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Male Hamlet Ray Fisher Click to view Hamlet Ray Fisher in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Hamlet was born on October 31st, 1902 in Idaho (ID). Hamlet's father was Robert Fisher and his mother was Ellen Emmeretta Randall.  His paternal grandparents were Robert Fisher and Elizabeth Brereton. He had two brothers and seven sisters, named Robert, John, Mary, Eva, Sadie, Minnie, Thursa, Etsel and Ora.  He was the youngest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 77 on April 30th, 1980 in Salt Lake County/City.

Hamlet's first family with Vera Eckersell

‌Hamlet and Vera were married in a religious ceremony on November 1st, 1922 in Salt Lake County/City.1  They had two sons and a daughter, named Darwin, James and Betty.  There are no more children.

Hamlet's second family with Fontella Frances Burgess

‌Hamlet and Fontella were married in a religious ceremony on July 28th, 1941 in Wyoming (WY). They had a son named <unknown>.

2 FindAGrave

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