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Female Margaret Bouldin Click to view Margaret Bouldin in the family tree

Margaret was born on October 1st, 1783 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  Margaret's father was Richard Bouldin and her mother was Elizabeth Moseley.  Her paternal grandparents were Thomas , Colonel Bouldin and Nancy Ann Wood Clark; her maternal grandparents were Edward Moseley and Amey Green. She had three brothers and seven sisters, named Richard M., John, Thomas, Elizabeth Green, Sarah Watkins, Martha, Amy, Letitia, Nancy Clark and Susannah.  She was the second oldest of the eleven children.  She died at the age of 47 in April 1831 in Morgan Co.,Alabama.  She was buried in Bouldin Cemetery,Decatur,Morgan Co.,Alabama.

Margaret's family with James Massey , Captain Bouldin

‌Margaret and James Massey , Captain were married in a religious ceremony on August 18th, 1824 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  They had two sons and a daughter, named Richard Graves, James Wood and Elizabeth G..

Source/Citation, Dupon and Bouldin Kin, Delbert Dupont,

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