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Male Steven Bradberry Click to view Steven Bradberry in the family tree

Steven was born on September 13th, 1895.1   Steven's father was John Wesley Sr. Bradberry and his mother was Anna W. "Anner" Morris.  His paternal grandparents were ROBERT SAMPLE , SR BRADBERRY and BETSY : MARY ELIZABETH FORD. He had three brothers and five sisters, named Monroe, Joseph "Jodie", Rufus, Maude, Lira, Eula Mae "Eular", Catherine and Eva. He had three half-brothers named Daniel H. "Dan'l", Richard : James Richard and Brodie.  He died at the age of 61 on June 29th, 1957 in Tombstone reads: TN  Pvt. US Army,World War I.1 

1 Westbrook.FTW

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