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Female Virginia Underwood Click to view Virginia Underwood in the family tree

Virginia's father was Johnny Everett Underwood and her mother was Lou Vina Brewer.  Her paternal grandparents were Alfred Thomas Underwood and Gertrude Bloyd; her maternal grandparents were George Washington Brewer and Lillie L. Skaggs. She had six brothers and two sisters, named Living, Living, Living, Teddy, Living, Carl Bloyd, Goldie and Bernice. She has six half-brothers and a half-sister, named Living, Living, Living, Living, Living, Living and Living.

Virginia's family with Calvin Hash

They have three sons and three daughters, named Living, Living, Living, Living, Living and Living.

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779

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