Notes for William Best:
Best, William, Senr., inventory taken by Pollard Edmondso
n and Allen Jones. adms., Dec. 6, 1820, Feb. Ct. 1821. Acco
unt of sale held Dec. 21, 1820, Feb. 1821, Account of hir
e of negroes and rent of lands for the year 1821. William B
est rented the house and plantation, Nov. Ct. 1822. Accoun
t of hire of negroes and rent of lands for the year 1822, N
ov. Ct. 1822. Account current with the admrs. in which Poll
ard Edmondson was allowed form clothing and boarding Nancy
, Julia, sally, and Calvin Best for 24 months. Asa Jones wa
s allowed for clothing and boarding Lucinda Best for 24 mon
ths. Audit ad settlement of account, Feb. Ct. 1823. Divisio
n of negroes of whom William D. Hopkins and wife, Julia Hop
kins, Nancy Best, Lucinda Best, Sally Best, and Calvin Bes
t are tenants in common now in the hands of William C. Leig
h, their guardian, so as to allot a share to William D. Hop
kins and wife, Dec. 18, 1830, Feb. Ct. 1831. Division of ne
groes in order to allot a share to Reubin Mayo in right o
f his wife, Lucinda, Jan. 1, 1833, May Ct. 1833. Settlemen
t of guardian account between William C. Leigh, the forme
r guardian for Sally Best and Calvin Best, and William Howa
rd, the present guardian, April 20, 1835, May Ct. 1835. Div
ision of negroes among the remaining heirs, namely, Nancy G
rimes, Calvin Best and Sally Best, Dec. 26, 1835, Feb. Ct
. 1836.
Best, William, division of personal property by commissione
rs so as to allot to Wm. C. Lee, their propotionate part o
f said property, dec. 29, 1824, Feb. Ct. 1825. Division o
f negroes in order to allot a share to Wilson Howard in rig
ht of his wife, Elizabeth Howard. The other heirs had a gua
rdian, Dec. 30, 1825, Feb. Ct. 1826.
William Best Petition (Nov. 22, 1824) to divide money and N
egroes among the heirs: 1. William C. Lee and Amy his wife
, 2. Betsy Best, 3. Nancy Best, 4. Lucinda Best, 5. Sally B
est, 6. Calvin Best and 7. Julia Best, all minors with As
a Jones their gdn. Petition (nodate) to divide the estate a
mong William Hopkins and Julia his wife, Nancy Best, Lucind
a Best, Sally Best, and Calvin Best, the last four minors
, all children of the dec'd. Petition (Feb., 1833) by Reube
n Mayo and Lucinda his wife for a share of the estate. Peti
tion (Nov., 1835) to divide Negroes held in common among Th
omas Grimes and Nancy his wife, Sally Best (minor) and Calv
in Best (minor).