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Male Bermudo Click to view Bermudo in the family tree

Bermudo was born in 0953.1   Bermudo's father was Ordono Ramirez and his mother was Aragonta Pelaez.  His paternal grandparents were King Of Leon Ramiro and Adasinde Gutierrez; his maternal grandparents were Count Of Galicia Gonzalez Pelayo and Hermesinda Gutierrez. He had a brother named Bermudo II "El.  He was the younger of the two children.  He died at the age of 46 in September 0999 in Villabueno del Bierzo.  He was buried in Carrac Edo.1 1 

Bermudo's family with Elvira Garcia De Castilla

‌Bermudo and Elvira Garcia were married in a religious ceremony in 0991.1   They had a son named King Of Leon.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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