Margaret Lemley, Will of. In the name of God, Amen, I Margaret Lemley widow considering the uncertainty of human life and being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say first I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine Henderson the farm on which she now lives to have the full controll of the same during her natural life and then to belong to her lawful children after her discease the same being eighty nine acres more or less. I also give to my daughter Catherine Henderson one bed and beding and one milch cow also my cubord ware and to my son Asa Lemley one milch cow and fifty five dollars that he has of my money borrowed at this time and to my son Isaac Lemley I give one bed and beding and five dollars in mony and to my sone Clark Lemley I give forty dollars in mony and to my son Rudolph Lemley I give fifty dollars in money that is sixteen in addition to the thirty four he has now borrowed and alos my daughter /Catherine Henderson I give my coper kettle and five dollars in money and my wearing aperal and any money goods property or chattles that may remain after my disease that is not disposed of in this my will I wish to be equally divided between my children and it is my wish that my son Asa Lemley and my Sister Rebecka Lemley and my Sister in Law Ruhama Lemley to make the divide of said reminder among them witness my hand and seal this 29th day of May A. D. 1854 Signed in Presence of Booz Boydston.