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Male Roy Milton Underwood Click to view Roy Milton Underwood in the family tree

Roy Milton was born on July 6th, 1894 in Kentucky.  Roy Milton's father was Willis H. Underwood and his mother was Florence Ermine Gravatt.  His paternal grandfather was Samuel S. , Rev. Underwood and his paternal grandmother is Sarah A. Thompson; his maternal grandfather was William M. Gravatt and his maternal grandmother is Martha Emily Warren. He had three brothers and three sisters, named Frederick Clarence, Elijah G., John Herbert, Nancy Ermon, Mattie Mae and Mamie E..  He died at the age of 89 on December 27th, 1983 in Larue Co.,Kentucky.  He was buried in Red Hill Cementry.

Roy Milton's family with Sue Jane Allen

They had two sons and seven daughters, named Roy , Jr., Jess Vaughn, Sally Ermon, Daisy, Ruth Sharon, Ivy, Eva Myrtle, Louise and Betty Jean.

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779

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