- b.BET. 959 - 962 in of Lombard, Italy d.21 Sep 1026 in Dijon, France

- b.0990 in Bourgogne, France d.04 Sep 1057 in France

- b.BET. 958 - 959 in of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France d.BEF. 5 MAR 1003/04

- b.BET. 1017 - 1018 in Bourgogne, France d.11 Nov 1087

- b.0958 in of Normandy, France d.28 Aug 1026 in Fecamp, S-Infr, France

- b.1003 in Normandy, France d.>27 Jul 1037 in France

- b.0982 in Brittany, France d.16 Jun 1017

- b.1065 in Bourgogne, Burgundy, France d.24 May 1107 in Grajal, France or León, Spain

- b.1005 in Barcelona, Spain d.26 May 1035

- b.1023 d.26 May 1076 in Barcelona, Spain

- d.26 Jun 1026

- b.1045 in of Barcelona, Spain d.30 Jun 1109

- b.0974 in of LaMarche, Normandy d.<16 Jul 1047

- b.1015 in of LaMarche, Normandy, France d.16 Nov 1071

- b.0989 d.1072

- b.1 MAR 1102/03 in Castile, Spain d.21 Aug 1157 in Fresneda, Spain

- b.BET. 991 - 992 d.18 Oct 1035

- b.~ 1017 d.27 Dec 1065

- b.0995 d.> 1066

- b.<Jun 1040 in of Burgos, Spain d.29 Jun 1109 in Toledo, Spain

- b.BET. 989 - 996 d.07 Aug 1028

- b.1013 d.07 Nov 1067

- b.~ 0991 d.02 Dec 1022

- b.BET. 1081 - 1082 in of Burgos, Spain d.8 MAR 1125/26 in Saldana, Castile

- b.27 MAR 972 in Orléans, France d.20 Jul 1031 in Meulan, Aquitaine

- b.1011 in of Burgundy, France d.21 MAR 1075/76 in Fleury-sur-Ouche, France

- b.0986 in Toulouse, France d.25 Jul 1032 in Melun, France

- b.BET. 1042 - 1046 in of Dijon, Cote-d'Or, France d.1093

- b.0970 d.1032

- b.~ 1011 d.1109

- b.0980
- b.BET. 1134 - 1135 in of Castile, Spain d.31 Aug 1158 in Toledo, Castile

- b.1005 in Barcelona, Spain d.26 May 1035

- b.1023 d.26 May 1076 in Barcelona, Spain

- d.26 Jun 1026

- b.BET. 1053 - 1055 in Barcelona, Spain d.05 Dec 1082

- b.0974 in of LaMarche, Normandy d.<16 Jul 1047

- b.1015 in of LaMarche, Normandy, France d.16 Nov 1071

- b.0989 d.1072

- b.11 Nov 1080 in Barcelona, Spain d.19 Aug 1131

- b.0970 in of Normandy, France d.1041

- b.1015 in Coutances, Normandy, France d.17 Jul 1085 in Cephalonia, Italy

- b.BET. 1059 - 1060 in Hauteville, Normandy d.BET. 1111 - 1112

- b.1010 in of Capua d.03 Jun 1052

- b.1025 in of Capua d.27 Jul 1090

- d.1036

- b.~ 1116 in Barcelona, Spain d.3 FEB 1148/49 in Palencia

- b.1003 d.1051

- b.1029 d.1073

- b.1005

- b.1055 in Gevaudan, France d.BET. 1108 - 1112

- b.1005

- b.1031

- b.1095 in Provence, France d.1190

- b.~ 0981 d.1018

- b.BET. 1018 - 1031 d.1063

- b.~ 0986 in of France

- b.1057 in Provence, France d.BET. 1112 - 1118

- b.1033 d.Sep 1095