Earl Core and several other independent authorities give his birth date as 07,01,1791; however, his gravemarker at the Snider Cemetery, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois Is inscribed Born 7-2-1792, Deied 11-13-1849. According to the records of the Vermilion County Chancery Court, this tombstone was erected in 1880. Securities were given by Asa Snider, Henry Howard and Mary Snider. Presumptively, the first individual is John's nephew (Moses Sinder's son and the latter individual is John's sister in law, Asa B. Sinder's widow.
History of Vermilion County, Illinois by beckwith page 881 Blount township excerpts.
In 1834 and 1835 a large number of people, probably twenty-five families, sold here and went to Wisconsin. The lead mines were just beginning to attract attention, and people rushed there as they do to Leadville now, expection to get rich in a little while. Amoung those who went there at that time was Mr. Blount, after whom the township was named, and Mr. William Lane , who still lives here atr an advanced age. Old John Snyder, grandfather of Barton Snyder and his family, and Messic and Magee were then here.
History of vermilion County, Illinois 1911 by Lottie Jones Vol. 1; Page 118
John Snider, with his wife and three small children came from Ohio on horseback to what is now Blount Townshiop of Vermilion County in 1824 , and built his home in the forest. He entered a quarter section of land and built a log house. The Indians made sugar and held their meetings near the cabin of John Snider. It was a strange place to try to build a home; the entire country was full of sloughs and ponds. However , John Snider lived to see a great change in the country. He helped fell the trees and clear the land and assisted in organizing the township. A Debt of gratitude is surely laid on this generation to him and others like him who have been pijoneers in the development of Vermilion County. John Snider was born in 1797 and died November 12, 1849 . His wife , who was the daughter of Charles Blount, the man for whom the township is named , survived her husband for several years, she living until in the seventies.
John Sinder's Federal Land Transactions Vermilion County, Illinois starred entries under "John Snyder"
14 Nov. 1829* 160.00 acres @@ $1.25/ acre= $200.0
NW of s26,T20N, R12W
Purchaser is a resident of Vermilion County, Illinois
Vol 291; page 29
01 Jan 1830 80.00 acres @@ $1.25/acre= $100.00
W2NW of s 34, T20N, R12W
purchaser is a resident of Vermilion County, Illinois