- b.0935 d.Dec 0994

- b.0964 d.8 MAY 999

- b.0935 d.> 1005

- b.0990 d.18 Oct 1035 in murdered at Bureba

- b.0930 d.0978

- b.0965 in Navarre, Spain d.1035

- b.~ 0930 d.> 0975

- b.1011 d.27 Dec 1065 in LEON, SPAIN

- b.0940 in Castile, Spain d.15 JUL 995 in Cordoba, Spain

- b.0965 in Castile, Spain d.5 FEB 1016/17

- b.0940 d.1000

- b.~ 0985 d.13 Jul 1066

- b.0962

- b.0980 d.20 May 1025 in Covarrubias

- b.Jun 1030 in Burgos, SPAIN d.09 Jun 1109 in Toledo, SPAIN

- b.0926 d.Aug 0955 in Zamora, Leon

- b.0953 d.Sep 0999 in Villabueno del Bierzo

- b.0937

- b.0986 d.07 Aug 1028 in killed by arrow in the seige of Viseu

- b.0940 in Castile, Spain d.15 JUL 995 in Cordoba, Spain

- b.~ 0965 d.~ 1017

- b.0940 d.1000

- b.1013 d.07 Nov 1067 in Fromista

- b.0935 d.Dec 0994

- b.0964 d.8 MAY 999

- b.0935 d.> 1005

- b.0985 d.02 Dec 1022

- b.0930 d.0978

- b.0965 in Navarre, Spain d.1035

- b.~ 0930 d.> 0975
- b.1070 in Toledo, Spain d.01 Nov 1130

- b.0922 in of, Poitiers, Vienna, France d.3 APR 963 in France (Duke of Guyenne)

- b.~ 0937 in Aquitaine, France d.3 FEB 994/95 in Maixent, France

- b.~ 0917 in Normandy, France d.14 OCT 962 in Aquitaine - wife of William III

- b.~ 0969 in Poitou - son of William II d.31 JAN 1029/30 in Poitou, France

- b.~ 0910 in Blois, France d.16 JAN 974/75 in Champagne District?, France

- b.0950 in Champaigne, France d.27 Dec 1003

- b.~ 0915 in Vermandois, Normandy, France d.AFT 9 FEB 977/78 in Blois, France - wife of Theobald

- b.~ 1026 in Poitou - son of William III d.25 Sep 1086 in Chateau de Chize, France

- b.~ 0936 in Italy d.30 APR 971 in Bourgogne, France

- b.~ 0958 in Bourgogne, France d.23 Oct 1026 in Bourgogne, France

- b.~ 0928 in Bourgogne, France d.11 DEC 988 in Bourgogne, France

- b.0995 in Bourgogne, France d.10 Nov 1068

- b.0926 in Roucy, Aisne, France Abt 937 d.15 MAR 972/73 in 10 May 967

- b.0958 in Reimes, Macon, France d.5 MAR 1004/05 in Bourgogne, France

- b.~ 0930 in of, Lorraine, France d.15 MAR 972/73 in Burgandy, Fr

- b.1052 d.07 Jun 1078

- b.1032 in <, Aquitaine, France>