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Female Agnes D'Aquitaine Click to view Agnes D'Aquitaine in the family tree

Agnes was born in 1052.1   Agnes' father was Duke Of Aquitaine William and her mother was Anna Perigord.  Her paternal grandparents were Duke Of Aquitaine and Agnes Countess Of Burgundy. She had a half-brother and three half-sisters, named William III, Clemence Of, Beatrix and Agnes Of.  She died at the age of 26 on June 7th, 1078.1 

Agnes' first family with Alfonso

‌Agnes and Alfonso were married in a religious ceremony in 1069.1   They had a daughter named Princess Of Castile And Leon.

Agnes' second family with Alfonso VI The Brave'

‌Agnes and Alfonso VI The were married in a religious ceremony in 1069.1   They had a daughter named Princess Of Castile And Leon.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW

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