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Female Mary (Polly) Jane Timmis Click to view Mary (Polly) Jane Timmis in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Mary, known as Polly, was born on April 25th, 1888 in Whitby (Ellesmere Port).1  Polly's father was George Timmis and her mother was Sarah JonesGeorge Timmis and Mary Price were her grandparents through her father's adoption.  Joseph Jones and Mary Jones were her grandparents through her mother's adoption. She had four brothers and four sisters, named Joseph, George, James, Thomas, Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha and Elsie.  She was the second oldest of the nine known children.  She died at the age of 66 on January 9th, 1955 in Saltney.2 

Polly's family with David Herbert Pugh

‌Polly and David were married in a religious ceremony on April 13th, 1914 in Ellesmere Port.2  They had a daughter named Sarah.

1 1901 UK Census
2 Ancestry Family Trees

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