Name Index

Abbott  (1 Individual)
Female Hannah Abbott 1 Picture

Bell  (1 Individual)
Female Katie Bell 1 Picture

Binns  (1 Individual)
Male Prof Binns

Black  (31 Individuals)
Female Belvina Black (Burke) (b. 1886)
Female Charis Black (Crouch) (b. 1919)
Female Bellatrix Black (Lestrange) (b. 1951)
Female Callidora Black (Longbottom) (b. 1915)
Female Narcissa (Cissy) Black (Malfoy) (b. 1955)
Female Dorea Black (Potter) (b. 1920)
Female Andromeda Black (Tonks)
Male Alphard Black
Male Arcturus Black (b. 1901)
Male Arcturus Black (b. 1884)
Female Cassiopeia Black (b. 1915)
Female Cedrella Black
Female Cedrella Black
Male Cygnus Black (b. 1889)
Male Cygnus Black (b. 1938)
Female Elladora Black (b. 1850)
Female Isla Black
Female Lucretia Black (b. 1925)
Male Lycoris Black (b. 1904)
Male Marius Black
Male Orion Black (b. 1929)
Male Phineas Black
Male Phineas Nigellus Black (b. 1847) 1 Picture
Male Pollux Black (b. 1912)
Male Regulus Arcturus Black (b. 1961)
Male Regulus Black (b. 1906)
Male Sirius Black (b. 1959) 1 Picture
Male Sirius Black (b. 1877)
Male Sirius Black (b. 1845)
Female Walburga Black (b. 1925)
Male Black

Bones  (1 Individual)
Female Susan Bones 1 Picture

Boot  (1 Individual)
Male Terry Boot

Brown  (1 Individual)
Female Lavender Brown 1 Picture

Bulstrode  (2 Individuals)
Female Violetta Bulstrode (Black)
Female Milicent Bulstrode

Burke  (4 Individuals)
Male Hebert Burke
Male Burke
Male Burke
Female Burke

Carmichael  (1 Individual)
Male Eddie Carmichael

Chang  (1 Individual)
Female Cho Chang (b. 1979) 1 Picture

Clearwater  (1 Individual)
Female Penelope (Penny) Clearwater

Corner  (1 Individual)
Male Michael Corner

Crabbe  (2 Individuals)
Female Irma Crabbe (Black)
Male Vincent Crabbe 1 Picture

Creevey  (2 Individuals)
Male Colin Creevey 1 Picture
Male Dennis Creevey

Crouch  (4 Individuals)
Male Barty Crouch Jr (b. 1963) 1 Picture
Male Caspar Crouch
Male Crouch
Female Crouch

Davies  (1 Individual)
Male Roger Davies 1 Picture

de Mimsy-Porpington  (1 Individual)
Male Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington 1 Picture

Delacour  (4 Individuals)
Female Fleur Delacour (b. 1977) 2 Pictures
Female Gabrielle Delacour (b. 1987)
Male Mr Delacour
Female Mrs Delacour

Diggory  (1 Individual)
Male Cedric Diggory (b. 1978) 1 Picture

Doyle  (1 Individual)
Male Gregory Doyle (b. 1980) 1 Picture

Dumbledore  (1 Individual)
Male Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (b. 1840) 3 Pictures

Dursley  (5 Individuals)
Male Dudley Dursley 1 Picture
Female Marjorie (Marge) Dursley 2 Pictures
Male Vernon Dursley 2 Pictures
Male Mr Dursley
Female Ms Dursley

Edgecombe  (1 Individual)
Female Marietta Edgecombe

Evans  (4 Individuals)
Female Petunia Evans (Dursley) 1 Picture
Female Lily Evans (Potter) (b. 1960)
Male Mr Evans
Female Ms Evans

Filch  (1 Individual)
Male Argus Filch 1 Picture

Finch-Fletchley  (1 Individual)
Male Justin Finch-Fletchley 1 Picture

Finnigan  (1 Individual)
Male Seamus Finnigan 1 Picture

Flint  (2 Individuals)
Female Ursula Flint (Black)
Male Marcus Flint 1 Picture

Flitwick  (1 Individual)
Male Filius Flitwick 1 Picture

Gamp  (1 Individual)
Female Hesper Gamp (Black)

Gaunt  (3 Individuals)
Female Merope Gaunt (Riddle) (b. 1907)
Male Marvolo Gaunt
Male Morphin Gaunt (b. 1900)

Goldstein  (1 Individual)
Male Anthony Goldstein

Granger  (1 Individual)
Female Hermione Granger (b. 1979) 2 Pictures

Grubby-Plank  (1 Individual)
Female Wilhelmina Grubby-Plank

Hagrid  (1 Individual)
Male Rubeus Hagrid (b. 1928) 1 Picture

Higgens  (1 Individual)
Male Bob Higgens

Hooch  (1 Individual)
Female Rolanda Hooch 1 Picture

Johnson  (1 Individual)
Female Angelina Johnson (b. 1977) 1 Picture

Lestrange  (1 Individual)
Male Rodolphus Lestrange

Lockhart  (1 Individual)
Male Gilderoy Lockhart 1 Picture

Longbottom  (4 Individuals)
Male Harfang Longbottom
Male Neville Longbottom (b. 1980) 3 Pictures
Male Longbottom
Female Longbottom

Lovegood  (1 Individual)
Female Luna Lovegood

Lupin  (1 Individual)
Male Remus (Moony) Lupin (b. 1958) 1 Picture

MacMillan  (1 Individual)
Male Ernie MacMillan 1 Picture

Malfoy  (2 Individuals)
Male Draco Malfoy (b. 1980) 3 Pictures
Male Lucius Malfoy (b. 1954) 2 Pictures

McGonagall  (1 Individual)
Female Minerva McGonagall (b. 1925) 2 Pictures

McLaggen  (1 Individual)
Male Cormac McLaggen

McMillan  (1 Individual)
Female Melania McMillan (Black)

Moody  (1 Individual)
Male Alastor (Mad-Eye) Moody 1 Picture

Nott  (1 Individual)
Male Theodore Nott

Parkinson  (1 Individual)
Female Pansy Parkinson 1 Picture

Patil  (2 Individuals)
Female Padma Patil 1 Picture
Female Parvati Patil 2 Pictures

Pettigrew  (1 Individual)
Pet Peter (Wormtail) Pettigrew (b. 1957) 1 Picture

Pince  (1 Individual)
Female Irma Pince

Pomfrey  (1 Individual)
Female Poppy Pomfrey 1 Picture

Potter  (4 Individuals)
Male Charlus Potter
Male Harry Potter (b. 1980) 5 Pictures
Male James Potter (b. 1960)
Male Potter

Prewett  (6 Individuals)
Female Molly Prewett (Weasley) (b. 1950) 1 Picture
Male Fabian Prewett
Male Gideon Prewett
Male Ignatus Prewett
Male Mr Prewett
Female Ms Prewett

Quirrell  (1 Individual)
Male Prof Quirinus Quirrell 1 Picture

Riddle  (2 Individuals)
Male Tom Riddle (Sr.) (b. 1903)
Male Tom (Lord Voldemort) Marvolo Riddle (b. 1926) 1 Picture

Rosier  (1 Individual)
Female Druella Rosier (Black)

Sinistra  (1 Individual)
Female Aurora Sinistra

Slughorn  (1 Individual)
Male Horace Slughorn

Slytherin  (1 Individual)
Male Salazar Slytherin

Smith  (1 Individual)
Male Zacharias Smith

Snape  (1 Individual)
Male Severus Snape (b. 1960) 1 Picture

Spinnet  (1 Individual)
Female Alicia Spinnet 1 Picture

Sprout  (1 Individual)
Female Pomona Sprout 1 Picture

Thomas  (1 Individual)
Male Dean Thomas 1 Picture

Tonks  (2 Individuals)
Female Nymphadora Tonks (b. 1973)
Male Ted Tonks

Trelawney  (1 Individual)
Female Sybill Patricia Trelawney

Twycross  (1 Individual)
Male Prof Wilkie (Dogbreath, Dunghead) Twycross

Umbridge  (1 Individual)
Female Dolores Umbridge

Vane  (1 Individual)
Female Romilda Vane (b. 1982)

Vector  (1 Individual)
Female Prof Vector

Weasley  (11 Individuals)
Male Arthur Weasley (b. 1940) 2 Pictures
Male Bilius Weasley
Male Charles (Charlie) Weasley (b. 1972)
Male Frederic (Fred) Weasley (b. 1978) 2 Pictures
Male George Weasley (b. 1978) 2 Pictures
Female Ginevra (Ginny) Weasley (b. 1981) 2 Pictures
Male Percival (Percy) Ignatius Weasley (b. 1976) 1 Picture
Male Ronald (Ron) Bilius Weasley (b. 1980) 2 Pictures
Male Septimus Weasley
Male William (Bill) Weasley (b. 1970)
Male Mr Weasley

Wood  (1 Individual)
Male Oliver Wood 1 Picture

Yaxley  (1 Individual)
Female Lysandra Yaxley (Black)

Zabini  (1 Individual)
Male Blaise Zabini

<Unknown>  (21 Individuals)
Female (Black)
Pet Aragog (b. 1942) 1 Picture
Pet Arnold
Male Bloody Baron 1 Picture
Pet Buckbeak 1 Picture
Pet Crookshanks 1 Picture
Pet Errol
Pet Fang 1 Picture
Male Fat Friar 1 Picture
Pet Fawkes 1 Picture
Male Firenze 1 Picture
Pet Fluffy 1 Picture
Female Grey Lady 1 Picture
Pet Hedwig 2 Pictures
Pet Mrs Norris (My sweet)
Female Myrtle (Moaning Myrtle)
Pet Nagini
Pet Norbert 1 Picture
Male Peeves (Peeves the Poltergeist)
Pet Pigwidgeon (Pig)
Pet Trevor

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