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Female Elizabeth Moseley Click to view Elizabeth Moseley in the family tree

Elizabeth was born on June 4th, 1759 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  Elizabeth's father was Edward Moseley and her mother was Amey Green.  Her paternal grandparents were Arthur , Jr. Moseley and Martha Cocke; her maternal grandparents were William Green and Amey Clay. She had six brothers and ten sisters, named Hillery, William, William, Edward ,Jr., Arthur, Thomas, Mary, Mary, Tully, Amey, Rebecca, Amey, Rebecah, Sarah, Letitia and Martha.  She died at the age of 54 on October 4th, 1813 in Morgan Co.,Alabama.

Elizabeth's family with Richard Bouldin

‌Elizabeth and Richard were married in a religious ceremony on December 12th, 1779 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  They had three sons and eight daughters, named Richard M., John, Thomas, Margaret, Elizabeth Green, Sarah Watkins, Martha, Amy, Letitia, Nancy Clark and Susannah.

Source/Citation, Dupon and Bouldin Kin, Delbert Dupont,

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