Local and Personal
"F. M. Logan returned from a trip into the northern part of Elmore county
recently and reports fine crops on that locality, especially corn crops.
Speaking of the cotton crop, he said that locally that J. W. Darly,
living in that locality, had the finest field of cotton he had seen this
season of the year in a long time."(1)
"Local and Personal
F. Logan and family, formerly of this place, moved to Nixburg, Wednesday
of this week."(2)
"Local and Personal
F. M. Logan paid his sister, Mrs. J. A. Culver a visit latter part of
last week."(3)
"Local and Personal
F. M. Logan visited his son L. A. Logan at Sylacauga last week."(4)
(1) The Chronicle, Local and Personal, 15 Jul 1910, p. 5. Published in
Rockford, Coosa Co., AL. Microfilm: Located in the Alabama Archives and
History, Montgomery, AL.
(2)The Chronicle, Local and Personal, 13 Jan 1911, p. 5. (Note: Nixburg
is located in Coosa Co., AL)
(3) The Chronicle, Local and Personal, 3 Dec 1920, p. 5.
(4) The Chronicle, Local and Personal, 17 Dec 1920, p. 5.