REFN: 8227
Thomas Runnions is listed with the following members in his household:
1 male 50-60; 1 female under 5; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 10- 15; 1 female
15-20; 1 female 40-50. He is listed as being employed in Manufa ctures
and Trades, cannot read or write.
This Thomas Runnion is listed with 1 male 10-15, 1 male 50-60, 1 female
under 5, 2 females 5-10 and 1 female 30- 40. This is in West Tennessee.
There is also a Joshua Grinder listed in West Tennessee, Obion County in
Thomas is listed as Thomas Runyan, 71, far mer, SC, with the following
family members:
Parthenia, 50, female, TN; Barba ry, 16, female, TN; Nancy, 7, female, TN;
Dorothy, 3, female, TN.
Thomas is listed in this census as follows:
Thomas, 77, male, $250, NC; Parthenia, 60, f emale, TN; Barbara, 25, f;
Sarah, 12, f; Mary F., 9, f; John, 3/12, m. All c hildren were born in
In the Index to Early Tennessee Tax List, Th omas Runnion is listed in
1816 in Maury County, TN.