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Female Lucy Alma Hill Click to view Lucy Alma Hill in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Lucy was born on September 18th, 1855 in Bingley.1  Lucy's father was Joseph Hill and her mother was Mary Walton. She had a brother and three sisters, named Henry, Mary, Sarah and Hannah.  She was the second youngest of the five children. She had five half-brothers and a half-sister, named William, Hartley, James, John, Thomas and Betty.  She died at the age of 79 on February 18th, 1935 in Keighley.  She was buried on February 18th, 1925 in Bingley.2 3 

Lucy's family with William Smith

Husband's Pictures
‌Lucy and William were married in a religious ceremony in September 1876 in Keighley.7  They had five biological sons and two biological daughters, named Harry, Arthur, Percy, Ernest, Joseph, Hannah and Ethel.  They also had an adopted son named Hartley.  There are no more children.

1 1881 UK Census
2 Headstone - William & Lucy Smith
3 GRO Reference
4 1891 UK Census
5 1901 UK Census
6 1911 UK Census
8 West Yorkshire Non-Conformist Records
9 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
Further source/citation:
Ancestry Family Trees

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