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Male Ervin Balfanz Click to view Ervin Balfanz in the family tree Click to view Ervin Balfanz in the family tree in SVG format

Ervin was born on September 26th, 1922 in Honey Ckeek, WI.  Ervin's father was Edward August Balfanz and his mother was Anna Slotty.  His paternal grandparents were John Wilhelm Balfanz and Alvina Springstroh; his maternal grandparents are Gottleib Slotty and Pauline Reich.  He has two sisters named Ruby and Beth.  He is the second oldest of the three children.

Ervin's family with Bernice Kahnau

Ervin and Bernice are married. They have two sons and a daughter, named Dick Allen, James Ervin and Connie.

Female Connie Balfanz
Connie was born on January 16th, 1946 in Madison, WI.

Male James Ervin Balfanz
James Ervin was born on March 5th, 1948 in North Freedom, WI.

Male Dick Allen Balfanz
Dick Allen was born on September 25th, 1953 in Madison, WI.

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