A farmer of Vow. Married at Finvoy Presbyterian church on 7th Sept 1859. His father is given as John Coulter. Both given as farmers. Vow is in the parish of Finvoy, not Rasharkin, in Co Antrim.
Held plot 24a in Griffiths Valuation - at 24 acres, the third most valuable in the townland of Vow. A Hugh Coulter also holds land in the townland of Artnagross in the GV and there are no less than 5 Hannas there as well. Since Hugh's mother was a Hanna, I wonder is there a connection.
When she died in 1859, his mother one left him "one milk cow, the Gray horse and one cart" so one has to assume that he already had the land at the Vow from his father. "This year's crop of the whole land equally divided between Hugh and Daniel." And Daniel got her "room and field of land".
1901 census does shows him living in a household of 4 - son, daughter-in-law and grandson. He lived next door to Francis Bellingham. His land seems to have passed to the Bellinghams post 1920.
In 1911, he is living in a 2nd class, 7 to 9 room slated house with 5 front windows, which he owns. He is a widower farmer, living with his son, James, his daughter-in-law (James wife), Sarah Jane and grandchildren John, Maudie, Mary Magretta and Sarah Jane.