,876.
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) says 847; www.gendex.com says ABT 846; Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123 says c870; members.aol.com/sargen3 says
ABT 854, Maer; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn say 845;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, p. 25, 30;COMYN4.TAF,p6;ROYAL.THD say 932;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 933,NORM.TAF (Compuserve) (says 933);
GWALTNEY.ANC 508044998 says d. 931;Royalty for Commoners p. 123 says 927-932
SOUR www.gendex.com
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
PAGE 409
Founder of the royal House of Normandy and England, 1st Duke of Normandy, 912
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 25; Hralfr Gongen Rollo -
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 6; Gonge Rolf (Marching Rolf) "Rollo the
Dane", 1st Duke of Normandy - NORM.TAF (Compuserve); Established the duchy
of Normandy, a Viking - The Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 7
ROLLO THE DANE, son of ROGNVALD THE RICH and RAGNHILD NEFIA, settled in Normandy and traced his descent through eleven generation from a king called Fornjot who ruled in Finland. His alleged
ancestors-or most of them- are mythical creatures, but the
tale of their exploits is, quite clearly, a fabulous recital of the discovery and exploration of Norway; and from such an ancestry an appetite for discovery, a zest for exploration, certainly
survived to animate the viking age - The Conquest of
England, Eric
Linklater, p. 12
Younger son, was a great viking. He grew so tall that no horse could carry him-but probably the Norwegian horses were no bigger than an Iceland pony to-day-and because he had to go upon his own feet
he was known as Marching Rolf [Gongu-hrolfr]. He
offended king Harald Fairhair by harrying and
committing what was called a 'strand-slaying' in the great gulf of south Oslo, and was outlawed. He followed a customary viking path to the Hebrides, and remained their long enough to beget a
daughter who later married a Scots kinglet. Rolf may have
adventured in Ireland, England and the valley of the Loire, but Icelandic annals say firmly that he won his place in Normandy in 898; and if that is true he must have spent thirteen years in
establishing the power that Charles the Simple confirmed in
911. He served a lively apprenticeship to war, and a distinguished father must, in the beginning, have helped him to enlist followers whom his own success in arms would later multiply. - The
Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 24
Count of Rouen - WIVES.TXT (Compuserve)
Rollo (Rollon, Ranger Rolf), Count of Rouen; conquered Normandy; Popa was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123-124
Rolf became known as Robert or Rollo in Normandy. I have shown them as father and son but this is really a way of showing how his attribution changed. AKA Rolf Wend-a-foot Acceded 911 -
Conqueror of Normandy. He received it as a grant from the Emperor Charles
III between 911 and 918. That area of France was then known as Neustria.
Also known as Rollo the Dane. Known as Duke Robert I from the name he
received in baptism as a Christian. Founder of the Ducal House of
Conqueror of Normandy. He received it as a grant from the Emperor Charles
III between 911 and 918. That area of France was then known as Neustria.
Also known as Rollo the Dane. Known as Duke Robert I from the name he
received in baptism as a Christian. Founder of the Ducal House of
DATE 31 MAY 2000
I wish I was sure of every name in this file & that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this,
So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell
me or someone I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not
respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont
consider them Kin!
Thanks and Happy Hunting![Spare.FTW]
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
GIVN Rollo Hrolf The
SURN Viking
NSFX Rudejarl*
EVEN The "old pirate"
EVEN Dukes of Normandy & Kings of England
TYPE Ancestor of
EVEN Rouen as capital of Normandy
TYPE Established
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN as vassal of Charles the Simple
TYPE Acknowledged
DATE 911
PLAC Normandy
TYPE Acceded
DATE 911
DATE 27 AUG 2000
TIME 22:55:22
GIVN Rollo Hrolf The
NSFX Rudejarl*
ABBR Rollo or Gang-Rolv of Norway son ofRagnvald M0reJa
TITL Rollo or Gang-Rolv of Norway son ofRagnvald M0reJarl: "Fagrskinna"Saga.
PLAC Normandy
EVEN The "old pirate"
TITL Great Britain to 1688 a Modern History. 1961
AUTH Maurice Ashley
PUBL the University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
PAGE Ashley Vol. 1 page 61.
EVEN Count of Rouen
EVEN Dukes of Normandy & Kings of England
TYPE Ancestor of
TITL The Highland Clans of Scotland from the Conjectural Tree(frontspiece)
AUTH Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk, Albany Herald
PUBL Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Publishers of New York 1982 Revised Edition.
EVEN as vassal of Charles the Simple
TYPE Acknowledged
DATE 911
TITL Great Britain to 1688 a Modern History. 1961
AUTH Maurice Ashley
PUBL the University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
PAGE Ashley Vol. 1 page 61.
EVEN Rouen as capital of Normandy
TYPE Established
PLAC France
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
NSFX "the Viking"
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 121E-18; 144A-19
DATE 0911When Charles III the Simple King of France gave Ragnvaldsson Rollo, aka Rolf
the Pirate Normandy, and made him Robert I Duke of Normandy to prevent him
from attacking nearer to Paris, he threw his daughter Giesela into the deal.
TYPE E-Mail Message
AUTH McCreight, William <william.mccreight@@de.unisys.com>
TITL Children of Ragnvaldsson Rollo (Robert I Duke of Normandy) and Giesela
DATE 2 Jun 1999
LOCA GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@@rootsweb.com/PowerMac 6500>Applications>Reunion>Documents-source
DATE 24 APR 2000
TYPE Title (Facts Pg)
PLAC Duc de Normandie - 'Gonge Rolf' (The Ganger)Norwegian Viking settled at mouth of Seine. After fighting many battles, made an agreement with King Charles the Simple - received land in Normandie
and 911 became 1st Duc de Normandie and vassel of King.
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy
GIVN Rollo Duke of
DATE 15 Dec 2000
HIST: @@N642@@
GIVN Rollo, the Granger, of
NSFX Count of Rouen & 1st Duke Normandy
ABBR Compuserve
TITL Any information taken from Compuserve.
AUTH Various authors
PAGE From a message sent by T.E. Graves
EVEN Recieved title of 1st Duke of Normandy
DATE 912
ABBR History Of England
TITL History textbook
AUTH Katharine Coman & Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
PUBL The Macmillian Co, 1905
PAGE pp 59
TYPE Title (Facts Page)
PLAC 1st Duke, leader Norman PiratesRollo devatated Holland and appeared upon the Seine while Gottfried ravaged the valleys of to Meuse and Saheldt. They burned and sacked Cologne, Bonn, Treves, Metz
and other cities, sabling their horses at Aix-La- Chapelle, in the Cathedral Chich of Charlemagne. A furore Normaunorum Libre nos Domine, came to be part of the Catholic litany.
Hastings, at the head of a band of Nothmen, sacked Bordeaux, Lisbon and Seville,; defeated the Moorish conquerors of Spain at Cordova; crossed the staits in Morocco; repassed them; overan Tuscany;
returned to France,where other chieftains had had various success against Chales the Bald, and embrasedChristianity.
His name, the most dreaded of all the Vikings, was adopted by many successors. With safe winter quarters in Spain, they extended their ravages into Naples, Sicily and the coasts of the Greek Empire.
Anarchy, meanwhile, prevailing in France, in the autumn of 885 they laid siege to Paris. After a year of the siege was into [??] blockade, but at last Charles the Fat, bought off the Northmen with
700 pounds of silver and a free passage to the Upper Seine and Burgandy. The most redoubtable of the Northmen afterward was Hrolf, better known as Rollo, chiefain, of Norwegian parentage, first Duke
of Normandy, and direct ancestor, in the sixth generation, of WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. In the words of Snorro Sturleson: "He was so mighty of a stature that there was no horse of strength and size to
bear him. He was therefore always on foot, and was called the Marcher." He ravaged Friesland and the countries watered by Schieldt, and took Rouen, St Le Bayeux and Evreux. From Charles the Simple
he accepted the hand of a daughter, together with a tract of Nuestrian territory north of the Seine, from Andalye to the sea [modern Normandy] , in exchange for Christian baptism and an oath of
fealty [912]. Thus arrested the Scandavain flood which had devestaded France for more than a century. Rollo distributed among his followers the lands of Nuestria, to be held as the Duke of Normandy.
Thus were laid the foundations for the feudal system which William the Conqueror transplanted into England [1066-1087]. Few external traces of the Scandinavians are to be found in modern Normandy.
Yet for a time the Scandinavian gods divided with the Saviour the religious reverence of the people of that country. Monasteries and cathedrals were built, however, with what magnificence their
splendor remains attest. The Normans adopted the language of the vanquished province, but greatly modified it. It was the langue d'oni [the language d'oc being south of the Loire], which became
under Norman inspiration the peculiar medium of romantic poetry.
From : The Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, by Albert Welles
TYPE Acceded
DATE 911See Europsch Stammtafeln Bund II tafel 36
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy,876.
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) says 847; www.gendex.com says ABT 846; Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123 says c870; members.aol.com/sargen3 says
ABT 854, Maer; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn say 845;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, p. 25, 30;COMYN4.TAF,p6;ROYAL.THD say 932;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 933,NORM.TAF (Compuserve) (says 933);
GWALTNEY.ANC 508044998 says d. 931;Royalty for Commoners p. 123 says 927-932
SOUR www.gendex.com
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
PAGE 409
Founder of the royal House of Normandy and England, 1st Duke of Normandy, 912
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 25; Hralfr Gongen Rollo -
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 6; Gonge Rolf (Marching Rolf) "Rollo the
Dane", 1st Duke of Normandy - NORM.TAF (Compuserve); Established the duchy
of Normandy, a Viking - The Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 7
ROLLO THE DANE, son of ROGNVALD THE RICH and RAGNHILD NEFIA, settled in Normandy and traced his descent through eleven generation from a king called Fornjot who ruled in Finland. His alleged
ancestors-or most of them- are mythical creatures, but the
tale of their exploits is, quite clearly, a fabulous recital of the discovery and exploration of Norway; and from such an ancestry an appetite for discovery, a zest for exploration, certainly
survived to animate the viking age - The Conquest of
England, Eric
Linklater, p. 12
Younger son, was a great viking. He grew so tall that no horse could carry him-but probably the Norwegian horses were no bigger than an Iceland pony to-day-and because he had to go upon his own feet
he was known as Marching Rolf [Gongu-hrolfr]. He
offended king Harald Fairhair by harrying and
committing what was called a 'strand-slaying' in the great gulf of south Oslo, and was outlawed. He followed a customary viking path to the Hebrides, and remained their long enough to beget a
daughter who later married a Scots kinglet. Rolf may have
adventured in Ireland, England and the valley of the Loire, but Icelandic annals say firmly that he won his place in Normandy in 898; and if that is true he must have spent thirteen years in
establishing the power that Charles the Simple confirmed in
911. He served a lively apprenticeship to war, and a distinguished father must, in the beginning, have helped him to enlist followers whom his own success in arms would later multiply. - The
Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 24
Count of Rouen - WIVES.TXT (Compuserve)
Rollo (Rollon, Ranger Rolf), Count of Rouen; conquered Normandy; Popa was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123-124
Rolf became known as Robert or Rollo in Normandy. I have shown them as father and son but this is really a way of showing how his attribution changed. AKA Rolf Wend-a-foot Acceded 911 -
OCCU 1st Duke of Normandy,876.
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) says 847; www.gendex.com says ABT 846; Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123 says c870; members.aol.com/sargen3 says
ABT 854, Maer; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn say 845;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, p. 25, 30;COMYN4.TAF,p6;ROYAL.THD say 932;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 933,NORM.TAF (Compuserve) (says 933);
GWALTNEY.ANC 508044998 says d. 931;Royalty for Commoners p. 123 says 927-932
SOUR www.gendex.com
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
PAGE 409
Founder of the royal House of Normandy and England, 1st Duke of Normandy, 912
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 25; Hralfr Gongen Rollo -
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 6; Gonge Rolf (Marching Rolf) "Rollo the
Dane", 1st Duke of Normandy - NORM.TAF (Compuserve); Established the duchy
of Normandy, a Viking - The Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 7
ROLLO THE DANE, son of ROGNVALD THE RICH and RAGNHILD NEFIA, settled in Normandy and traced his descent through eleven generation from a king called Fornjot who ruled in Finland. His alleged
ancestors-or most of them- are mythical creatures, but the
tale of their exploits is, quite clearly, a fabulous recital of the discovery and exploration of Norway; and from such an ancestry an appetite for discovery, a zest for exploration, certainly
survived to animate the viking age - The Conquest of
England, Eric
Linklater, p. 12
Younger son, was a great viking. He grew so tall that no horse could carry him-but probably the Norwegian horses were no bigger than an Iceland pony to-day-and because he had to go upon his own feet
he was known as Marching Rolf [Gongu-hrolfr]. He
offended king Harald Fairhair by harrying and
committing what was called a 'strand-slaying' in the great gulf of south Oslo, and was outlawed. He followed a customary viking path to the Hebrides, and remained their long enough to beget a
daughter who later married a Scots kinglet. Rolf may have
adventured in Ireland, England and the valley of the Loire, but Icelandic annals say firmly that he won his place in Normandy in 898; and if that is true he must have spent thirteen years in
establishing the power that Charles the Simple confirmed in
911. He served a lively apprenticeship to war, and a distinguished father must, in the beginning, have helped him to enlist followers whom his own success in arms would later multiply. - The
Conquest of England, Eric Linklater, p. 24
Count of Rouen - WIVES.TXT (Compuserve)
Rollo (Rollon, Ranger Rolf), Count of Rouen; conquered Normandy; Popa was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 123-124