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Male Abraham Grimshaw Click to view Abraham Grimshaw in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Abraham was born in 1657 in Rawden and his baptism took place there on April 25th, 1658.1  Abraham's father was Abraham Grimshaw and his mother was Sarah Collier.  His paternal grandparents were Edward Grimshaw and Dorytye (Dorothe) Ranger. He had three brothers and three sisters, named Jeremiah, Josiah, John, Mary, Sarah and Rebecca.  He was the fourth oldest of the seven children.  He died at the age of 50 in February 1707 in Calverley.  He was buried on February 7th, 1707 in Idle.2 

Abraham's first family with Rachel Bond

Family Pictures
‌Abraham and Rachel were married in a religious ceremony on May 19th, 1686 in Knaresborough.2   They had two sons and two daughters, named Joseph, Benjamin, Sarah and ElizabethJoseph and Benjamin were twins.

Abraham's second family with Elizabeth Bond

Family Pictures
‌Abraham and Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony on May 31st, 1698 in Skipton.4  They had a son named Jeremiah.

1 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
2 England & Wales Quaker BMD (1578-1837)
3 Grimshaw Origins & History
4 England Select Marriages (1538-1973)

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