Halifax Co. VA Book 10 page 266 Charles Powell of Halifax Co. pruchased of George Rainey fo r 62 pounds, 150 acres on teh waters of Licking Creek bound by Landers line, Witnesses John S tanfield, John Gholson, George Patterson.
Book 14 page 447 Recorded 22 June 1789 Charles Powell and wife Sarah sold 150 acres on Lickin g Creek to Saher Reeves for 100 pounds This land sold by Reeves to son Anthony Powell in 1792 , 1793
Book 16 page 181 Dated 26 April 1794 Nathanial Warren bought 100 acres from James and Rober t Holt on Holt Mill Creek Bound by William Stanfield, James Warren, Isaac Smith signed by Cha rles Powell Jr. his mark - this must be our Charles Jr. in Halifax Co. in 1794 ur informatio n from the Powell Bible published in Powell Times & Lines, Spring 1994, was copied from the B ible in the possession of David Jackson McWilliams, 2508 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas in 1938 . David McWilliams was a grandson of Sarah Catherine Powell and Rev. Henry T. Hart, and a g reat-grandson of Dr. David Powell. The information was given to Searcy Ballard Powell and hi s wife, Tinnie Byrd Powell, who resided in Wilson, Oklahoma, where he was president of the ba nk at that time, 1938. Searcy Powell was a son of Thomas Jefferson Powell (1847-1904) and hi s wife, Alice Miller Powell. Thomas Powell and Sarah Catherine Hart were brother and sister.
At the time of Lucinda Shoemaker Powell's death in 1895 six of her children survived: Po lly Mallone, Sarah Catherine Hart, Palina Ann Dyer, Thursa Frances Dyer, Thomas Jefferson Pow ell, and George Washington Powell.
In 1958 William Garland Button, great- grandson of Polly Powell Mallone, received the Po well Bible information from Tinnie Byrd Powell. At that time David McWilliams no longer live d at the Austin address.
James Thurman Furry has been diligently searching for clues to the present location of t he Powell Bible. If anyone can help with any clues as the whereabouts of any descendants o f Sarah Catherine Powell Hart, her daughter who married the mysterious Mr. McWilliams, or Dav id Jackson McWilliams of Austin, Texas, please contact Thurman Furry at P. O Box 1322, Brownw ood, TX, 76804. Thurman would appreciate any help with locating people who might have inform ation about our Powell Bible. Wouldn't it be great to see this Bible belonging to Charles Pow ell and actually touched by so many of the hands of our Powell ancestors
Mercer Co. KY census 1810 no page numbers Lewis Powell 411110-120 (1?) Layer Powell 431300-1 01(1?) Thomas Powell no numbers listed John Powell 200010-3200
Halifax Co. VA Book 10 page 266 Charles Powell of Halifax
Co. pruchased of George Rainey for 62 pounds, 150 acres on
teh waters of Licking Creek bound by Landers line,
Witnesses John Stanfield, John Gholson, George Patterson.
Book 14 page 447 Recorded 22 June 1789 Charles Powell and
wife Sarah sold 150 acres on Licking Creek to Saher Reeves
for 100 pounds This land sold by Reeves to son Anthony
Powell in 1792, 1793
Book 16 page 181 Dated 26 April 1794 Nathanial Warren
bought 100 acres from James and Robert Holt on Holt Mill
Creek Bound by William Stanfield, James Warren, Isaac Smith
signed by Charles Powell Jr. his mark - this must be our
Charles Jr. in Halifax Co. in 1794 ur information from the
Powell Bible published in Powell Times & Lines, Spring
1994, was copied from the Bible in the possession of David
Jackson McWilliams, 2508 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas in 1938.
David McWilliams was a grandson of Sarah Catherine Powell
and Rev. Henry T. Hart, and a great-grandson of Dr. David
Powell. The information was given to Searcy Ballard Powell
and his wife, Tinnie Byrd Powell, who resided in Wilson,
Oklahoma, where he was president of the bank at that time,
1938. Searcy Powell was a son of Thomas Jefferson Powell
(1847-1904) and his wife, Alice Miller Powell. Thomas
Powell and Sarah Catherine Hart were brother and sister.
At the time of Lucinda Shoemaker Powell's death in
1895 six of her children survived: Polly Mallone, Sarah
Catherine Hart, Palina Ann Dyer, Thursa Frances Dyer,
Thomas Jefferson Powell, and George Washington Powell.
In 1958 William Garland Button, great- grandson of
Polly Powell Mallone, received the Powell Bible information
from Tinnie Byrd Powell. At that time David McWilliams no
longer lived at the Austin address.
James Thurman Furry has been diligently searching for
clues to the present location of the Powell Bible. If
anyone can help with any clues as the whereabouts of any
descendants of Sarah Catherine Powell Hart, her daughter
who married the mysterious Mr. McWilliams, or David Jackson
McWilliams of Austin, Texas, please contact Thurman Furry
at P. O Box 1322, Brownwood, TX, 76804. Thurman would
appreciate any help with locating people who might have
information about our Powell Bible. Wouldn't it be great to
see this Bible belonging to Charles Powell and actually
touched by so many of the hands of our Powell ancestors
Mercer Co. KY census 1810 no page numbers Lewis Powell
411110-120 (1?) Layer Powell 431300-101(1?) Thomas Powell
no numbers listed John Powell 200010-3200