REFN: 8439
According to Frank Kincade, Johnny Kincade worked in Black Rock, AR. He
worked on River Boats and Tug Boats, where he rebuilt or repaired the
boats. He walked to work and home every day. One day he was wet when he
walked home. He caught pneumonia and died. When his son, George, w as a
small boy, he would sometimes walk to work with his dad.
He is buried i n Sutton Cemetery, Pocahontas, AR.
John is listed in this census, Roanoke Twp, as follows: John Kincad, 21,
head, married, farmer; AR/TN/TN; and Mary, 17, wife, married,
housekeeper; AR/TN/TN. They live next door to Mary's parents in this
According to Frank Kincade, Johnny Kincade worked in Black Rock, AR. He
worked on River Boats and Tug Boats, where he re built or repaired the
boats. He walked to work and home every day. One day h e was wet when he
walked home. He caught pneumonia and died. When his son, George, was a
small boy, he would sometimes walk to work with his dad.
He is buried in Sutton Cemetery, Pocahontas, AR.
John is listed in this census, Roa noke Twp, as follows: John Kincad, 21,
head, married, farmer; AR/TN/TN; and Mary, 17, wife, married,
housekeeper; AR/TN/TN. They live next door to Mary' s parents in this