You are currently viewing a report of Ancestors of Emma Grace O'Loughlen containing 2646 individuals and 742 families. If you are using Internet Explorer and have GenoPro installed on your computer, you may click on this link to view the genealogy tree within your browser. View Ancestors of Emma Grace O'Loughlen in your browser

Still updating.  Please check back often.

I switched computer programs for my family history project and lost a lot of information in the switch.  The most common lost item is marriage information.  I am working on fixing this bug, but so far no luck.

Please enjoy this website and if you find any errors or have more information to share, please email me at

Mark O'Loughlen

Most Popular Family Names

Helsper (449), Wieseler (114), Gaspar (102), Balfanz (77), Liechti (64), Gropper (63), Walter (58), Pickar (40), Hardes (35), Konz (32), Jones (27), Anderson (26), Guptill (24), Huwe (22), Weideman (20), O'loughlen (20), Lehman (20), Gaspard (20), O'Loughlen (19), Neurohr (18)

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Most Popular Places

Baraboo, WI  (62), Madison, WI  (52), Kackenberg, Germany  (52), Honey Ckeek, WI  (43), Dickinson, ND  (37), Prairie Du Sac, WI  (36), Sauk City, WI  (34), Dreisbach, Germany  (34), Beach, ND  (33), Minneapolis, MN  (31), Arcadia, IA  (27), Carroll, Iowa  (24), Wilmar, MN  (22), Belgen Canton, Switzerland  (22), Alta Vista, IA  (21), Hohn-Schonberg, Germany  (20), Morris, MN  (18), Madison, SD  (17), Kansas City, MO  (17), Dell Rapids, SD  (17)

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This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version 2.b20c on Thursday, March 29, 2007 using skin template English Narrative Report version 2006.11.30.

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