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Male George Thomas Keahey Click to view George Thomas Keahey in the family tree

George Thomas was born on August 8th, 1845 in Scott Co.,Mississippi.  George Thomas' father was John Robert Jackson Keahey and his mother was Martha Slay.  His paternal grandparents were George Jackson Keahey and Margaret Keahey. He had six brothers and four sisters, named William, Alvia Wiggin, John Thomas, James A., Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Henry, Margaret, Amanda Jane, Frances Indiana and Martha.  He died at the age of 44 on November 28th, 1889 in Rockwall,Texas.

George Thomas' first family with Martha Elizabeth Smith

‌George Thomas and Martha Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony on December 2nd, 1869.  They had four sons and four daughters, named John Henry, George Oscar, Vaden Scott, Jefferson, Margaret Lenore, Mattie Catherine, Stella and Mary.

George Thomas' second family with Mary Jane Alexander

‌George Thomas and Mary Jane were married in a religious ceremony on October 21st, 1881.  They had a son and a daughter, named James Jefferson and Mary.

Scott Co., Mississippi 1837 Tax List,, MacKeachey-Dommert-Reade-Stanford, Carlton Dommert,, Family Tree, Descendants of John  MacKeachey, Larry-D-Keakey/Gene7-0004, Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001, E-mail from Denise Fae Sneller Cook,

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