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Male Harold Odren DeSpain Click to view Harold Odren DeSpain in the family tree

Harold Odren was born in 1918 in LaRue Co.,Kentucky.  Harold Odren's father was William Thomas DeSpain and his mother was Nora Alice Warren.  His paternal grandparents were William Lewis DeSpain and Elizabeth Ann Scott; his maternal grandparents were James Thomas Warren and Elizabeth DeSpain. He had three brothers and five sisters, named Kenneth T., Russell, Eugene, Lucille, Mildred, Margie, Carrie Lee and Thelma Dean.  He died at the age of 82 on June 7th, 2000 in Gate City,Fluvanna Co.,Virginia.  He was buried in Holston View Cemtery Weber City,Fluvanna Co.,Virginia.

Harold Odren's family with Nettie Susan Skaggs

They had a son and two daughters, named Living, Marie J. and Living.

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779

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