Henry Powell was in Washington County, Kentucky when the census was taken in October, 1830 . He was in Illinois when his daughter, Margaret, was born in 1832. He was in Monroe County , Missouri when his next child, Jacob was born in 1834. Cyrus Powell, brother of Henry, marr ied Matilda Porter Crane July 28, 1831 in Washington County and according to his own words ar rived in Marion County, Missouri in the Spring of 1833. Cyrus settled in Philadelphia, Misso uri close to the Mississippi River. Monroe County borders Marion County. These are the fact s we know about the two brothers' migration to Missouri.
We suspect Henry and Cyrus scouted Missouri on horse back without their families befor e moving to the state together, probably in the company of several other families. It is pos sible Henry lived for a time in Louisville, Kentucky or somewhere in Illinois before he wen t to Missouri, and we are not certain he and Cyrus traveled together. They did, however, lea ve Kentucky about the same time, and long before any of the other Powell brothers. The onl y brother we have not found a record of after 1830 is Jacob, so it is possible he left with H enry.
Henry did not settle in one spot as Cyrus did. Andrew Jackson Powell, Henry's fifth so n said he was born in Shelby County, Missouri, in 1836. On October 18, 1840 G. M. Taylor tak ing the census for Wells Township, Macon County, Missouri counted Henry Powell, his wife, si x sons and two daughters among the residents. We only have records for one son born to Henr y and Matilda between 1835 and 1840 but this census lists two. This son is not listed with H enry in 1850 so he must have died young.
Some have suggested Henry was not living in the present area of Schuyler County in 184 0 eventhough this area was part of Macon County at that time. When looking at the list of ne ighbors of Henry Powell in 1840 Macon County, and 1850 Schuyler County, I find several of th e same names. There is no Wells Township in present day Schuyler County but there was a Well s Township along the northern edge of Schuyler County in 1846 when it was first formed. I be lieve Henry Powell had settled north of Lancaster in Schuyler County, and before 1840 he ha d been joined by his brother David Powell. Before 1850 his brother James Walton Powell had f ollowed him to northern Missouri. A Jonathan Hilton from Kentucky with a wife named Margare t is listed on the 1850 Schuyler County census. This is surely Matilda's brother.
Henry, coming from the wornout land of Kentucky, found a country of rolling farmland, wh ere he could break the prairie and grow corn, tobacco, and other farm crops in abundance. I n visits between the brothers he must have told of the rich land in Missouri where you coul d grow such glorious crops, or maybe his brothers came on horseback to see for themselves. B y 1850 we think at least six of the Powell brothers were in the Missouri wilderness makin g a new life on the frontier.
We haven't found any record of Henry purchasing land in Missouri until 1848, but still t hink he had settled down with Matilda and his young family on a farm north of Lancaster lon g before that. He was there to be appointed to the first Grand Jury of Schuyler County on Ap ril 10, 1846.
Matilda had three more daughters in Missouri: Sarah A. 1838, Melinda A. 1842, and Lucind a 1844. We think Matilda may have died with the birth of Lucinda in 1844. Certainly she di ed before December 14, 1847 when Henry married Nancy Bass Melvin, the widow of Thomas Melvin . Thomas Melvin's estate papers list vouch # 22 "Cash paid Henry Powel for five and one hal f days services of his oxen and waggon in gathering and hauling corn. $2.75". We know Henr y and Nancy were neighbors.
Thomas Melvin left his widow with the following children which lived with Henry and Nanc y after the marriage: Levi 1832, Sarah Emily 1834, Catherine 1836, Simeon 1842 (the 1850 cen sus calls this child Susan, but estate records repeatedly identify the child as Simeon), Benj amin 1844, and Nancy 1846. Thomas Melvin died August 24, 1847. At his death he held title t o 400 acres of land in Schuyler County, TWP 66, Range 15 in Sections 2,3,10 and 11. He owne d considerable livestock and farm equipment. The inventory of his estate is given on page 8 . We decided to use this estate as our family record because it tells so much about the live s of our Schuyler County pioneers.
The marriage of Henry Powell and Nancy Melvin would seem to be one of convenience, wit h two close neighbors left widower and widow with several young children to raise. Also, Hen ry gained control of, if not title to considerable farm land with this marriage. Whatever th eir motives, this couple remained united over thirty years; years longer than either had wit h their first spouse. Two of Henry's sons married daughters of Nancy, and several of Henry' s children named a child for their step-mother. Nancy Melvin surely became a much beloved mo ther to Henry Powell's children.
On June 1, 1845 Charles Powell married Elizabeth Jane Lane, daughter of John C. Lane an d Ann G. Martin. Sarah Emily Melvin, Nancy's eldest daughter, at the age of fourteen marrie d George W. Lane, brother to Elizabeth Lane, on August 17, 1848. Sarah left George Lane an d married her step-brother, Jacob Powell sometime in the 1850's. John Powell married Sarah Ki ff, daughter of Richard Kiff, October 23, 1848. Cyrus Powell married Caroline Pell Decembe r 26, 1851. Caroline Pell Powell died in 1859 and Cyrus then married Elizabeth Dollison in 1 866. Margaret Powell married Sterling Crowder November 11, 1853. Catherine Melvin married An drew Jackson Kimbrel in 1851. Andrew Jackson Powell married his step-sister, Nancy Melvin ab out 1859. Sarah A. Powell married John Edwards about 1860. We have found no record of Melin da or Lucinda Powell after 1860.
In April of 1849 Henry and Nancy sued Daniel D. Smith, the administrator of Thomas Melvi n's estate for Nancy's share of the estate land. Nancy Powell was granted title to 121 1/2 a cres right in the corners of sections 2, 3, 10, and 11 as her widow's dower.
In September 1850 George W. Lane sued Robert S. Neely, Charles Powell, and Jackson Kim brel over the Thomas Melvin Land. Robert S. Neely was appointed guardian of the Melvin minor s by the court, Jackson Kimbrel married Catherine Melvin, and I am assuming Charles Powell wa s probably living on a portion of the Melvin land. As a result of this suit, the remainder o f the Melvin land was divided equally among the children.
In September 1850 Henry Powell sued in Schuyler County Circuit Court for title to 80 acr es in sections 10 and 11 of TWP 66 Range 15. He stated he made a contract with James H. Sand ers to purchase this land for $60 in November 1848 and Sanders had since left the state witho ut giving him title. The court ordered the sheriff to make Henry a deed for this land whic h lies adjacent to the Thomas Melvin land.
Henry Powell and sons Charles, John, and Cyrus were involved in a lot of land dealings i n Schuyler County in the 1850's. Henry, Charles, Levi Melvin and Jackson Kimbrel owned sever al lots in the town of Lancaster, the county seat. Charles Powell's occupation was listed a s grocer on the 1850 census. Oral family history in the Cyrus (s/o Henry) Powell family ha s it that Henry ran a drygoods business. Henry may have made some money from these deals bu t most involve small amounts of money. Nearly all his transactions involving farm land were i n TWP 66, Range 15 and seem to involve Thomas Melvin land.
At the September 1852 term of Schuyler County Circuit Court Levi Melvin, Benjamin (Jacob ) Powell and several others are charged with betting on cards. Henry Powell and Charles Powe ll were charged with gambling and "permitting gambling in their house." The bail for bettin g on cards was set at $50 and the bail for Henry and Charles was set at $200.
Our scoundrel Henry was in trouble again, but court records indicate he had a place to g o for assistance. His more respectable brother David Powell came to the court house to sig n Henry's bond for release from jail. That David and James Walton followed Henry to Missour i, and David helped bail him out of jail seems to show that his brothers thought well of Henr y.
Levi Melvin pleaded guilty and was fined $10. Benjamin Powell pleaded innocent and the c ase was dismissed because the wittiness did not appear. When Henry and Charles came to trial , it seemed Henry was the only one present. He pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and court co sts. Charles Powell was charged with gambling again in 1855. This case was dismissed becaus e the wittiness did not appear.
Nannie Powell, daughter of Cyrus Powell and granddaughter of Henry, told of Henry ownin g two race horses, "Screwball and Dolly Varden." Cyrus was only 5 foot 2 inches tall and beca use of his small size rode his father's horses in races. This story fits in with Henry runni ng a gambling house as gambling has long been synonymous with horseracing.
Levi Melvin died in 1853 and Henry Powell was appointed administrator of his estate. H e was not married so his brothers and sisters and his mother should have been his heirs, bu t I did not find the heirs named in the estate papers.
Although there were a few schools in early Schuyler County, a system for public school s was not effective until after the Civil War. Later census records for Henry's children sta te that Charles, John, Cyrus, Margaret, Jacob, Andrew Jackson, and Sarah could not read and w rite. Jack Powell told us he had heard that Andrew Jackson Powell went to school three days a nd then told his father, "All I learned was A apple, B ball. I'd be better off plowing corn. " Thereafter he stayed home and plowed corn. Henry Powell could read and write. In 1859 , according to records in Schuyler County, he was a mail carrier. He evidently received $15 0 each quarter for his services. On July 29 he was fine $3.43 for a unnamed infraction. B y this time Henry seems to have encountered financial difficulties.
We have records of at least three court judgements on notes against Henry Powell in 185 9 and 60. On October 5, 1859 a judgement was granted against Cyrus Powell for $104.95. On O ctober 1st Henry made a note for just over $100 to William S. Thatcher. In July 1860 Thatche r received judgement against Henry for $97.81. It seems likely Henry borrowed this money t o pay Cyrus' debt. Cyrus' wife died in 1859 and his sons James Madison and Andrew Jackson wen t to live with Henry, while Cyrus worked on a farm in Marion County, close to his Uncle Cyru s Powell.
Schuyler County sued Henry Powell, Charles Powell, and Azanial Shelton in April 1859 fo r "use of the inhabitants of said county for school purpose." The judgement was for $76.56 p lus interest. January 2, 1860 the records state, "comes the Constable and makes the followin g return, no Goods nor chattel found whereon to levy this execution. Wm. J. Gates J. P. " I believe the reason Constable Gates found "no goods nor chattel" at Henry's was because o n December 13, 1859 Henry deeded his land to his sons Andrew Jackson and Jacob. Throughout h is life Henry walked to a different drummer. When the tax man came to his door to collect mo ney for schools he did not patronize Henry was determined the man would leave empty handed.
In 1859 Henry's brothers, David and James, sold their land in Schuyler County and move d to Collin County, Texas.
Missouri had been in turmoil long before Civil War broke out. Missouri was a slave stat e and many of her citizens were active in a underground war against Kansas. Much blood was s hed along the Missouri-Kansas line. In April 1861 President Lincoln called for troops from M issouri to put down the rebellion. The Missouri Governor refused the call and Federal Troop s were sent to Missouri. Although Missouri officially remained a Union state during the war , the governor of Missouri sided with the Southern Cause and was replaced by a federally appo inted official.
The majority of Schuyler County residents were pro-southern, and we feel our Powell fami ly were by and large strong southern sympathizers. A descendant of Charles Powell said Henry , Charles, and John (s/o Charles) fought for the Union Army. Jack Powell, grandson of Andre w Jackson Powell, said his grandfather fought for the South and hired a substitute to represe nt him in the Union Army. Our own John Powell died during the Civil War and served on the Con federate side. Cyrus Powell (s/o Henry) is said to have rode with Southern Bushwackers unde r Pap Price.
Beulah Winger has found one Confederate record from the Civil War we feel sure is our He nry. Henry Powell of Schuyler County enlisted in Company A, Clarks Regiment Missouri Infantr y, August 25, 1862 and was discharged on disability March 23, 1863.
John Powell sold his land in February of 1861 and we believe enlisted as a soldier short ly thereafter. We have not found a record we are certain was this John, but feel sure he fou ght for the South. We have heard differing accounts concerning his death. The one thing tha t seems certain is that John Powell died in the Civil War. The most plausible story says Joh n's family learned of his fate when neighbors, who went to war with him, returned home and to ld of his death.
We feel his son's death was a particularity bitter pill for Henry. The Civil War perio d was one of high emotions and where Henry lived almost every ablebodied man either fought o r hid out. After John's death we think Henry may have taken his family into hiding. A Febru ary, 1869 Schuyler County probate record of the Levi Melvin estate says, "Henry Powell has be en absent from the state and has removed his domicile from this state for the space of six ye ars." According to later census records Andrew Jackson had a son born in Nebraska in 1868 . Charles Powell moved to Iowa about 1861 and lived close to Council Bluffs. Stories say Cyr us went to Texas. The 1870 census shows Cyrus and his family living in Buchanan County, Miss ouri, close to the family of Uncle Elisha Powell. We have not located Jacob Powell on a censu s for 1860 or 1870. Whatever else Henry did or did not do, he certainly stood firmly b y his son John's widow, Sarah Kiff Powell. Henry cared for and protected her and her childre n until the end of his days.
The Bates County, Missouri census for 1870 lists house number 121 Sarah Powell and her c hildren Henry, Nancy, Richard, and John W. House number 122 lists Henry Powell, Nancy, A. Ja ck Powell, Nancy and Gibber. Maps show Andrew Jackson's land with two houses.
Bates County was laid waste by bushwacker and jayhawkers during the war. Very few build ings were left standing, and the government issued the famous Order Number Eleven ordering th e citizens to vacate the county. Andrew and Henry probably came to Bates County in search o f cheap farmland. The land here was prime farm country, much like Schuyler County, althoug h slightly more hilly with more timber.
Andrew Jackson bought a farm in Section 2, TWP 39, Range 31 near Butler, Missouri in Feb ruary, 1870. We did not find any record of Henry Powell buying land in Bates County or indee d any record of Henry at all except the census record. We found no record of Sarah Powell pu rchasing land. We think she and her family lived on Andrew Jackson's land until her sons wer e old enough to take care of her.
The 1880 census for Lone Oak Township, Bates County reads like a Powell family history . House No. 1 is Jacob and Sarah Powell and family, No. 6 is J. W. and Matilda (d/o John Pow ell) Spry, No. 7 is Sarah Powell (widow of John) and her son J. W., No. 8 is Sarah's sons Hen ry and Richard Powell, No. 18 is William (Sarah Lane Powell's son) and Rebecca Lane, No. 26 i s Andrew Jackson, his wife Nancy, and family with Henry and Nancy Powell, No. 30 is Clark an d Nancy (d/o John Powell) Deems, No. 31 is John and Sarah (d/o Henry Powell) Edwards. It i s entirely possible some of the other families are Powell in-laws or Powell outlaws we have n ot yet discovered.
The Bible of Catherine Melvin Kimbrel Dotson records the birth and death of her mother N ancy Bass Melvin Powell as September 7, 1809 - March 15, 1882. It is likely Nancy is burie d with other Powells in Fairview Cemetery near Butler, Missouri.
The 1880 census record listing Henry age 78, born in Kentucky, his father born in Virgin ia, his mother born in North Carolina and his wife Nancy age 68, born in North Carolina as we re her father and mother, is the last record we have for Henry Powell. His descendants scatt ered throughout Bates County by virtue of the families of his three sons, John, Andrew Jackso n, and Jacob. Even today Henry Powell's children's, children's, children populate the hill s of Bates County and his sons lie buried in a little cemetery on the old Elliott farm not fa r from where he plowed and planted. It is likely Henry lies beside them, watching over us st ill. 1840 Macon Co. Census Wells TWP dated Oct 16 1840 taken by G. M. Taylor Page 58 J . M. Lesley JOhn Paxton Lewsey Montgomery Stephen Salle David Powell Samuel Biggs Richard J . Sallee Charles Cook James Pl??? Berit Sebat Wm. Whilon Thomas Marcheod Thomas Low M. W. Loc ket Wm Hudson Richard Mc Nutty Samuel Packer Margaret Stull Wm. Dickerson Peter Shultz Stev e Hill Lochenah Reed Wm. Gate * later Constable in Schuyler Co. Charles Foplewry John Jone s Nelson Alerson Leon Dunn Isacc Newlin John M. Fish V. Ward
Page 60 * page following pg. 58 Jones HOw Geroge Tobin Elijah Glogen ASe Fisk Elenor Bry ant Thomas Hood Jesse Fluce T? Byle Henry Pansey Nathon Tho. & Summerville C. Twoo & Scuslo n John W. Wetherford * W. B. Wetherford later Sheriff of Schuyler Co. Wm. Carpenter Henry Po well Merl Philip Benjamin Thompson * neighbor to H. Powell in 1850 Alex Hayse Salsberry Mille r Branch Miller T. W. McDaniel Robert Hendrix W.? Gresty Edward Butt * Neighbor to H. Powel l 1850 Walter Wanni George Neely Benj. Mudd John F. Scoff Clos. Hill John Bull George Bish
1850 Schuyler Co. census Henry Powell # 9 date 10 August taken by Wm. S. Thatcher - Cyrus c annot read/write Richard Kiff # 112 John Powell # 113 date 20 August taken by Thatcher Joh n (22) & Sarah cannot read/write James W. Powell # 106 date 20 August David Powell # 192 dat e 27 August taken by Wm. S. Thatcher Charles Powell # 329 date 12 Sept. GROCER Charles & El iz. cannot read/write
1860 Schuyler Co. Indenpendence TWP taken 26 June by John A. Davis # 528/520 Sterling Cro wder 50 Ky Farmer $2000/$1200 Margaret 28 Illinois cannot read/write dau of Henry & Mat ilda Powell Sahah H. 14 female KY attended School Must be Margaret's step-dau. Burnic e 11 male Mo attended School George A. 8 male MO attended School Mary 3 female Mo Reube n H. 1 male Mo
1870 Schuyler Co. Ind. TWP 17 Aug # 161/162 Starling Crowder 61 Ky $2000/$6000 Sarah H . 24 KY Lorenzo B. 21 Mo Mary M. 22 MO (from marriage records this was Lorenzo's wife Mary M . Skelton) Georginia 19 MO female Mary 13 (this dau. married Wm. Powell probably son of Jame s Walton Powell) Ruben 11 MO Jacob 9 MO Matilda 5 Permelia 6/12 female Dec Dec written t o side/Margaret must have died in childbirth or shortly thereafter IGI marriage Mary Crowde r to Wm. Powell 9 Arp 1876 Schuyler Co. Mo Ruben Crowder mar. Jane Newcum 4 July 1881 Sch. Co . Mo Lorenzo B. Crowder mar. Mary M. Skelton (Sleighton) 28 Mar 1869 Sch. Co. Mo.
1860 Schuyler Co. # 221 9th June Henry Powel 57 Ky $700/$400 Ky Nancy 50 NC Lucinda 17 M O cannot read Andrew 4 MO James 3 MO #222 Jackson Powell 23 Farmer MO $500/$450 cannot rea d Nancy 16 MO
27 July John Powell 28 $800/$200 cannot read Sarah 2? Matilda, Mary, & Henry attende d school
Moses, Wright Henry and other BASS living close to John Powell in 1860
1870 Bates County Mt. Pleasant TWP taken 29 June # 117/116 John Edwards 32 Farmer $20 0 Iowa Sarah 30 MO cannot read dau of Henry & Matilda Powell Mary 8 Mo Henry 5 ILLinois Cam pbell 3 MO
1880 Bates County Lone Oak TWP # 30 31 Clark Deems 26 Nancy 25 MO blank blank dau . of John & Sarah Powell Essie C. 3 dau. MO Ia Mo # 31/32 John Edwards 40 farmer IN KY V A Sarah 40 MO KY KY dau of Henry & Matilda Powell Mary 19 works on farm MO IN MO Henr y 14 Ill In MO Campbell 12 Mo In Mo Benjamin 9 Mo Charles 6 MO Jacob 4 MO Berylla 1 Mo daug hter
1900 Schuyler Co. Ind. TWP # 116/117 Wm Powell born May 1853 47 years old MO KY Ky f armer think this is son of James Walton Powell Mary born June 1856 44 married 22 years # 1 11/112 James W. Park 65 Jennie E wife 59 Henry M. Crowder 9 born Oct 1890 grandson # ?? Reub en H. Crowder 41 born Dec 1858 MO KY IA Mary J. wf. born May 1865 35 yrs old married 18 y rs Julia A. dau born July 1882 17 yrs old Tilda J. born Nov 1885 14 years old Henry E so n born April 1892 8 years old # 63 James McAllister born Mar 1845 55 years old OHio this co uld be widower of Mary Powell
dau of John & Sarah Serrah A wife born Apr 1856 44 mar 8 years,Lewis Milles step so n 19,plus children of this marriage and two sons 10 and 9 from a previous marriage born 188 9 & 1890
-----In Linn Grove Cemetery (Just south of Downing)
Amarilla Powell d. 6/9/1876 53 yrs 8 m 2 d
Grave just above Amarilla's was Wm. S. Powell 1853 1940 on same stone Mary Powell 1857-1948
In same cement enclosure Infant children of W S and Mary Powell
Next to Amarilla's grave Ollie T. A. dau of D. B. & S. J.
Powell d 3/14/1883 1 day old (this must be dau. of David Buford Powell and Sarah Jane Ro gers who were married in Schuyler Co.)
Surely David B. Powell and William S. Powell were Amarilla's and J. W. Powell's sons
Listed in Cemt. records of Schuyler Co. for Linn Grove Cemt. but grave not found Elizabet h Ann Powell 5/18/1831-7/14/1923
In Queen City William Edward Powell ARTS US Navy WWII Korea June 17, 1912 - Dec. 9, 197 8 Lot # 16
In Downing Cemt. Chester A. Powell Aug. 7, 1907 - Mar. 15, 1956
1850 Mortlity list for Schuyler Co. Jane B. Powell 1 year old female (from KY??) died o f flux 8 days ill 1830 Census
WASHINGTON CO. KY. Henry Powell (page 68)
30202--00001 Name Age Born Henry Powell 20-30 1800-1810 Wife (Matilda) 20-30 18 00-1810 Male 20-30 1800-1810 Cyrus? Male 10-15 1815-1820 Goldman? Elisha? Mal e 10-15 1815-1820 Goldman? Elisha? Male (Charles) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son) Male (Jo hn) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son) Male (Cyrus) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son)
---Henry Powell (Page 71) Think this is our Henry 30121--00001 Henry Powell 20-30 1800-18 10 Wife (Matilda) 20-30 1800-1810 Male 15-20 1810-1815 Walton Elijah Elisha? Mal e 15-20 1810-1815 Walton Elijah Elisha?
Male 10-15 1815-1820 Elisha Goldman? Male (Charles) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son ) Male (John) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son) Male (Cyrus) 0-5 1825-1830 (Son)
MERCER CO. KY. Henry Taylor 11101--11001 Henry Taylor 20-30 1800-1810 Wife (Sally) 20-3 0 1800-1830 Male 10-15 1815-1820 Elisha Goldman? (Not Son) Male 5-10 1820-1825 So n Female 5-10 1820-1825 Dau. Male 0-5 1825-1830 Son Female 0-5 182 5-1830 Dau.
David Powell 00011--20002 David Powell 20-30
1800-1810 Wife (Lucinda)20-30 1800-1810 Female 20-30
1800-1810 Polly Powell B. 1810 Male 15-20
1810-1815 Walton Elijah Elisha Female 0-5
1825-1830 Dau. Female 0-5 1825-1830 Mary
Lewis Powell 00001--00001 Lewis Powell 20-30 1800-1810 Wife 20-30 1800-1830
In 1840 in Schuyler Co. Mo. David has a Male with him that is 20-30 (1810-1820). He had n o son this old. If it is his brother it has to be Elisha because Elijah and Walton are in Ma rion Co. Ky., Cyrus is in Marion Co. Mo., Goldman is married and still in Ky.
1830 Census Mercer Co. Ky. Page 335 Elizabeth Dye Pleasant Martin Tho. Bottom 2101001001--001 1010001 J? (James?) Ruysell Wm. Powell 20001--000011 Wm. Ruysell Chas. Hungate 2001101--10 20101
Page 337 Charles Powell 10001--00001 John Greenwood
Page 363 Jn. Powell 2101001--220001 (Page 364 says Mercer City and has several Voris & Vhoor is on it and on page 363)
1830 City Pages Danville 298-300 Harrodsburg
301-304 Shaker Town 307 Perryville 333-334 Salvisa
1850 Census Breckinridge Co. Ky Dist. # 2 taken Sept. 4
1850 by D. Hambleton? # 529/529 Lewis Powell 44 Male Kentucky Theodecia 35 Femal e " can not read & write Charles
15 Male " Greenbury 10 Male " David 8 Male " Silas 5 Male " M ary 2 Female "
# 558 (taken Sept. 5) Isaac S. Carter 33 Male Ky Emeline 26 F. Ky Mose s 10 M. Ky. Sebastain 6 M. Ky. Isaac 4 M. Ky. Isa vana Powell 17 Female Kentucky
Henry Powell was in Washington County, Kentucky when the census was taken in October, 1830 . He was in Illinois when his daughter, Margaret, was born in 1832. He was in Monroe County , Missouri when his next child, Jacob was born in 1834. Cyrus Powell, brother of Henry, marr ied Matilda Porter Crane July 28, 1831 in Washington County and according to his own words ar rived in Marion County, Missouri in the Spring of 1833. Cyrus settled in Philadelphia, Misso uri close to the Mississippi River. Monroe County borders Marion County. These are the fact s we know about the two brothers' migration to Missouri.
We suspect Henry and Cyrus scouted Missouri on horse back without their families befor e moving to the state together, probably in the company of several other families. It is pos sible Henry lived for a time in Louisville, Kentucky or somewhere in Illinois before he wen t to Missouri, and we are not certain he and Cyrus traveled together. They did, however, lea ve Kentucky about the same time, and long before any of the other Powell brothers. The onl y brother we have not found a record of after 1830 is Jacob, so it is possible he left with H enry.
Henry did not settle in one spot as Cyrus did. Andrew Jackson Powell, Henry's fifth so n said he was born in Shelby County, Missouri, in 1836. On October 18, 1840 G. M. Taylor tak ing the census for Wells Township, Macon County, Missouri counted Henry Powell, his wife, si x sons and two daughters among the residents. We only have records for one son born to Henr y and Matilda between 1835 and 1840 but this census lists two. This son is not listed with H enry in 1850 so he must have died young.
Some have suggested Henry was not living in the present area of Schuyler County in 184 0 eventhough this area was part of Macon County at that time. When looking at the list of ne ighbors of Henry Powell in 1840 Macon County, and 1850 Schuyler County, I find several of th e same names. There is no Wells Township in present day Schuyler County but there was a Well s Township along the northern edge of Schuyler County in 1846 when it was first formed. I be lieve Henry Powell had settled north of Lancaster in Schuyler County, and before 1840 he ha d been joined by his brother David Powell. Before 1850 his brother James Walton Powell had f ollowed him to northern Missouri. A Jonathan Hilton from Kentucky with a wife named Margare t is listed on the 1850 Schuyler County census. This is surely Matilda's brother.
Henry, coming from the wornout land of Kentucky, found a country of rolling farmland, wh ere he could break the prairie and grow corn, tobacco, and other farm crops in abundance. I n visits between the brothers he must have told of the rich land in Missouri where you coul d grow such glorious crops, or maybe his brothers came on horseback to see for themselves. B y 1850 we think at least six of the Powell brothers were in the Missouri wilderness makin g a new life on the frontier.
We haven't found any record of Henry purchasing land in Missouri until 1848, but still t hink he had settled down with Matilda and his young family on a farm north of Lancaster lon g before that. He was there to be appointed to the first Grand Jury of Schuyler County on Ap ril 10, 1846.
Matilda had three more daughters in Missouri: Sarah A. 1838, Melinda A. 1842, and Lucind a 1844. We think Matilda may have died with the birth of Lucinda in 1844. Certainly she di ed before December 14, 1847 when Henry married Nancy Bass Melvin, the widow of Thomas Melvin . Thomas Melvin's estate papers list vouch # 22 "Cash paid Henry Powel for five and one hal f days services of his oxen and waggon in gathering and hauling corn. $2.75". We know Henr y and Nancy were neighbors.
Thomas Melvin left his widow with the following children which lived with Henry and Nanc y after the marriage: Levi 1832, Sarah Emily 1834, Catherine 1836, Simeon 1842 (the 1850 cen sus calls this child Susan, but estate records repeatedly identify the child as Simeon), Benj amin 1844, and Nancy 1846. Thomas Melvin died August 24, 1847. At his death he held title t o 400 acres of land in Schuyler County, TWP 66, Range 15 in Sections 2,3,10 and 11. He owne d considerable livestock and farm equipment. The inventory of his estate is given on page 8 . We decided to use this estate as our family record because it tells so much about the live s of our Schuyler County pioneers.
The marriage of Henry Powell and Nancy Melvin would seem to be one of conve