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Sources and Citations

Abum Ina si Nelutu

Act de botez

(Ref: Nr. 39) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Act de deces

Act de deces Nr.2443 din 09/09/1993

Act de nastere Nr. 18

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Mizil on January 30th, 1896 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Act de nastere Nr. 906

Extract din registrul starii Civile pentru nascuti pe anul 1914 Act de nastere Nr. 906
............. din anul una mie noua sute patrusprezece, luna noembrie ziua 10 orele 10 a.m.
In ziua de 8 a prezentei luni la orele 9 d.a. s-a nascut in casa parintilor sai din comuna Buzau un copil de sex barbatesc caruia i s-a dat prenumele Petre, numele de familie fiind Bucur N. Constantinescu, fiul d-lui Bucur N. Constantinescu de ani 28 de profesiune comerciant si al D-nei Verginia B.N. Constantinescu de profesiune functionara, ambii domiciliati in aceiasi comuna Buzau.
Nasterea ne-a fost declarata de catre tatal care ne-a infatisat copilul.
Aceasta declaratie a fost facuta in fiinta urmatorilor doi martori: D-l Costache P. Nica de ani 28, de profesiune comerciant si D-l Niculae Matache de ani 34 de profesiune franar c.f.r., ambii domiciliati in aceiasi comuna, care dupa ce li s-a citit acest act l-au subscris impreuna cu declarantul si cu noi Ioan  Matache Consilier Comunal al comunei Buzau, judetul Buzau.
Declarant sb. B. Constantinescu
Martori sb. Costache Nica, sb. N. Matache
Ofiter de stare civila sb. I. Matache
LS Timbre fiscale Data: 5 nov. 1946
The cited information was sourced from Deed This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Album Ana Constantinescu pastrat de Catalina

Album Anca Opris

Album Anca si Edi

Album Andra si Alex

Album Andreea

Album Andreea si Narcis

Album Andrei si Camelia

Album Angela si Mihai

Album Celia si Gabi

Album Celia si Valentin

Album Coca

Album Cozana

Album Cozana si Valentin

Album detinut de Tuti.

Album Doina si Relu

Album Doina si Relu Constantinescu

Album Dragan Parepeanu

Album Hantelmann

Album Ileana si Emil

Album Ileana si Sese

Album Ina si Nelutu

Album Ina Voinescu

Album Ina Voinescu ( Albumul familiei Cretu )

Album Ina Voinescu ( Albumul familiei Ioachimescu )

Album Ina Voinescu ( Albumul familiei Ioachimescu }

Album Ina Voinescu(albumul familiei Cretu)

Album Lenuta si Costin

Album Lidia

Album Lidia si Joseph

Album Lizeta si Jucu

Album Luci si Gabi

Album Maia si Viorel

Album Mariana si Horst

Album Mateea

Album Milica

Album Mircea si Shiloh

Album Miron si Bebita

Album Miruna si Mihai Toba

Album Mona

Album Mona si Radu

Album Oana si Liviu

Album Rel si Silvia

Album Sanda si George

Album Sebi si Nicol

Album Silvia si Rel

Album Simona si Lino

Album Simona si Petre

Album Stefan Popescu Nr. 106

Album Stefan Popescu Nr. 106

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by Standard Graphica, Atelierele Marvin. in 1947, held in Biblioteca Mihaelei(Tuti) Andronescu This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Album Tanti si Petrica pastrat de Mariana Hantelmann

Album Torica

Album Victor si Nicoleta

Album Victoria si Ionel Popovici

Album Virginia si Bucur Constantinescu

Albumul Celiei

Albumul Cozanei

Albumul cu fotografii al Milicai(Emilia Constantinescu)

Albumul familiei Alicandro

Albumul familiei Babut

Albumul familiei Horia si Irina

Albumul familiei Ioachimescu pastrat de Ina Voiculescu

Albumul familiei Parepeanu

Albumul familiei Popovici

Albumul familiei Popovici pastrat de Ileana David

Albumul familiei Popovici pastrat de Ina Damian, nascuta Popovici

Albumul familiei Radulescu

Albumul familiei Ramona si Ionut-Silviu Valentin

Albumul Ileanei si al lui Emi

Albumul Monei

Ambulanta di. a 15-a, Campania aug. 1942

The cited information was sourced from Manuscript held in Bucuresti, la Mona The author/originator was Subl. dr. Susan Ion. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ambulanta div. a 15-a, Campania aug. 1942

Amintiri ale lui Petre constantinescu si ale Catalinei Vatasescu

This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Amintiri ale nepoatei Lenuta(Elena) Paligora

This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

amintirile Iosefinei

This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Amintirile nepoatelor

Arhiva Joseph

Arhiva Mircea Adam

Biblioteca Ileanei si a lui Emil

Brevet de Observator Aerian

Brevet Nr. 2931

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be unreliable evidence or estimated data.

Buletin de populatie

Buletin de populatie/carte de identitate

Bunicii Sanda si George

Carnet de munca

Carnet de munca Seria A.H. Nr. 350164

Carnet de munca Seria D.I. Nr. 476138

Carnet de munca Seria S.g. Nr. 73638

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Carnetul de ofiter de rezerva Nr. 36

cartea de identitate

Cartea de identitate

Cartea de munca


Cerificat de deces

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.


The cited information was sourced from Deed published in 1938 held in Mariana Hantelmann nascuta Constantinescu This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de absolvire a liceului

Certificat de absolvire a Scolii Militare de ofiteri de artilerie Nr. 8003

Certificat de botez

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de botez

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Gherghita This citation is considered to be unreliable evidence or estimated data.

Certificat de botez Nr. 229

Subsemnatul Preot, Paroh al Bisericei Banu din Comuna Buzau, adeveresc prin aceasta ca am savarsit botezul pruncului Petre, fiul Domnului Bucur Constantinescu si al Doamnei Verginia B Constantinescu din aceasta parohie, dupace s-au savarsit formalitatile cerute de legile civile, cum se dovedeste cu actul de nastere No. 906 din 10 Noiembrie 1914, si a primit numele de Petre, asistand ca nas Domnul Petrache Fheorghiu din Comuna Buzau, Catunul  ------ Plasa Nislovu, Judetul Buzau.
Drept care am eliberat acest certificat sub propria mea iscalitura si intarit cu sigiliul parohiei astazi 2, luna decembrie, anul 1914.
Nr. 229
Preot Paroh
SS indescifrabil
The cited information was sourced from Deed This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de botez Nr. 72

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Mizil on February 2nd, 1869 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de casatorie

The cited information was sourced from Certificate The author/originator was Starea civila Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de casatorie

The cited information was sourced from Certificate The author/originator was Starea civila Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de casatorie

The author/originator was Starea civila Giurgiu.

Certificat de deces

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de deces Nr 254

Certificat de nastere

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de nastere

The cited information was sourced from Certificate The author/originator was Biroul de evidenta a populatiei Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Certificat de nastere Seria Nk Nr. 0179207

Certificat de nastere, Buletin de populatie/carte de identitate

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Contract de munca

Contract de vanzare/cumparare

Contract de vanzare/cumparare, cartea de identitate

D:\Documentele Ileanei\My Pictures

D:\Documentele Ileanei\My Pictures\2007-08 (Aug)

D:\My Pictures 2\Album Tanti si Petrica

Decret nr. 3023 din 6 oct.1942 

Adeverim că prin înaltul Decret nr. 3023 din 6 oct.1942 Majestatea Sa Regele a binevoit a conferi "Crucea Meritul Sanitar" clasa I-a medicului sublocotenent SUSAN IOAN, de la Divizia 15 Infanterie pentru devotamentul şi priceperea dovedită în războiul contra Rusiei Sovietice în anul 1941.
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Bucuresti on October 6th, 1942 The author/originator was MINISTERUL APĂRĂRII NAŢIONALE. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Din amintirile Sandei

The cited information was sourced from Individual This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

diplima de licenta in medicina

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Bucuresti The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de Medicina si Farmacie Bucuresti.

Diploma de absolvire a colegiului

Diploma de absolvire a liceului

Diploma de bacalaureat

Diploma de Bacalaureat

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Liceul "Constantin Negrutti' Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de Bacalaureat

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerui Invatamantului din Romania-Colegiul National "Mihail Sadoveanu" Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

diploma de doctor in criminalistica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de drept Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de doctor in medicina

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de Medicina Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licanta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de filologie. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licanta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de drept Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licanta

The cited information was sourced from Certificate held in Iasi The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de Costructii Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Institutul de Arhitectura Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Bucuresti The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Institutul de Arhitectura Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de stiinte juridice. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de electrotehnica Iasi.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Institutul de Arhitectura "Ion Mincu" Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta

Noi Ministerul Instructiunii, pe baza Procesului  Verbal No.1922 din anul 1929 Oct. incheiat de comisiunea examinatoare si aprobat de Decanul Facultatii,prin care se constata ca D-nei Cretu V. Ecaterina nascuta Ioachimescu nascut la anul 1902 in Comuna Braila Judetul Braila a trecut examenul de Licanta in Filosofie si Litere, specialitatea filologia moderna, cu urmatoarele materii: 1. Literatura romana, 2. Istoria Romanilor, 3. Filologie romanica obtinand trei bile albe si doua bile rosii cu mentiunea cum laude
Conferim D-nei Cretu V. Ecaterina Diploma de Licenta in Filosofie si Litere pentru a se bucura de toate drepturile si prerogativele acordate de legi.
Bucuresti, anul 1932 luna Dec. 15
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Bucuresti on December 15th, 1932 held in Ina Voinescu The author/originator was Facultatea de filosofie si litere Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

diploma de licenta in agronomie

Diploma de licenta in arhitectura

Diploma de licenta in chimie

Diploma de licenta in chimie organica

Diploma de licenta in chimie organica

The cited information was sourced from Certificate The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de chimie pura-Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in confectii-tricotaje

Diploma de licenta in confectii-tricotaje

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de industrie usoara-Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

diploma de licenta in drept

diploma de licenta in drept

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Diploma de licenta in electromecanica

The cited information was sourced from Certificate held in Iasi The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de electrotehnica Timisoara. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in electromecanica

Diploma de licenta in electronica-electrotehnica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de electrotehnica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in filologie

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in fizica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de fizica Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in industrie usoara

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de industrie usoara-Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in masini-motoare termice

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in masini-motoare termice

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerui Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in matematica

Diploma de licenta in matematica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de matematica-Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in matematica-mecanica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in mecanica-organe de masini

Diploma de licenta in mecanica autovehicule rutiere

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerui Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in mecanica autovehicule rutiere

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta in medicina

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

diploma de licenta in petrol si gaze

Diploma de licenta in stiinta calculatoarelor

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Universitatea de stat California SUA(CSUS). This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de licenta, Diploma de doctor in criminalistica

Diploma de master in bussines administration

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Universitatea de stat California SUA(CSUS). This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de master in electronica si electrotehnica

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Universitatea de stat California SUA(CSUS). This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de master in mecanica autovehicule rutiere

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerui Invatamantului din Romania-Facultatea de mecanica Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de maturitate

The cited information was sourced from Certificate published by Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania, Scoala Medie Moinesti This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Diploma de medic specialist in chirurgie generala

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Centrul de perfectionare in medicina Bucuresti. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Documente Tanti si Petrica aflate in pastrarea Marianei

Extract nr. 7

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Mizil on January 5th, 1886 held in Catalina(Ina) Georgeta Damian The author/originator was Primaria Mizil. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Extract nr. 7 din Registrul actelor de nascuti in anul 1996

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Fotografiile Marianei si ale lui Horst


Ina Voinescu


Livretul sergentului Popovici Ion

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Centrul de recrutare Mircea. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Lucia si Gabi

Lucrare de doctorat

Lucrare de doctorat "Camp cristalin si anizotropie magnetica in diverse singonii cristaline"

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Bucuresti in 1983 The author/originator was Sanda Anca Adam. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Lucrari ale Margaretei - colectie in pastrarea Inei Voinescu

Manuscris: Amintiri ale lui Ioan C. Popovici

The cited information was sourced from Manuscript This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Manuscris: Amintiri ale lui Ioan C. Popovici

The cited information was sourced from Manuscript This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Mihaela(Tuti) Andronescu

Miruna Brandusoiu Toba


The cited information was sourced from Manuscript This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Note autobiografice ale lui Bucur Constantinescu

Orizont Aviatic Nr. 7 Mai 2008

Proces Verbal Ne. 108

Astazi 31 oct 1941, Noi comisia de brevetare compusa din Scarlat Radulescu comandantul Scolilor si Centrelor Aeronautice, ca presedinte si membrii: capitan comandor Gh. Davidescu, comandor aviator Caloianu, delegatul C.F.A., capitan aviator Poparda Vasile , sef de pilotaj si capitan aviator Lazarescu Florea instructor eseior, am procedat la darea probei de pilot de razboi, pe avionul IAR 38, executandu-se urmatoarea proba: urcarea la 1000-1500m, in jurul aerodromului, coborare in spirala pe dreapta si pe stanga pana la 500m, dublu epenglu cu aterizaj la punct fix.
Locotenentul Constantinescu Petre a executat proba cu succes.
L.S. Comandantul Scolii de Ofiteri de Aviatie    Comandantul Escadrilei 3 Pilotaj.
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Proces Verbal Nr. 108

Procesul verbal Nr. 8, Carnetul de ofiter de rezerva Nr. 36

Procesul verbal Nr. 8, Carnetul de ofiter de rezerva Nr. 36

Se certifica de noi capitan comandor aviator Budac Coriolan comandantul Centrului de Perfectionare a Pilotajului ca locotenentul aviator Constantinescu Petre a executat in cadrul Scolii de Vanatoare un numar de 67 zboruri pe avion Nardi; 61 zboruri pe avion PZL; 5 zboruri pe avion Avia; 2 zboruri pe avion Fleet, in zbor fara vizibilitate, totalizand 33,50 ore.
A fost brevetat pilot de vanatoare pe avion PZL.11B prin procesul verbal Nr.8 din 7 oct. 1941
LS semneaza Comandantul Scolii de Perfectionare a Pilotajului, capitan comandor aviator Budac Coriolan
The cited information was published on October 7th, 1941 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Sanda si George

Schema reprodusa de Ileana David conform cu desenul din jurnalul lui Jak.

Titlu de veteran

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) (Ref: Nr. 14865) The author/originator was Ministerul de razboi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Tutlul de veteran nr. 14865. 13. XII. 1946 si Manuscris: Amintiri ale lui Ioan C. Popovici

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) The author/originator was Ministerul Invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de drept Iasi. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

The cited information was published by Ministerul invatamantului din Romania Facultatea de chimie industriala Bucuresti This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

The cited information was sourced from Individual This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

The cited information was sourced from Certificate This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

The author/originator was Margareta Mitta. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

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