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Female Frances Hopley Click to view Frances Hopley in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Frances was born in 1840 in Broxton and her christening took place on June 7th, 1840 in Malpas.1 2  Frances' father was George Hopley and her mother was Catherine Caldecott.  Her paternal grandparents were John Hopley and Ann Wooley. She had three brothers and five sisters, named Thomas, George, George, Anne, Sarah, Mary, Harriett and Emma.  She died at the age of 62 on November 16th, 1902 in Is-y-Coed.  She was buried in November 1902 in Is-y-Coed.3 

Frances' family with Edward Brereton

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Frances and Edward were married in a commitment ceremony on August 5th, 1862 in Cheshire.2  They were also married in a religious ceremony on August 25th, 1862 in Malpas witnessed by Thomas and Elizabeth Lea.4  They had six sons and five daughters, named William, Edward, George, Hopley, Thomas, Frank, Jane, Martha, Mary, Jessie and Fannie.  There are no more children.

1 1881 UK Census
3 National Probate Records
5 1871 UK Census
6 Cheshire Select Bishops Transcripts (1576-1933)
7 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
8 GRO Reference
9 Headstone - Hopley & Esther Brereton
10 1901 UK Census

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