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Female Martha Reed?reid Click to view Martha Reed?reid in the family tree

Martha was born about 1815 in ,,SC.  Martha's father was James Reed?reid and her mother was Mary or Sarah ?????.  Her paternal grandparents are Mr. Reed?reid and Ms. UNKNOWN. She had five brothers and five sisters, named Thomas J., James Madison, Alfred George, Leroy James, Christopher C. "Kit", Jane, Demerious, Elizabeth, Tryphenie and Mary.  She died on November 4th, 1881.  She was buried in Luke Cemetery,Kemper County,MS.

Martha's family with James R. Luke

‌Martha and James R. were married in a religious ceremony about 1832.  They had eight sons and three daughters, named James Madison, Augustus L., John Buchanan, Allen Verdell, Daniel "Dock", Jackson Thomas, William Monroe, Christopher Columbus, Mary Ann, Sarah and Martha.

1 1910 Neshoba County, MS

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