Cause of Death:<CAUS> Murdered.
Custom Field:<_FA#> Emperor of Spain.@@S005967@@
REFN: 4712
The Aragon of 1035 was created at the death of Sancho III Garces, King of
Navarre, Emperor of Spain. Navarre, the patrimony, was passed to his
eldest son Garcia, Castile (acquired as a county through Sanch o's wife)
went to Fernando (the favorite, who through his marriage to the hei ress
of Leon/Asturias became king of the biggest chunk), teen age Gonzalo got
the counties of Sorbrabe and Ribagorza (the claim to which also came to
Sa ncho through Castile), while his bastard Ramiro was given Aragon, which
had i t's origins in a County of Aragon dating to the 9th century which
came to Nav arre through the marriage of Sancho's great-grandfather.
Ramiro was to be vas sal of Garcia, but in a series of squabbles in the
years, he first threw off his brother's overlordship, and the absorbed
Gonzalo's territories (Gonzalo having died under mysterious
circumstances). In the following gene ration, Sancho Ramirez was able to
take control of the Kingdom of Navarre fol lowing the murder of its king,
Sancho IV Garces, (the western portion of that kingdom falling to the
King of Castile, cousin Sancho Fernandez, hence Menen dez Pidal's 'War of
the Three Sanchos'). This was held by two sons of Sancho Ramirez, but
was lost when both died without surviving issue, and a third br other,
II was reluctantly recalled from a monastery. He married, had a daughter
Petronilla, and engaged the infant to the adult Count of Barcelon a,
immediately returning to the monastic life. Petronilla's son Alfonso II
inherited both territories. Thus the Aragon of 1035 was little more than
th e mountain county of the 9th century, and it was an
agressive policy of the fi rst several generations which brought about the
kingdom of status.