Residing in Cullyvenney, Macosquin at time of marriage on 16th March 1882. Father James Grey, witness Robert Gray, he spelled his name Grey on marriage certificate. He was married in Coleraine Registry Office, NOT a church.
He was living at Englishtown when his son, William, was born in 1888.
In Griffiths Valuation Revision Book 20D, John Gray is replaced by William Gray in 1889 in House 7b in Englishtown. In 1894, William Gray moved to the sexton's house, 4a, in Englishtown and is replaced in 7b by a Mary Jane Connell. Living in Englishtown in 1901 census. Name now spelled with an "a".
Still living in Englishtown by time of daughter, Alice Boyd Gray's wedding in 1918.
Linda Gilmore gives him living in Glenleary in 1893 according to Cullyvenny School Register. I think this must be incorrect and have never seen the register.
Daughter, Anna Maggie gives her address as Dromore in 1908 marriage certificate but she was living with her grandfather, Robert Brewster since the 1901 census.
Jim Gray of Ballylintagh gives William Gray, sexton of Englishtown Presbyterian Church as the brother of his grandfather, James Gray of Cullyvenny. Since William Gray's birth is not recorded, but James Gray's is, this is an essential link in the chain back to my earlier Grays.