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Family Subtree Diagram : Boltons

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Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) (seven children) (four children) (five children) (four children) (three children) (four children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (four children) (three children) 16 Oct 1895 3 Feb 1972 Margaret Ann Bolton 76 76 Married her first cousin John Thompson 26 Jan 1899 11 Aug 1978 William Mayberry Bolton 79 79 26 Feb 1903 30 Aug 1964 Maude Adelaide Bolton 61 61 10 May 1905 2 Apr 1991 Ethel Louise Bolton 85 85 Essay from Janet Hazlett when in form IVM in Dalriada. SUPER GRAN  As a child of about four or five I remember going to Portrush every  Sunday afternoon to see Granny. She was actually my Great Granny. I  remember going to her cupboard and bringing out a bucket full of toys,  and, in the summer I would lift the bucket, and Granny and I would walk  down on the beach.  My Granny was eighty five, almost eighty six, when she died. I remember  her about five years ago riding my sister's bike around our house and my  mum would be standing trying to tell her to get off it but she just said  "You worry too much". My Granny was very independant and was very  reluctant to move into Rothsey Court in Coleraine but it wasn't like an  old peoples' home. She had a flat of her own and buttons in various  places in her flat which she could press if she ever needed any help. These created great amusement for the younger grandchildren. When she  moved in she made many friends and her family felt a little more at ease  knowing someone would be there in seconds to give her help and she was  closer to them.  Granny usually spoke up when she felt strongly about something, like the  time she told our minister his sermons were too long; the minister just  laughed, thank goodness. Sometimes on Sunday mornings when I came  downstairs Dad would say "You're not going to church like that" and  Granny would say "You might as well be out of the world as out of the  fashion". Another of her saying was "Birds in their little nests agree.  It is a shameful sight, when children of one family fall out and strive  and fight". For Christmas last year, Granny's daughters bought her a reclining chair.  On New Year's Day, Granny had to go into hospital for an operation but I  was not all that worried, just looking forward to her coming out again.  As the weeks rolled on I began to get worried. Her daughter came home  from Norway and her other daughter and husband came home from their  holiday in Teneriffe. Time passed and Joy, the daughter from Norway, went back to Norway.  All of a sudden Granny's family were called to the hospital. She had  become worse again. Her daughters and grandchildren took it in turn to  stay in the hospital overnight. Her great grandchildren were not allowed  to visit as she was so ill and doped with drugs and our parents did not want us to remember her that way. Through all of this Granny never  complained about the pain which must have been excruciating. I felt so  proud of her.  On April 2nd, 1991, the phone rang and everything was quiet. I saw the  tears swell in Mum's eyes. She told me to go and call Dad who was  outside. She told him, then us.  The next days I felt awful but at her funeral I felt very upset, seeing  that box, knowing my Great Grandmother was in it, The church was packed  and i only wish Granny could have known how many people loved her. She  only sat in her new chair once. 21 Mar 1907 31 May 1987 Thomas Mayberry Bolton 80 80 27 Mar 1914 6 Mar 1999 Samuel (Robert) Robert Bolton 84 84 Thomas Bolton THOMAS, who married Elizabeth Graham. Had daughter, Mary, living, 1931,  at Lismoyle. 1817 John Bolton 1814 William Bolton 1812 Nancy Bolton 1810 1908 Sam Bolton 98 98 SAMUEL, born 1810. Of Lismoyle? This or another was known as "Red Sam"  and lived to be 98. ~1856 Elizabeth Bolton ~1852 Isabella Mary Bolton 14 Dec 1871 8 Oct 1960 James Sloan Bolton 88 88 ~1855 Mima Bolton 1866 1949 Thomas Mcauley Bolton 83 83 Sheep farmer in Australia. Lived (at) "Come By Chance", Wallgett, New South Wales 1867 12 Dec 1951 Dr. Samuel John Bolton 84 84 Samuel John, J.P., a physician and medical officer of Aghadowey Dispensary District. He married Isabella Kirkland of Kilrea in 1896, and  lived at Beechcroft House, Aghadowey. When in 1935 he retired and moved  to Portstewart, he and his wife were given a great public reception; he  was called one of the best medical practitioners in Northern Ireland. He  wrote occasional papers, and has always shown an interest in public  affairs and in the church. Has two sons: i. Dr. Sloan Mcllrath Bolton of  Portrush (born 1 Nov. 1896), a very successful eye surgeon; 2. Dr. Samuel Ernest (born 18 Feb. 1901) ; married, 22 Oct. 1932, Eileen Mona, daughter  of Dr. Charles Forsythe, J.P., of Coleraine. See Belfast News Letter,  Oct. 24. ~1854 Letitia Bolton ~1850 Annie Elizabeth Bolton Louise Ellen Bolton ~1851 Sarah Bolton ~1853 Martha Bolton Samuel Torrens James Bolton Kelso Evelyn Hanna Jannette Kelso ? Ruth Kelso Diane Kelso Judith Kelso Elizabeth Mulholland Peter Ryan Bolton Zara Louise Bolton Anne Gray 6 Apr 1899 14 Jul 1982 William Graham 83 83 Cash Register Company 9 Apr 1882 22 Jan 1965 John Torrens 82 82 Ida Wilson Graham 3 Dec 1918 16 Dec 2009 Emma (Isa) Isobel Gibson Warnock 91 91 Bolton 1794 1858 Eleanor Bolton 64 64 Scarlett Bolton Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton ? Kate Paravicini Jilian Louise Boyd Elizabeth Campbell Purvis Campbell Alan Gray Campbell John Campbell Heather Campbell Bolton ? Girl Bolton Allan Smead Robert William Bolton Dr. Derek Sloan Bolton Norman Bolton 22 Jun 1930 25 Nov 2008 Jean Proctor 78 78 Ian William Bolton Trevor David Bolton Jennifer Mary Bolton Alistar Robert Bolton Doreen McIlror Robert Bolton Janet Bolton Philip Bolton Simon Bolton Rae Harbinson Rosemary Elizabeth Bolton Wilma Anne Bolton Dorothy Margaret Bolton Valerie Norma Bolton Alaxander Graham Mary Jennifer Graham Ena McKenzie Alister William Mckenzie Graham Katherine Sarah Graham Charles McComiskey Dean McComiskey Mary Woodburn Torrens 11 Dec 1930 2 May 2008 Margaret Elizabeth Torrens 77 77 FUNERAL ADDRESS
May the words of my lips and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable in your sight, O God our rock and our redeemer.
May I thank the Rev‟d David Allen, Convener of the vacancy in Moneydig for his kind invitation to take part at the funeral of my aunt, Mrs Margaret Hazlett. I know that the family have benefited from your pastoral care and concern for them in recent weeks and months and your care for them is something we all appreciate in the midst of your other busy duties.
Today we meet in the name of our Lord Jesus to give thanks to God for the life of Margaret Elizabeth Hazlett and to extend our loving sympathy to her husband Sam; her children, David along with his wife Betty and their children Janet, Louise, Kathryn, Heather and William; Margaret‟s older daughter Alison along with her husband Carl and their children Jillian, Michael and Ellen; and Margaret‟s younger daughter, Barbara.
The writer of perhaps that most famous of Psalms, the Twenty-Third, which we sang earlier, describes life as a journey. A journey where God is the travelling companion.
The Lord is a shepherd.
He leads.
God is beside the writer, in good times beside still waters and even in the valley of death.
It is God whose rod and staff – whose gentle leading and authority – bring comfort.
Life is a journey.
The journey of life began for Margaret Elizabeth Torrens on 11th December 1930, a second daughter born to John and Ethel Torrens at the Four Bushes. There was Molly and Margaret and then there would be Eileen and the twins, Joy and Jean. Today only Molly in South Africa remains, the rest, including my mother, having had life spans considerably shorter than their parents.
My grandfather, Margaret‟s father, was I am told, a Victorian through and through. He entered married life late in the day and his children only ever saw him as an old man. His wife, my Granny Torrens came from the Bolton family outside Kilrea. Together theirs was a home of strict values. Sunday was observed as God‟s special day, not one for frivolity. It was Meeting, Sunday School and any time at home was to be spent reading the Bible. John Torrens would become the Senior Elder in this congregation of Moneydig. Between their two families Papa and Granny Torrens had a family tree unusually well laden with Presbyterian elders, ministers and even a Moderator or two. Torrenses of the Four Bushes was a home of love, hard work and discipline. They were hospitable and loving and caring. We cannot fully appreciate the lady whom we mourn today unless we understand that background where love and responsibility were nurtured.
The Lord is the Shepherd who leads on the journey of life.
And the Lord gave Margaret her unique qualities that saw her get on in this world. At school she was capable. After a while at Kilrea Public Elementary School, Margaret went to the Irish Society‟s School in Coleraine and from there to grammar school at Coleraine High School. Next came college in Belfast and thereafter a career with the then Belfast Bank, first in Belfast itself and then in Ballymoney and later Coleraine.
The Torrenses, having sold the family farm at the Four Bushes, were living in Hazelbank, next door to Moneydig Manse.
And it was from Hazelbank on 20th June 1953 that Margaret set out on the next part of her journey, as she left on her father‟s arm to come to this Meeting House to marry Mr Sam Hazlett.
Theirs would be a marriage of nearly fifty-five years. A wonderful partnership of great mutual support, understanding and love.
The new Mrs Hazlett started married life with the other members of the Hazlett family in their home at Moneydig. Any new bride living in the same house as in-laws faces pressure of one kind or another.
But Margaret had a disposition that was always charming, good-natured, relaxed, open and gracious.
And she must have needed all of those qualities of serenity in the heady 1950s and 1960s when it seemed people from all over Ulster made tracks for Moneydig to buy farm machinery from Sam Hazlett and Ivan Wilson. Those days of busyness could not always have been easy days for a young married couple.
Soon Sam and Margaret were blessed with a family. David and Alison and Barbara. And there was another, a second son John Torrens Hazlett who died only a matter of weeks old, exactly half a century to the day before his Mother, on 3rd May 1958.
To lose a child is something from which some can never recover full, that Margaret Hazlett coped as she did was no doubt due to her calm and gentle spirit.
Back to her journey of life. In 1964 Sam bought Landmore and it was there that the family moved to live. Sam and Margaret turned into what was literally a barracks into a beautiful family home. A place where anyone, whether a passing Prime Minister of Northern Ireland or business people from near and far or friends and family were entertained capably and generously. Margaret was comfortable in anyone‟s company and could put everyone at ease. No-one could ever make her feel insecure.
Life‟s journey saw Sam and Margaret move once more. In 1981 they moved to Grangemore in Claggan Park, which would be their final home together. Life for them took an easier pace. These were the times when they were led by the still waters. Margaret Hazlett helped charities; she supported Save the Children and she was on the committee of the Kilrea and Garvagh branch of Cancer Research.
Now, Margaret and Sam could enjoy holiday times in Tenerife, but more than anything else, Margaret simply loved time with family.
Margaret Hazlett lived for her family. Sam knows that today. And the joy she took in his busy life and in the lives of David and Alison and Barbara and their children was absolute. She knew and cared about all of her eight grandchildren and when great grandchildren – Hannah, Ruby and Isla appeared, she was delighted and felt truly blessed. She not only loved laughing with them, she even loved it when they laughed at her.
And of course, in all of the journey of life, this place of worship was vitally important. Successive ministries in Moneydig were appreciated and supported by the Hazletts.
Now you get lots of people today who think that the reason why the Church is declining in society is because it is out of touch. It needs, they say, to be jazzed-up, dumbed-down and sorted-out.
They say things should be more touchy-feely and fuzzy-wuzzy.
Margaret Hazlett was not one of those people.
She held to Presbyterian tradition that things should be done decently and in order, not only because she was of an age that such things were felt, but genuinely because she believed that was the right and only way.
So Margaret felt all ministers should look, sound and act ministerially - and boy does that put me under a bit of pressure today! But it was what you would expect from such a lady of constancy and graciousness.
Well, it was the American author Alex Haley who said that „A death is like a library burning.‟ And with the passing of Auntie Margaret the whole family today has an acute sense of a loss of someone who had close contact with aunts and cousins and children that spanned not only generations but even continents.
She simply knew a lot of stuff about a lot of family people.
Her mind was amazing.
She could tell you who was born when, whom they married and when, what their children‟s names were and when they were born.
She was a walking library of personal names and dates of quite literally hundreds of people.
And in the early minutes of Saturday 3rd of May that was all lost when Margaret left us. Her journey – here – ended.
The one we have loved, we now lose for a while.
Margaret‟s earthly journey – from the Four Bushes, to Hazelbank to Moneydig, to Landmore, to Grangemore is over, but our journeys will go on – enriched by her presence through that “love that wilt not let us go” and by our own sweet memories.
It was the American preacher Henry Van Dyke who said:
Time is too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear
Too long for those who grieve
Too short for those who rejoice
But for those who love, time is eternity.
We here today who mourn must take comfort that the writer of Psalm 23 says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”
The valley of death is not a place in which to set up camp permanently.
The Psalmist walks through it.
And death is not an all-conquering hero.
The Psalmist even calls death a “shadow”.
“Even though I walk through the shadow of death I will fear no evil.”
St Paul, writing in the light of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ says something even more triumphant, “Death, where is thy sting? Grave where is thy victory?”
Our great Christian hope is that the journey of life here does not end.
To all who trust in Christ as Saviour and Friend there is forgiveness and reconciliation and mercy and grace.
There is peace with heaven and sins forgiven.
And for the believer in Christ Jesus, touched by the power of the Holy Spirit, situations of grief and uncertainty are transformed into peace and glory.
For all of us, the days ahead will be tinged with loss undoubtedly, but – let us pray – not without hope.
I looked to Jesus and I found
In him my star, my son
And in that light of life I’ll walk,
Till travelling days are done
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
2 Mar 1933 28 Nov 1972 Eileen Bolton Torrens 39 39 25 Nov 1935 4 Apr 1995 Joyce Anne Torrens 59 59 25 Nov 1935 9 Apr 1992 Jean Kathleen Torrens 56 56 Roderick McClaren Samuel Hazlett Archie Hart Kjell Bertelsen 12 Feb 1931 9 Apr 2005 Ivan Wilson 74 74 Marilyn Ida Bolton Mary Elizabeth Bolton Robert William Dinning Gillian Mary Amanda Dinning Sloan Robert Bolton Dinning Robert John Savage Andrea Marilyn Savage Thomas Kenneth Bolton Savage Daphne Mary Bolton Kenneth Robert Bolton Harold William Bolton Arther W Irwin Dixon Julie Roberta Irwin Dixon Kirsty Irwin Dixon Norma Ann Houston Karla Isobel Bolton Kelda Margaret Bolton Paul Robert Arnold Bolton Kendra Ann Bolton Ann Millar Ryan Harold Bolton Ross Kenneth Bolton Emma Felicity Hilke Kacey Elizabeth Carleton D. 1727 Craige James Gray Bolton John Scullen ? Graham John Knipe Hannah Mayberry Margaret Mayberry Nannie Mayberry Dr. Robert John Mayberry William James Mayberry Thomas Mayberry Alexander Mayberry Elizabeth Graham Robert Kelso Annie Kelso 8 Jul 1877 7 May 1956 Robert William Kelso 78 78 Married his first cousin John Kelso Thomas Kelso Dr. James Bolton Kelso John Rowe Jean Rowe William Rowe Samual Rowe Ernest Rowe Emma Knipe Minnie Knipe Dr. Joseph Knipe Jemima Knipe Sloan Knipe 20 May 1885 Jan 1957 Eleanora Jane Johnston 71 71 19 Dec 1905 13 Jan 1989 Ronald Sloan Bolton 83 83 19 Mar 1909 21 Dec 1991 Howard Thomas Bolton 82 82 James Eric Bolton 30 May 1915 10 May 1919 Eleanora Mabel Bolton 3 3 : Died when about 3 years old Anna Seymoore Bolton John McIlrath James Bolton Pollyette Smead Bertie Bolton 1888 1952 Elizabeth Mabel Kirkland 64 64 Niece of Bella Kirkland see Samuel John Bolton Bella 1 Nov 1896 12 Jan 1980 Dr. Sloan McIlwrath Bolton 83 83 18 Feb 1901 1 Aug 1990 Samuel Ernest Bolton 89 89 1848 19 Oct 1918 James Galbraith 70 70 3 May 1909 13 May 1991 Nina Galbraith 82 82 5 Mar 1911 14 Nov 1977 Tom Galbraith 66 66 4 Jan 1913 1985 Jim Galbraith 72 72 Business in Maghera 1916 Samual Galbraith Jul 1919 24 Apr 1941 Bertie Galbraith 21 21 Anthea Bolton David Lloyd Meggett Melissa Kate Meggett Jane Avril Meggett Paul Meggett Lindly Jane Forster Joanne Louise Bolton James Andrew Sloan Bolton Fiona McLaren David Samuel Hazlett Alison Louise Hazlett Barbara Jane Hazlett Elizabeth Leighton 25 Apr 1949 27 Apr 1982 Richard Boyd 33 33 John Derek Hart Sandra Elizabeth Hart Brian James Hart Anna Pattricia Stratton Desmond Taylor Karen Maria Bertelsen Kirsten Louise Bertelsen Erlind William Bertelsen Chris Wilson Steven Torrens Wilson Michael Ivan Wilson Elaine Joyce Wilson Rev. Dr. Philip Bolton Wilson B.A., B.D., Th.M., Ph.D. Samuel Little Maregaret Little William Little Thomas Little Tillie Little 21 Jun 1898 17 Jun 1959 Minnie 60 60 Died in car crash on corner at Landmore Ada Little Clara Little Emily Little Jim Little Robert Little Thomas Little James Simms William Simms Robert Simms Margaretta Simms Mita McCaughey Muriel Mayberry Maurice Mayberry Gerald Mayberry Jane Wright Meta Mayberry Lily Mayberry William Mayberry Joanne McComiskey Dale McComiskey Carl Woodward Monteith Peter James Bolton Sloan Bolton Sally Cook 1774 Samuel Bolton SAMUEL BOLTON, JR. was born 1774. A farmer and weaver at Lismoyle, with a  one-story house, 13 acres, a wife, Matty Boyd of Lismoyle, born 1790, a  house servant named Mary Arbuthnot, aged 20. 1782 >1821 John Bolton 39 39 ~1700 1749 John Bolton 49 49 JOHN, born about 1700, the nephew of Samuel; he was old enough or large  enough in 1718 to inherit: a "bige coate." He is supposed to have been  John Bolton of Drummaul who died in 1749. This John's sister, Elizabeth,  and her husband, Andrew Graham, of the Parish of Maghera, County Derry,  renounced, 11 Nov. 1749, their right to administer John's estate to their  cousin, Hugh Dunlap of the Parish of Connor, County Antrim. James Dunlap and John Leith of the same place, 13 Nov. 1749, signed an administration  bond for £20. Drummaul is north of Lough Neagh and Maghera is southwest  of Lismoyle. ~1702 Elizabeth Bolton ELIZABETH, born about 1702. She married Andrew Graham of Maghera, a  cross-roads village a little southwest of Lismoyle and mid-way on the  road from Garvagh, County Derry, to Cookstown. When her brother John died  in 1749, she and her husband asked to have their cousin, Hugh Dunlap, of  the Parish of Connor, appointed administrator. Connor is across the river from Lismoyle, a little to the east. Mr. J. W. Kernohan says that "Watty  Graham was a noted character in the 1798 Rebellion." He was no doubt a  kinsman or descendant of Andrew. 25 Sep 1706 3 Sep 1787 Robert Bolton Jr. 80 80 ROBERT BOLTON was born about 1704. He remained in the Barony of Toome  where the Boltons had lived for many years. The following document,  copied from the original at Dublin, gives added facts. It is a  Prerogative Grant, dated 1765:  "A commission was granted to swear Robert Bolton the Natural & lawfull  Son & Next of Kin of Robert Bolton late of Toom in the County of Londonderry deceased, Intestate. Directed to Neal Magill, Samuel Sharp, &  Henry Marmion, Esqrs.  "Administration of the Goods & soforth of Robert Bolton late of Toom in  the County of Londonderry, deed Intestate was granted to Robert Bolton  the Son 3 April, 1765."  He may have had, including Robert, other sons whose widows were living in  the neighbourhood when the 1821 census was taken.  The following persons may have been descendants of Robert' of the Barony  of Toome: -  Robert Bolton, born 1776; with wife Mary, born 1778, and children, Catherine 19, Esther 9. He farmed six acres in Gortharn, Parish of  Drummaul.  Hugh Bolton, born 1789; with wife Jane, born 1788, and children, Margaret  10, Mary 7, John 3. He was a farmer in the townland of Farlaugh in  Drummaul, with a one-story house and ten acres.  Matthew Bolton, born in 1791; of Ballybollon, Parish of Drummaul,  employed by James Dobbin. 1710 >1740 Samuel Bolton 30 30 SAMUEL BOLTON was born about 1710, and is supposed to be the Protestant  householder (No. 1127) of the name in 1740 at Tamlaght O'Crilly Parish.  Little is known of him except that he inherited the property at Lismoyle,  living there with his widowed mother. He is supposed to have had a son. Andrew Graham 1674 Agnas Bolton AGNES, possibly the wife of Daniel Stuart. She received from Samuel four  pounds and a coat and vest, so she would seem to have had a husband.  Stuart had four children. 1678 <1719 Samuel Bolton 41 41 SAMUEL, born about 1678. His wife was Ann. His will, which was at the  Four Courts, Dublin, until destroyed, and shows him to have been a  thrifty, prosperous farmer, was signed 14 June, 1718, and entered for  probate 9 Sept. 1719. This year and more which elapsed between the date  of his will and his death would indicate that he had a long siege of  illness. This will - almost the only early document of a personal nature  connected with the Ulster family yet found - was copied only a few months before the Dublin Four Courts or Record Offices were blown up by the  besieged republican rebels in June, 1922. This is Samuel Bolton's will:  "The last will & test. of Samuel Boulton who is in full sences & mem.  this 14 day of June 1718.  "I leave to my wife Ann boulton all my house & ploughing & all my horses  & Cows & sheeps & ye land with the Cropp  & I leave to my brother John  foure pounds & to my brother Hugh foure pounds & to my brother William  foure pounds & to my brother Thomas foure pounds to John I leave my boots  to Hugh the bigge Chaien to William my best britches to Thomas my best  Coate & vest & to my sister Agness I leave four pounds & my Coat & vest. & I do alow my wife to give my sister a pair of blankets & I leave to my brothers son John Boulton my horse furneter & my best bige Coate & to  Daniell Stuarts four children I leave ten shillings to each of them & I  doe allow my wife to give Margaret Stenston a hefer of two years old & I  do allow what ever Charges shall be spent on Doctors & administering to  be taken Equally from Every man's share Now these things I Charge you to  dow orderly & decently hereinto I set my hand & seall"  "Will signed 14 June 1718  Witnesses  John Hullton or Hilton William Caskey  Samuel Bolton's last will entred September ye 9th 1719."  It is of interest to note that Mrs. Ann Bolton's brother-in-law, Thomas Bolton, had four children, and each of these named a daughter Ann.  Possibly she showed a marked affection for her nephew and nieces. She may  have come to New England to live, unless she was the widow Bolton living  in Tamlaght O'Crilly parish in 1740. (Prot. householders, no. 1135.) Ann 1650 <24 Aug 1685 James Bolton 35 35 JAMES BOLTON was born possibly about 1650, and was living at Londonderry in 1682. He was dead before 24 Aug. 1685, if Margaret Bolton, who was licensed to marry Robert Coventrie of Londonderry, sailor, on that date, was his widow. James and Margaret had Thomas, born about 1678, was at Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1723, and was dead in 1735 if Agnes Bolton, who married there Hugh Riddle in that year, was his widow. His parentage is merely a surmise, and the same may be said of William who follows. _MS. Copy in New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston 1652 William Bolton 1682 22 Apr 1755 William Bolton 73 73 WILLIAM BOLTON was born in 1682, perhaps in Tamlaght O'Crilly parish,  County Derry, the son probably of Thomas Bolton (No. 2). He was at  Wind-ham, N. H., 1729 ; and in 1739 he explains his troubles to the  General Court (Mass. Archives, vol. 105, page 160)  "To his Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq. June 21st 1739.  "The Petition of William Bolton of Methuen in the County of Essex in the  Province aforesaid  "Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner (Living in the Northerly Part of the  said Township of Methuen) hath for several years Past been Rated or Taxed both in the Town of Methuen aforesd and in the Town of Londonderry in the  Province of New-Hampshire and although your Petitioner hath paid Rates to  many of the Constables of the Town of Methuen & one of the Constables of Methuen for the year last past now Demand the Taxes of your Petitioner  yet not with standing Mr. William Humphrey one of the Constables of the  said Town of Londonderry on the Twentieth day of June currant did Distrein some of the goods of your Petitioner at his Dwelling House in  Methuen aforesd to pay and satisfie a certain Rate or assessment assessed  upon your Petitioner by the selectmen of Londonderry aforesaid. Your Petitioner therefore Humbly supplicates the serious consideration and  compassion of your Excellency and your Honours and pray that some method  may be Directed or taken that may Ease your Petitioner from the Great Hardship of paying Rates in two Towns for the same Polls & Estate and at  the same time -  "And your Petitioner (as in Duty Bound) shall ever pray &c    willem Bolton"  William's home was in the southern part of Londonderry (later known as  Windham). He and his son John signed a petition 9 Feb. 1739/40; he and his sons, John, James and David, signed a petition in 1740; William and  David appeared again in 1750 and William and John in 1753.  Mr. Bolton lived on Copp's Hill, and was the first person to whom a stone  was erected in the cemetery nearby. He died22 April, 1755, in his 73d  year. His long will was dated 21 April, 1755 - it mentions his "Dearly  Beloved wife Elizabeth Bolton" and his children, and was witnessed by  Samuel Kinkeld, Adam Templeton, and Samuel Morison. 1687 8 Jun 1772 Dr. Hugh Bolton 85 85 HUGH BOLTON was born in 1687, probably in Lismoyle or Dullaghy, County  Derry, the son of Thomas Bolton. He enjoyed, it is said, a good practice  as a physician, but was a dissenter and refused to pay tithes. He  assaulted the tax gatherer, and when he saw two constables approaching to  arrest him he fled hatless and came to America, landing at Portsmouth,  New Hampshire.  He is found at Wells, Maine, in 1728, where he was a  witness for Samuel Emery. He purchased land from Hugh Morrison in Londonderry, New Hampshire, in 1733, and occupied a house there in the  winter of 1733-34. As late as 1737/38 he was chosen a sealer of leather,  but was soon at Peterboro, New Hampshire, and in 1741 at Colrain,  Massachusetts, the first physician there. Dr. Bolton died in Colrain 8  June, 1772, aged 85 years, while crossing the Deerfield River on the ice 1698 ~1787 Thomas Bolton 89 89 THOMAS BOLTON was born about 1695, probably at Lismoyle in the Parish of  Tamlaght O'Crilly, County Derry, where in 1921 eight Bolton families were  living. His father appears to have been Thomas Bolton (No. 2). McLellan's  History of Gorham states that he came to Boston about 1727 . On the same  ship a family named Craige were Passengers. The husband died on the  voyage out, leaving a widow Mary, daughter of Hugh McLellan of County Antrim, and children John, Hugh (born about 1723), and Jenny. Mr. Bolton  married the widow  in Wells, Maine, 27 Aug. 1727, and in 1731 was living  at Falmouth, now Portland, Maine. Ten years later they moved a short  distance westward to the town of Windham, then known as New Marblehead.  Here Mr. Bolton died at the age of 90, not long before his wife's death  in 1788. Often wrote his name Boolton.  In 1740 he was appointed "to settle the Falmouth schoolmaster and  have the whole benefit of him." The next year he owned at Windham a  garrison house on lot no. 52; in 1742 he had a lot no. 54 with a house.  He and Mary were Probably original members of the First Church in 1743,  both holding their membership in 1762. In 1746 he served in Capt. George  Berry's Company and saw later service. His bill of charges for the care  of a sick soldier, James Melvin, is preserved in the Massachusetts Archives, vol. 89, Page 390, and is dated at Falmouth 28 March, 1749. Margaret 1678 <1735 Thomas Bolton 57 57 THOMAS, born about 1678, was at Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1723, and was  dead in 1735 if Agnes Bolton, who married there Hugh Riddle in that year,  was his widow. His parentage is merely a surmise, and the same may be  said of his brother William. THOMAS BOLTON was born about 1678, in Londonderry, or perhaps in the Bann  valley, the son of James (No. 3). He first appears at Stow,  Massachusetts, as a sentinel in 1723 and 1725 (Mass. Archives). He seems  to have died before 9 Oct. 1735, when Mrs. Agnes Bolton, presumably his  widow, married Hugh Riddle of Londonderry, New Hampshire, at Sudbury,  Massachusetts. Riddle came from "Ballymeath," County Derry . No town of  this name exists, and if Ballymenagh in the Parish of Desertoghill is meant, he was a neighbor in Ireland of the Boltons. They lived at  Bedford, New Hampshire. 1680 10 Sep 1725 William Bolton 45 45 WILLIAM, born about 1680. This William is assumed to be the son of James  Bolton. He was a Scotch Irish immigrant, so called, in Andover and  Reading, Massachusetts, in 1718. No proof is known of his parentage, but  (1) he was by family tradition " Scotch "; (2) he arrived at the same  time that Scotch Irish settlers from Londonderry and Coleraine came to  Boston, and is found with them at Andover; (3) he was followed to New  England ten years later by two persons supposed to be members of the family; (4) and no other Bolton family at this time is known to have been  in this part of Ulster.  WILLIAM BOLTON was born either in Londonderry, Ireland, or perhaps at  Dullaghy in the Parish of Desertoghill, Barony of Coleraine, about the  year 1680, the son, it is supposed, of James Bolton who is mentioned in  the records of Templemore Cathedral, Londonderry. He probably reached  Boston during the first week of August, 1718, in the ship William,  Archibald Hunter, master, from Coleraine. William Bolton appeared in Andover, Massachusetts, with a company of  Scotch Irish settlers in the autumn of the year 1718, and he and Robert  Stuart were "warned" to leave town 30 Jan. 1718/19. He seems to have  spent the spring in Andover and was published to Elizabeth White on May  16th. They were married 5 Jan. 1719/20, he being then a resident of  Reading. Elizabeth White was born at Andover 8 April, 1688, the daughter  of John and Sarah White. She became a member of the South Church, Andover, 1 June, 1712. He rented a house from Nicholas Nichols of  Andover, apparently paying his rent in advance. Nichols died Feb. 14th,  and in March the executor offered Mr. Bolton £1.11.0 if he cared to  resign his lease. He then moved to Reading.  In the summer of 1720 he, or a man of the same name, was at work in Marblehead when he was impressed by Captain Richard Trevett for service  at the Eastward, and in place of a member of his company. He was a poor  man, subject to lameness, and not in very good health, but he was  considered fit for duty as the following document shows:  Sept. ye 5 : 1720  Cornll Samuell Brown Sr In Obedience to your warrant directed to me I  have Imprest and Sent by Serg Joseph Andrews and pickett Two Able men Viz: William Bolton and Thos Perry for his Majesties Service Richd Trevett Capt.  On 17 November, 1722, the Governor was forced to inform the House of  Representatives "that the forces Desert in numbers and several complaints  have been made of great abuses practiced by officers in the service and  pay of this Government."  Whether William Bolton, ill and lame, deserted, as did half the army at  the Eastward, cannot now be ascertained, but he returned late in October,  1720, openly to Marblehead, the place of his enlistment, instead of going  to his wife in the North Parish of Reading. This might indicate that he  did not have reason to fear arrest. He was arrested, however, because he  had no proof of discharge or furlough, and was thrown into gaol. On the  18th of January of the year following the sheriff of Essex County stated  that William Bolton, whose wife was in Middlesex County, was "so very  poor & necessitous that he has not wherewithall to pay his court fees & prison charges," and that he was "lame & not well." The sheriff asked  that Bolton be dismissed and it was so ordered by the Court. William Bolton joined his wife at once and they lived in Andover. About  the last of July or early in August, 1721, Mr. Bolton moved to Reading.  There a son William was born 25 Oct. 1721, and was baptized by the Rev.  Daniel Putnam, pastor of the Second or North Parish Church in Reading.  A son John was born two and a half years later, destined to die in the  expedition to Cape Breton. Mr. Bolton, himself, died 10 Sept. 1725, Just five years after his impressment.  His widow would appear to have returned to Andover with her children, for  the publislirnent of her approaching marriage reads :  "Intention of marriage, at Andover, of Timothy Dorman of Boxford and Elizabeth Bolton, widow, December 17, 1738."  They were married on the anniversary of her former wedding day, 5 Jan.  1739, a pleasant intimation that the day had for her memories that she wished to perpetuate. Mr Dorman died 19 Dec. 1743, and the widow returned  to Reading. The date of her death is not known. 1682 John Bolton JOHN, born about 1682, and buried 7 September at Templemore Cathedral, as  son of James and Margaret.  JOHN BOLTON of "Desert" or Desert Parish, Barony of Coleraine, in 1740 (Protestant householders No. 1760) was born about 1685; the son of James  Bolton (No. 3). Desertoghill is a little north of Kilrea on the west bank  of the Bann River, halfway between Lough Beg and Coleraine. The widow  Bolton at Artrea (northwest shore of Lough Neagh and near Lough Beg) in  1740 (Protestant householders, No. 1912) may have been his widow.  His presence at "Desert" seems to indicate that he held lands at Dullaghy  in Desertoghill which were held by Boltons a century later as shown by  the Poll Book of 18o6 and the Census of 1821. They were by tradition here  in the early seventeenth century. 1683 Jeane Bolton JEANNE, born about 1683, baptized at the Cathedral 13 June, 1683, as  daughter of James and Margaret. There was a Bolton Boyle of Artrea in 1740 1685 John Bolton Might concievably be a son) John Bolton of "Desert," or desert Parish, Barony of Coleraine, in 1740 (Protestant householders No. 1760) was born about 1685, the son of James Bolton no. 3. Desertoghill is a little north of Kilrea on the west bank of the Bann River, halfway between Lough Beg and Coleraine. The widow Bolton at Artrea (northwest shore of Lough Neagh and near Lough Beg) in 1740 (Protestant householders, no. 1912) may have been his widow. His presence at "Desert" seems to indicate that he held lands at Dullaghy in Desertoghill which were held by Boltons Daniel Stuart 1713 Alexander Bolton ALEXANDER, born about 1713? Of Londonderry, New Hampshire, 1732-39. Dead  before 1755? Oldest son? Was he father of Robert who witnessed David's  deed in 1760, and was indebted to David's estate in 1822? Elizabeth ~1708 Richard Bolton RICHARD, born about 1708. He was of Loughgeel in the parish of Connor in  1766, a papist. Perhaps not of this family, although other Boltons were  associated with the parish. 1718 John Bolton JOHN, born about 1718. Of Windham and Gloucester. Had the "Bolton Grant"  on the Westfield River 1720 James Bolton Of Blandford and Aurelius 1722 1810 David Bolton 88 88 DAVID, born in 1722. Of Blandford and Scipio. Had: Matthew, George,  Thomas, David (last three of Scipio), Abram, Samuel of Scipio, Alexander  of Cayuga County, N. Y. Parentage of David and Abram certain. David was  the ancestor of Hon. Chester Castle Bolton, member of Congress  (1929-1937) from Cleveland, Ohio.  DAVID BOLTON (1722-1810) appears in the inscriptions cut long ago on the  old monument at Scipio, together with Thomas (1770-1823) of Scipio. This  Thomas (1770-1823) cared for David in his old age; he married Hannah  Henry of Delaware County, N. Y. (2774-1813), and had Thomas (1809-1871),  a graduate of Harvard College in 1833 and a Judge in Cleveland, Ohio. The records in central New York State for this period are very meagre. Judge Thomas Bolton (1809-1871) married (1) Elizabeth Cone and had: i.   FESTUS CONE (1838-1839) ii.  THOMAS KELLEY (1840-1879), Harvard, 1861. He married (1) Theodosia  Cornelia Ranney (1842-1873) and had: 1.   Percival Ranney (1865-1931), Ph.B. Yale, 1886. M.D. Western Reserve  and Columbia, 1890. Interne at N. Y. Hospital, 1890-91. Surgeon in N. Y.  City, 1891-1911; instructor in surgery at Cornell Univ. Medical School,  1898 -1900,  and professor clinical surgery until 1912. Member Academy of  Medicine and N. Y. Surgical Society. Unmarried. 2.   Howard Cone (1867-1926), Ph.B. Yale, 1886, a lawyer in New York. He  married, at Oct. 1911, at Atlantic City, Mary Allen Phillips. T. K. Bolton married (2) Ellen Hale and had: 3.   Edith EIIene (1879 - ) who married Mandeville Mullally of New York,  Yale, 1898. CHILDREN: a. Eleanor Hale (1915 - ). b. Mandeville, Jr. (1916 - )Yale, 1939. iii. ELIZABETH CONE (1842-1914). She married Friedrich Ludwig Rudolf  Bock, 1872, of Germany, and had: 1.   Friedrich Karl (1873 - ) of Braunschweig. 2.   Elfried (1875-1934). iv.  FESTUS CONE (1844 - 1883). He married in 1886 Isabella Olive Coudy  (1847-1915) and had: 1. Mary Cone (1867 - ). She married in 1886 William L. S. Olmsted. Living in Geneseo. Member N. Y. State Republican Committee, Past President Livingston Co. Woman's Federated Clubs. CHILDREN: a. Mary Cone (1887 - ). Married Harry K. Annin. b. William Lucius (1899- ). Harvard, 1922. Married Helen Fromer. One son. 2. Edward Rice (1877- ). Williams College, 1899. Married in 1902 Margaret Cameron (188o- ). Vice-President William Cameron and Co., Waco,  Texas. CHII.D: a. Edward Cameron (1906- ). Williams College, 1927. Harvard Business  School, 1930. Married, 1930, Mary Lyle Staton. One daughter. v.   JAMES HENRY (1846 - 1927). Western University, 1866; Harvard Law  School, 1869. He married in 1870 Sarah Thorington (1845 -1872) and in  1882 Minnie Cornish (1859- ). Lawyer in Sioux City, Iowa. CHILDREN: 1. Thomas Cornish (1892 - ). Living in Sioux City. Married in 1917 Helen Davidson (1897- ). CHILDREN: a. Thomas Cornish, Jr. (1922 - ). b. Barbara Ann (1925 - ). 2.   James Cornis/z (born and adopted 1903). Married in 1924 Louise  Wykoff (1906 - ). Nephew of Minnie Cornish. CHILD a. James Cornish, Jr. (1926 - ). Judge Bolton married (2) Emeline Russell and had: vi.  GEORGE RUSSELL (1851 -1859). vii. CHARLES CHESTER (1855 -1930). Harvard, 1877. Lived in Cleveland,  Ohio, a man of wide business interests, a sportsman, a philanthropist,  and an active churchman. He married Julia A. Castle (1857-1929), and had: 1.   Chester Castle (1882 - ). Harvard, 1905. He married in 1907 Frances  P. Bingham (1885 - ). He was a member of the 71st - 74th Congresses (1929-1937) from Cleveland, and chairman of the Republican Congressional  Committee. CHILDREN: a. Charles Bingham (1909 - ). b. Kenyon Castle (1912 - ). c. Oliver Payne (1917 - ). Harvard, 1939. d. Elizabeth Castle (1919 -1919). 2.   Kenyon Castle (1885 -1911). 3.   Irving Castle (1888 - ). Harvard, 1912. Treasurer, Warner and Swasey  Co. Married in 1917 Rachel Wilson (1890 - ) and had: a. Julia Castle (1921 - ) b. Pauline Wilson (1924 - ) 4.   Newell Castle (1888 - ). Harvard, 1912. Brigadier General, 54th  Cavalry Brigade, Ohio National Guard. He furnished data for this note. 5.   Julian Castle (1897 - ). Harvard, 1920. President of the class in  1919. Associated with the M. A. Manna Co. of Cleveland. Married in 1929  Fannie Mann Manna (1907 - ) and had: a. Claire Hanna (1930 - ) b. Betsy (1935 - ). 1724 Grizel Bolton >1724 Agnes Bolton AGNES, born -. She and William Thomson were executors of her father's  will which says:  "Item: my Will is and I Do hereby give and Bequeath unto my well beloved  Doughter Augness Bolton hir and hir heirs all my Reall Estate forever  Shee paying unto my son James Bolton the Sum of two hundred pounds old  tenor within the tearm of three years after my Deceas.  "Item: my Will is that my Well Beloved Wife Elizabeth and my Doughter  Augness Shall have all my houshold furniture Each of them an Equal part of it.  "Item: my Will is that my Douther Augness Bolton Shall have my oxen and  plough with all the Utensiells I have for farming."  She witnessed the will of James Bell of Windham, New Hampshire, 2 June,  1744, making her mark. (State Papers, vol. 33, page 206.) ~22 Mar 1748 James Twadell D. 1755 Elizabeth Patterson Mrs. Bolton was Elizabeth Patterson, said to have been related to Mrs.  Jerome Bonaparte; she was drowned 30 Jan. 1755, while crossing the  Deerfield River on the ice <1731 1757 Joseph Bolton 26 26 1731 Dr. Mathew Bolton 1735 27 Sep 1768 Agnes Bolton 33 33 1738 Captain Hugh Bolton 1740 John Bolton With Rogers Rangers in Indian wars. Captain in Revolution; paid his own  company. Engineer at West Point. 1699 1788 Mary McLellan 89 89 Mary McLellan came from the north of Ireland, and was the sister of Hugh McLellan of Gorham and James McLellan of Saco. She married in Ireland a man by the name of Craige, much older than herself. Craige had a son John by a former wife. The family left Ireland for America somewhere about the year 1729 to 1730, and landed first in Boston, Mass. On the voyage over Craige died, leaving his widow with two children, Jane or Jenny as she was called, and Hugh, with the son John by his first wife. hugh was probably bornabout the year 1723; Jenny was older. Thomas Bolton came over in the same vessel. He was said to have been an old bachelor, and from the same town as the Craiges. In Boston he married the widow Craige, and soon after came with his family to Portland, where he remained a while, and had some propert; he then exchanged his property for lands in Windham, and moved in. This was before the year 1747. The son, John Craige, remained in Boston, and we lose sight of him. Hugh was about six years old when the family left Ireland. The daughter, Jenny Craige married John Miller of Falmouth (Portland) August 27, 1738. He was a tailor, and carried on quite a business, and was a man of some property. I do not know of their leaving any children or descendants. At one time Hugh McLellan was living on a farm at Back Cove, and was driven in by fear of the Indians. He says he lived a while in the house with his niece Jenny Miller. This was before Hugh purchased his farm in Gorham, in 1738. Mrs Miller outlived her husband many years, and died November 4, 1760. Hugh Craige married Elizabeth Warren in Falmouth, November 11, 1749, and soon after purchased land in the town of Windham, and moved on to it. Of the exact time we have no date, but it was in the early days of Windham. He owned, as early as 1750, the two home lots, Nos. 50 and 51. He was one of the selectmen of the town in 1770 and 1774, and on the Committee of Correspondence in 1773. He is said to have been a good citizen, and has many descendants now living in town. He died March 19, 1777, aged 54, and his wife, Elizabeth craige, died in 1810, aged 83. We have not the date of Thomas Bolton and Mary (McLellan) Craige's marriage, but after their marriage they lived several years in Falmouth, where their son William was born, April 13, 1731. They alson had two daughters, Martha, who married Richard Mayberry of Windham, Feburary 21, 1756, and died at the age of 90, and Mary who was born in 1733, and married Robert Millions of Windham in 1760. Thomas Bolton settled in Windham, probably on what was called Home Lot No. 52, for here he had a garrison-house in the time of the Indian war. At the time of his death he was about 90 years old. His wife died in Gorham, aged 89, about the year 1788, which was soon after the death of her husband. She was buried in the orchard opposite the McLellan brick house, on the road leading to Fort Hill, it not being possible to get her body to Windham on account of the roads, and there being no bridge on the river above Saccarappa. Several years after her death, her body was taken up by her grandsons and taken to Windham and deposited in the old Anderson burying ground, by the side of her husband. there was a curious story told in relation to her death, which is perhaps rather tinctured with superstition, but we will give it as it was told us. While on a visit to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth McLellan, in Gorham, they were sitting and talking in the southeast front room of the brick house, (now standing) when an old rooster came into the front entry, and commenced to crow most lustily. Mrs. Bolton immediately said to Mrs. McLellan, "Elizabeth there will be a death in this house in less than a forenight. That rooster's crowing in the door is a sure sign." "Well, " says Mrs. McLellan, "we will make the sign come true, and the old rooster shall be the victim, and we will eat him for dinner." Calling the old fellow up to her, she caught him and wrung his neck in the room where they were. Notwithstanding this sudden death, it appears not to have been the one predicted by the rooster. Mrs. Bolton was taken next day with a severe attack of dysentery, and cholera-morbus, and died in two days after, and was buried as I have before said. -History of Gorham, Me by Hugh McLellan -complied and edited by his daughter Katharine B. Lewis Portland Smith and Sale, Printer 1903- Hugh McLennan 1728 13 Jun 1801 Agnes Bolton 73 73 1731 William Bolton DAR Patriot Index William Bolton Pvt. Ma William Bolton son of Thomas, lived and died on his father's old farm. In 1747, August 27th, the Indians made an assault, and attempted to capture him and William Maxfield. The family tradition is that William Bolton was out hunting for the cattle at the time. Bolton having discharged his gun at the enemy, was rushed on and captured before he could reload. Maxfield being more fortunate in loading, retreated backward toward the fort, with his gun pointed at the Indians, till he was relieved by a body of mencoming to his aid. bolton was marched through the woods into Canada, suffering many hardships, and sold to a French officer, and put on board a French frigate. This frigate soon after was captured by an English vessel, and Bolton was carried into Boston, where he became the servant of a Lieutenant Wallace, on board of an English frigate, but was soon set at liberty, and returned to his friends in Windham. There is a story told, and probably it is true, that some years afterwards Bolton met his old master, Lieutenant Wallace, in Portland, poor and destitute. He took him home to Windham, where he kept him in comfort and respectability till his death. When Lieutenant Wallace died he was 80 years of age. William Bolton married, March 17, 1757, Rachel, daughter of Thomas Haskell. William Bolton died, October 12, 1787, aged 56. His wife Rachel, who was born Julyl 12, 1730, died November 25, 1812.-History of Gorham, Me by Hugh McLellan compiled and edited by his daughter Katharine B. Lewis- Bolton, William Private, Captain Willilam Knights Company service from Oct . 18 to Oct 23, 1775. 5 days with guards at Falmouth Neck. 10 Jul 1733 1820 Mary Bolton 87 87 13 Apr 1736 1826 Martha Bolton 90 90 Agnes ~1725 Agnes Bolton AGNES, born about 1725. She married at Sudbury, Mass., 23 July, 1744,  Nathan Moore, who was born in 1725. The above all seems very uncertain  but it does account for the several Agnes Boltons 1725 Nathen Moore 8 Apr 1688 Elizabeth White June 01, 1712, member of the South Church of Andover John White Sarah 25 Oct 1721 7 May 1780 William Bolton 58 58 WILLIAM born at Reading Massachusetts, 25 Oct. 1721 His descendants live  at Shirley Massachusetts. They are described in "Shirley Uplands and  Intervales," by Ethel S. Bolton, Boston, 1914 pp. 324 - 327: and in the  NewEngland Historical and Genealogical Register, April 1934, pp. 134-135 29 Apr 1724 1746 John Bolton 22 22 1710 1774 Robert Bolton 64 64 ROBERT, born about 1710. He is No. 1910 in the list of Protestant  householders in I 740, living in Artrea parish, Barony of Loughinsholin.  ROBERT BOLTON was born about 1710, probably in the Parish of Desertoghill, County Derry, Ireland, the son perhaps of John of "Desert"  in 1740. He is No. 1910 in the list of Protestant householders, living in  Artrea Parish, barony of Loughinsholin, south of Lough Beg and between  the towns of Ballyronan and Moneymore. In 1774, at the time of his death,  he was of Cloghog, in the Parish of Derryloran, County Derry, between Moneymore and Cookstown, to the west of Artrea. His will is preserved  among the Armagh wills:  "I Robert Bolton of Cloghog in the parish of Derry loran & County of  Londonderry being Verry weak of Body but of Perfect Mind & Memory etc. Declare this to be my last Will  "First I Bequeath to my Well beloved Wife Sarah Bolton otherwise Armstrong my House & Land & all my Household Furniter & Cattle & All  Moveable Effects together with the fourth part of all my remaining  Substance so long as said Sarah Bolton otherwise Armstrong shall remain Unmarried it shall be lawful for her to 'Will & bequeath same at her  Death. if she shall marry she shall have no Right or title to said House  & Land, etc. but in Case she marrys I leave her the fourth of my  Substance that is in Cash & Bond & No More. but the other together with  the three Remaining fourths of my Substance shall be equally divided amongst my three Children, my Son Thomas Bolton, my son Robert Bolton &  my Daughter Marget Bolton, etc.  "Exrs my Wife Sarah Bolton o'r'se Armstrong & Thomas Beaty of Lorgybow  (Lurganboy)"  "Will signed 8 Feb. 1774. Testator's Mark.  "Witnesses: John Purvis  Robert Espy Thomas Dawson  "The Rev. Mr Stewart of Ballymo be pleased to look over my poor family &  see them Righted, for that great Dependance upon you since I seen you at  Mr Kennedys & God Almighty Bless you."  Will proved by the executors 21 Dec. 1774. Mr. Bolton would seem to have been a Presbyterian, 1712 Thomas Bolton THOMAS, born about 1712. In 1740 he or one of his name was a householder  in Artrea parish (No. 1904), his name preceding on the list those of  Robert, James, and the widow Bolton. 1715 James Bolton JAMES, born about 1715. In 1740 living at Artrea; No. 1911 of the  Protestant householders. 1718 Samuel Bolton SAMUEL, born about 1718. He is assumed to have moved to Coleraine where  one of his name was a householder in 1740 (No. 794) ; but possibly  grandfather of Boltons at Dullaghy in 1801. SAMUEL BOLTON was born about 1718, perhaps at Dullaghy, Parish of  Desertoghill, County Derry, son of John (No. 10). In 1740 he was No. 794  of the Protestant householders, living in the Parish of Coleraine.  Possibly from him descended William and Hugh Bolton, two freehold farmers  and weavers living at Dullaghy in 1801 and in 1806 when a poll was taken. Robert Bolton 1784 Bridget Bolton ~1735 ~1820 James Bolton 85 85 Moore 1748 >1821 Ellen 73 73 1740 >1781 Samuel Bolton 41 41 SAMUEL BOLTON was born probably at Lismoyle, Parish of Tamlaght O'Crilly,  County Derry about 1740, the son presumably of Samuel. In the poll taken  in 1806 he is supposed to be "Samuel Bolton Senior," since there is a  Junior of the name. Three farmers and weavers at Lismoyle each had a  child Samuel. The three SUPPOSED sons are documented. Susanah Bolton Mary Bolton John Bolton James Bolton Jonathon Bolton Louisa Bolton Martha Thankful John Jackson John Bolton James Bolton Barnard Bolton Jonathon Bolton Alexander Bolton Girl Bolton Girl Bolton Mathew Bolton George Bolton 1770 1823 Thomas Bolton 53 53 David Bolton Abram Bolton Samuel Bolton Alexander Bolton Samuel Bolton Dr. Elias Bolton William Bolton Elizabeth Bolton Mathew Bolton John Bolton Thomas Bolton 1728 18 May 1805 Hugh Smith 77 77 James Smith Joseph Bolton John Smith David Eddy Mary Smith Agnes Smith Elihu Smith Mathew Smith Joseph Smith Elizabeth Smith Elizabeth Bolton Elizabeth Bolton Martha Bolton Martha Bolton Thomas Bolton Ann Bolton Hugh Bolton Rachel Bolton William Bolton Nancy Bolton 6 Oct 1728 Stephen Lowell Miriam Lowell Molly Lowell Thomas Lowell Anne Lowell Stephen Lowell William Lowell 25 Feb 1758 18 Jun 1793 Thomas Bolton 35 35 DAR Patriot Index Thomas Bolton Pvt. MA Thomas Bolton, son of William , lived on the farm now (1878) owned and occupied by Daniel Mayberry. He married Hannah, daughter of Lieutenant Joshua and Hannah Crockett of Gorham. Thomas Bolton Senior died in Gorham near Sapling Hill, on his farm, June 18, 1793. His widow married July 11, 1795, Joseph Lombard, and died Dec 28 1843, aged 83. -History of Gorham by Hugh D. McLellan compiled and edited by his daughter Katharine B. Lewis. Thomas Bolton served Two Months and ten days (Reference McLellan History of Gorham by Hugh D. McLellan edited by Katherine Lewis (his daughter). Smiths History of Windham page 100 Bolton, Thomas, Private, Captain William Knights Company pay roll for 5 days, service from October 18 to Oct 23, 1775, with guards at Falmouth Neck; also Captain Knights Company; payroll for 5 days service in November 1775 company detached from 1st Cumberland Company Regiment by order of Lieutenant Colonel Peter Noys to work on the fork at Falmouth. Bolton, Thomas, Captain Winthrop Bastons Company; enlisted Febuary 1 (company known to have been raised in Feburary 1776 for 2 months service before Boston.) Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War Volume II page 253. McLellan History of Gorham page 404; Smiths History of Windham page 100 Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War Volume II page 252. (Chapter: Elizabeth Wadsworth for membership of Grace Bolton Lamb application filed Oct 1905. DAR # 54278 1 Jan 1760 18 Jul 1793 William Bolton 33 33 2 Aug 1762 17 Jun 1812 John Bolton 49 49 14 Aug 1770 22 Jun 1863 Mary Bolton 92 92 18 Jun 1761 28 Aug 1850 Sarah Bolton 89 89 1732 1816 Robert Millens 84 84 Martha Millens Thomas Millens Anna Millens Robert Millens Mary Millens 1735 4 Nov 1807 Captain Richard Mayberry 72 72 Richard Mayberry from Ballymoney County Antrim; he was town clerk in 1770  and Captain in the eleventh Regiment in 1776.

Richard was commissioned Captain of the 5th Company in the Revolutionary War commanded by Colonel Benjamin Tupper. He was of the 11th Regiment of the Massachusetts Bay Forces, 6th November 1776; retired 11th of September 1778, was listed in the militia of 1778. Retired with an honorable discharge.

In the U.S. House of Representatives Private Claims, Vol. 2., Richard received five years' of full pay for revolutionary services, Congress 28, session 1, the manner brought before the house was in the form of a Petition, written upon Journal page 712, referred to Committee of Revolutionary Claims, voted and passed to the heirs of Richard Mayberry.

Richard settled on the paternal acres and cared for his parents in their old age. He worked at the family trade blacksmithing until the Revolutionary War in 1775. After the war he returned and sold the acreage in Windham removing to Raymond, ME where he purchased a large tract of wild land. While clearing it of wood and timber he was accidentally killed by a falling tree.
25 Sep 1763 Bathsheba Mayberry 28 Feb 1766 8 Mar 1766 Anne Mayberry 8d 8d 30 Nov 1769 Richard Mayberry 28 Sep 1775 Edward Mayberry Sarah Armstrong 1740 Thomas Bolton 1742 Robert Bolton ROBERT, born about 1742. Possibly a mariner whose will was recorded in  1783. 1744 Marget Bolton 1770 1823 William Bolton 53 53 Farm of 7 acres, a 1 storey house. 1771 Hugh Bolton Farm of 14 acres, 1 storey house 1766 >1817 John Bolton 51 51 Farm of 12 1/4 acres, and a 1 storey house. 1772 >1821 Samuel Bolton 49 49 Farm of 13 acres and 1 storey house. <1781 Girl Bolton 1781 >1819 William Bolton 38 38 Farm with 6 acres. 1774 1813 Hannah Henry 39 39 1809 1871 Thomas Bolton 62 62 1774 Mary 1803 Mary Bolton 1806 Dolly Bolton 1808 Thomas Bolton 1812 William Bolton 1775 Martha 1801 James Bolton 1803 Archey Bolton 1807 Hugh Bolton 1809 Margaret Bolton 1811 John Bolton 1813 Ezabella Bolton 1815 Graham Bolton 1817 Thomas Bolton 1778 >1817 Mary 39 39 1801 Eleanor Bolton 1803 Martha Bolton 1805 Jane Bolton 1808 Mary Ann Bolton 1810 Elizabeth Bolton 1814 Samuel Bolton 1817 Margaret Bolton 1771 Elizabeth Scott 1801 12 Jun 1862 William Bolton 61 61 William, born 1801, Laborer. Perhaps the man who died 12 June, 1862. 1805 Alexander Bolton 1805 27 Mar 1877 Jane 72 72 ? Gilmore 1809 Mary Gilmore Mary, born 1809, flax spinner. Niece of Samuel Bolton, born 1772, and  living with him in 1821. 1783 Mary 1809 Mary Bolton 1811 Samuel Bolton 1813 John Bolton 1816 Margaret Bolton 1819 1900 Elizabeth Bolton 81 81 Apparently Betty who died in 1900, aged 82; she sang well, knew her  Bible, and was popular. 1827 Robert Bolton ROBERT, A.B. Glasgow, 1848. "Sixth son."  Assume A.B. = "Artium Baccalaureus" = Bachelor of Arts.  Assume this was around age of 21 (3 year course from 18) hence date of  birth approx. 1827. >1827 David Bolton Died Young D. >1821 Anne Blair 1813 Jane Bolton 1815 1882 William Bolton 67 67 1817 Margaret Bolton 1819 John Bolton >1819 Joseph Bolton James Service 1852 Matilda Service Jacob Cunningham 1790 Martha Boyde Known ass Matilder or Martha 1814 Nancy Bolton 1816 13 May 1896 Samuel Bolton 80 80 SAMUEL, born 1816; died 1900 æt. 84. Of Hill Side, Lismoyle, but had a  spirit shop in Kilrea about 1890. 1818 William Bolton Mary Grey <1849 John Bolton Large Family in America 1854 Robert Bolton ~1857 <1927 Samuel Bolton 70 70 ~1845 William Bolton 17 Mar 1849 Rev. James Grey Bolton James Gray, born 17 March, 1849. Clergyman in Philadelphia. Minister of  Hope Street Presbyterian Church. See Who's Who in America, 1930-31. 10 Sep 1850 Hugh Walker Rogers Bolton Hugh Walker Rodgers, was born 10 Sept. 1850. He told Sam Henry of  Coleraine in 1927 that his great-grandparents were William and Nancy  (Hemphill) Bolton. He lived for a time in Homer, Michigan. When Sam  Henry, Esq. called upon him at Lismoyle in 1927, Hugh sang old songs and  his daughter-in-law served tea, scones, and cake. >1850 <1854 Child Bolton 4 4 6 Jun 1856 Henry Campbell Bolton 1860 Matilda Bolton Benjamin Maudsley 1859 1929 William John Bolton 70 70 William John. William J. of " Railway Place" was "an outstanding figure."  Had a sawmill near Kilrea, dealing in timber and hardware Had a son,  Thomas, and three daughters. Buried first Kilrea Churchyard. "Cortege for  its size was never eclipsed." Died 1929, aged 70. Elizabeth Bolton Margaret Bolton Ann Bolton Martha Bolton Sarah Bolton Mary Bolton Anne Starrett Stewart Starrett Jane Walker 1851 John Bolton John, born 1851; married Mary Ann Broomfield of Lismoyle. Living there in  Oct. 1931, and called "Wee John" or "Curly John." Mrs. Bolton says  Lismoyle has enough Boltons to "mak' a  war." Sam Henry, Esq. Found him  in 1931 small of stature, erect and active. "Wee John" states that  relatives of two Cromwellian officers [of Waterford?j ''went over the  bill northwards, but I cannot say when. and settled on the farms now  occupied by Hugh W. R. and Henry C. Bolton in Lismoyle." His daughter, Margaret9, was born 1887; married James Gray Bolton, nephew of Rev. J. G. B. of Philadelphia. They live in Delaware. John Bolton ? Cannon Elizabeth Tallie Bolton Lisa Mechelle Bolton Sloan E Bolton Emma Letitia Bolton William McIlrath ? Anderson ? Williamson Hugh Bolton David Bolton Samuel Bolton 23 Mar 1891 Sep 1958 Samuel James Bolton 67 67 Nancy Stewart Robert Stewart Bolton James Grey Bolton Henry Cambell Bolton Mary Tillie Bolton Margaret Bolton Dr. John Bolton Kelso Graham Knipe 31 Mar Oct 1987 Eileen Mona Forsythe 1912 1968 James Sloan Bolton 56 56 22 Apr 1914 16 Jun 1978 Mary Frances Bolton 64 64 Elizabeth Bolton Thomas Bolton Girl Bolton Girl Bolton Mary Anne Broomfield Margaret Bolton Robert Cannon ? Bolton ? ? McAughey David Bolton Robert Bolton 28 Jun 1897 16 Aug 1975 Elizabeth (Lil ) Jane Bolton 78 78 Hugh Bolton Robert William Bolton Rev. Maurice Bolton Mary Woodburn William McIlfatrick Kennedy McIlfatrick Elizabeth Greer Anna Kelso Robert William Kelso John Greer Kelso James Kelso Thomas Kelso David Wilson Alice Campbell Edith Graham Iline Graham Olive Armstrong Minnie Wallace Dr. Rhoda Kelso Dr. Dorothea Kelso Dr. David Murrough Bamber Dr. Mea Kelso Dr. David Poulter Wright Dr. Harriet Kelso ? Webster Dr. Henry Herbert Kelso Janie Stewart Norman Rowe Basil Rowe Child Rowe ? Child Graham ? Child Graham ? John Graham Child Graham ? Child Graham ? Child Graham ? Child Graham ? Child Knipe ? Child Knipe ? Child Knipe ? Child Knipe ? Child Rowe ? Child Rowe ? 1877 10 Feb 1939 Hugh McIlrath 62 62 George Adams McIlrath Obe Jp Mary Harvey ? Crowe John Knipe Elma Knipe Harvey Knipe Son Knipe 22 Jun 1900 13 Jul 1983 Thomas James McKinney 83 83 Joseph Cowen McKinney Thomas James Louis McKinney Pamela Moore McKinney 1917 23 Oct 1969 May Ellen Agnew 52 52 James William Galbraith Jean Louise Galbraith Thomas Philip Galbraith John Bolton Galbraith Delphine Galbraith 16 Mar 1914 12 Mar 1994 Zara Grace Bonner Davis 79 79 Bruce Bonner Bolton Gordon Sloan Bonner Bolton Colin Kent Bonner Bolton Roy Bonner Bolton Nancetta Burr Raelyn Bolton 20 Feb 1916 2 Jun 1966 Richard Goldstiver 50 50 Beresford Goldstiver 7 Oct 1941 Oct 1998 Richard Goldstiver 57 57 Mary Francis Goldstiver 1918 10 Mar 2001 William Prosser 83 83 Judith Prosser Lesley Prosser Stephen Prosser Child Stuart ? Child Stuart ? Child Stuart ? Child Stuart ? Mary Hubbard D. 5 Oct 1986 Eloe Killick 1809 Nancy Moore 1814 Ellen Moore 1817 Thomas Moore 1845 James Service 1844 1912 William Service 68 68 1848 Margaret Service 1849 Samuel Service 1843 Nancy Jane Service 1850 Mary Service 1853 John Service 1856 Joseph Service 1869 Elizabeth Service 1860 Nancy Ann Service 1864 Sarah Jane Service Maureen Bolton 21 Mar 1922 11 Mar 1971 Gray Bolton 48 48 Elma Bolton 23 Aug 1913 11 Nov 1986 William Campbell 73 73 Helen Mary Kyle Josephine Armstrong Ivan Bolton Mildred Patterson Ana Seymore Bolton Dr. Hilda Ruth McIlrath Kenneth Buchman Whitaker Vera Gilmour Doreen Shaw Moore Gilmour Margaret Henry Doreen Kirk Joan Hamilton Voctor Henry Allison Black Barbara Dean John Alfred Black Molly Bolton Eileen Jose Martins Murial Ann Patterson Brian Robert Marks Elizabeth (Beth) Bolton Lorna Bolton William Auterson Joel Robert William Auterson Kyle David Auterson Samuel Bolton Colin Bolton Doreen Maxwell Sandra Bolton 5 Jun 1959 31 Jul 1980 Chris Bolton 21 21 Jannine Bolton Ken Nicholson Katherine Bolton Brian Dean Ronin Gray Bolton Margaret Elizabeth Bolton Ivor McIlfatrick Robert A McIlfatrick Elizabeth McIlfatrick Norman McIlfatrick Victor McIlfatrick Barbara Buchman Dr. Hillary Buchman Keith Buchman John Whitaker Kelso Mark Reynolds Stephen Andrew McCracken Rick McKee Peter Jonathon Smith Hannah Smith Zoe Smith Caralyn Knipe Ivan Campbell Campbell ? Campbell ? Deborah Knipe Knipe Knipe Gordon Knipe Gilmour ? Gilmour ? Gilmour ? Knipe ? Knipe ? Knipe ? Knipe ? Knipe Oonagh McKinney Tyler Smith Daniel Smith Patricia Smith Melanie Smith Gillian Moore McKinney Stefen Elmet Shannon McKinney Stephannie McKinney Jonathon McKinney Claire McKinney Alison McKinney Joanne Clark Alyssa McKinney Jocelyn McKinney Sean Cowan Clark McKinney Jordan Jasper McKinney Brian Craddock Lizanne McKinney Gordon Johnson Mel Ferrell Emma Elizabeth Ferrell Toni McKinney Darryl Pankratz Conner James Pankratz Thomas John Pankratz Katherine Louise Pankratz Louise McKinney Craig Roxby Megan Claire Roxby Christopher David James Black Deborah Lynn Ashfield Lucy Victoria Black Jeremy Michael Black Karen Jaqueline Louise Black Peter Colin Victor Black Maria- Karolyn Denschlag Anna Black David Black Julian Nicholas Black Barry Galbraith Lara Galbraith Jason Thomas Black Michael John Alfred Black Karen Elizabeth May Black Clara Galbraith Colleen Galbraith Paul Galbraith Jennifer Martins Kelly Marie Martins Anne Maud Stevenson Steven William Robert Bolton Kathryn Roberta Mary Greer David Greer Bolton Olivia Jane Bolton Thomas Bryson Beatie William Thomas Beatie Ross Mayberry Beatie Deborah Mulholland Benjamin Bolton Rory Samuel Bolton Andrew Gillen Conor Robert Gillen David Cupples David Ewen Macgregor Matthew David Macgregor Stewart Roy Macgregor Patrick Thomas Macgregor Angus John Macgregor Robert Plummer Owenn Rufas St.Joh Plummer Rebecca Elizabeth Plummer James Hamilton Bruce Madeline Jane Mahairi Bruce Christopher Dupres Durpress ? Janet Kathleen Hazlett Louise Margaret Hazlett Kathryn Elizabeth Hazlett Heather Sarah Hazlett William Samuel Thomas Hazlett Ken Pierce 15 Apr 1958 3 May 1958 John Torrens Hazlett 18d 18d Michael Hazlett Monteith Ellen Rachel Monteith Jonathon Andrew Hart Simon Alan Hart Helen Taylor Eileen Mary Taylor Alister James Taylor Rose Ringland Katrina Alison Wilson Connor Andrew Wilson Simon Graig Wilson Kirstie Erin Wilson Amanda Jane Miller Victoria Amanda Jean Wilson Gillian Sara Doran Gina Eleanor Wilson Imogen Louisa Wilson David Cambell Aubry Gillespie Claire Elaine Gillespie Lauren Hannah Gillespie Steiner Øystad Sigurd Øystad Jens- Sarne Larson Eira Maria Larson Emma Louise Larson Karianne Thea Bertelsen Tuva Bertelsen Tracy Lynn Andrew David Garrett Kendra Mary Garrett Jonathon Clarke Patrick (Pat) Mooney 3 May 1978 3 May 1978 Twin Bolton 3 May 1978 3 May 1978 Twin Bolton Shelley Ann Bolton Sheryl Isobel Bolton Tony Anderson Melina Anderson Illya Anderson Helel Hadges Jenni Goldstiver Julian Goldstiver Patricia Susan Goldstiver Bill Short Nicholas Short Joanne Goldstiver Paul Rosengren Sally Rosengren Michael Rosengren Christopher Eaton Alison Rae Eaton Melissa Eaton Patrick Eaton Laurance Purdy Micah Purdy Joel Purdy Misty Jane Purdy Nathaniel Purdy Marilyn Jones Mitchell Prosser Timothy Prosser Paula Felicity Yvonne Ringer Philip Sloan Michael Bolton Louise Jones Harry Thomas Sloan Bolton Tara Bolton Jane Turner Darren Bolton Amanda Mcallister Adam Sloan Bolton Robert William Bolton Clifford Bridges Sinead Bolton Allan Bridges Phillipa Lloyd Rosanna Cruz Megan Thompson Nathon Bridges Rebecca Bridges Shirly Fowler Brian Howard Bolton Anna Sohan Brendan Fowler Victoria Bolton Melissa Eleanor Bolton Alan James Bolton Kristine Ann Hannaford Nicole Melissa Bolton James Bolton Julie Anne Bolton Bruce Justin Morgan Ashleigh Kate Morgan Amanda Jodie Morgan 1719 David Scott Mary Scott John Scott James Scott Martha Jonathon Scott Thankful Louise Scott John Jackson Elizabeth Cone 1838 1839 Festus Cone Bolton 1 1 1840 1879 Thomas Kelley Bolton 39 39 1842 1873 Theodosia Cornelia Ranney 31 31 1865 Percival Ranney Bolton 1867 1926 Howard Cone Bolton 59 59 Mary Ann Philips Ellen Hale 1879 Edith Ellane Bolton Mandeville Mullally Eleanor Hale Mullally Mandeville Mullally 1841 1914 Elizabeth Cone Bolton 73 73 Friedrich Ludwig Rudolf Bock 1873 Friedrich Karl Bock 1875 1934 Elfried Bock 59 59 1844 1883 Festus Bolton 39 39 1847 1915 Isabella Olive Coudiy 68 68 1867 Mary Cone Bolton William L S Olmsted Mary Cone Olmsted William Lucius Olmsted Harry K Annin Helen Fromer Olmsted 1877 Edward Rice Bolton 1880 Margaret Cameron Edward Cameron Bolton Mary Lyle Staton Bolton 1846 1927 James Henry Bolton 81 81 1845 1872 Sarah Thorington 27 27 1859 Minnie Comish Thomas Comish Bolton Helen Davison Thomas Comish Bolton Barbara Ann Bolton James Comish Bolton Louise Wykoff James Comish Bolton Emeline Russell 1851 1859 George Russell Bolton 8 8 1855 1930 Charles Chester Bolton 75 75 1857 1929 Julie A Castle 72 72 1882 Chester Castle Bolton 1885 Francis P Bingham Charles Bingham Bolton Kenyon Castle Bolton Oliver Payne Bolton Elizabeth Castle Bolton 1885 1911 Kenyon Castle Bolton 26 26 Irving Castle Bolton Rachel Wilson Julie Castle Bolton Pauline Wilson Bolton Newell Castle Bolton Julien Castle Bolton Fannie Mann Hanna Claire Hanna Bolton Betsy Bolton 12 Jul 1730 25 Nov 1813 Rachell Haskell 83 83 2 Jun 1764 Peter Bolton 1 May 1766 25 Dec 1830 Ann Bolton 64 64 23 Jul 1768 James Bolton 16 Nov 1772 14 Feb 1786 Rachel Bolton 13 13 4 Apr 1775 Elizabeth Bolton 10 Nov 1756 Mary Mayberry . 10 Nov 1756 in Windham, ME, Church Birth Record written by Deacon Thomas Chute and his wife Mary on pgs 34-37 btwn 3/3/1757 & 4/7/1757 12 Dec 1758 William Mayberry 21 May 1761 Thomas Mayberry 30 Nov 1769 Anne Mayberry 21 Mar 1773 Daniel Mayberry Ezekiel Jordan Ellen Rachel Cupples Peter David Cupples Alexander James Douglas Bruce Finlay William Hamilton Bruce Elea Sophie Abigail Bruce Alice Reynolds Daniel Reynolds Joshua McCracken Emily McCracken Naomi McCracken Lauren McKee Tom McKee Joseph Perachi Aiden Joseph Perachi Clive Burton Gillian Hay Rebecca Helen Elizabeth Bolton Luke Samuel Auterson Sarah Elizabeth Bolton Laura Helen Bolton Calum Gray Bolton Angus Gillen Amanda Roxby Richard Thomas Bolton Henery Robert Brown Aaran Bolton Emily Gillen Andrew Nicholson Stuart Nicholson Charlotte Dean Harriet Dean Phillipa Dean Georgina Dean Christopher Robert Garrett Ryan James Clarke Jemma Isabel Clarke John Craige William Noel Hemphill Angus Samuel Bolton Ewen Robert Bolton David Traynor Zoe Emma Campbell Kimberley Elizabeth Campbell Christopher Patterson Campbell Gavin Allan Campbell ~1760 28 Dec 1843 Hannah Crockett 83 83 10 Mar 1763 28 Dec 1855 Ann Webb 92 92 24 Dec 1760 18 Nov 1846 Edward Webb 85 85 Rebecca Cobb Elizabeth Pettengal 11 Oct 1768 2 Apr 1845 Daniel Haskell 76 76 Daniel Haskell son of William Haskell was married to his cousin Mary, daughter of William and Rachel Haskell Bolton. He settled on a farm on the Hurricane Road. This place he exchanged with daniel Purinton for the place in Windham now occupied by the familyof his son Oliver. The Gorham farm is now owned by Israel Kemp. The buildings are unoccupied, are are fast going to decay. Sep 1778 Martha Mayberry 9 Jun 1762 4 Sep 1824 Matthew Bolton 62 62 Hugh Craige Jenny Craige ~1688 1765 William Mayberry 77 77 Quoted directly from Windham in the Past by Samuel Thomas Dole, edited by Frederick Howard Dole. This book was reprinted courtesy of the Windham Historical Society.

William Mayberry, second settler of Windham, Maine

William Mayberry, ancestor of all bearing the name in Windham and vicinity, was a native of the parish of Ballemoney, near Coleraine, Antrim County, Ireland. The date of his birth we do not know, but he died in Windham according to the church records, Mar. 15, 1765. His wife was Bathsheba Dennis to whom lie was married in Ireland, and who accompanied him to this country. No date of her birth, death or marriage can now be found. He was a blacksmith, and it is said that the cinders of his old forge are still to be seen at Ballemoney. He had two sons born in Ireland, John and Thomas. Thinking to better his condition, he took passage for this country and landed at Marblehead. Mass., sometime previous to 1735. During the long and wearisome passage, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry, who was given the significant name of Sea Fair. Just how long lie remained in Marblehead is uncertain; but while living there, his son, Richard was born. This was sometime time in 1785.
When the Great and General Court of Massachusetts granted to sixty inhabitants of Marblehead the territory comprised in the present town of Windham, Mr. Mayberry had been a resident of the old burgh long enough to be included among the grantees of the new township. In the division of the home lots, No. 57 fell to his share. It does not appear that he settled on this lot, but on Home Lot No. 11, which he probably purchased of Robert Bull, the original owner; and here he built a log house, in which his daughter Anne (sometimes written Nancy) was born, she being the second white child born within the limits of the township. The time of his settlement is said to have been 1737.
Bathsheeba Dennis <1730 John Mayberry <1730 Thomas Mayberry ~1730 12 Dec 1753 Sea Fair Mayberry 23 23 Stephen Manchester Heather Michelle Bolton Don Arthur (Don) Donald Bolton Jim Kory Dee Bolton Kyle James Bolton Paul Stedman 29 Mar 1902 Mar 1972 Arthur Bolton 70 70 paternity in question, could be Kent. Photo indicates middle name Kent Betty Bolton Cheryl Gail Ruthie George Bolton George Bolton Barbara Bolton Kathy Corelli Nancy Corelli David Corelli Beverly Bolton Suzanne Gordon Donald Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton Donald Bolton Robert Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton ? Bolton 18 Jun 1867 4 Sep 1914 George E Bolton 47 47 of Chester, Vermont Elaih Joseph 23 May 1740 10 Feb 1808 Anne Mayberry 67 67 21 Jan 1744 7 May 1780 William Bolton 36 36 1 Jul 1747 Daniel Bolton 12 Jan 1749 1835 Ebenezer Bolton 86 86 25 May 1751 Edward Bolton 12 Feb 1753 29 Apr 1837 Aaron Bolton 84 84 28 Feb 1747 Lois Bolton 5 May 1759 1826 Timothy Bolton 67 67 11 Feb 1761 Mary Bolton 22 Nov 1763 Susanna Bolton 18 Dec 1764 Eunice Bolton 1 Feb 1779 Mary Bolton 5 Feb 1780 Edward Bolton 19 Oct 1781 Olive Bolton 9 Oct 1783 Oliver Bolton 13 May 1786 8 Dec 1860 Eunice Bolton 74 74 11 Boys, 5 Girls
XSanderson, Lucinda - Birth/Chris: 5 May 1806 @
2.Sanderson, Isaac - Birth/Chris: 22 May 1807 @
3.Sanderson, William - Birth/Chris: 27 Sep 1808 @
4.Sanderson, Henry - Birth/Chris: 19 Feb 1810 @
5.Sanderson, Wentworth - Birth/Chris: 20 Jan 1812 @
6.Sanderson, Washington - Birth/Chris: 21 Aug 1813 @
7.Sanderson, Oliver - Birth/Chris: 6 Mar 1815 @
8.Sanderson, Joseph - Birth/Chris: 26 Jan 1816 @
9.Sanderson, William - Birth/Chris: 12 Nov 1818 @
10.Sanderson, Druida - Birth/Chris: 6 Mar 1820 @
11.Sanderson, Julia - Birth/Chris: 26 Jan @
12.Sanderson, Mary - Birth/Chris: 4 Apr 1823 @
13.Sanderson, James - Birth/Chris: 19 May 1824 @
14.Sanderson, Orison - Birth/Chris: 9 Apr 1827 @
15.Sanderson, Rosilla - Birth/Chris: 7 Sep 1829 @
16.Sanderson, Lorenzo - Birth/Chris: 1 Apr 1831 @
26 Aug 1788 Moses Bennett Bolton 1 Jul 1791 Lucinda Bolton 1.XGlover, Adaline - Birth/Chris: 1812 @
2.Glover, Benjamin - Birth/Chris: 10 Sep 1814 @
3.Glover, Albert - Birth/Chris: 8 Sep 1816 @
4.Glover, Samuel - Birth/Chris: 1 Feb 1824 @
23 Feb 1794 11 Sep 1796 Eliab Bolton 2 2 19 Dec 1797 18 Feb 1876 Eliab Going Bolton 78 78 10 Jan 1822 20 Sep 1847 George Fulsom Bolton 25 25 17 Jun 1823 17 Aug 1871 Mary Ann Bolton 48 48 1.XHartwell, James Adams - Birth/Chris: 17 Jan 1841 @ MA
2.Hartwell, Emeline - Birth/Chris: 12 Jun 1843 @
3.Hartwell, Lucy Ann - Birth/Chris: 8 Nov 1844 @
4.Hartwell, Thomas E - Birth/Chris: 22 Aug 1846 @
5.Hartwell, Susan W - Birth/Chris: 8 Dec 1848 @
6.Hartwell, Abbott - Birth/Chris: 15 Jul 1850 @
7.Hartwell, Augusta - Birth/Chris: 6 Jun 1852 @
8.Hartwell, George Henry - Birth/Chris: 2 Feb 1856 @
9.Hartwell, Charles F - Birth/Chris: 9 Mar 1859 @
10.Hartwell, Sarah Elizabeth - Birth/Chris: 15 Jul 1861 @
11.Hartwell, Frank E - Birth/Chris: 21 Apr 1864 @
24 Nov 1825 Pamela Jane Bolton 28 Oct 1828 Eliab Going Bolton 22 Aug 1831 Christiana Rockwood Bolton 3 Jun 1833 25 Dec 1862 Nancy Bigelow Bolton 29 29 Unknown child born: 26 Jan 1860 28 Aug 1870 William E Bolton 11 Sep 1872 Myra E Bolton 17 Jul 1875 Eliab G Bolton 22 Aug 1877 Warren E Bolton 28 Dec 1879 Maude M Bolton 10 Feb 1881 Walter E Bolton 30 Aug 1883 Bertie A Bolton 9 Feb 1886 Lillian F Bolton Sean Michael Carleton Sean Bolton Michelle Bolton Robin Jason Unnamed 1 Feb 1775 4 Sep 1778 Dorcas Bolton 3 3 25 Sep 1778 Dorcas Bolton 1781 9 Sep 1785 Moses Bolton 4 4 26 Jun 1783 3 May 1865 Hannah Bolton 81 81 9 Aug 1786 Eunice Bolton 31 Jul 1788 Nancy Bolton 21 May 1791 30 Aug 1843 Mary Bolton 52 52 8 Jun 1794 Louise Bolton 21 Nov 1796 Matilda Bolton 9 Oct 1800 22 Jan 1803 Aaron Bolton 2 2 2 May 1817 12 Sep 1858 Caroline A Shumway 41 41 27 Apr 1818 Charles A Shumway 17 Apr 1820 23 Sep 1828 Almira M Shumway 8 8 7 Jan 1824 30 Oct 1848 Albert A Shumway 24 24 14 Aug 1826 5 Sep 1838 Edwin E Shumway 12 12 27 Mar 1828 Handel M Shumway 23 Jul 1809 29 Oct 1847 Mary Bolton Whitney 38 38 10 Feb 1811 Jason Whitney Charles Whitney 9 Jun 1813 6 Feb 1879 Ohio Whitney Jr. 65 65 5 Apr 1815 Sarah Whitney 2 Girls, 4 Boys 7 Jun 1817 20 Apr 1868 Amos Whitney 50 50 19 Jan 1819 Dolly Winship Whitney 2 Boys 8 Dec 1820 Harriet Jackson Whitney 1 Boy 2 Aug 1823 Francis Alexander Whitney 1 Jan 1825 23 Jul 1867 Walter Whitney 42 42 1 Aug 1827 8 Sep 1829 Ivers Bolton Whitney 2 2 20 Mar 1829 5 Sep 1830 Aaron Whitney 1 1 23 Feb 1831 20 Oct 1847 Nancy Whitney 16 16 25 Feb 1836 Abbie Ellis Whitney 6 Jul 1807 Susanna N Clark 1 Dec 1809 Aaron Bolton Clark 20 Aug 1811 Joseph Clark 10 Nov 1807 Fedelia Charles T Sabin 28 Sep 1809 Nancy Bolton Thurston 2 Oct 1811 Moses Thurston Rev. Moses T Bennett 19 Oct 1813 28 Sep 1844 Matilda Bolton Thurston 30 30 Meville E Smilie 18 Feb 1818 James Tottingham Thurston John Baldwin Thurston 19 Jul 1821 19 Sep 1863 David Chadwick Thurston 42 42 20 Jun 1860 Jennie M Wilder 25 Oct 1862 13 Jan 1883 Ezra Wilder 20 20 13 Oct 1868 Mabel E Wilder 9 Aug 1772 Betsy Bolton 2 Girls, 3 Boys 18 Dec 1773 Esther Bolton 17 Oct 1775 Jerusha Bolton 1 Girl, 1 Boy Abram Bolton Asa Bolton 14 Feb 1778 Ebenezer Bolton 1822 Elizabeth Bolton 1825 26 Jul 1894 James Bolton 69 69 9 Oct 1827 Martha Bolton 1833 Bolton ? Chase Thomas Bain McKinney Jack Cowen Craddock Joseph M Craddock Owen Pankratz Hannah Simpson Gregory McCracken Keziah McCracken Timothy McCracken Darren Mosbey Lily Cowperthwaite Mathew Nimmo May McIlfatrick McIlfatrick ? Norma Kelso Thomas Kelso Ann Kelso Elaine Kelso John Graham Kelso Marian Kelso Olive Kelso Brice Kelso Helen Kelso Elizabeth Kelso Mervyn Kelso Brenda Kelso Wilmor Kelso Hillary Kelso Mark Kelso Joyce Kelso Stephen Robinson ? ? ? ? Ruth Carmichael Sharon Kelso Rhoda Kelso Thomas Kelso James Kelso Joanna Kelso Martha McCollum Loas Kelso Stephen Kelso David Kelso Marcus Kelso Kenneth Gardiner Andrew Gardiner Thomas Gardiner Rachel Gardiner Gillian Anderson Melvin Jackson Jackson ? Jackson ? Jackson ? Jackson ? Ben James Reynolds Conner John McKee Sam McIlrath Charles Butler 1903 Lillian Butler Leonardos Mennen Martina Laura Ann-Marie Mennen David Joel Mennen Colin Hilcke Darryl Wayne Mennen Patrick Mooney Dorothy 20 Nov 1836 27 Jan 1910 Thomas McIlrath 73 73 27 May 1844 25 May 1909 Sarah Arthur 64 64 James McIlrath james Arthur D. 11 Dec 1956 Annie Adams John Knipe McIlrath D. 8 Oct 1921 Tommy McIlrath D. 28 May 1923 William Arthur McIlrath William McIlrath Arthur McIlrath William McIlrath
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